Senin, 22 Juli 2013


#28 - Bhutan

Rated as - Moderate in Persecution
Rank: 28
Score: 52/100
Leader: King Jigme Wangchuck
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Main Religion: Mahayana Buddhism
Population: 750,000 (20,000 Christians)
Dear Dave,

Karen*is a Christian teenager in Bhutan and has asked us to pray for her parents who are non-Christians. “My mom and dad are still orthodox Hindus,” she said. “Please continue praying for them.”

After finishing high school, Karen took a job at a beverage factory and moved out of her home town. She is staying at a cousin’s place at one of the border areas in southern Bhutan, where Hindu communities thrive. In her new surroundings, Karen’s newfound hope is tested.

“My uncle’s eldest son beat me when he discovered I was a Christian,” Karen says. “Please pray for him too; pray that he discovers the Lord Jesus Christ.” But Karen does not give up her faith. She continues attending the house church in her new village.

Karen’s steadiness in the faith has been evident also at work, and she was promoted as a result. “From the packaging section, I am now assigned to work at the counters. May God continue to grant me favor.” 

Please continue to pray for Karen as she grows in her faith, despite the persecution that she faces.

*Karen’s real name and other details about her are withheld for her security. She is the only Christian in her family.

Learn More and Pray

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