Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Pray for Kerinci of Indonesia

Kerinci of Indonesia
A village of Keinci is called a dusun and is inhabited by one clan that has descended from one common female ancestor. A mother's clan is called the kelbu. This kelbu is considered the most important family unit. Islam is the majority religion of the Kerinci, but they still hold to animism, especially as it is exhibited by their use of traditional healers and magic. In their everyday life they often refer to tataman (meeting ghosts), tatampo (being hit by ghosts), and tapijek anaok antau (being stepped on by ghosts).

Ministry Obstacles
Following Jesus can bring fear of upsetting the spirits, as well as upsetting the community.

Outreach Ideas
Christians need to minister to the physical and material needs of the Kerinci, building bridges of trust.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are few Christian believers among the Kerinci community today. Pray for these few, and pray for the additional believers that will soon join them. Pray they will faithfully fellowship together, and will grow in understanding and applying the truth of scripture.

Pray for the entire people group
This group is quite fortunate to live in a fertile area. But they need to increase their use of appropriate technology to improve their farming and rain-forest productivity.

Scripture Focus
"And those who lead many to righteousness [will shine] like the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12:3

Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Kerinci
Population: 261,000
World Population: 261,000
Language: Kerinci
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: None
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes


Negara-negara yang didoakan pada bulan Juli 2010:


1 Juli 2010


Berdoalah Tuhan memulihkan negara yang telah bertahun-tahun mengalami
konflik ini. Biarlah perang saudara segera berakhir dan tercipta
kedamaian . Rakyat juga bergantung pada pemerintah interim. Kiranya
pemerintah tersebut diberi hikmat dalam mengatur dan memerintah negara

2 Juli 2010


Berdoalah bagi AY yang masih dipenjara di Tiongkok sejak tahun 2008.
Ia dijatuhi hukuman 15 tahun penjara atas tuduhan palsu telah
membocorkan rahasia negara. Berdoalah pula bagi istri dan kedua
anaknya. Setelah sekian lama, baru akhir-akhir ini mereka akhirnya
bisa saling bertemu.

3 Juli 2010


Di tengah liburan musim panas, gereja-gereja menyelenggarakan
pertemuan kaum muda dan anak-anak. Sering kali acara ini diinterupsi
polisi dan banyak pemimpin yang dipenjara atau didenda. Berdoalah agar
Tuhan melindungi mereka.

4 Juli 2010


Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen di Turki agar Tuhan senantiasa menguatkan
dan melindungi mereka. Secara khusus, berdoalah bagi kesatuan
gereja-gereja serta pertumbuhan umat Kristen di negara ini.

5 Juli 2010


Berdoalah bagi gereja-gereja di Azerbaijan yang sejak tahun 2009 harus
mendaftar ulang ke pemerintah. Gereja Baptis Baku menghadapi
permasalahan pelik dalam proses pendaftaran dan akhirnya ditolak.

6 Juli 2010


Berdoalah bagi Gereja Greater Grace di Samarkand yang harus
menghentikan ibadah dan kelas–kelas belajar Alkitab mereka karena
tekanan dari polisi rahasia.

7 Juli 2010


Insiden penganiayaan baru-baru ini terjadi lagi dan menimpa umat
Kristen di Madhya Pradesh dan Chattisgarh. Wilayah ini menjadi sangat
sensitif dan umat Kristen hidup dalam ketakutan. Berdoalah bagi
perlindungan Tuhan atas umat-Nya.

8 Juli 2010


Berdoalah bagi sebuah pertemuan hamba–hamba Tuhan yang akan
diselenggarakan di Somalia. Gereja-gereja harus bertemu secara
rahasia. Berdoalah agar perwakilan gereja yang datang mendapatkan
perlindungan Tuhan dan berdoa pula bagi persekutuan mereka.

9 Juli 2010


Berdoalah agar umat Kristen di Kenya diberikan kepekaan oleh Tuhan
menyusul adanya rencana pembentukan konstitusi baru di negara ini yang
berpotensi untuk menyerang gereja dan umat Kristen.

10 Juli 2010


Pemilihan umum pertama sejak dua dekade silam akan berlangsung di
Sudan. Berdoalah agar umat Kristen mendapatkan hasil yang adil.

11 Juli 2010


Berdoalah bagi penginjilan yang dilakukan di tengah orang-orang yang
belum mengenal Kristus; kiranya mereka mau membuka hati mereka. Dan
berdoalah bagi pertumbuhan rohani orang–orang yang baru menjadi
pengikut Kristus di Ethiopia.

12 Juli 2010


S adalah umat Kristen dari latar belakang agama sepupu. Ia ditekan
untuk kembali ke iman lamanya, bahkan diiming-imingi sejumlah uang.
"Saya tidak bisa menerimanya. Saya adalah pengikut Kristus." Karena
keputusannya ini, ia dan keluarganya berhadapan dengan konsekuensi
yang cukup berat. Berdoalah bagi mereka.

13 Juli 2010


Grace (nama samaran) terbeban untuk mengajarkan baca-tulis kepada kaum
perempuan dan anak–anak. Perempuan dan anak-anak di desa-desa banyak
yang masih buta huruf. Berdoalah agar Tuhan membuka jalan baginya.

14 Juli 2010


Open Doors mengumpulkan 25 pendeta dan pemimpin gereja untuk melatih
mereka menjadi "trainer". Berdoalah bagi mereka agar mereka bisa turut
membagikan berkat Tuhan yang didapat lewat seminar Berdiri Teguh di
Tengah Badai.

15 Juli 2010


Pemimpin yang terampil sangat jarang dijumpai karena kurangnya
kesempatan mendapatkan pendidikan Alkitab yang baik. Berdoalah agar
Tuhan membukakan jalan agar pendeta dan pemimpin jemaat mendapatkan
pelatihan dan diperlengkapi.

16 Juli 2010


Sangat sedikit jumlah umat Kristen di Maladewa yang dapat berkumpul
dan beribadah bersama. Mereka tersebar dan tidak memiliki pemimpin.
Berdoalah agar Tuhan yang menjadi gembala dan menguatkan mereka di
tengah penderitaan dan tekanan.

17 Juli 2010


Than Kywe (nama samaran) adalah seorang guru sekolah minggu. Visinya
agar 70 anak sekolah minggu yang dilayaninya semakin kuat dalam
Kristus. Berdoalah agar Tuhan membantu mewujudkan visi tersebut.
Berdoalah juga agar Tuhan memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan mereka.

18 Juli 2010


Bersyukur pada Tuhan untuk 121 kaum muda Kristen yang bergabung dengan
"youth camp" tahun ini. Mereka semua berasal dari latar belakang agama
lain dan memiliki kerinduan untuk mengalami Tuhan. Berdoalah untuk
terobosan yang terjadi melalui "youth camp" ini.

19 Juli 2010


Tahun ini, Open Doors memberikan bantuan kepada empat puluh siswa
sekolah Alkitab. Berdoalah agar Tuhan membentuk karakter mereka
sehingga semakin menjadi serupa dengan-Nya. Berdoalah agar Tuhan
memperlengkapi mereka untuk menyebarkan Injil Kerajaan-Nya di Sri

20 Juli 2010


Perkemahan untuk anak-anak sangat memberkati anak-anak di Vietnam,
baik Kristen maupun non-Kristen. Berdoalah bagi guru-guru yang
terlibat dalam program ini agar hati mereka dipenuhi kasih karunia
Kristus yang siap dibagikan lagi bagi anak-anak.

21 Juli 2010


Sebuah kelompok pelayanan yang datang ke Tiongkok mengantarkan 50 MP3
Alkitab audio untuk dua Sekolah Alkitab di Tiongkok. Mereka sangat
berterima kasih atas pemberian tersebut. Berdoalah agar Open Doors
dapat terus memberikan apa yang diperlukan gereja-gereja di Tiongkok
khususnya mereka yang melayani di tengah kelompok minoritas yang tidak
bisa membaca dan menulis.

22 Juli 2010


Umat Kristen Chilil tinggal di San Cristobal sejak bulan Desember 2009
dan mereka masih menunggu keadilan serta kebebasan beragama. Berdoalah
bagi keadilan, dukungan ekonomi, dan kebebasan beragama yang dijamin
oleh pemerintah.

23 Juli 2010


Berdoalah bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam pelayanan menjawab
email-email yang masuk ke website Kristen serta program radio dan TV.
Doakanlah agar melalui jaringan ini, "secret believers" dapat saling
bertemu dan menguatkan satu dengan yang lain.

24 Juli 2010


Setelah terjadi pengusiran atas umat Kristen WNA, umat Kristen lokal
menghadapi tekanan dari pemerintah. Mereka dipanggil dan diinterogasi.
Berdoalah bagi keluarga-keluarga Kristen di Maroko yang mulai merasa
lelah dengan situasi ini. Berdoalah bagi tuaian besar di Maroko.

25 Juli 2010


Banyak proyek di negara ini yang memerlukan dukungan finansial. Pada
waktu yang bersamaan hal ini juga membawa kesempatan untuk bertumbuh.
Berdoalah agar Tuhan memberikan hikmat bagi para pemimpin di
Mauritania dalam menentukan keputusan untuk pertumbuhan gereja di
negara tersebut.

26 Juli 2010


Rakyat Irak sering merasa bahwa negara mereka tidak pernah putus-putus dari
penderitaan. Berdoalah agar Tuhan melindungi umat-Nya dan memberkati

27 Juli 2010


Pemimpin-pemimpin gereja memprediksikan bahwa undang-undang anti
konversi dapat dihapus pemerintah karena tekanan internasional.
Berdoalah agar hal ini dapat benar-benar terwujud. Berdoa pula bagi
umat Kristen yang saat ini mengalami ketidakadilan dan tertimpa
sepuluh kasus. Biarlah keadilan dapat terwujud bagi mereka.

28 Juli 2010


Berdoalah agar Tuhan melindungi umat-Nya di Libya saat mereka
melakukan penginjilan. Kiranya, mereka diberi kepekaan dan hikmat,
khususnya di tengah situasi yang cukup berbahaya.

29 Juli 2010


Tetaplah berdoa bagi umat Kristen yang masih dipenjara karena
mempertahankan imannya. Ingatlah pula mereka yang telah dibebaskan
namun masih menderita trauma. Berdoalah juga agar Injil terus
dibagikan di negara ini dan banyak orang yang menjadi percaya dan

30 Juli 2010


Bulan ini banyak anak-anak dan kaum muda yang mengikuti acara "youth
and children camp". Berdoalah agar mereka semakin mengenal Kristus dan
berakar di dalam-Nya. Berdoalah agar Tuhan memberikan kesehatan dan
perlindungan bagi mereka selama perjalanan.

31 Juli 2010


Berdoalah untuk mendukung persiapan Pameran Buku Internasional di
Damaskus. Kiranya, Tuhan memberi kekuatan dan hikmat bagi penerbit
Kristen. Doakan agar buku-buku tersebut mendapatkan izin untuk dijual.

Negara-negara yang didoakan pada bulan Juli 2010:



1. Situs Open Doors ==> http://www.opendoors.org
2. Situs e-MISI ==> http://misi.sabda.org/yayasan_obor_damai_indonesia

Prayer Request GPN 06-29-2010

GPN 06-29-2010

“Attention to God’s word is the secret of a powerfilled life.” Psa. 119:105 Greetings, Roberto Wijnhof.

Thanks be to God, the Harvest Time school is running very well here Bogotá. Last week Pr. Larry was teaching here. This year 45 students are involved in the school. Please remember this school in your praying.

Please pray for our evangelists and lay workers who are reaching the unreached. There are many women and girls that are assuming responsibilities and coming forward. Pray for Urmilla, Neetu, Alka, Rachna, Reetu, Bhawna, Chanda and many more. Please also pray for the youth and women who we touch with Gospel that they will also provide dynamic leadership to our country.

Will you please continue to pray for wisdom and strength for our team as we are about to release this new program. Also will you pray for those who are supposed to be part of the “Change Agent Network”?

God bless you for standing with us in prayer. Sincerely, Os Hillman Marketplace Leaders

Pray for our hundreds of children clubs in India. We are trying to challenge thousands of children through our ministry to be molded in Jesus life style and be salt and light in this perverse world. It is not easy. It is our effort to raise these children as future leaders and that as they grow as children of God and as models that they will provide leadership to the coming generation and will be able to influence and build the future of India.

Please pray for sis. Petra, she has longcancer.

I need prayer for a good high paying job that I can do.

I have a vision to start a business and i need prayer for financing without owing anyone anything.

I also have a serious weight problem i need the lord to fix i tried all of my life.

I pray I don’t get late or loose my apartment, or tv. I pray that i don’t go hungry. Ultimately I pray for protection since the lord came into my life demonic forces one after another seems to war against me in my mind and most of all in my dreams.

Please pray for our Foster care home where we are caring for a small number of 32 such children. Two of our boys are in High school and college and others are in school. A large number of these children suffer from HIV/AIDS and others are orphans. Please pray for their safe future in Jesus Christ. Pray specially for Allan who is growing up to be a talented person with many qualities in him. Pray also for Nikhil who is a challenge.

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Pray for Amdo, Rongmahbrogpa of China

Amdo, Rongmahbrogpa of China
The peoples living on the Tibetan plateau of China are referred to as Tibetans; however, there are many subgroups. The two main branches are the Amdo and the Kham. Monks from India first brought Buddhism to China between the third and the first centuries B.C. All Buddhists believe that right thinking, ritual sacrifices, and self-denial will enable the soul to reach nirvana (eternal bliss) at death.

Ministry Obstacles
These people may have no concept of a personal, forgiving God.

Outreach Ideas
Stories from Scripture, Gospel films and recordings, and Gospel radio, can all be used.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are a few known Christian believers among this people group, pray they will lead holy lives, growing in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray these Buddhist peoples will increasingly hunger to know the personal, creator God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Pray also they will gain vocational skills necessary to get along in the 21st century.

Scripture Focus
"Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession." Psalm 2:8

Country: China
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Amdo, Rongmahbrogpa
Population: 172,000
World Population: 172,000
Language: Tibetan, Amdo
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: None
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Pasemah of Indonesia

Pasemah of Indonesia
The Pasemah of Indonesia are an energetic and enthusiastic people. On the Pasemah plateau, there are 26 historical sites that have been considered holy since before 100 A.D. Enormous stones were sculpted into amazing forms such as soldiers riding elephants, a man wrestling with a snake monster, and ocean waves. Although Muslim, the Pasemah still use these large statues as places for making sacred pledges, calling out to their ancestors' spirits to give blessings, and for protection from misfortune.

Ministry Obstacles
This fairly large people group has only a few followers of Jesus Christ.

Outreach Ideas
The Jesus film and audio recordings are available in the Pasemah language. Indonesian believers may be able to use these tools to reach their Pasemah neighbors with the gospel message.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few Pasemah believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to make music in their hearts to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything.

Pray for the entire people group
One of the main needs of the Pasemah people is improved medical care, and they also need training in managing their agricultural produce more effectively.

Scripture Focus
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance." Psalm 33:12

Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Pasemah
Population: 514,000
World Population: 514,000
Language: Malay, Central
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: New Testament
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Pray for Bulang, Blang of China

Bulang, Blang of China
The Bulang are a multilingual people who commonly speak Chinese in addition to their native language, Blang. One distinguishing feature of the Bulang is the men's practice of tattooing their limbs and torsos. More than eighty percent of the Bulang have never once heard the name of Jesus. They are a Buddhist people, groping in spiritual darkness and daily crying out to gods who can neither hear them nor help them.

Ministry Obstacles
The Bulang live in mountainous areas, difficult to access.

Outreach Ideas
Sustained, focused prayer is needed to help these people come to the Living Water that Jesus offers.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for Scripture and other resources to become available to the Bulang. Pray the few believers in Christ will find materials to help them grow in their faith, as well as qualified teachers.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for each Bulang, child and adult, to hear clearly of who Jesus is, and what He has done on their behalf. Pray each person may hear this message many times, in several forms.

Scripture Focus
"After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb." Revelation 7:9

Country: China
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Bulang, Blang
Population: 97,000
World Population: 112,000
Language: Blang
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: None
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes

Prayer Request GPN 06-25-2010

GPN 06-25-2010

“No enemy can come so near that God is not nearer.” Heb. 13:5 Lets stay close to God. Have a blessed weekend. Roberto Wijnhof

In Britain, new figures showing a rise in the number of multiple abortions among younger women have prompted criticisms of government sex education policies. A Christian doctor’s group called the statistics ‘profoundly depressing’ and blamed the government’s longstanding ‘values-free’ sex education. It is increasingly clear that abortion is simply being used as a form of contraception by a growing percentage of girls and women, and that tired policies of values-free sex education, condoms and morning-after pills are not working. Pray that women in your community will choose to live sexually pure lives. Pray for the ladies that have undergone multiple abortions; pray for the comfort and healing by the working of the Holy Spirit.

Pray For My Own Business. I want My Own Business. Pray For My Good Income.

Pastor Saleem Masih

- Please pray for meeting held this past week in Baghdad and just yesterday with Iraqi Officials.

- Please ray for projects to support the Assyrian Christians being considered and for support in particular from the EU/Iraqi Government and Japan.

- Please pray for Prime Minister Allawi, Foreign Minister Zebari and President Talabani, all of whom we have met and prayed with and love the Assyrian Christians! Ken Joseph.

Pray for the Greek World Cup squad. Each member of the squad was personally handed a modern Greek Sports New Testament (originally prepared for the 2004 Olympic Games). Although the New Testament was originally written in Greek very few Greeks own a Bible. If they do it is simply an ornament or good luck symbol and they would not understand the official New Testament Koine Greek. So having a New Testament in a version they can understand would be a complete revelation to the modern Greek. Pray that this contact with the Greek team will have a lasting impact upon their lives. Ask God to stir a hunger within their hearts to read and meditate God’s Word.

Prayer Alert - Christians Taken Away in Handcuffs, Cameras Confiscated, for sharing the Gospel on U.S. Soil.

The Detroit Free Press reports that four Christian missionaries who were trying to share the Good News of Christ to Muslims were arrested and jailed Friday for disorderly conduct at the Arab Festival in Dearborn.

The police chief confirmed that four arrests were made, saying "They did cause a stir." The four, who are part of a Christian group called Acts 17 Apologetics, were released on bail.

According to eyewitnesses, the four were handing out a booklet containing the gospel of John on the festival grounds -- which were primarily tents and booths set up on the public streets of Dearborn. The would-be evangelists were surrounded by green-shirted security personnel hired by the Festival, who taunted the four and gave shouts of "Allahu Akbar" when they were arrested.

Prior to the festival (attended predominantly by Muslim Arab-Americans), a U.S. district judge in Dearborn issued a ban on groups distributing literature on sidewalks and local officials required a five-block distance for anyone wanting to distribute literature. The four were within the festival grounds.

David Wood, one of the four arrested, has said, "There are certain elements of Sharia law being adhered to in Dearborn." The four now have legal representation.


- That Christians will stand against any form of diminishment of our freedom of speech and of religion.

- That Christians will engage to defend their rights to share the gospel in America.

- Pray that Sharia law will not be allowed to flourish in America.

- Pray that the charges against the four will be dropped and that they will be exonerated.

Dear Bro & Sis Please pray for my parents Rev Arlikatti & Mrs Arlikatti both are sick.

Bro. A from Hubli (INDIA)

Please pray about the situation in the city I live about a practice that I believe is a major reason I (and other good people) have not been given interviews and/or been rejected from jobs for which I am fully

qualified. I found out that there is a network group of human resource people (HR) who share information with each other, with some about employees in their companies, past and present. Some of the information

they share with each other apparently is illegal to share (and also unethical), as it is defined as 'retribution' by the laws.

Please pray that the Lord will bring a complete stop to these illegal practices that harm innocent people and apparently have ruined the careers of several people I know. Please pray that the Lord will bring them to complete repentance and that if needed, their illegal practices will be exposed publicly. Most members of this HR sharing group claim to be members in good standing in local churches, but some of them also

show racism against minorities and also anti-Semitism against Israel and the Jewish people. And they believe there is no problems with those attitudes, some even justifying that racism with Bible verses. C.
NORTH KOREA: Lift up the nation in prayer

For years CSW has been a voice for the voiceless in North Korea – lobbying for freedom from repression for them. Just this week we’ve participated in a parliamentary discussion on North Korea. You can use your voice to bring change by upholding the North Korean people in prayer. Without prayer there won’t be true change.

The tiny, shaken Christian community in Gedo Region reports that a Muslim family shackles their 17 year old daughter to a tree by day and puts her in a small dark room at night because she converted to Christianity. When the woman’s family found out that she converted to Christianity she was beaten badly but insisted on her new-found religion. Her parents took her to a doctor who prescribed medication for a ‘mental illness'. Traditionally Somalis believe the Quran cures the sick especially the mentally ill so Islamic scripture is continually recited to her twice a week. The girl is very sick and undergoing intense suffering. There is little the community can do about her condition but concerned neighbours was advised by the community leader to keep monitoring her condition, but not to meddle for their own safety. Pray that this young girl and others like her will not forsake their faith in Christ in times of persecution. Ask the Lord to work in the hearts of her family members to be able to love her, even though they do not understand her decision. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to each of her family members. Pray portions of God’s Word into her situation and others like hers. (Rom.10:17; Ps.147:15).

Please pray for our children ministry. We have projects where we care for more than 500 children every day and we feed them and provide education, health care and spiritual guidance. This has resulted in formation of Children Churches, Youth clubs and other social groups. Phoolwari project and Nanhon ki Duniya are such project in Delhi and outside. It is for children of Surajpark slum in Delhi and villages located in Aligarh. Pray that we will be able to touch and transform the lives of these young ones for Christ. We envision transformation of our country through these young ones. India

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Pray for Mwani of Mozambique

Mwani of Mozambique
These people may be called Mwani, NaMwani, or NaMuane. They are quite isolated, and trace their ancestry to the island of Ibo, near the coast of Mozambique. Ibo island was the scene of struggle between Arabs and Portuguese, resulting in much destruction. The people use the Mwani language in the home, Swahilli for trading, and Portuguese in the schools and government.

Ministry Obstacles
Scripture is not available in the language of the Mwani, although the Jesus film and Gospel radio are available.

Outreach Ideas
Gospel radio may be used to communicate the Gospel of grace to these people who are committed to working their way into God's favor.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are a few believers among the Mwani. Pray for them, that qualified teachers and pastors will be sent to them to help them grow in the faith.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray that living conditions for the Mwani may improve. They are quite poor, and have few opportunities for employment or for good quality education for their children.

Scripture Focus
"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever." Revelation 11:15

Country: Mozambique
10/40 Window: No
People Name: Mwani
Population: 105,000
World Population: 105,000
Language: Mwani
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Portions
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Malay of Indonesia

Malay of Indonesia
The Malay people are believed to have originated in Borneo and then expanded outwards into Sumatra and other regions, including Indonesia. These people were descendants of Austronesian-speakers who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan. Malays practiced Buddhism, Hinduism, and their native Animism before converting to Islam in the 15th century.

Ministry Obstacles
A strong commitment to Islam dating from the 15th century establishes strong ethnic group identity with that religion. To change religions threatens a person's place in family and society.

Outreach Ideas
Gospel radio and television can be helpful. Christian workers also need to befriend these people.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few Christian believers among the Malay, that they will have scripture available in their language, as well as other resources to help them grow and mature. Pray they will keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Malay of Indonesia will hunger to know more of Isa (Jesus), and will be drawn to this Man. Pray their hunger will be satisfied, that the Spirit of Christ will help them.

Scripture Focus
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15

Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Malay
Population: 2,730,000
World Population: 12,972,000
Language: Malay
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Complete
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Tukulor, Pulaar of Senegal

Tukulor, Pulaar of Senegal
The Tukulor are known as the defenders of the Muslim faith and proudly acknowledge themselves as the first black Africans to convert to Islam. Islamic tradition, as well as the climate, influences clothing styles. Generally, men wear long flowing cloaks called booboos with turbans or Islamic-style skullcaps. The women commonly wear long, flowing dresses also called booboos.

Ministry Obstacles
These people have a strong commitment to their current faith, and Senegal is a difficult country to access.

Outreach Ideas
Sustained prayer for the Tukulor is needed. Stories from Scripture coupled with Gospel films and recordings may communicate effectively.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There may be a few believers among the Tukulor. Pray for these and for believers that will eventually find Christ. Pray they will put on the full armor of God, including the shield of faith.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for these people to increasingly understand that Jesus is deity, the Son of God, and that they will desire to know Him and follow Him.

Scripture Focus
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38

Country: Senegal
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Tukulor, Pulaar
Population: 939,000
World Population: 1,376,000
Language: Pulaar
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: New Testament
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Pray for Kanuri, Manga of Niger

Kanuri, Manga of Niger
The Manga Kanuri are tall and dark, a stately, dignified people. They form a sub-group of the Kanuri people, which have practiced Islam for more than 1,000 years. During the region's three months of rain, these proud people struggle to raise enough food - mostly millet, sorghum, and peanuts - to feed their family and animals for the entire year. Many observers say the Kanuri people are closed to outside influences, especially the Gospel. However, Christian workers trying to reach the Manga Kanuri report they are friendly, helpful and open.

Ministry Obstacles
A one thousand year commitment to one religion means the religion is established as part of tribal identity, not easily changed.

Outreach Ideas
Christians need to assist this tribe with their material needs, being genuinely concerned with their needs.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the believers in Jesus among the Kanuri Manga, that the Lord will send pastors and teachers to them, and they will fellowship together. Pray they will be kind and compassionate to one another.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray these people will be able to provide for their families, and will be able to send their children to school.

Scripture Focus
"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14

Country: Niger
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Kanuri, Manga
Population: 432,000
World Population: 733,000
Language: Kanuri, Manga
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Portions
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Lematang of Indonesia

Lematang of Indonesia
The Lematang people are very hospitable and friendly when welcoming newcomers. They have a strong sense of community togetherness proven by their adherence to "gotong royong" (neighborhood mutual service and assistance), not only to the Lematang community itself, but also to outside communities. They currently embrace Islam, yet still hold to ancient beliefs concerning magic and mystical powers.

Ministry Obstacles
Scripture is not available in the language of the Lematang, requiring other means to convery Biblical truth.

Outreach Ideas
Christians may be able to minister to the Lematang through schooling for the children, and through micro-enterprise.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are only a few known believers among the Lematang. Pray the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which they have been called, the riches of their glorious inheritance.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for improved schools for the children of the Lematang, and that parents will place priority on education for their children.

Scripture Focus
"He will have compassion on the poor and needy, And the lives of the needy He will save." Psalm 72:13

Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Lematang
Population: 193,000
World Population: 193,000
Language: Musi
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: None
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Jew, Hungarian of Hungary

Jew, Hungarian of Hungary
There has been a Jewish presence in Hungary since Roman times. At its height, the Jewish population of historical Hungary numbered more than 900,000, but the Holocaust and emigration has reduced that number greatly. In the weeks from May 15 through July 8, 1944, approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews were exterminated. For most of this time period, 12,000 Jews were delivered to Auschwitz in a typical day.

Ministry Obstacles
Spiritual darkness concerning the person of Jesus has been an obstacle for the Jews for centuries.

Outreach Ideas
Prayer and more prayer for the Jews is needed.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few believers in Jesus the Messiah among the Hungarian Jews, that they will zealously follow Him. Pray they will be a light to their own people.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the Jews to have the veil removed from their eyes, concerning who Jesus truly is.

Scripture Focus
"And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Genesis 12:3

Country: Hungary
10/40 Window: No
People Name: Jew, Hungarian
Population: 48,000
World Population: 149,000
Language: Hungarian
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Complete
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Prayer Request GPN 06-22-2010

GPN 06-22-2010

Pray for all your family and friends, those that are in need of help. We need to go back to fasting and praying, being intercessors and knowing that God is hearing us. If we seek Him with all our heart and soul. Many blessings to you, Roberto Wijnhof

My 9 yr. Old granddaughter has a large kidney stone stuck in a duct and needs surgery. Please pray that God will heal her without much fuss. She's just a child! M.J.

Please pray for the restoration of a four year relationship. I deeply care about this man and I don't want to lose the relationship. I am asking God for restoration and healing in our relationship and for wisdom and direction. Please pray that Ali will make the right decision. That we both will, and for God to bring us closer. Thank you and God bless!!! - Michelle

Please pray for revival in the Churches in India. Pray for the leadership of Churches and various denominations. Pray that the leaders will be protected from the attack of the evil one. Pray that their life will be a challenge to millions of others. Please pray for the denomination heads of the Catholic Churches, Churches of North and South India, Methodist Churches, MarThoma, Syrian Orthodox, Baptists, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Presbyterians and other denominations.

Pray for our daughter Ida Priscilla and her studies as she has joined a residential School in the Donhavur in the South India.

Please pray for my dad who is unwell and undergoing blood tests and scans, please pray that there is a simple curable explanation for what he has been experiencing. D.H. New Zealand

Hi my brothers and sisters asking special prayer for GODS strength and provision to fight being homeless if ever I needed this prayer it is this week. GOD richly bless you, brother Danny

Please pray for my husband who has cancer and is in a lot of pain. Also please pray for his disposition. He is in fear and angry. Thank you. Stacey.

Please pray for a building for our Church and Ministry in Delhi. We are mostly in rented buildings and the owner of our main office has now expressed his interest in selling it off. Pray that Lord will provide us a new and better place and also will provide resources so that we can buy a new building in Lords plan. Our Church has been granted the status of 80G exemption under Income Tax Act and we can receive donations from Indians which will attract 50% exemption for them. We are in the process of applying for a Government land with this exemption. Pray for our need of 50 million Indian Rupees for the same. Our god is a miracle working god.

I'm praying for affordable housing as a single parent. Also possibly a new career. Amen

Would you please pray for me because I am homeless and unemployed. Thank you and God bless you.

Please pray for pastor John T.L Maasbach who is leaving for Salvador Brazil tomorrow for a crusade. Also pray for his family.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Pray for Lao of Laos

Lao of Laos
The Lao belong to the Tai linguistic group who began migrating southward from China in the first millennium AD, and which are now the politically and culturally dominant group in Laos. Theravada Buddhism is a dominant influence in Lao culture, but many elements of Lao culture predate Buddhism. The government strictly censors content from the outside world, but many Laotians access the outside world through Thai television programs.

Ministry Obstacles
The religion of the Lao creates a very different worldview than that of the Judeo-Christian scriptures. Changing worldviews is difficult and stressful.

Outreach Ideas
Christian television and radio can be used to bring the good news of Christ to the Lao.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the Christian believers among the Lao, that they will fellowship together faithfully, being instructed adequately in the faith. Pray that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Lao will not find satisfaction in their current religion, but rather will hunger to know the living Christ.

Scripture Focus
"Give thanks to the Lord, call on His Name; make known among the nations what He has done." Psalm 105:1

Country: Laos
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Lao
Population: 2,805,000
World Population: 3,314,000
Language: Lao
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Complete
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Afghani, Tajik of Afghanistan

Afghani, Tajik of Afghanistan
Modern Tajiks are descended from Persian peoples. They have always spoken Persian (speaking the related Dari dialect in Afghanistan). Originally a tribal group, they abandoned strict organizational structure long ago. However, cultural traditions are guarded and observed - traditions that survived centuries of invasion by forces ranging from ancient Arab hordes to recent Taliban fighters.

Ministry Obstacles
The Tajik have been Muslim for many generations. They acknowledge Jesus as an honored prophet, but not as deity, the Son of God.

Outreach Ideas
The Tajik do not have a high literacy rate. The Gospel can probably best come to them using oral means: videos, recordings, radio, stories from Scripture.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are a handful of believers among the Tajiks of Afghanistan. Pray for their protection, and that they will be full of the fruit of God's Spirit - love, joy, peace.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for peace in Afghanistan, for a stable and effective government, and for improved living conditions for all people.

Scripture Focus
"And those who lead many to righteousness [will shine] like the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12:3

Country: Afghanistan
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Afghani, Tajik
Population: 7,625,000
World Population: 7,979,000
Language: Farsi, Eastern (Dari)
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Complete
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010


Hai teman-teman, ini Dave & Novie Broos, bagi rekan-rekan yang lagi berbeban berat dan mungkin perlu teman bicara atau berbagi dan ingin didoakan bisa menghubungi saya. Saya akan mencoba seoptimal mungkin untuk dapat melayani anda, menjadi sahabat anda dan saudara di kala berduka.
Dan kalau ingin untuk didoakan oleh rekan-rekan pendoa syafaat dari Global Prayer Network (GPN) maka akan kami segera kirimkan beban doa anda itu pada rekan-rekan kami yang ada di seluruh dunia.
Global Prayer Network merupakan kumpulan anak Tuhan yang terbeban untuk berdoa
syafaat bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang butuh dukungan doa dan penguatan.
OK, kerinduan kami adalah melihat anda bangkit lagi dan kembali bersinar menerangi dunia. God bless you.


Ps. Dave Broos



Doa merupakan nafas kehidupan orang percaya, tanpa doa orang percaya seperti seekor ikan yang hidup di luar habitatnya. Ia akan mudah putus asa dan dalam kondisi sekarat secara kerohanian. Doa dapat membuat engkau menjadi tenang dan memiliki damai sejahtera dalam hidupmu, sebab Firman Tuhan mengatakan hanya dekat Allah saja aku
tenang. Ini merupakan sebuah jaminan yang Ia janjikan pada setiap kita, hingga kita dapat beroleh ketenangan yang berasal dari hubungan pribadi kita (melalui doa) padaNya. Seperti anak saya, Philip, ia merasa aman ketika berada di dekat saya saat sedang jalan-jalan atau main sepeda di seputar kompleks rumah tempat kami tinggal. Ia percaya
bahwa "papa"nya tidak akan meninggalkan atau membiarkan sesuatu yang berbahaya terjadi atas hidupnya. Semua keyakinannya ia dapatkan dari hubungan yang terbangun selama ini, antara seorang ayah dan putranya. Apa yang dapat kita harapkan saat sedang berdoa? Adanya suara-suara yang memanggil nama anda atau penampakan-penampakan? Saudara-saudara, Tuhan kita adalah Bapa kita, bukan tuhan yang misterius, Ia ingin
menunjukkan diriNya secara pribadi dan tentunya tolok ukur kita adalah Alkitab.

1.Tuhan akan menyatakan diriNya pada kita.
Yeremia 29:13, "Apabila kamu mencari Aku, kamu akan menemukan Aku; apabila kamu menanyakan Aku dengan segenap hati."
Tuhan berjanji pada kita bahwa bila kita berdoa dengan segenap hati maka Ia akan menyatakan pribadiNya pada kita. Baik saat kita tengah membaca Alkitab dimana Ia dapat berbicara melaluinya dan menjawab kebutuhan kita, saat mendengarkan khotbah atau pengajaran Alkitab, membaca buku rohani, dll. Kita harus mengembangkan kesadaran rohani kita sebab Tuhan dapat berbicara melalui berbagai macam peristiwa
yang terjadi dalam hidup kita. Kuncinya carilah Tuhan dengan SEGENAP HATI, maka Ia akan menyatakan pribadiNya.

2.Tuhan akan menjawab doa.
Yeremia 29:12," Dan apabila kamu berseru dan datang untuk berdoa padaKU, maka Aku akan mendengarkan kamu."
Apabila kita berdoa dengan segenap hati kita maka Tuhan pasti akan menjawab doa dan pergumulan kita. Ia akan membuka jalan saat tidak ada jalan. Tuhan, adalah Bapa yang baik Ia tidak akan membiarkan kita, anak-anakNya menderita. Dalam tiap situasi Ia tengah bekerja untuk rencanaNya yang terbaik bagi hidup kita. IA pasti akan menjawab

3.Perubahan dalam hidup kita.
2 Korintus 3:18,"Dan kita semua mencerminkan kemuliaan Tuhan dengan muka yang tidak berselubung. Dan karena kemuliaan itu datangnya dari Tuhan yang adalah Roh, maka kita diubah menjadi serupa dengan gambarNya, dalam kemuliaan yang semakin besar."
Ketika kita berdoa maka kita akan memiliki keintiman dengan Tuhan terlebih bilamana ketika kita berdoa, kita juga merenungkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan. Maka pribadi kita akan mulai sedikit demi sedikit diubahkan oleh Tuhan dan pribadiNya mulai nampak dalam hidup kita. Pribadi Kristus menjadi nyata dalam hidup kita.

4.Perubahan dalam keadaan atau situasi
Yakobus 5:17-18," Elia adalah manusia biasa sama seperti kita, dan ia telah bersungguh-sungguh berdoa, supaya hujan jangan turun, dan hujanpun tidak turun di bumi selama tiga tahun dan enam bulan. Lalu ia berdoa pula dan langit menurunkan hujan dan bumipun mengeluarkan buahnya."
Tuhan mendengar doa siapapun, Elia di katakan bukanlah siapa-siapa dihadapan Allah, ia "hanya" manusia biasa seperti kita.Apapun kondisi yang kita alami Tuhan itu berdaulat untuk mengeluarkan kita dari tiap cengkeraman permasalahan dalam hidup kita. Tidak ada satu perkarapun yang terlalu sulit bagi Tuhan untuk Ia atasi dalam hidup kita. Sebab
tidak ada satupun perkara yang mustahil dihadapanNya. Ia lebih besar dari tiap permasalahan yang kita hadapi.

Jadi ada 4 hal yang dapat kita harapkan pada Tuhan saat kita berdoa bahwa Ia akan menyatakan diriNya, Ia akan menjawab doamu, perubahan dalam hidup pribadimu dan perubahan dalam keadaan atau situasi yang tengah menekanmu. Jadi tunggu apalagi, mari kita mulai BERDOA setiap saat,kita telah ditebus oleh Kristus agar kita dapat kembali "BERBICARA" dengan Bapa Sorgawi dan mengalami perjumpaan dengaan Nya setiap hari.

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Pray for Aceh of Indonesia

Aceh of Indonesia
The Aceh are a blend of many races, which explains why they are fairer skinned and taller than most other Indonesians. Most are either farmers or fishermen. Traditionally, most Aceh, both men and women, wore a sarong, a modest and colorful skirt. In recent years there has been a move towards Islamic dress and now the majority of women wear a head covering. Most men have no say in matters that deal with the home or even child rearing. The Aceh people are strict Sunni Muslims and have been very instrumental in spreading Islam throughout Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia.

Ministry Obstacles
The Aceh people are one of the most strongly resistant people groups in the world to the good news of Jesus.

Outreach Ideas
Much focused, sustained prayer is needed for the Aceh people. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. The Lord's Spirit can work in Aceh hearts to hunger to know Jesus, the Savior.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are very few followers of Jesus among the Aceh people. They need prayer support. Pray for their physical protection, and spiritual protection. Pray they will be tactful yet forthright in their quiet testimony for Christ. Pray they will consistently know the joy of Christ.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the fervency of the Aceh people toward Islam to be gradually redirected toward its proper object. Pray for a growing desire to know Isa (Jesus).

Scripture Focus
"Now it will come about that In the last days, The mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains, And will be raised above the hills; And all the nations will stream to it." Isaiah 2:2

Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Aceh
Population: 3,758,000
World Population: 3,758,000
Language: Aceh
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Complete
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Berber, Kabyle of Algeria

Berber, Kabyle of Algeria
The Kabyle name derives from the name of the mountainous region in the north of Algeria, which they traditionally inhabit. The traditional economy of the area is based on orchards and olive trees, and tapestry or pottery. The area was gradually taken over by the French from 1857, despite vigorous local resistance. The armed Algerian revolutionary resistance to French colonialism, the National Liberation Front (FLN) recruited several of its historical leaders in this region.

Ministry Obstacles
Access to the Kabyle Berbers of Algeria is limited.

Outreach Ideas
Gospel television and radio can have good effect in North Africa, not being restricted by national borders.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the followers of Jesus among the Kabyle Berbers, that they will be faithful to fellowship together, and will grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Pray they will live a life worthy of their calling in Christ.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Kabyle community will have an increasing desire for the One who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Pray the Spirit of Christ will satisfy this desire.

Scripture Focus
"God has granted to the Gentiles [nations] also the repentance that leads to life." Acts 11:18

Country: Algeria
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Berber, Kabyle
Population: 3,342,000
World Population: 4,083,000
Language: Kabyle
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: New Testament
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Prayer Request GPN 06-11-2010

GPN 06-11-2010

“When facing a crisis, trust God and move forward”. Joshua 10:25; Exod. 14:15 Have a moving weekend, Roberto Wijnhof

Please pray that the Lord will deliver my husband from Crack and Sexual Addiction. We have a 2yr old and I am desperate for the Lord to intervene. V.

Kindly pray for healing for my dad ‘s heart and blood pressure problems, pray that the fluid is removed and heart and blood back to normal. Thanks so much for praying. Tyra

I will be having a Crusade next week in Adis Ababa Ethiopia kindly pray for me that God will save heal and deliver his people,

It is my very first time to Ethiopia but I believe God will help me of cause with your prayers too, Pastor Milton Aluvala

Please pray for Jerry S. for his continued recovery from breaking his wrist and hip this past Spring. Pray that his convalescence would be speedy, and that he would be “good as new”!!

I have a dental appointment Monday 14th for exam and cleaning. I know there's a tooth in need of repair.

The problem is I have a gagging reflex problem that's bad, and very humiliating to deal with let alone ask for prayer. I am already in tears as I write this request.

Thanks Mary
CHINA: Gao Zhisheng disappears again

We reported in March that Christian human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, had reappeared alive after thirteen months of international pressure. Only weeks later he went missing again, and hasn’t been seen since. Fears of Gao’s disappearance clearly highlight the worsening situation for human rights lawyers who bring cases against the government. Please pray for our brother in Christ.

Thanks for praying for my “new” church home Redeemer Presbyterian church ( I am their accompanist!), for Rev. Chris, and for all of the church members and their families. Please pray for God to continue to open doors for new prospective members. H.

Of all psychiatric disorders, anorexia nervosa is the number one killer. People suffering with this disorder has abnormal attitudes about food, exercise, and body image. These are the warning signs to look out for amongst your friends and loved ones: Resistance to maintaining body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height. Intense fear of weight gain or being “fat,” even though underweight. Please pray for those who are suffering with eating disorders in your community. Pray that the distorted image about themselves will be restored in the minds of those suffering from this disorders. Pray Ps. 139 over their lives, believing that the power of God’s word will bring renewal in their minds.

Please pray for Kimberly for God to open the doors for her move to Amarillo and that all of her needs would be met during this time of transition. Pray for His perfect will in everything, and that His timing would also be perfect for the move.

On television we see the countdown to the Soccer World Cup on Friday, 11 June 2010. This is the talk on the lips of every South African and soccer fans. As representatives of God’s Kingdom, Christians are called to arise and take our place before God’s throne of grace (Heb.4:16) and pray earnestly for the duration of this event. Take 10 minutes per day to pray for issues regarding the Soccer World Cup. Stay informed of relevant prayer issues by watching the news daily. Pray for the salvation of people, especially also the visitors to our country. Many teams are concentrating on evangelism and other actions to reach out to people with the gospel. Pray for the safety of these teams. Pray that visitors from closed countries where people can't freely be evangelised or worship Jesus, will be reached with the gospel (especially Algeria and North Korea). Persist in prayer for issues like human trafficking of all kinds, drug trafficking and alcohol abuse. Pray for the security of all people, especially for the protection of the SAPS and for crime prevention. Significant demonic activity connected to the Soccer World Cup is at work in our country.

Thanks, again, for your continued prayers for my complete and total recovery from valve replacement surgery on my heart last year. Recent visit to my Pulmonology Doctor has revealed enlarged lungs - as in emphysema! Don't know why, but it could have been caused from drug interaction last July when I was first admitted to the hospital and given a really potent, bad for your lungs drug. God is STILL in the healing business, last I heard, so thanks for your prayers in that regard! Also, my car situation is still urgent. I have started my summer classes, and have no working car to get to school and the museum to teach. Please pray for a miracle to either fix my car, or God to replace it! Thanks for your continued prayers for my finances, as they are still very limited. Again, God has been faithful to sustain me, so I am praising Him for these needs being met!!! In His way and in His timing! Sis. H.

For the last two months, heavy rains have been causing severe flooding across Kenya. Over 120 people have died, and 600 families have been displaced and their homes destroyed. At Bala Mercy Children’s Centre in Homa Bay, families who had been hosting orphaned children in their homes have now been left homeless, and so around 100 people are taking refuge in the Centre itself. Pray for those affected by the heavy rains in Kenya, particularly children. Pray that those who have been displaced would soon be able to return to their own land and start to rebuild their lives. Pray for the orphans at Bala Mercy Children’s Centre, and the host families caring for them. Pray that those who are now taking refuge in the Centre would be able to know God’s peace and security despite the precarious nature of their situation.

- Please pray for the Assyrian Christians of Iraq.

- Please pray for the nearly 500,000 refugees in Syria, Jordan and inside Iraq.

- Please pray as we assist them on the ground and in returning home. Please pray for their protection, provision and freedom.

- Please pray for the ongoing projects in Haiti, China and Indonesia.

- Please pray for Jan, David, Barbara and all others working on the book on the Assyrian Christians of Iraq and the story of what happened.

- Please pray it will be completed and out as soon as possible and bring comfort to the families of those who lost their loved ones and bring Glory to Jesus.

- Please pray for the three books in Japanese in production and another English book that they will be completed, published and bring Glory to Jesus.

Ken Joseph Jr.
NORTH KOREA: CSW’s June week of prayer

Recently in the news for its aggressive stance to South Korea, North Korea’s personality cult regime harshly punishes all who mildly stray from its idolatry. While refugees are fleeing North Korea to seek asylum or citizenship in sympathetic Asian states, inmates inside North Korea’s ‘gulag’ prisons are subjected to some of the worst forms of torture and deprivation on earth. North Korea desperately needs our prayers.

CSW spoke alongside a North Korea defector at the EU in April to testify about the regime’s brutality towards prisoners. With your help we want to continue to raise North Korea’s plight high on the international agenda and stand together in prayer with North Korean people.

Organising your own prayer event is a wonderful way of supporting North Koreans and learning more about the issues they face. Lets join them in prayer.

Please pray for me and my family. We lost our business and we have applied for a loan modification to save our house. Please pray we will be approved this month June 2010. That we will be approved for $2000.00 per month mortgage payment. God said that nothing is to hard for him I am standing on the word and Abraham’s blessings are mine. I am a faithful tither weekly. V. & W.

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Pray for Tigre of Eritrea

Tigre of Eritrea
The population of Eritrea is equally divided between Christian (Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran Protestants) and Muslim religions. The largest Muslim group is the Tigre, the only Eritrean or Ethiopian Semitic people which is not Orthodox. They are related to the Christian Tigrinya, but are culturally distant from them.

Ministry Obstacles
Cultural barriers are high. These can be overcome, but it usually requires much time.

Outreach Ideas
The Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant Christians living near the Tigre can deepen their friendships with the Tigre, and learn to share the love of Jesus with them. Pray for this to occur.

Pray for the followers of Christ
The few Tigre believers live in trying circumstances among their Muslim family and friends. Pray for them. Pray they will keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Tigre people will have sufficient food in an area that often experiences famine. Pray for rain, and pray for improved living conditions.

Scripture Focus
"Give thanks to the Lord, call on His Name; make known among the nations what He has done." Psalm 105:1

Country: Eritrea
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Tigre
Population: 1,128,000
World Population: 1,163,000
Language: Tigre
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Complete
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Gujjars of Pakistan

Gujjars of Pakistan
The Gurjara clan appeared in northern India in about the fifth century AD. During the Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent, many of the Gurjar Hindus converted to Islam. Gujjars are mainly concentrated in the Indo-Gangetic plains, the Himalayan region, and eastern parts of Afghanistan, but some are established in Pakistan. Gujjars have given their names to several places in Pakistan, including Gujranwala, Gujjar Nallah, Gujar Khan, Gojra and Gujrat.

Ministry Obstacles
Centuries of commitment to a religion that denies the deity of Jesus is not quickly overcome.

Outreach Ideas
Much prayer is needed for the Gujjar community. Pray also for workers.

Pray for the followers of Christ
There are few if any followers of Jesus among the Gujjar community, but pray for those that will soon come forth. Pray the Lord will send them qualified pastors and teachers, and pray that Scripture will be readily available to them.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray that the large Gujjar community in Pakistan, and in other countries, may be strongly drawn to the man Jesus. May the Spirit of Jesus give them a hunger to find out more.

Scripture Focus
"Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised." 1 Chronicles 16:24-25

Country: Pakistan
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Gujjars
Population: 2,490,000
World Population: 3,143,000
Language: Hindko, Northern
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: New Testament
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Baggara, Messiria of Sudan

Baggara, Messiria of Sudan
The Messiria are one of the Baggara tribes of Sudan. Baggara are thought to be partly descended from Arab tribes who settled the region primarily from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century. They became known as the Baggara, literally "cattelers" or "cattle people". The Baggara are somewhat unusual in that the women work to provide the income needed to maintain the households, and a married woman owns the tent as well as all of its housekeeping contents.

Ministry Obstacles
Sudan provides a difficult environment for Christian workers, a place of turmoil. Pray for stability and peace.

Outreach Ideas
Gospel radio broadcast to the regions of the Messiria will be helpful.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few followers of Christ among this Baggara tribe, that they will fellowship together and grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Pray they live a life of love, just as Christ loved them and gave Himself up for them.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the material and physical needs of the Missiria people will be met, that they will be able to provide adequately for their families.

Scripture Focus
"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will worship before You." Psalm 22:27

Country: Sudan
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Baggara, Messiria
Population: 488,000
World Population: 488,000
Language: Arabic, Sudanese Spoken
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: New Testament
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Pray for Minangkabau, Padang of Indonesia

Minangkabau, Padang of Indonesia
These people are well known for their tradition of merantau (going to distant areas to seek success). Many of them have moved to other islands in Indonesia. In the 1800s, the Dutch took advantage of a conflict between the Minangkabau cultural guardians and Muslim leaders and intervened to gain control of the area. Islam was used as a rallying point in the struggle against the Dutch and resulted in Islam being incorporated into Minangkabau traditions.

Ministry Obstacles
The Minangkabau are a very large people group with very few Christian believers. Challenges are many with such a ratio.

Outreach Ideas
Individuals living outside their original home area are often somewhat open to new perspectives. Perhaps workers can seek out such individuals for purposes of sharing the love of Jesus with them.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray the few believers among the Minangkabau will become firmly established in the faith, understanding and believing the good news of grace found in Jesus Christ. Pray they will tactfully share this faith with family and friends.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray for improved educational opportunities for the children of the Minangkabau.

Scripture Focus
"Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You." Psalm 67:3

Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Minangkabau, Padang
Population: 6,200,000
World Population: 6,200,000
Language: Minangkabau
Primary Religion: Islam
Progress Status: Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: New Testament
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Prayer Request GPN 06-08-2010

GPN 06-08-2010

“Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the master of it. ”Deut. 31:6; Joshua 1:9; Acts 28:15. So, have courage and fear not. I wish you much courage in your prayer life. Greetings, Roberto Wijnhof

DAVID, KELSEY, KALLIE: Please pray for the Lord to move in their lives in a new way...pray for His mercy, grace, compassion, wisdom, and for His sovereign healing for their hearts during this difficult transition in their lives. "Our God is an Awesome God"...words from a praise and worship song........I know that God is leading my son and granddaughters into a new season of their lives and that He IS truly faithful. David is in need of furniture, etc., for his new apartment.

Most Greetings From Pakistan.

Kindly Pray For Me God Bless Me And Save Me From All The Sins.

Pray For My Own Business. I want My Own Business. Pray For My Good Income.

I Want Go To Out Country For work In USA And Other Country For Work.

God Open All The Ways. We Need Scholar Ship In Seminary. Pray For it.

Pray For My Wife Alishaba Is Suffering In Stomach Problem. Devil Spirit Attack To Her.

My Wife Want Spend Time With God More And More.

Pray For My Son And For Daughter Is Suffering Flue & Cough.

In Christ Pastor Saleem Masih

Hi my brothers and sisters asking special prayer for GODS strength and provision homeless in NYC and the warfare is constant. GOD richly bless you, brother Danny

God's forgiveness, health, mercy and grace.

Also for a Court matter tomorrow; that only truth and righteousness prevails.

Believer and God fearing spouses for our Sons living overseas.


Please pray for Mr Babulal age of 69 yrs. Admitted in ICU and on ventilators. Doctors have left hope 99%. Pray that LORD to do the miracle and restore the life. Arun from HUBLI (INDIA)

Pray for Rylea's safety during her visit to New York with a group of her friends from school. Please pray for her safe return, as well.

Please pray for vindication for me from 3 abusive people who are harassing and bullying me at work. JN, JP, TT in Jesus Name according to Matthew 18:19. J.

Thanks for your prayers for my grandson, Caz, as he has graduated from Amarillo High and is embarking on his new journey into adulthood! Please pray for God to open new doors of opportunity... and for the wisdom and strength to go through them. Pray for any doors that would hinder Caz to be sovereignty shut so that the enemy cannot draw him into anything that is not the will of God.

REDEEMER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Thanks for praying for my "new" church home ( I am their accompanist!), for Rev. Chris, and for all of the church members and their families. Please pray for God to continue to open doors for new prospective members.

Update on Cindi, Chemo has apparently caused two spots on her lungs to disappear, and the third remaining spot is much, much improved and very small. Praise God for His faithfulness to Cindi to heal her completely and totally...for His glory!!!

Kehidupan Doa

BULETIN DOA - Edisi Juni 2010, Vol.02 No.16 -- Kehidupan Doa

(Sekolah Doa Elektronik)

ARTIKEL DOA: Penglihatan dalam Kemuliaan: Doa
TOKOH DOA: Ezra: Tobat Nasional


Jika ada seseorang yang bertanya seberapa pentingkah doa bagi
kehidupan Anda, apa jawab Anda? Mungkin jawabannya adalah doa
merupakan bagian yang teramat penting bagi kehidupan kita. Bahkan,
doa sering diibaratkan sebagai nafas kehidupan. Namun, apakah kita
benar-benar menikmati "nafas" kehidupan ini? Kebanyakan orang tidak
dapat menikmatinya karena berbagai macam faktor. Salah satunya
karena mereka tidak tahu betapa pentingnya doa itu. Nah, untuk
mengetahui mengapa doa itu begitu penting, kami mengajak Anda untuk
menyimak artikel yang telah kami persiapkan.

Pimpinan Redaksi e-Doa,
Novita Yuniarti
< novita(at)in-christ.net >


Banyak dari kita yang mengharapkan terjadinya pertemuan pribadi
dengan Allah, tetapi kita ingin agar pertemuan itu terjadi sesuai
dengan kehendak kita. Kita menginginkan lawatan Allah, tetapi kita
menolak untuk naik ke tempat kediaman-Nya. Kita menginginkan tempat
kediaman-Nya, tetapi apakah kita menyadari apa yang terlebih dahulu
Ia minta dari kita? Sebelum setiap nabi dalam Perjanjian Lama
membawa pesan penghakiman kepada suatu bangsa yang dapat
mendatangkan perubahan, mereka menerima penglihatan dari Takhta
Allah dan tempat kemuliaan Allah. Hari ini, kita pun banyak yang
merindukan lawatan Allah, tetapi kita belum mengalami pertemuan
dengan Takhta Allah. Kita rindu agar Allah membawa "turun"
Takhta-Nya, tetapi kita tidak mau naik ke tempat Ia berada, untuk
melihat Pribadi-Nya yang sesungguhnya.

Kitab Wahyu adalah contoh yang baik dari hal ini. Ketika Yohanes,
berada di Pulau Patmos, gereja pada saat itu sedang mengalami
kemerosotan. Penginjilan menurun, gereja patah semangat, dan mereka
telah kehilangan fokus -- hampir sama dengan kondisi kita pada hari
ini. Yohanes menerima kunjungan ilahi untuk naik [ke surga] dan
melihat hal-hal yang akan terjadi. Kita melihat bahwa Yohanes sedang
berada dalam Roh dan berada pada Hari Tuhan. Yohanes telah
mengkhususkan suatu waktu bagi Tuhan; ia menghormati hari Sabat.
Ketika ia datang dengan kerendahan hati di hadapan-Nya, ia pun
mengalami kunjungan ilahi. Kunjungan ilahi yang sama tersedia bagi
kita hari ini. Ketika Yohanes mendekat dan memasuki Takhta Allah dan
memandang keindahan Allah, ia melihat lautan kaca, takhta suci, 24
tua-tua, dan ia melihat Anak Domba yang layak mengambil gulungan
Kitab serta membuka meterainya. Pengajaran tentang Takhta Allah
adalah suatu topik tersendiri, tetapi yang saya ingin tunjukkan
dalam hal ini adalah bahwa Yohanes menjawab panggilan dari kunjungan
ilahi tersebut untuk naik ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari yang
pernah ia lakukan sebelumnya. Ketika ia menanggapinya, ia melihat
hal-hal yang kita baca dalam kitab Wahyu.

Ketika kitab Wahyu diberikan kepada gereja setelah pertemuan ilahi
ini, gereja disegarkan dengan api yang baru dari surga. Gereja
memahami bahwa mati bagi Injil merupakan hikmat Allah, daripada
bertahan dalam penderitaan zaman ini. Injil tersebar, gereja
disegarkan, penginjilan meledak kembali, dan kehidupan Allah nampak
dalam hidup orang-orang percaya. Hari ini, berapa banyak dari kita
yang sungguh-sungguh mengalami pertemuan ilahi seperti yang dialami
Yohanes, yang mencangkokkan kehidupan Roh ke dalam gereja dan
pelayanan? Berapa banyak dari kita yang telah menyediakan waktu
untuk memasuki tempat doa untuk mencari wajah-Nya sampai Ia menjawab
kita? Tanpa penglihatan akan kemuliaan, pesan yang kita beritakan
tidak lengkap dan kita tidak dapat memberitakan pesan tersebut
dengan pemahaman penuh. Saya percaya bahwa inilah salah satu tempat
yang tidak dimiliki oleh gereja dan sangat dibutuhkan gereja saat
ini, yaitu memasuki tempat doa dan menerima penglihatan akan
kemuliaan. Kita memberitakan sebuah pesan meskipun kita tidak dapat
sungguh-sungguh menjawab pertanyaan yang ada dalam hati banyak
manusia, sebab kita sendiri belum mengalami hal-hal tersebut.

Pertemuan berikutnya yang kita lihat tentang Betania, tempat
kediaman Yesus, menunjukkan penglihatan akan kemuliaan Allah di
Bukit Zaitun, yang sesungguhnya berada di sebelah Betania. Bukit
Zaitun yang berada hanya 1 atau 2 mil di luar Betania tersebut
menghalangi sebagian Betania. Bukit tersebut adalah tempat pohon
zaitun bertumbuh. Itu adalah tempat matahari menyinari
cabang-cabangnya agar bertumbuh dan menghasilkan buah. Itu juga
merupakan tempat Bapa menyinarkan wajah-Nya kepada Anak dan
menghasilkan buah khusus yang melimpah. Di sinilah pertemuan yang
berikutnya untuk membangun sebuah tempat kediaman tersingkap. Kita
menemukan pertemuan ini dalam Lukas 9, yang secara umum disebut
sebagai kejadian Yesus dimuliakan di atas gunung. Para murid diminta
untuk pergi bersama Yesus dan berdoa. Yesus menyelinap dari
kesibukan-Nya dan Ia ingin agar murid-murid-Nya mengalami sukacita
dan kenikmatan dari doa. Dalam Yesaya 56:7, "mereka akan Kubawa ke
gunung-Ku yang kudus dan akan Kuberi kesukaan di rumah doa-Ku. Aku
akan berkenan kepada korban-korban bakaran dan korban-korban
sembelihan mereka yang dipersembahkan di atas mezbah-Ku, sebab
rumah-Ku akan disebut rumah doa bagi segala bangsa."

Ketika Yesus membawa murid-murid ke Bukit Zaitun, Ia memberikan
kepada mereka kunjungan ilahi yang kemudian dijawab oleh Yohanes
tentang naik ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dan melihat hal-hal yang
akan datang. Para murid memperoleh kesempatan untuk naik ke Gunung
Allah yang kudus dan di sana mereka dapat mengalami sukacita doa.
Meskipun demikian, ketika Yesus meluangkan waktu bercakap-cakap
dengan Bapa, para murid tertidur. Hari ini, tampaknya banyak gereja
sedang tertidur, dan kita harus dibangunkan untuk dapat
sungguh-sungguh melihat dan memahami apa yang Allah kerjakan pada
saat ini. Yesus dan Bapa sedang berada di tengah percakapan ilahi
pada saat ini di gunung yang kudus. Kira-kira, apakah yang Mereka

Ketika para murid akhirnya bangun, mereka melihat wajah Yesus
berubah. Alkitab berkata bahwa Ia bersinar, yang diterjemahkan
sebagai "seperti dibungkus oleh terang" [TB: putih bersinar seperti
terang, Red.]. Saya percaya, ketika kebangunan rohani dan
kebangkitan datang, kedua hal tersebut akan terjadi secara tiba-tiba
di dalam gereja. Mata kita akan terbuka dan kita akan melihat Yesus
bersinar seperti terang di hadapan kita. Terang Injil dan pewahyuan
akan Yesus ini akan meliputi kita sepenuhnya. Inilah kebenaran kita
yang bersinar sebagai keselamatan kita, menyala seperti Anak Domba
(Yesaya 62:1). Keselamatan kitalah yang mengakibatkan terang itu.
Kebenaran kitalah yang menangkap refleksi dari api keselamatan.
Refleksi inilah yang dilihat oleh orang lain. Mereka tidak dapat
sungguh-sungguh melihat keselamatan kita; mereka melihat buahnya,
sama seperti buah zaitun menyatakan karya yang tak terlihat dari
cabang-cabangnya. Pada pertemuan di atas gunung ini, para murid
mengalami hal yang sama seperti yang Yohanes alami. Mereka semua
melihat dan mendengarkan kemuliaan Allah dinyatakan dalam saat-saat
doa ini. Pertemuan semacam inilah yang mengubah kita selamanya.

Doa menjadi bagian penting dalam setiap kebangunan rohani, sebab
dengan berdoa hati kita diubahkan. Doa adalah tempat kerinduan batin
diwujudkan. Doa adalah tempat setiap orang percaya diubahkan dan
mendengar serta melihat alam kemuliaan. Doa adalah kunci dalam
melepaskan mukjizat-mukjizat yang kita lihat dalam kebangunan
rohani. Doa adalah pintu yang terbuka dari alam kemuliaan yang
sangat kita rindukan. Tanpa doa, tidak ada tempat kediaman Allah
sebagai tempat bercakap-cakap. Untuk memiliki percakapan, Anda harus
dekat dengan seseorang agar dapat berbicara dengannya dan
mendengarkannya. Doalah yang mengundang Allah untuk mendekat.

Mungkin kita rindu agar orang lain dan bukan kita sendiri yang
mendoakan kita. Mungkin kita rindu agar pemimpin kita yang membuka
jalan. Setiap orang percaya harus memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk
mendekat kepada Allah, walaupun sebagai pemimpin kita harus memimpin
jalan ke dalam waktu doa. Setiap orang percaya memiliki kemampuan
untuk membangun tempat kediaman Allah. Hal-hal lainnya yang kita
lihat dari pertemuan di gunung Transfigurasi [tempat Yesus berubah
rupa, Red.] adalah bahwa hal itu terjadi untuk orang-orang lingkar
dalam. Ia mengajak Petrus, Yohanes, dan Yakobus, ketiga murid yang
terdekat dengan hati-Nya. Ia mengundang mereka ke tempat doa. Petrus
sangat tergerak oleh apa yang ia lihat sehingga ia berkata, "Guru,
betapa bahagianya kami berada di tempat ini. Baiklah kami dirikan
sekarang tiga kemah, satu untuk Engkau, satu untuk Musa, dan satu
untuk Elia" (Lukas 9:33), tanpa mengetahui apa yang sesungguhnya ia

Kerinduan hati Petrus setelah ia mengalami saat doa ini, terlepas
dari kenyataan bahwa ia tertidur, muncul ketika ia melihat suatu
pandangan dari alam kemuliaan Allah dan manifestasi hadirat-Nya
sehingga ia tidak ingin pergi tetapi ingin menyembah. Ia ingin pergi
ke tempat ia dapat merasakan kedekatan [Allah] dan tidak ingin
pergi. Sering kali kita mengalami hal yang sama dalam penyembahan
atau doa kita -- seakan-akan Allah begitu dekat dan kita ingin
tinggal. Saat-saat seperti ini waktu terasa seperti berhenti, lalu
tiba-tiba saat-saat tersebut berlalu. Tuhan ingin agar kita lebih
dari sekadar tinggal. Ia ingin agar kita menjadi bagian dari apa
yang sedang Ia lakukan, dengan cara menikmati-Nya. Hal yang kita
butuhkan adalah meningkatkan dan memperbesar kapasitas kita bagi
Dia. Kita harus memperbesar fokus kita. Kita harus meningkatkan
kemampuan kita dalam doa dan menyembah. Lagipula, apakah kita
sekadar mengejar lawatan-Nya ataukah kita ingin berdiam?

Setelah Petrus berbicara, awan kemuliaan datang dan menaungi mereka.
Banyak kali, Allah datang dan jalan-jalan-Nya lebih tinggi daripada
jalan-jalan kita dan rancangan-Nya menyatakan sesuatu yang sama
sekali berbeda dari apa yang kita rancangkan. Ayat tersebut berkata
bahwa awan kemuliaan datang dan menaungi mereka. Kata menaungi
berarti "membungkus atau membayangi". Kata itu berasal dari bahasa
Yunani yang berarti "bayangan yang terjadi karena menangkap terang"
atau "sebuah gambaran disebabkan oleh obyek yang melambangkan bentuk
dari obyek tersebut". Awan yang menaungi mereka, kemuliaan Allah,
berada pada sisi belakang dan merefleksikan awan yang memancarkan
bayangan tersebut kepada mereka. Dan Alkitab berkata bahwa mereka
menjadi takut ketika mereka masuk ke dalam awan itu. Ketika kita
memasuki hadirat Allah yang sejati, takut akan Tuhan akan
mencengkeram hati kita.

Banyak dari apa yang kita sebut sebagai kemuliaan Allah atau awan
kemuliaan Allah sesungguhnya hanyalah refleksi dari kecemerlangan
Allah yang terlihat, dan bukan diri-Nya sendiri. Kita begitu takjub
oleh karena urapan yang segar atau tingkat urapan yang lebih dalam
sehingga kita mengacaukan antara urapan dengan kemuliaan. Kita
merasa puas dengan urapan, sementara yang Tuhan ingin berikan adalah
kemuliaan. Urapan bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan umat, tetapi
kemuliaan adalah untuk menyatakan hadirat-Nya. Urapan adalah bagi
bagian luar rumah, kemuliaan bagi bagian dalamnya. Kemuliaan Allah
turun dan manifestasi hadirat Allah datang, takut akan Allah akan
mencengkeram hati manusia dan kita akan tahu pasti bahwa mereka baru
saja bertemu Yesus. Kesaksian mereka akan menjadi lebih dalam, pesan
yang keluar lewat hidup mereka akan semakin besar, dan datang kepada
Allah dalam doa akan menjadi suatu sukacita. Inilah yang terjadi
dalam hidup orang-orang yang telah melihat dan mengalami penglihatan
akan kemuliaan semacam ini.

Para murid memiliki kesimpulan yang sama dengan Yohanes Pembaptis
bahwa Yesuslah Kristus, Dialah Anak Allah, dan Dialah yang
[dinubuatkan] akan datang. Pewahyuan semacam ini hanya terjadi
kepada mereka yang sungguh-sungguh mencari kebangunan rohani. Doa
atau komunikasi ilahi memampukan kita untuk melihat keindahan
kekudusan dan memasuki iman yang sejati. Tidak ada orang banyak yang
ditambahkan di sini; inilah tempat rahasia dari kebangunan rohani.
Inilah tempat doa. Inilah karya tersembunyi yang tetap tidak
terlihat. Inilah tempat tanda-tanda ajaib dan mukjizat dilahirkan.
Ketika mereka turun dari Bukit Zaitun, Petrus, Yakobus, dan Yohanes
tidak menceritakan kepada siapa pun apa yang terjadi. Keesokan
harinya ketika mereka turun untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka telah
melewatkan sepanjang malam dalam doa, orang banyak
berbondong-bondong menantikan mereka di kaki bukit.

Kehidupan tanpa doa adalah kehidupan tanpa kuasa. Dalam Lukas 9:38-42,
Yesus bertemu dengan seseorang yang memiliki anak yang kerasukan
setan. Pria tersebut menjelaskan bahwa mendadak anaknya berteriak
dan roh tersebut mengguncang-guncangkannya sehingga mulutnya berbusa
dan roh itu menyiksa dia. Ia telah meminta kepada murid-murid-Nya
untuk mengusir roh itu tetapi mereka tidak dapat. Lalu Yesus
berkata, "Hai kamu angkatan yang tidak percaya dan yang sesat,
berapa lama lagi Aku harus tinggal di antara kamu dan sabar terhadap
kamu? Bawa anakmu itu kemari!" (ayat 41) Ia mengusir setan itu

Para murid dihardik, Ia menyebut mereka tidak percaya dan sesat.
Mereka baru saja mengalami Bukit Zaitun, tempat doa. Hal yang Yesus
maksudkan adalah bahwa mereka harus melewatkan waktu dalam doa jika
mereka ingin memiliki kuasa untuk mengalahkan segala sesuatu yang
akan menyerang serta melawan mereka dan orang-orang. Iman timbul dan
selalu bergantung pada pemahaman dan penerimaan kita akan
pengampunan ketika kita bertobat. Jika kita tidak memiliki keyakinan
dalam hal ini, bagaimana mungkin kita dapat melangkah lebih jauh
untuk mengusir setan?

Bukit Zaitun memiliki tipologi lain di dalamnya. Semak-semak zaitun
tumbuh di sisi bukit agar memperoleh sinar matahari paling banyak
agar hidup dan bisa menghasilkan buah zaitun yang paling besar.
Zaitun itu lalu dipetik dan diperas dan menghasilkan minyak zaitun.
Sering Allah membuat kita pergi ke tempat yang disinari terang-Nya,
sebab kerinduan-Nya adalah mengirik kita agar minyak atau urapan
tersebut dapat mengalir dari hidup kita. Dalam doa sering kali
terjadi pemerasan dari hal-hal yang akan melawan kita. Hal itu
memampukan kita untuk berjalan dalam urapan yang lebih besar dan
memampukan urapan Allah yang telah ada menyatakan diri. Sama seperti
zaitun yang tidak memiliki nilai sampai ia diperas, sebab yang
dicari adalah minyak yang ada di dalamnya, hal yang sama juga yang
Allah cari dari hidup kita. Karunia-karunia dan hal-hal yang
tersembunyi yang telah Ia taruh dalam hidup kita dan urapan yang
belum terpakai harus bangkit ke permukaan. Allah rindu melakukannya.
Ia rindu urapan tersebut bertambah dalam hidup kita.

Mungkin kita harus pergi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi terlebih dahulu
sebelum kita melihat lawatan turun. Mungkin kita harus memahami dan
memiliki takut akan Allah seperti yang dimiliki oleh mereka yang
berada di gunung tempat Yesus dimuliakan, agar ketika Allah
menyatakan diri dalam ibadah-ibadah kita dan melakukan hal-hal yang
dahsyat, kita tidak akan mencuri kemuliaan tersebut bagi diri kita
sendiri, tetapi memuliakan dan menyukakan Dia, sebab kita tahu bahwa
segala yang kita miliki berasal dari-Nya. Bahkan urapan adalah
milik-Nya yang Ia titipkan pada kita. Dialah yang telah membawa
kehidupan atas kita. Dialah yang telah membawa kita pada kepenuhan
dari yang kita hidupi sekarang. Namun, kita tidak akan pernah
melihat kuasa mengalir melalui gereja sampai para pemimpin terlebih
dahulu pergi ke tempat tinggi, lalu umat mengikuti mereka. Kita
harus naik ke Bukit Zaitun dan melihat Yesus dimuliakan dalam hidup
kita, melihat Dia sebagaimana adanya Dia, memahami alam kemuliaan,
dan menerima penglihatan akan kemuliaan.

Diambil dan disunting dari:
Judul asli buku: The House of Bethany
Judul buku: 5 Kunci Kebangunan Rohani di Kota Anda
Judul artikel: Penglihatan dalam Kemuliaan: Doa
Penulis: Greg Crawford
Penerjemah: Leony Melina
Penerbit: Yayasan ANDI, Yogyakarta 2005
Halaman: 48 -- 58


Ezra bin Seraya adalah seorang ahli kitab yang mahir dalam Taurat
(Ezra 7:6; Nehemia 8:3). Ia memahami segala perintah dan ketetapan
Tuhan bagi orang Israel (Ezra 7:11). Ia juga seorang imam, pemimpin
doa dan ibadah (Ezra 7:11). Di Persia, tempat bangsa Israel dibuang,
Ezra dipercaya oleh raja Artahsasta (Artahsasta I) untuk menangani
kehidupan bangsa Israel. Kedudukannya di pemerintahan Persia
barangkali semacam Kepala Departemen Urusan Orang Yahudi.

Sama seperti raja Koresy dulu, Artahsasta sangat menghargai
orang-orang Israel yang tinggal di negerinya. Bahkan, ia mendorong
mereka untuk pulang dan membangun kembali bait Tuhan di Yerusalem.
Untuk itu, raja Artahsasta mengutus Ezra beserta rombongan
orang-orang Israel untuk pulang ke Yerusalem pada tahun 458 SM.

Raja Artahsasta memandang Ezra sebagai pemimpin atau pemuka bangsa
Israel. Karena itu, raja memfasilitasi perjalanan Ezra dan rombongan
Israel tersebut. Artahsasta sangat baik, ia memberi Ezra segala yang
diingininya (Ezra 7:6b). Raja memberikan banyak bantuan material dan
finansial untuk pembangunan Rumah Tuhan di Yerusalem (Ezra 7:20).
Dalam surat resminya, raja mengatakan bahwa ia telah memerintahkan
semua bendaharanya untuk membantu keuangan yang Ezra perlukan (Ezra

Sebagai seorang pemimpin kepercayaan, Ezra diberi wewenang oleh raja
untuk mengangkat pemimpin-pemimpin lainnya. Artahsasta memberinya
tugas dan otoritas: "[H]ai Ezra, angkatlah pemimpin-pemimpin dan
hakim-hakim sesuai dengan hikmat Allahmu yang menjadi peganganmu,
supaya mereka menghakimi seluruh rakyat yang diam di daerah seberang
sungai Efrat, yakni semua orang yang mengetahui hukum Allahmu; ...."
(Ezra 7:25).

Kepemimpinan Ezra sendiri sangat menonjol di kalangan orang-orang
Israel yang merindukan tanah air mereka itu. Dengan penuh
kewibawaan, Ezra menghimpun orang-orang Israel dan memimpin mereka
untuk pulang (Ezra 7:28b).

Bangsa Israel menghormati Ezra sebagai seorang pemimpin dalam
pengajaran firman Tuhan. Mereka mengakui kepakaran Ezra dalam
[pengetahuan tentang] Taurat. Mereka menghormati urapan jawatan
sebagai pengajar yang Tuhan berikan kepada hamba-Nya itu. Setelah
pendirian tembok kota Yerusalem selesai, Ezra mengajarkan Taurat
kepada seluruh rakyat sehingga mereka menjadi sadar dan bertobat
(Nehemia 8:1-10:39).

Kehidupan Doanya

Ezra pastilah seorang pemimpin yang memiliki kehidupan doa yang
kuat. Alkitab mencatat bahwa tangan Tuhan melindunginya (Ezra 7:6c)
dan Allah begitu melimpahkan kemurahan atas kehidupan dan pelayanan
kepemimpinannya (Ezra 7:9). Orang yang dekat dan mengandalkan Tuhan
pasti diberkati-Nya secara khusus.

Kehidupan doa Ezra, dalam arti hubungan akrabnya dengan Tuhan,
dibangun di atas dasar firman Tuhan. Ezra memiliki tekad yang sangat
kuat untuk meneliti Taurat Tuhan (Ezra 7:10). Ezra melakukan
penyelidikan itu tidak semata-mata sebagai sebuah studi atau riset
ilmiah karena ia seorang pakar Taurat, tetapi juga sebagai
perenungan atau meditasi rohani sehari-hari karena ia seorang imam.

Belakangan ini banyak pemimpin Kristen mengambil studi lanjut (S-2
atau S-3) di bidang teologi, baik teologi sebagai ilmu murni ataupun
ilmu terapan. Tetapi, sering kali pendalaman firman Tuhan melalui
studi seperti itu hanya untuk menambah ilmu dan tingkat kemampuan
akademis, tidak ada hubungannya dengan kehidupan doa. Seorang
pemimpin Kristen juga harus menyelidiki firman Tuhan sebagai sebuah
perenungan atau meditasi rohani melalui doa dan saat teduh setiap

Sebelum memimpin bangsa Israel pulang ke Yerusalem, Ezra melakukan
tindakan berikut ini: "Aku menguatkan hatiku, karena tangan Tuhan,
Allahku, melindungi aku" (Ezra 7:28b). Ezra memantapkan hati,
pikiran, dan mental, sebelum menjalankan kepemimpinannya. Dari
kalimat itu, tampak bahwa Ezra memohon kekuatan yang dari Tuhan.
Demikian juga pemimpin Kristen masa kini, Roh Kudus akan memberi
kekuatan mental melalui doa-doa yang kita naikkan.

Spirit doa Ezra sangat terlihat dari tindakannya menggerakkan umat
Israel untuk berdoa puasa secara massal. Karena telah memperoleh
banyak harta serta dukungan moral dari raja Artahsasta, Ezra merasa
malu meminta lagi bantuan pengawalan militer dari kerajaan Persia
itu (Ezra 8:22). Di sisi lain, ia menyadari bahwa perjalanan pulang
menuju Yerusalem sangat berisiko, apalagi rombongannya besar dan
membawa banyak barang berharga.

Ezra percaya bahwa Tuhan sanggup melindungi perjalanan pulang
mereka. Karena itu, Ezra memaklumkan doa puasa, memerintahkan umat
Israel untuk merendahkan diri dan memohon perlindungan dari Tuhan
(Ezra 8:21). Ada kalanya kita tidak bisa lagi meminta bantuan
manusia. Dalam hal ini, seorang pemimpin dituntut untuk mengandalkan
Tuhan, bergantung pada perlindungan-Nya yang ajaib.

Doa Pertobatan

Ezra melihat bahwa orang-orang Israel yang pulang itu sudah
menyimpang dari perintah Tuhan. Sampai-sampai para imam pun telah
mengambil perempuan kafir menjadi istri-istri mereka. Perilaku
menyimpang dari perintah Tuhan itu merupakan kekejian di hadapan
Allah Israel (Ezra 9:1-2, 14).

Melihat dosa itu, Ezra berkabung, tulisnya: "Ketika aku mendengar
perkataan itu, maka aku mengoyakkan pakaianku dan jubahku dan aku
mencabut rambut kepalaku dan janggutku dan duduklah aku tertegun"
(Ezra 9:3). Seorang pemimpin sejati akan hancur hati ketika rakyat
atau jemaatnya jatuh di dalam dosa.

Hancur hati merupakan modal dasar bagi sebuah doa yang berkenan.
Sering kali pemimpin Kristen tidak merasa bersalah apa pun ketika
ada anak buahnya yang jatuh dalam dosa. Ia tidak menyesal karena
gagal membina domba-dombanya. Pemimpin Kristen yang baik akan hancur
hati -- meskipun bukan berarti berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan --
ketika melihat jemaat atau orang-orangnya jatuh dalam dosa. Dari
hati yang hancur itulah muncul doa yang tulus kepada Tuhan, sama
seperti Ezra yang kemudian berdoa memohonkan pengampunan bagi umat

Sangat menarik jika kita mencermati reaksi Ezra kepada kaum Israel
yang berdosa itu. Ia tidak marah, dongkol, atau kecewa kepada
mereka. Ezra bukan tipe pemimpin yang suka menghakimi, menuduh, dan
mempersalahkan orang-orangnya. Tetapi, Ezra juga sangat merindukan
pertobatan kaumnya itu.

Ezra adalah seorang pemrakarsa kebangunan rohani. Akan tetapi ia
mempertobatkan orang bukan dengan khotbahnya yang berapi-api; ia
mempertobatkan orang banyak melalui doa yang dinaikkannya dengan
penuh penghayatan mendalam. Ia tidak berdiri di podium untuk
menyampaikan khotbah, tetapi ia berdiri di depan jemaah untuk
menaikkan doa-doa penyesalan (Ezra 9:5-15). Ezra berlutut,
mengoyakkan pakaian dan jubahnya, lalu menadahkan tangannya ke
hadirat Tuhan, serta menaikkan doa-doa penyesalan (Ezra 9:5).

Apa yang terjadi kemudian? Sementara Ezra berdoa dan mengaku dosa
sambil menangis, umat Israel berbondong-bondong datang dalam jumlah
yang sangat besar. Orang-orang itu menangis keras-keras (Ezra 10:1).
Terjadilah pertobatan nasional dan pembaruan komitmen kepada Tuhan.
Kadang, pemimpin Kristen tidak perlu berkhotbah untuk menyadarkan
kesalahan jemaatnya; mereka cukup berdoa, dan Roh Kudus menjamah
setiap orang sehingga mereka pun bertobat.

Diambil dan disunting seperlunya dari:
Judul buku: Mezbah Doa Para Pemimpin
Penulis: Haryadi Baskoro
Penerbit: Yayasan ANDI, Yogyakarta 2008
Halaman: 57 -- 62

KADOS (Kalender Doa SABDA)

Puji Tuhan, satu lagi sebuah publikasi baru diterbitkan oleh YLSA.
Publikasi yang bernama KADOS (Kalender Doa SABDA) ini adalah sebuah
publikasi yang lahir dari kerinduan YLSA untuk memberikan panduan
doa yang berisi panduan bagi Indonesia dan pelayanan YLSA kepada
Tubuh Kristus, agar melalui kesatuan hati dari setiap Tubuh Kristus,
Tuhan melawat dan memulihkan Indonesia serta nama Tuhan

Publikasi yang terbit setiap minggunya ini sifatnya terbuka bagi
denominasi gereja mana pun. Dengan menjadi pelanggan KADOS, maka
secara otomatis Anda juga menjadi pelanggan e-Doa, Open Doors, dan
30 Hari Doa. Jadi bagi pendoa-pendoa Kristen Indonesia yang ingin
dibekali menjadi pendoa Kristen seutuhnya, tunggu apa lagi? Kami
tunggu keikutsertaan Anda di publikasi ini.

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