Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Unprecedented Genocide – Please Help ANS Today

Unprecedented Genocide – Please Help ANS Today

By Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST News Service
Boko Haram attack on Nigerian churchLAKE FOREST, CA (ANS – June 29 2016) – This year we are facing an unprecedented attack on Christians around the world with murderous groups like ISIS in the Middle East, and Boko Haram in Nigeria, along with radicals in Iran and Pakistan.
More than 7,000 believers were killed for their faith in 2015 and over 100,000 were persecuted. But these alarming numbers do not include the innocent Christians slaughtered at the hands of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
In March, the United States Secretary of State John Kerry called the Islamic State atrocities a “genocide” – a term many evangelical Christians have been calling to be used for some time. Kerry said that in 2014, ISIS trapped Yazidis, killed them, enslaved thousands of Yazidi women and girls, “selling them at auction, raping them at will” and destroying the communities in which they had lived for countless generations,” executed Christians “solely for their faith” and also “forced Christian women and girls into slavery.”
The sad news is that 2016 is not looking any better and ANS pledges to keep you up to date and also bring you stories about courageous believers who need the world to know of their plight. Man on donkey fleeing from ISISBut we need your help!
Go to www.assistnews.net and then to DONATE TO ASSIST NEWS to give today!
This week is a special focus for ANS as we are holding our first ever ASSISTNEWS-A-THON. Your support empowers us to bring news stories from a Christian perspective and vital updates on the persecuted church. These are stories you will mainly not see anywhere else! So your gift of any amount, $25, $50, $100, $500, or more, will help us in our goal of raising $25,000 to keep providing this vital news service free to all our subscribers.
Remember that our persecuted brothers and sisters are depending on us to keep making the world aware of the terrible plight that so many of them are in, and we cannot let them down!
This year’s effort is more important than ever, as echoed by two of our CBN friends, Stan Jeter, founding producer of Christian World News (which has been carried weekly by CBN for around 22 years), and Gary Lane, the International News Director/Senior Reporter for CBN News.
Stan JeterCuban-born Jeter, who is also head of the highly-respected Global News Alliance, of which I am a member, said, “Dan Wooding has done us all a favor by providing a steady flow of stories about the persecuted church through his ASSIST News Service. Dan won’t let us ignore the plight of our suffering brothers and sisters around the world, and he’s right.
“They need our help, and we certainly need their example of valor. Thank you, Dan, for the many years you have faithfully served the cause of Christ through these stories and others about the church around the world.”
Gary Lane says, “I cannot imagine a world without the ASSIST News Service. Dan Wooding has worked tirelessly over the years to provide this valuable news source to Christians and others around the world interested in gaining indispensable insights on the global church.
“Christians will find many interesting sources of information available on the Internet, but few are like ANS -- providing breaking stories about Christian persecution and positive news about the work being done by ministries and churches internationally and here in the United States.”
Gary Lane useGary Lane added: “Please bookmark ANS in your web browser—and support Dan Wooding’s efforts to bring this important, trusted news service to Christians around the world!”
Will you take a stand with the persecuted church today and give generously. Your deeply-appreciated gift will help us honor those courageous believers who are suffering for their faith, by telling their stories.
Just log onto www.assistnews.net and click on the “DONATE TO ASSIST NEWS” button to make your generous gift. Or, send a check made out to “ASSIST” and mail it to: PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609, USA. Every dollar your send will make a huge difference for persecuted believers -- our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Remember, also in the US, all of your gifts are tax-deductible.
smaller ASSISTNEWS A THON logoI hope I can depend on you today. Thank you on behalf of our ANS team!
Photo captions: 1) People gather outside the ruins of a church targeted by a Boko Haram suicide bomber in a church in Jos, Nigeria. 2) Man on donkey fleeing from ISIS. 3) Stan Jeter, founding producer of Christian World News. (Photo courtesy of Alex Perry). 4) Gary Lane, International News Director/Senior Reporter for CBN News. 5) Our logo designed by ASSIST Board member, Stuart Bennett, who worked for CBN for many years.
** Please feel free to republish this or any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).

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