Getting Jesus’ Pulse on the Florida Shootings
By Brian Nixon, Special to ASSIST News Service (Writer’s Opinion)
only thing the news was reporting at the time was that the venue was a
gay club (named Pulse) and that the gunmen’s motive (his name hadn’t
been released at the time) was unknown. Only later was it revealed that
he was a devout Muslim.
then various news agencies have been giving hourly updates concerning
his motives. Some say he had gay tendencies; his wife said he was
mentally ill; his father suggested that he hated gays. And in a new
video released from 2010, Mateen, working as a security guard at a
Florida site after the BP oil spill, shows him talking about people who
make money off disasters. Ironic!
things are clear in the midst of the senseless act of violence: the
plight of the homosexual community is front and center and terrorism is
alive and well. Whether it’s true that Mateen hated homosexuals has yet
to be determined. But even if he did, Christians must answer the
question: what should our attitude towards homosexuals be? And, did
Jesus hate homosexuals?
The answer I propose is, no, Jesus doesn’t hate them; rather, He loves them.
According to,
“Two in every 100 males, and one in every 100 female Americans,
consider themselves to be gay or lesbian.” [2]. The Williams Institute
states that this number translates to roughly eight million ‘adults in
the US who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual, compromising 3-5 percent of
the adult population.’” [3]. Though some debate these statistics, the
reality is that our society -- and the world at large -- has a
population of individuals that are homosexual. This fact can't be
reality of homosexuality cuts across political, religious, and social
boundaries. It's a very real topic discussed in the media, from pulpits,
and in political campaigns across the United States and world. To some,
the topic is a cultural grenade, exploding every time it is addressed.
To others, it is a fundamental topic of human dignity and
self-definition. And, possibly, for others, it is a case for mass
may be someone who considerers himself or herself gay, lesbian,
bisexual, or transgender. Or maybe you know someone who is struggling in
this area. What they thought was a matter of coming to grips with their
identity has taken them away from their identity in Christ, and they
need a friend who loves both them and God's truth.
does not necessitate a sinister attitude towards homosexuals—or anyone
else caught up in a particular grievance against God. In fact, our
witness to a lost and suffering world calls for pursuing God's truth
with conviction, clarity, and -- here it is -- compassion. We all need
God's tender mercies.
In order to understand the issue, let’s define and discover what the Bible has to say concerning homosexuality.
to this definition, homosexuality is not so much an act as it is a
“state of being”; that is, one of the attributes of the person, part of a
person's identity. For thousands of years, however, homosexuality was
defined by its practice; identity politics is a fairly recent
distinction, aided by current studies seeking to prove that there is a
direct connection between homosexuality and genetics.
Bible is clear in its discussion of homosexuality: it is considered a
sin. Yet it is not the unpardonable sin. In a few references,
homosexuality is grouped with other known sins.2 Here are some of the
more commonly cited Biblical references:
Leviticus 18:22: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.”
Romans 1:24,26-27:
“Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their
hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves…For even their women
exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the
men, leaving the natural use of women, burned in their lust for one
another, men with men committing what is shameful.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of
God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous,
nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom
of God.”
1 Corinthians 6:11:
“And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were
sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by
the Spirit of our God.”
And finally, here are some ideas to help you develop a plan in showing the love of Christ to your homosexual friends and family.
the Christian should “strive to create an environment in which sexual
issues—including homosexual feelings or practices can be confronted and
discussed openly and sensitively.”
Quoting Stanton L. Jones, McDowell suggests “the key to compassion is to see ourselves in another, to see our common humanity.”
Christian needs to help the person receive and acknowledge God’s love
and forgiveness; communicate unconditional acceptance and love for the
person clearly and verbally; guide the person to understand that God
loves him or her; reinforce their positive traits and abilities.
Point the person to a proper understanding of Scripture.
states, “Take every opportunity to allow [the person] to make his or
her own determination about effecting an exit from the homosexual
Refer the person to biblical professionals and resources.
homosexuality gaining political and cultural momentum and horrific
action taken against them, chances are good that you'll have a chance to
share the love of Christ with someone caught in that lifestyle.
topic of homosexuality cuts across political, religious, and social
boundaries. It's a very real topic discussed in the media, from pulpits,
and in political campaigns across the United States and world. To some,
the topic is a cultural grenade, exploding every time it is addressed.
To others, it is a fundamental topic of human dignity and
self-definition. And, possibly, for others, it is a case for mass
the central issue is that Jesus loves all people and yearns for a
changed life, a life devoted to Him. The question I have is that if
Jesus loves homosexuals; will you? Will you stand up for them in the
midst of horror and let them know that Jesus loves them and so do you as
a follower of Christ!
4. McDowell, Josh and Hostetler, Bob. Handbook on Counseling Youth. Word Publishing, 1996. Pages 320-321.
Photo captions: 1) Pulse nightclub in Orlando. 2) The shooter, Omar Matten. 3) Sharing grief after the massacre. 4) Brian Nixon.
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