Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Child Laborer Struggles to Survive

Child Laborer Struggles to Survive

Gospel for Asia
For Immediate Release

CARROLLTON, TX (ANS) -- Abandoned by his parents when he was a young child, 12-year-old Sihaam has been alone and living in the slum as long as he could remember. He has no knowledge of his parents' whereabouts. All he has ever known is a life of working and begging in order to survive.
A child laborer
Sihaam worked in a tea shop cleaning dishes, but this job didn't always provide the money for food he desperately needed. He would wait outside a local food shop for just a handful of rice each day.
As he traveled back to the slum from the tea shop one day, Sihaam was distracted and intrigued by a group of children he saw gathered together. He made his way to the group to see what was going on and discovered it was a program for children in need run by Gospel for Asia workers. Something changed in Sihaam's heart that day, and he made the decision to not return to his job as a tea shop laborer.
Shortly after his first encounter with the Gospel for Asia staff members, a teacher from the center and a local pastor visited Sihaam and invited him to regularly attend the program. Sihaam now happily comes to the center and listens attentively during the lessons from God's Word.
Sihaam made the life-changing decision to follow Jesus after being introduced to His love and grace at the center.
Please pray for:
* The Lord to continue to protect Sihaam.
* Wisdom and grace for the staff members who are teaching and loving the children in the centers.
Learn what Gospel for Asia workers are doing to help these precious children by going to http://www.gfa.org/ministries/abandoned-children/?cm_mmc=GFAReports-_--_--_-

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