Embers of revival fire still burning in North Carolina
By Mark Ellis, Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service
seen over 300 people saved over the last 4-6 weeks,” says D.R.
Harrison. “All the sparks from the Burlington revival have overflowed
and broken out in other areas. People are getting saved, people fired up
for God. It’s been amazing to see what God’s been doing.”
May revival arrived in Burlington at New Hope Baptist Church and lasted
through July. Pastor Randy Hobbs had invited evangelist C.T. Townsend
to spend a week in his church, and as the power of God fell many were
saved and the revival stretched on in a borrowed tent that held 3500
people — filled to capacity every night.
video editing led to a dramatic encounter with God. “For the first time
in 12 years, the Holy Spirit started dealing with my heart while
editing those videos,” he recounts.
his smart phone, Harrison began to watch a live stream of the revival
service and the power of the Word and the Spirit overwhelmed him. He got
down on his knees and cried out to God for salvation.
He was born again and “everything I had been taught in my youth made sense for the first time,” he says.
engagements as he answered God’s call to share the Gospel.
only reason the (revival) meeting shut down (in July) is because we
couldn’t keep the tent any longer. The man needed the tent back.”
the last night of the meeting 62 were saved. The tent was packed full.
The power of God was so real. It was just unbelievable. It broke our
hearts to shut it down. We tried every angle to keep it going,” he says.
a new tent to accommodate 6500 people is currently being made and will
be completed by February 2017. They hope to set it up once more in
Burlington and re-launch the revival meetings in May.
captions: 1) C.T. Townsend preaching at Burlington revival 2) Many
nights the tent overflowed. 3) D.R. Harrison sharing his testimony. 4)
Mark Ellis being welcomed to the set of “Windows on the World” by ANS
founder, Dan Wooding.
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