Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

All You Need... My Power!

All You Need... My Power!

My child, Goliath put fear in the heart of every warrior, causing them to want to run and cower in the shadows. Yet, there was David who was different from the rest. He was ready to step out in my power and run straight towards Goliath. He was fully confident that I would give him victory in battle.
He stepped out with just some stones and a slingshot. He was sure that his enemy would come down right before his eyes. Today I tell you, my child, to look at what I have given you and be confident that I will use what you have to help you gain the victory in your life. You do not have to have the best war skills. You do not have to have the greatest weapons.
Don't you realize that I have given you exactly what I want you to have. I have not given you the same sword as everyone else and I did that for a reason. So do not look down on what you have. Do not compare your weapons to others thinking that what you have is nothing in comparison.
David saw that what he had was not just a sling, but ultimately my power. This is all you need, my child. The size of your weapon is not what counts and neither does the quantity of your weaponry make a difference. Just trust Me and let Me empower the tools in your hand to take down the enemy before you, says the Lord.

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