Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

CEN’s ReadyBatonRouge Responds to today’s Officer Shootings

CEN’s ReadyBatonRouge Responds to today’s Officer Shootings

By Michael Ireland, Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net)
PHOENIX, AZ (ANS, July 17, 2016) -- Christian Emergency Network (CEN) is responding to the latest shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge, LA by calling all Christians to prayer and supporting ReadyBatonRouge to assist the community in building bridges between local law enforcement and the community.
mi armed Police Officer in Baton Rouge 07172016In today’s shooting incident, three Police officers are reported to be dead, three officers are wounded and one is in critical condition. Two suspects remain at large while one suspect is dead from an active shooter incident in Baton Rouge, LA today.
“CEN is monitoring the unfolding situation, bringing awareness to the Christian community and setting up a virtual response team to support ReadyBatonRouge. CEN is activating its chaplaincy network on the heels of the Dallas, TX Police Department incident,” Mary Marr of CEN told ASSIST News Service (ANS).
In a statement made available to ANS, Marr said: “CEN stands with Baton Rouge, LA Mayor who has called for Christian churches, in particular, to bring the Hope of Christ by tangibly bringing the community together to bridge the gap between the law enforcement and the community.
mi Mary Marr 07172016“CEN ReadyBatonRouge is responding to that call by assisting local leaders to identify their unique critical needs by offering timely biblical principles to help their community come into agreement to meet those needs together, and by supporting their biblical response to the actual crisis.”
ReadyCity and ReadyChurch FREE trainings equip churches and city networks in these critical times to self-organize and mobilize to respond biblically for such a time as this. Learn More here www.christianemergencynetwork.org.
Marr is asking Christians across the US to pray for the families of the slain Baton Rouge officers as well as the suspect to know the “peace that passes all understanding” as only Christ can provide, and also for first responders to have protection and wisdom for the days ahead.
Marr also suggests prayer for CEN’s ReadyBatonRouge leaders to assist the community to come together in peaceful partnership with local law enforcement, to identify the needs of the community, and to respond to those needs in a God honoring manner.
Finally, Marr is urging Christians to stand together with greater awareness of the threats and risks to the Christian community, by collaborating and training fellow Christians in biblical readiness, and by standing together in biblical response to these multiple attacks nationwide so that Christ may be made known.
CEN’s ReadyBatonRouge response will include prayer gatherings, organizing and facilitating citywide “need identifying” gatherings, tangibly caring for the officers’ families, and by lovingly sharing the Gospel with those who are affected in this community and beyond.
To get started with a CEN ‘Ready’response team in your area:
2. Download CEN’s FREE ‘ReadyChurch’ online training
3. Contact a CEN Advisor for assistance as needed
mi CEN LOgo 07172016Marr concluded: “Every Christian needs to be ready to respond biblically to emergencies large or small. Christian Emergency Network unites Christian volunteers, community leaders and emergency professionals in equipping the Church to be aware and ready to respond in emergencies large and small.”
To learn more about how you or your Christian organization can be prepared to respond to emergencies big and small go to www.christianemergencynetwork.org.
For interviews with CEN please contact: Telephone (800) 260-5637 or mail@christianemergencynetwork.org .
Christian Emergency Network, 39506 N Daisy Mountain Drive, STE 122-614, Phoenix, Arizona 85086.
Photo captions: 1) Armed officers resopond to officer shootings in Baton Rouge (ocregister.com). 2) Mary Marr of CEN (CEN Photo). 3) CEN Logo. 4) Michael Ireland.
Michael Ireland small useAbout the Writer: Michael Ireland is a volunteer internet journalist serving as Senior Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, as well as an Ordained Minister who has served with ASSIST Ministries and written for ASSIST News Service since its beginning in 1989. He has reported for ANS from Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Israel, Jordan, China, and Russia. To help partner with Michael in ministry, log-on to: https://ACTINTL.givingfuel.com/ireland-michael.
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