Selasa, 10 September 2013

URGENT: Help missionaries share God’s love with Syrian Refugees

Syria E-Alert
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
As the massive exodus of Syrian refugees continues to escalate, Christian Aid Mission is stepping up its efforts to help alleviate the suffering and bring hope in the midst of desperate circumstances.
Christian Aid has been partnering with indigenous ministries in the Middle East to provide physical and spiritual assistance to refugees since the start of the crisis. The ministries are providing food, blankets, clothing, milk for children, and shelter to needy families. They are also praying with the refugees, listening to their heartbreaking stories, and sharing the good news of the Prince of Peace—Jesus Christ.
The need is immense, and Christian Aid’s network of indigenous ministries in adjoining countries as well as within Syria itself are poised to respond with more emergency relief. They are pleading for Christians around the world to assist them through prayers and financial support.

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