Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

How a Miracle Has Brought My Husband Back Into Ministry

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How a Miracle Has Brought My Husband Back Into Ministry
Now, he and I, believe that India needs to be evangelized - fast!

By Mercy Ciniraj
Special to ASSIST News Service
KOTTAYAM, KERALA, INDIA (ANS) -- My husband, Pastor Paul Ciniraj of India, whom I married some 25 years ago, was the Director of the Salem Voice Ministries, but resigned due to the sickness some four years ago.
Pastor Paul Ciniraj and his wife Mercy
And I glad to say that he has recovered from terrible persecution, which including three beatings to the head and being left for dead, and then seeing God miraculously healing him from leukemia which he developed four years ago.
As that time, people from Islam criticized him saying that this sickness was a "punishment from Allah for becoming a Christian and preaching the Gospel." But our Lord showed them His love and protection towards His people by his miraculous healing.
Praise God for his unspeakable mercy. Our Lord Jesus graciously touched him by HIS nailed hands - poured His precious Blood into his veins and give him total healing from leukemia. It happened one night, when our Lord Jesus Christ appeared before him in a dream and touched him from the top of his head to tips of his toes by His nailed hands and said, "Be healed" and then at the very moment, my husband experienced the supernatural power of healing.
After his miraclous healing, Pastor Paul is
seen preaching in the open air
This miracle occurred during a time when one of the most famous oncologist's in India -- a Hindu -- had been giving him treatment. He is very busy doctor who was taking care of many cancer patients, yet, when he found that my husband was healed completely, he sat with him for about an hour and asked Paul to share his testimony.
My husband shared his conversion from Islam to Christianity, persecution from Muslims, and the Lord's protection despite being in such danger. Hearing the testimony, the doctor accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior and then asked Paul, to pray for him. Also the doctor requested him to visit his patients often to share the Word of God and pray for them.
During those four years that he was not in the ministry, he was taking rest as well as spending time in prayer and meditating on the Word of God.
Now I am so glad to say that he and I are now both fully involved in our Lord's ministry. We concentrate on evangelizing India and winning souls unto Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching and doing charitable works.
Paul presents a Bible to a sick lady
We also donate Bibles in all different Indian language and distribute the Scriptures to the sick, poor, needy and gentiles, but we also share the Good News with Muslims who now form an underground church here in India.
There is great hunger for the Word of God in our land, which is the second largest in the world, just behind China, with 1.2 billion people. India has 16 major languages and hundreds of medium and small languages, though Hindi is the National language.
The Bible Society of India, publishes the Holy Bible in 65 languages in India and the New Testament in an additional 69 languages. Translations are ongoing in another 75 languages. In all of India there are only 2% Christians. India's population is more than 1.2 Billion. Out of this 80% Hindus, 14% Muslims, 2% Christians and others are 6%. 98 out of 100 are unreached with the Gospel. It is our aim to donate Bibles, New Testaments and simple Gospels throughout India in many languages as much as we can. By our ministry, many Hindus and Muslims are experiencing the Salvation of Jesus Christ
There are an estimated 35 million orphans (all of sub-Saharan Africa has 43 million) and 9% of all children in India are orphans.
Old man with his old Bible
and new one
No country can rival India's children in need. Nearly 400 million people living here are under 18, and over 70 million are child laborers, 10 million are bonded laborers (a form of slavery to pay off family debts), 13 million are homeless, and 2 million are street children without families.
There is widespread child abuse, and there is a deficit of 40 million girls because of female feticide. (The word "feticide" is used simply to mean causing the death of the fetus, usually prior to some form of abortion. It is shocking to say that over 20,000 ultrasound clinics thrive on this illegal practice. There are also 575,000 child prostitutes and there is a massive trade in Bangladeshi and Nepali girls sold into prostitution.
* Malnutrition affects nearly half of all children under age five.
* The adult literacy rate has a wide discrepancy between males - 73%, and females - 48% (2000-2004). .Only 59 percent of boys and 47 percent of girls attend Secondary school (1996-2005).
* AIDS has spread rapidly in India and some estimates have said that by 2020 there could be 200 million carrying HIV.
Still missionaries and evangelists are facing much persecutions against evangelizing India. But our Lord's return is very near. So India need to be evangelized so fast. The harvest is plenty; but the laborers are few; prayer supporters are also even less. Please have a thirst for India's evangelization.
We seek prayers and supports for our Lord's ministry here in India.
Here is our e-mail for those who wish to contact us: mercyciniraj@gmail.com 
And this is our mailing address:
Pastor Paul Ciniraj & Mrs. Mercy Ciniraj.
Baseelia, Devalokam (P.O),
Kottayam-686004, Kerala, INDIA
I hope you will join us in this vital task of evangelizing India - fast!


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