Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin July 2013 Update

Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin July 2013 Update
-- 'for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood . . .' (Ephesians 6:12f)

By Elizabeth Kendal
Religious Liberty Prayer Bulleting (RLPB) 221
Special to ASSIST News Service

AUSTRALIA (ANS) -- For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
(2 Corinthians 10:3-4, ESV)
JULY 2013 UPDATE -- During July we prayed concerning . . .
* MALAYSIA (RLPB 217), where children were put at risk of forced conversion by a draft law that had been submitted directly to Parliament, by-passing the Cabinet where certainly it would have been rejected by non-Muslim members. Doubtless the government hoped it would be approved without scrutiny. PRAISE GOD, the plot failed and the ruling Barisan Nasional was forced to withdraw the Bill so it could be scrutinised by the Cabinet.
UPDATE: THE STRUGGLE FOR CHILDREN CONTINUES -- On Thursday 25 July a Malaysian High Court quashed the religious conversion of three children who had been converted to Islam in a Sharia Court in 2009 by their convert father, in their absence and without the consent of their Hindu mother. Justice Lee Swee Seng declared the religious conversions 'unlawful' a nd 'unconstitutional'. But the four-year legal battle is still not over. The husband, K Patmanathan (now known as Mohammad Ridzuan Abdullah), will appeal the ruling (unless he is found to be in contempt of court). Pray that the court will uphold the rights of children not to be converted to Islam at the whim of a convert parent. [In Islam, conversion is essentially a legal and not a spiritual matter.]
* EGYPT (RLPB 218), where the military had ousted Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, in a military coup staged under the cover of anti-Morsi protests. This triggered a violent backlash against anti-Morsi forces, particularly the Coptic Church.
UPDATE: The military is pursuing its own interests while deflecting blame onto anti-Morsi protesters. Recently they called for anti-Morsi forces to come out into the streets and provide the military with a mand ate to crack down on 'terrorism', i.e., the Muslim Brotherhood. Now the military is using lethal force against Muslim Brotherhood protesters, claiming a mandate from the pro-secular forces. Is the military really trying to set Egypt on a path to civil war? Pray for the Church in Egypt.
* PAKISTAN (RLPB 219) where Muslims in the sectarian hot-spot of Gojra have accused Christians of sending blasphemous text messages by mobile phone. Instead of applying the law, the police and the court are only interested in appeasing belligerent Muslims and clerics. Pray for the Church in Pakistan.
* IRAN (RLPB 220), where persecution -- including the closing of Farsi-speaking fellowships and the imprisonment of converts from Islam -- is continuing under t he new president, Hassan Rouhani. Pray for Iran's Christian prisoners.
JULY 2013 ROUND-UP -- also this month . . .
A letter from a local believer in Bangui has been forwarded to RLPB. The writer describes the situation as like 'enduring Calvary', adding that it is only 'by the grace of God that we survive'. The picture is one of utter devastation, rampant hunger and widespread terror. 'From what we are currently experiencing we have the impression that it is Islam -- at the expense of Christianity -- that is in the process of settling in our secular country.' [The full text of the letter is on Religious Liberty Monitoring.] The Catholic Church's Peace and Justice Commission likewise laments the wanton destruction, rampant looting and extreme violence, stating: 'It seems Beelzebub, chief of all de mons, now inhabits the hearts of certain daughters and sons of this country.' The Secretary-General of the Central African Republic's Catholic Bishops' Conference, Mgr Doumalo, told CatholicHerald.co.uk that Christians face continual danger and uncertainty. 'This is why we're asking the world not to forget us,' he said.
In Eritrea, the law requires all citizens between the ages of 18 and 40 to perform national service, comprising 6 months military training and 12 months deployment. It is not uncommon for the deployment to be extended and for conscripts to be exploited as slave labour. Cruelty, including torture, is widespread. To address the problem of evasion, in 2003 the government ruled that the final year of secondary school be undertaken at the Sawa Military Training Camp (SMTC). Amnesty International reports that some of these students are under 18, with some as young as 15. A student must complete this military service to graduate. Every year reports emerge of Protestant Christian students suffering violent persecution in SMTC. On 25 July Morning Star News reported that 39 school students in SMTC had been excluded from graduation. They were being subjected to beatings and forced hard labour with insufficient food and water, as well as being threatened with prison, simply because they refuse to 'renounce Christ'. Pray for the Church in Eritrea, particularly for these youths.
Christian converts started fleeing Afghanistan around 2005 as the Taliban gained strength. In May 2009 a Kabul-based television network, Noorin TV, broadcast images taken of a worship and a baptismal service in a Kabul secret house church. A member of the Afghan parliament subsequently called for apostates to be executed. An estimated 100 Afghan Christian converts fled to India in the following months. Afghan converts are still arriving in India, with some 40 up to July this year . The Afghan Church of New Delhi has from 200 to 250 Afghan converts, refugees who have fled religious persecution in Afghanistan. Whilst they are relatively safe now, as Afghans they suffer discrimination in Indian society, as well as hostility from Afghan Muslims who despise them as apostates. Pray that God will bless, protect, provide for and build his Afghan Church in India.
Madhya Pradesh {in central India) is ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). It has long had a law requiring that those who convert to anything other than Hinduism must notify the authorities. [Hindu nationalists do not regard conversion to Hinduism as conversion, but as 'ghar vaspi': i.e. 'homecoming' or reversion.] On 10 July the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly voted to increase the repression by passing a bill that requires converts and clergy to obtain permission from the authorities prior to conversion. An application form prov iding names of converts, as well as the date and venue of any conversion ceremony (baptism), must be submitted to the district magistrate one month prior to conversion. Once a request is submitted, the police may investigate. If the prospective converts are minors, women or members of Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes (Dalits), the legislation stipulates a jail term of up to four years and/or a fine of up to 100,000 rupees (US$1,680). The law is unconstitutional, breaching the citizen's rights to privacy and freedom of religion. India's BJP-led states are enacting laws that are unconstitutional knowing the Federal Government is unwilling or unable to defend the constitutional rights of citizens. Pray for God's intervention in India.
To view this RLPB with all hyperlinks, and to access archives, visit the Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin blog.


GPN 07-31-2013

GPN 07-31-2013

‘When there is a delay in answering of your prayer, try praising God.’ (Psalm 100:4-5)
Then surely we will meet the love and faithfulness of God this week. Kind regards from Marga Hooglugt – GPN
URGENT: Prayer request for healing and strength for Mrs. T.D. She has a tumor in her stomach and her abdomen is swollen. She gets her first chemo treatments. Mr. D.v.D.
URGENT: Please pray for healing for a little boy M. of 4 to 5 weeks old. He is seriously ill in hospital. They do not know what is wrong.
URGENT: The father of my girlfriend A. has asbestos cancer. The doctors cannot help him, but I believe God can. Pray for his healing, so he will be healthy again. Mr. R.R.
URGENT: Mr. C.R. has problems with his coronary artery and cardiac arrhythmias. Doctors has been given him electric shocks, but this only helped for 1.5 days. Pray for a miracle of healing and for the conversion of him and his wife. Ms. R.
URGENT Canada: Please pray for a miracle of healing of my aunt D. from cancer. And for strength for her husband and children. Mrs. Z.S.
Mrs. v.S. asks us to pray for healing from a bad headache on the right side of her head.
Please pray for financial blessings for me and my family. That the Lord will bless my husband V. with good business work, and will give him wisdom to do the right thing. Pray also that God will provide in our financial problems. Ms. M.S.
Egypt: Magdy Lamie, a 59-year-old Egyptian Christian, was beheaded this month by radical Muslims, further emphasizing the danger of being a Christian in Egypt, a VOM contact reported. In the city of Luxor, Christian leaders received reports that four other believers were martyred. In Upper Egypt near Menia City, church meetings have been canceled and Christians avoid moving about in public for fear of being attacked. Radicals have painted marks on local Christian-owned shops to make for easy attack and to warn outsiders not to purchase from the Christians. Many Christian shop owners have closed their shops. Christian women and girls are staying at home to prevent being attacked or kidnapped by radical Muslims. Please pray for God’s protection, provision and strength.
Please pray that my beloved stays strong and resists the temptation. Pray that when we see each other in a few weeks, all will be as perfect and blessed and we will be married soon. I am very grateful for God’s help in the past. Ms. D.
India: Pray for the families of seven Christian men imprisoned in Odisha. Ask God to bless the Christians who are helping and supporting their wives, children and other dependents.
Pray for peace, healing and trust and faith in God for Mrs. Z. She is being attacked with severe nerve pain on her chest, caused by tensions and loneliness.
Iran: On July 16th eight Iranian Christians were sentenced to prison after being convicted of ‘action against national security’ and ‘propaganda against the system’. The sentences, which range from one to six years in length, follow the court’s issuance of bail amounts ranging from $80,000 to $200,000. The Christians are expected to appeal their convictions. The National Council of the Church of Iran said the charges against the eight Christians were entirely without foundation and that they would continue to ‘pray for our leaders and for peace and reconciliation in our nation.’ In Iran, non-Muslim religious activities are commonly characterized as threats to national security. VOM Contact
Please agree with me in prayer for God to open doors concerning my work. I need clarity about going into business or going to work. Ms. A.
Guinea: The violence against Christians in Guinea, especially along the Liberia and Ivory Coast borders, has been steadily increasing. Three churches in Guinea were burned and Christians have been told that they will be taken into the forest and forced to endure animalistic ritual ceremonies. Christians are often refused jobs, robbed and ridiculed, and new Christian converts are immediately ostracized by family and friends. A number of Christians have had children or wives taken from them, while others have suffered physical violence because of their faith in Christ. Please pray for them.
Mrs. D. asks prayer for healing from pneumonia. She wants to go for a project to Israel. Pray for God’s blessing, peace and provision, and that she will be able to pay the rent of her current house.
Mrs. M. has the flu and asks to pray for healing.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! To God be the glory for taking care of my case in the Supreme Court and granting me victory. ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’ (Romans 8:31). Mr. J.G.C.
Would you pray for and like to listen to uplifting Christian music?

Apa Itu Hukum Syariat?

Apa Itu Hukum Syariat? Sebuah Penerapan Modern

Syariat merupakan sebuah sistem atau pranata hukum, politik, teologi, dan militer, yang dikembangkan selama satu milenium (setelah Muhammad). Syariat merupakan 'jalan' bagi jutaan orang Muslim. Hukum syariat yang ketat diterapkan di 35 negara dan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah diterapkan di negara-negara Muslim lainnya. Hukum ini sedang diperkenalkan sebagai sistem 'ganda'/'rangkap' pada pengadilan-pengadilan di beberapa negara Barat, terutama mengenai masalah-masalah dalam keluarga Muslim. Dan, orang Muslim yang mempraktikkan, kebanyakan tidak tahu banyak tentang syariat kecuali peraturan-peraturan agama yang mendasar (sembahyang/doa, berpuasa, memberi sedekah, dan seterusnya).

Penerapan Syariat

Syariat berisi kategori-kategori dan pokok-pokok hukum Islam yang disebut cabang dari fikih (secara harfiah berarti, 'pengertian'). Aturan-aturan itu meliputi peribadahan, hubungan kekeluargaan, warisan, perdagangan, hukum kepemilikan, hukum perdata, hukum kriminal, administrasi, perpajakan, konstitusi, hubungan internasional, perang dan etika, dan sub-sub kategori lainnya. Ini mencakup segala sesuatu mulai dari hal-hal praktis seperti hukum yang mengatur makanan, perbankan, hingga ke sistem pemerintahan, yang disebut Khilafah.

Tentu jutaan orang Muslim di seluruh dunia tidak mengikuti (bahkan sering kali tidak mengetahui) aspek-aspek hukum syariat yang ketat. Meskipun ini merupakan dasar sistem hukum dan politik bagi orang Muslim, namun sesungguhnya syariat diterapkan dengan beraneka cara dan tingkatan di seluruh planet bumi ini. Yang menjadi sumber utamanya adalah Alquran dan Sunnah. Namun, sebagaimana halnya sistem hukum mana pun, syariat pun terbuka terhadap penafsiran dan diperdebatkan oleh sarjana-sarjana Muslim di mana-mana. Pada salah satu sisi, kita lihat contoh penerapan ekstrem syariat di negara-negara seperti Afganistan. Pada sisi lain, para sarjana Muslim mengabaikan aspek-aspek yang keras, dengan alasan tidak dapat bertahan di dalam dunia yang sudah masuk dalam globalisasi. Beberapa pemimpin Muslim sungguh-sungguh mengkhotbahkan syariat yang ketat, namun kebanyakan orang Muslim merasa takut dan tidak bersedia menjalani hidup di bawah hukum syariat.

Bagaimana Seharusnya Orang Kristen Bersikap?

Jangan bereaksi hanya untuk laporan media. Kadang kala, kita membiarkan persepsi yang salah dan kurangnya pemahaman sehingga menimbulkan sikap yang salah dan kurangnya kasih sayang terhadap masyarakat Muslim. Kita perlu bertobat atas sikap-sikap kita yang salah, atas sikap apatis, dan ketidaksukaan terhadap orang-orang Muslim. Kita harus tahu bahwa Roh Kudus sedang bekerja di hati mereka dan memberikan kepada mereka rasa haus akan suatu pengertian yang benar tentang kekristenan. Tuhan sedang bekerja di antara orang Muslim melalui kesaksian orang-orang Kristen dan melalui penyataan langsung. Karena itu, mari kita dengan tekun berdoa berdasarkan komitmen agar ada penerimaan terhadap Injil Yesus Kristus oleh seluruh masyarakat Muslim.



Saya dilahirkan dan tinggal di daerah Pemakaman Tionghoa Sukhawadee di Nong Khee, Thailand. Leluhur saya berimigrasi dari Cina dan menetap di Provinsi Chonburi. Saya belajar ilmu Feng Shui dan astrologi sejak usia 7 tahun dari beberapa guru yang melakukan upacara spiritual di tempat pemakaman.

Saya senang memperhatikan upacara yang dilakukan oleh guru-guru Feng Shui, seperti berkomunikasi dengan roh-roh, mengusir roh jahat, dan berkomunikasi dengan roh orang mati. Sekalipun masih kecil, saya sangat tertarik dan dapat dengan baik menghafal metode-metode meramal dan juga berbagai prosedur upacara berkaitan dengan Feng Shui di tempat pemakaman. Dalam studi saya tentang ilmu Feng Shui, saya menemukan bahwa pengetahuan ini bukan saja berlaku bagi orang yang sudah mati, melainkan juga bagi yang masih hidup.

Pada usia 20 tahun, saya sudah menjadi seorang konsultan Feng Shui dan peramal yang cukup terkenal; klien saya termasuk politikus, pejabat tinggi negara, dan juga pengusaha. Bahkan, tokoh Feng Shui yang lain datang berkonsultasi pada saya. Upah saya lumayan mahal, dari beberapa ratus Baht hingga beberapa ribu Baht, tergantung tingkat kesulitannya. Saya terlibat dalam desain dan pembangunan beberapa pemakaman di Thailand.

Tahun 1996, saya dipekerjakan oleh Gereja Sapan Luang untuk membangun dan merawat tempat pemakaman milik gereja. Saya dipekerjakan sebagai kepala teknisi tempat pemakaman dan saya masih meneruskan bisnis konsultan Feng Shui saya.

Namun, setiap kali saya bekerja di tempat pemakaman Kristen, saya tidak bisa menahan diri dari bertanya-tanya, "Mengapa keluarga orang-orang Kristen, yang tidak pernah memakai ilmu Feng Shui untuk menguburkan orang mati, menjalani kehidupan yang bahagia dan baik-baik?" Sebaliknya, tempat pemakaman yang dibangun berdasarkan ilmu Feng Shui tidak dapat memberikan kebahagiaan kepada keturunan mereka. Akibatnya, banyak makam leluhur yang dibongkar dan dipindahkan ke tempat lain untuk memperbaiki keberuntungan keturunan mereka, yang ternyata gagal dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun bisnis mereka.

Serangkaian pertanyaan muncul di benak saya. Mengapa keluarga orang-orang Kristen yang mati dan dikuburkan di pemakaman non-Feng Shui itu bahagia dan makmur? Dan juga upacara pemakaman mereka juga menarik: menyanyi lagu-lagu pujian dan khotbah, tidak begitu serius dan formal seperti non-Kristen. Mereka juga tidak kelihatan terlalu sedih.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini menghantui saya. Suatu hari, saat saya melakukan survei ke pemakaman dan membaca tulisan-tulisan di batu nisan, saya banyak melihat tulisan-tulisan, "Jawab Yesus: 'Akulah kebangkitan dan hidup; barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, ia akan hidup walaupun ia sudah mati, dan setiap orang yang hidup dan yang percaya kepada-Ku, tidak akan mati selama-lamanya'"; "Bagiku hidup adalah Kristus dan mati adalah keuntungan"; dan "Tuhan adalah gembalaku, takkan kekurangan aku." Saat membaca kalimat-kalimat itu, saya tidak memahami arti kata-kata itu dan saya juga tidak tahu bahwa ayat-ayat itu dari Alkitab.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu saya simpan dalam hati. Di waktu yang bersamaan, saya berusaha untuk mencari kebenaran apakah ilmu Feng Shui benar-benar dapat memperkayakan orang. Saya mulai dengan mengamati bahwa orang-orang yang datang berkonsultasi ke ahli Feng Shui adalah orang-orang kaya karena tarif yang dipasang sangatlah tinggi (jika Feng Shui Master itu terkenal). Saya sangat yakin bahwa tidak ada ahli Feng Shui yang dapat memperkayakan orang karena mereka yang datang semuanya sudah kaya. Alasan mengapa orang kaya berkonsultasi ke ahli Feng Shui adalah karena mereka takut jatuh miskin atau mau menjadi lebih kaya lagi. Sering kali, yang berkonsultasi adalah anggota keluarga dari orang kaya yang telah meninggal, yang meminta untuk menggali dan memindahkan kuburan leluhur mereka ke tempat lain untuk mengubah keberuntungan mereka. Pertanyaan saya adalah mengapa meskipun orang kaya itu dikuburkan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Feng Shui, tetapi keturunan mereka tetap tidak kaya?

Dari situ, pemikiran saya juga berubah dan saya tidak lagi begitu yakin akan kebenaran prinsip-prinsip Feng Shui. Namun, banyak orang yang masih datang ke saya dan saya hanya membantu mereka untuk menyenangkan mereka. Tidak lama setelah itu, saya diminta untuk membantu di proyek pemakaman milik Gereja Saphan Luang di daerah Nakhoin Pathom. Saya kaget melihat lokasi pemakaman itu yang terletak di antara rel kereta api (di belakang) dan persimpangan T (di depan), yang menurut Feng Shui sangat tidak baik. Menurut ilmu Feng Shui, lokasi itu akan membawa sial dan kemiskinan pada keturunan orang yang dimakamkan di situ. Namun, setelah satu minggu bekerja di sana, saya melihat dari batu-batu nisan di situ bahwa keturunan mereka yang dimakamkan di sana merupakan orang-orang terkenal dan kaya di dalam masyarakat Thailand pada waktu itu.

Fakta ini membuat saya bertanya kepada beberapa ahli Feng Shui yang terkenal, "Mengapa ilmu Feng Shui tidak berpengaruh terhadap orang Kristen?" Kebanyakan dari mereka memberi tahu saya, "Karena mereka punya Tuhan!"

Saya juga punya kesempatan untuk menanyakan pada salah satu guru yang paling ternama di Thailand tentang mengapa orang-orang Kristen tetap baik-baik dan bahagia sekalipun mereka tidak memperlakukan prinsip-prinsip Feng Shui, seperti mencari tahu tentang hari dan waktu yang membawa keuntungan; meramal nasib berdasarkan bulan dan tahun lahir; atau berkonsultasi tentang Feng Shui. Guru ini dengan enggan memberi tahu saya, "Memiliki Tuhan mereka sudah cukup bagi orang-orang Kristen!"

Jawabannya membuat saya bingung dan saya berpikir, "Wah, bagaimana dengan saya? Bagaimana dengan semua yang telah saya pelajari dan terapkan. Bagaimana dengan begitu banyak waktu yang saya pakai untuk menimba pengetahuan tentang Feng Shui? Mana yang benar dan sejati, Feng Shui atau Kekristenan?"

Semakin saya memikirkan hal ini, semakin saya ingin mengenal Allah orang-orang Kristen. Namun, saya masih belum mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengenal-Nya karena saya tidak tahu harus bermula dari mana! Saya tidak tahu bagaimana untuk mengenal-Nya!

Di pertengahan tahun 2005, saya menghadapi banyak sekali tantangan dalam pekerjaan saya, sampai-sampai ada yang menyewa pembunuh bayaran untuk menghabisi saya. Namun, sekalipun saya sudah mengetahui bahwa saya akan menghadapi hal yang tidak beruntung pada hari itu, saya tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa untuk mengubah nasib saya atau meringankan kesialan saya.

Saat saya tertekan karena tidak dapat menuntaskan permasalahan, saya akan bermeditasi untuk mencari ketenangan agar dapat menemukan solusi, namun sia-sia. Pada waktu itu, saya diberi sebuah buku berjudul, "Kuasa kehidupan" yang berisi kesaksian orang-orang Kristen di Thailand dari setiap lapisan masyarakat.

Pada awalnya, saya tidak memercayai apa yang tertulis dalam buku itu. Namun, karena saya sudah terjepit dan tidak ada jalan ke luar, saya mulai membuka buku itu. Saya tiba pada kalimat yang berkata, "… jika kita tidak mengakui dosa-dosa kita pada Allah, apa yang akan terjadi dengan hidup kita?" Entah mengapa, tiba-tiba saya menyadari bahwa saya adalah orang yang sangat berdosa karena telah melakukan banyak hal yang menjijikkan.

Saat itu juga, saya mengakui semua dosa-dosa yang telah saya lakukan dan berkata pada Tuhan, "Saya orang berdosa. Saya meminta kesempatan dari Engkau untuk menjadi orang baik dan menerima hidup yang baru." Setelah doa itu, saya merasa dihibur secara spiritual dan mental.

Anggota komite tempat pemakaman selalu melakukan kunjungan kerja sebulan sekali pada hari Sabtu ke tempat saya bertugas. Di bulan Juli tahun 2005 itu, saya tidak sabar menanti kunjungan mereka. Pada hari itu, entah mengapa Pendeta Wirat Wongsantichon menghadiahi saya sebuah Alkitab. Saya bertanya kepadanya mengapa ia memberi saya kado dan ia menjawab, "Saya tidak tahu!" Saat kami makan siang bersama, saya berkata dalam hati, "Mengapa tidak ada yang mengundang saya ke gereja?" Belum lama setelah itu, Penatua Tawee Suwatpanit menoleh ke saya dan berkata, "Preecha, Anda seharusnya datang ke gereja, setidaknya satu kali." Saya langsung menjawab bahwa saya akan ke gereja keesokan harinya (hari Minggu).

Pada hari Minggu itu, ditemani oleh anak saya, saya menyetir hampir 250 km (PP) ke gereja yang berlokasi di Bangkok. Pada hari itulah, saya pertama kalinya mengalami dan melihat orang-orang Kristen menyembah Allah mereka. Saya memberi tahu anak saya bahwa kita harus dengan kuat berpegang pada prinsip-prinsip Kristiani dan mengabdi pada Allah orang Kristen. Dan, kita harus berani memberi tahu orang lain bahwa kita adalah Kristen dan harus membaca Alkitab dengan teratur. Setahun kemudian, pada tahun 2006, saya membuka hati dan jiwa untuk memercayai dan menyerahkan seluruh kehidupan saya kepada Allah dan dibaptis. Istri dan anak perempuan saya juga mengikuti langkah saya tidak lama setelah itu. Suatu mukjizat terjadi di dalam keluarga kami. Ayah saya yang selama 20 tahun tidak pernah tinggal serumah dengan kami, kembali dan saat itulah untuk pertama kalinya keluarga kami menjadi utuh. Setelah itu, saya mengikuti pelatihan di gereja tentang "Mengikuti Kristus", dan saya mulai memahami lebih dalam tentang kekristenan.

Klien-klien lama saya tetap menghubungi saya untuk membantu dalam hal Feng Shui. Setelah berkonsultasi dengan hamba Tuhan di gereja, saya merasa lega dan bersemangat untuk bertemu dengan klien saya, untuk memberi tahu mereka tentang Tuhan. Namun, di sisi lain, saya juga sangat khawatir jika saya berhenti menjadi seorang konsultan Feng Shui, bagaimana saya akan menghidupi keluarga saya. Pada suatu malam, saya membalik Alkitab dan ayat yang saya baca berkata, "Tuhan adalah gembalaku, takkan kekurangan aku." (Mazmur 23:1) Ayat itu menguatkan hati saya. Tidak lama setelah itu, saya mendapat proyek membangun tempat pemakaman untuk Gereja Piamrak dan Gereja Maitreechit.

Sejak itu, hidup saya berubah. Saya mempunyai kesempatan bukan saja untuk mengabarkan firman Tuhan pada orang yang tidak percaya (yang mendatangi saya untuk konsultasi Feng Shui), melainkan juga mendorong orang-orang Kristen yang lemah, yang masih mempercayai Feng Shui. Saya menyakinkan mereka bahwa Allah kita besar karena sekalipun saya seorang ahli Feng Shui, saya telah bertobat 180 derajat dan menyembah Dia. Saya selalu mengimbau mereka, "Jangan menyerah, berimanlah pada Allah!"

Jika Anda adalah anak-anak Allah, janganlah khawatir tentang kehidupan atau masa depan Anda. Feng Shui maupun bintang-bintang di langit tidak memiliki pengaruh atas Anda karena Allah Mahakuasa, Ia memimpin dan mengarahkan hidup Anda. Dia adalah Tuan atas kehidupan Anda. Karena, "Sesungguhnya aku tahu, bahwa TUHAN itu maha besar, dan Tuhan kita melebihi segala allah." (Mazmur 135:5)

Diambil dan disunting dari:
Nama situs: www.cahayapengharapan.org
Alamat URL: http://www.cahayapengharapan.org/kesaksian_hidup/texts/kisah_pertobatan_seorang_master_feng_shui.htm
Penulis: Preecha Kongkitimanon
Tanggal akses: 15 Juli 2013


1. Berdoalah kepada Tuhan Yesus untuk keluarga Preecha agar Tuhan senantiasa memelihara mereka di mana pun mereka berada sekarang.

2. Berdoalah kepada Tuhan Yesus untuk orang-orang yang masih percaya Feng Shui, doakan supaya Tuhan membuka hati mereka dan menunjukkan kepada mereka bahwa hal tersebut salah dan mereka boleh bertobat dari jalan hidup yang tidak berkenan bagi Tuhan.

3. Berdoalah kepada Tuhan Yesus bagi orang-orang Kristen di Thailand supaya mereka dapat menjadi terang. Dengan demikian, orang-orang yang belum mengenal Kristus dapat mengenal-Nya dalam kehidupan mereka.

Shan of Myanmar (Burma)

Shan of Myanmar (Burma)
The Shan are one of the most prestigious of the Tai groups in Southeast Asia. They are concentrated in Shan state, Myanmar. For a generation, the Shan Independence Army has fought against the Burmese military to gain independence. The Shan call themselves "Tai Yay", meaning Great Tai. The Shan have been firm believers in Theravada Buddhism since it was introduced in Myanmar in the fifth century, AD.
Ministry Obstacles
To follow Jesus within a strongly Buddhist culture brings the risk of losing much that is important in this life: friends, status, family, and so forth.
Outreach Ideas
Much prayer for the Shan people is needed, to prepare the ground for the coming of the good news of Christ.
Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray the Christians among the Shan will be properly instructed in the faith, and will grow to become zealous disciples firmly established on the truth of Scripture.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Shan will live in peace, and will increasingly desire to find a Savior and forgiveness for sin. Pray that Jesus may be known among them.
Scripture Focus
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance." Psalm 33:12

People Name: Shan
Country: Myanmar (Burma)
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 4,118,000
World Population: 4,224,000
Language: Shan
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Bible: Complete
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

Pakistan's double standards over Asia Bibi and Aafia Siddiqui

Pakistan's double standards over Asia Bibi and Aafia Siddiqui

By Sheraz Khan
Special to ASSIST News Service

CAITHNESS, SCOTLAND, UK (ANS) -- The continuing incarceration of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian mother of five who was accused of blasphemy in 2009 does not appear to trouble the majority of Pakistan's Muslims who unfortunately view her death by hanging as a befitting punishment for the "crime" she denies doing.
Asia Bibi
The Pakistani government says it is up to the High Court to schedule her appeal hearing, but it appears that the court is delaying, by design, any proceedings in this regard and anti-Asia Bibi sentiment in the country remains as virulent as it was when the blasphemy accusations were first made against the poor farm hand.
The sad reality is that, four years down the road, she continues to languish in a prison away from her husband and children. Paradoxically, the people of Pakistan are the first to violently react to any incident they perceive as unjust toward Muslims, regardless of where such an incident takes place.
In September 2010, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani Muslim neuroscientist, was sentenced in the Manhattan (New York) federal court to 86 years in prison for the attempted murder and assault of U.S. nationals and U.S. officers and employees in Afghanistan.
Islamists since then have held rallies in Pakistan in favor of Aafia Siddiqui and Fauzia Siddiqui, her sister, has advocated for her release in the Pakistan electronic media as well as in public rallies.
Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
In 2010, Pakistan requested the U.S. to extradite Aafia Siddiqui. It was suggested recently in the media that the extradition or hand over of Aafia to Pakistan in exchange for Dr. Shakil Afridi, was imminent prompting a U.S. foreign office spokesperson on Thursday, July 25, to dispel any such suggestion.
Dr. Afridi is a Pakistani physician who helped the CIA run a fake vaccine program in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in order to confirm Osama bin Laden's presence in the city by obtaining DNA samples. Details of the doctor's activities emerged during the Pakistani investigation of the deadly raid on Bin Laden's residence. He was arrested from Torkham border while trying to escape the country days after the raid. On May 23, 2012, Shakil Afridi was sentenced to 33 years imprisonment for treason, initially believed to be in connection with the Bin Laden raid but later revealed to be due to ties with a local Islamist warlord Mangal Bagh. Lawyers appealed against the verdict on June 1, 2012.
In November 2010. Pope Benedict XVI's call for clemency for Ms. Bibi provoked strident criticism from Pakistani politicians and Islamists across the world who saw the plea for mercy as an interference in Pakistan's internal affairs. Some even questioned the Pope's integrity by citing his silence over Ms. Siddiqui's release. Demanding the Pope to intervene on behalf of Dr. Siddiqui, per se, is absurd and to suggest that the former Pope should have done so since he called for Ms. Bibi's release is not only totally unjustifiable it is ignorance on a grand scale.
Salman Taseer, right, Governor of Pakistani Punjab Province, talks to reporters after meeting with Asia Bibi, left, at a prison in Sheikhupura near Lahore, Pakistan, in a Nov. 20, 2010 file photo. He was later assassinated
In 2011 Shahbaz Bhatti, the Pakistani Christian minister of minorities and Punjab governor, Salman Taseer, a moderate Muslim, were assassinated for advocating Ms. Bibi's release and, as the world was coming to terms with these atrocities, the governor's assassin was festooned with garlands on the streets of Islamabad.
The predilection of Pakistan's government, and most of the Muslims in Pakistan (and across the Muslim world) for Ms. Aafia Siddiqui, contrasted with the torrent of hatred for Asia Bibi, deeply troubles me.
As Ms. Bibi's fate hangs in the balance, the focus of the international community aimed at securing her release, has shifted from Pakistan's outgoing President Asif Ali Zardari, whose five year term ends in September 2013, to Mr. Nawaz Sharif who made history by being elected for the third term as Prime Minister after the elections of May 2013.
Some analysts in Pakistan claim that the politics of Nawaz Sharif and his brother Shahbaz Sharif, the Chief Minister of Punjab, have matured after years of exile in Saudi Arabia. It remains to be seen if the maturity attributed to the Sharif's is reflected in policies aimed at minorities and whether or not the "now wiser" Sharif's take measures to ensure minorities' inclusion in the social, political and cultural fabric of Pakistani society.
Supporters of All Pakistan Minorities Alliance chant during a rally calling for an end to the blasphemy laws and the release of Asia Bibi
Not many from amongst the Pakistani Christians, and other minorities, benefited from Shahbaz Sharif's free laptops distribution scheme he launched in the end of January 2012.
Mr. Shahbaz Sharif failed to show up in Gojra, a small town in the province of Punjab, which made international headlines after eight Christians were burnt alive over blasphemy rumors in 2009, in the wake of two recent incidents there.
On July 20, 2013, a disabled Christian man and his wife were arrested over sending a "blasphemous text" and, on July 13, a Gojra court gave life imprisonment and a fine of 200,000 Pakistani rupees (US$ 1,980) to Sajjad Masih, the Christian, who was accused of having committed blasphemy. Was Mr. Sharif waiting for the simmering tension to turn into communal violence or was he afraid that his presence in Gojra would antagonize Islamists?
Whatever his reasons for not visiting Gojra, his apparent apathetic gesture toward minorities suggests that he only sees fit to visit minorities during the election season and, as his party's presidential nominee, does not require the public votes of the minorities on July 30, so the likelihood of his visit to a minority area is highly unlikely.
As the Sharif's are drooling in anticipation of their nominee's presidential victory, Chrristian and minority leaders in Pakistan fear a resurgence of 2009 like violence in Gojra.

Mr. Khan is a Pakistan-born journalist. He did his apprenticeship in journalism with Pakistan's South Asian News Agency (SANA). He served the Online International News Network in Pakistan as "Shift-In-Charge" from 2003 to 2005. In December 2005 he started contributing news stories and feature articles to the ASSIST News Service (ANS) and the Pakistan Christian Post. He was appointed as Special Correspondent for ANS at the end of December 2005. He moved to the United Kingdom in 2008, and continued writing the occasional article for ANS since that time. He lives in Scotland and can be contacted by email at: sheraz@btinternet.com.

Ketakutan Terhadap Ekstremis Militan

Ketakutan Terhadap Ekstremis Militan: Chitral -- Pakistan

"Eldorado bagi ahli bahasa" begitulah julukan bagi Chitral, sebuah lembah pegunungan di Timur Laut Pakistan. Hampir selusin bahasa dipakai di sana. Khowar atau Bahasa Kho, merupakan bahasa utama, dengan jumlah penutur sekitar 300.000 orang. Chitral terletak di antara puncak Hindu Kush dan Hindu Raj. Pada musim dingin, jalur jalan menuju kawasan itu diselimuti salju tebal. Banyak orang meregang nyawa karena berusaha menerobos jalur itu. Akhirnya, sebuah terowongan dibangun sehingga akses menuju lembah tersebut menjadi lebih mudah. Jika seseorang mampu mengatur dan berhasil dalam perjalanannya, ia akan beruntung bisa bertemu orang-orang yang ramah, yang juga dikenal cinta damai.

Sementara beberapa kawasan di Pakistan telah dikuasai kaum ekstremis militan, kawasan Chitral ini telah dibebaskan dari teror untuk waktu yang lama. Namun begitu, perasaan khawatir bahwa keadaan di lembah ini bisa berubah tetap tumbuh.


Di satu bagian dunia yang sedemikian keras, tidaklah begitu mengherankan bahwa ada banyak orang miskin dan pengangguran. Beberapa pria tinggal dan bekerja sebagai tenaga kerja asing di negara-negara teluk yang kaya minyak. Sering kali, para pria harus bertanggung jawab terhadap ibu, nenek, istri, saudara ipar, dan kemenakan-kemenakannya. Mereka mengirim uang ke rumah (saling menopang merupakan hal terpenting dalam mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup). Seseorang yang sendirian bisa tersesat di kawasan pegunungan yang indah tersebut. Selain itu, kehidupan di sana juga keras dan berat.

Apakah sudah ada beberapa pengikut Yesus di kawasan itu? Tidak mungkinkah bagi Tuhan untuk membangun gereja-Nya di sana? Firman Tuhan belum diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Khowar. Ada kebutuhan besar di seluruh Lembah Chitral yang harus dipenuhi.


1. Berdoalah bagi masyarakat Chitral agar mereka mendapat mimpi dan penglihatan-penglihatan tentang Yesus. "Pada hari-hari terakhir ...." (Kisah Para Rasul 2:17)

2. Berdoalah agar ada perlindungan di kawasan Lembah Chitral terhadap serangan-serangan kelompok ekstremis militan. "Aku melayangkan mataku ke gunung-gunung ...." (Mazmur 121:1-2)

3. Berdoalah untuk penerjemahan Alkitab dalam Bahasa Khowar.

4. Berdoalah untuk orang-orang Kristen lokal maupun ekspatriat agar mereka bersedia bekerja di Chitral. "Sebab siapa yang diutus Tuhan ...." (Yohanes 3:34)

Pastor’s Daughter in Nigeria Allegedly Kidnapped

Pastor’s Daughter in Nigeria Allegedly Kidnapped, Forced to Convert to Islam
Sharia court in Niger state backs alleged abduction of 24-year-old woman

By Jeremy Reynalds
Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service

JOS, NIGERIA (ANS) -- A Muslim leader in central Nigeria has reportedly abducted a pastor's daughter and forced her to convert to Islam with the backing of a sharia (Islamic law) court.

Pastor Raymond Uzoechina of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Abuja. (Morning Star News photo)
According to a story by Morning Star News, Raymond Uzoechina, a pastor with the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Abuja, told the news service by phone that the emir or Muslim leader of the Nupe ethnic group in Bida, Niger state, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, abducted his daughter.

That was soon after Charity Raymond Uzoechina, 24, went to the town in February to study at the Federal Polytechnic-Bida.

After his daughter's friends notified him that she was missing, he discovered where she was as he made inquiries in the town on March 1.
Pastor Uzoechina told Morning Star News he didn’t hear of his daughter’s whereabouts from the emir's aides as the town emirate has claimed.

“After a painstaking search, we found out that she was being held captive in the palace of the Etsu Nupe, the (ethnic Nupe) Muslim leader of the town of Bida,” Pastor Uzoechina said.
He added, “I went to the palace, and the Muslim leader told me that my daughter is now a Muslim and that she is under his custody. When I demanded to take her away, the Muslim leader said he would not release her because he said she has been entrusted under his care by an Islamic court, the sharia court in the town of Bida.”

Charity Raymond Uzoechina
He denied a Nigerian press report in which he was misquoted as saying he was able to see his daughter at the emir's quarters on March 2.

“Even when we went there, he did not allow us to see her - he only confirmed she is at the palace on the orders of the Islamic court,” Pastor Uzoechina told Morning Star News.

After seeking legal assistance, he was invited back to the Muslim leader's quarters the week of March 4, he said. During this second visit, only his wife was allowed to see their daughter, and they were not allowed to talk, Pastor Uzoechina said.

“They showed me some documents from the Islamic court requesting that my daughter be kept in the palace,” Morning Star News reported he said.

The pastor denied the Muslim leader's version of the second meeting. In a media release, the Bida emirate claimed Pastor Uzoechina met with his daughter and Abubakar, and that she refused to go home with her father out of fear that he would harm her. Pastor Uzoechina insisted to Morning Star News that the emir refused to let him see his daughter.
Niger is one of 12 states in Nigeria that have adopted sharia. Nine states in northern Nigeria instituted sharia in 2000-2001, and three others - Kaduna, Gombe and Niger - established it only in some areas. Niger adopted sharia in parts of the state in January 2007.

The pentecostal pastor said he went to the sharia court in Bida to seek justice.

“I engaged the services of an attorney to ask them to bring her to the court so that my attorney can cross-examine her, but they refused to do so,” Morning Star News reported Pastor Uzoechina said. “I also reported the matter to the police, and she has not been rescued from the enclave six months after I lodged the complaint.”

Police told him the case was already decided by an established Islamic court, and that he should seek legal assistance to challenge the competence of the Islamic court to keep his non-Muslim daughter, he said.

Morning Star News said Abubakar, the Muslim leader, claims he has legal grounds for keeping Pastor Uzoechina's daughter in his custody. The sharia court reportedly ruled that it had put her under the “protection” of the Muslim leader, because the pastor's daughter had converted to Islam of her own volition and allegedly said she was afraid her father could kill her.

Strongly denying that his daughter could fear he would harm her, the pastor questions why the Muslim leader's quarters should be a place of “protection.” He also wonders why she should not be released to police if there were a genuine fear that he would harm her, and why his attorney has not been allowed to question her.

Pastor Uzoechina's attorney, Anthony Agbonlahor, in March reportedly petitioned a non-Islamic court, the chief judge of Niger state, for the release of the young woman but has yet to receive a response.
Agbonlahor filed a complaint with the judge about the conduct of Justice Abdulkadir Idris of Sharia Court 1, reportedly upset that the Islamic court failed to notify the pastor of the decisive hearing.
“The case was filed on March 4,” Morning Star News reported the attorney said in his complaint. “The case was heard March 4 and judgment delivered on the same day. In fact, judgment was also executed on the same date. The question is: why the urgency?”

Pastor Uzoechina said his lawyer has also gone to the sharia court to challenge its jurisdiction over the matter; the Islamic court was expected to issue a ruling on Aug. 1.

“This Muslim leader changed the name of my daughter to Aisha, an Islamic name,” he said. “I am sure that my daughter will never embrace Islam. She is being held against her wish and forced into a religion that is alien to us. Charity can never abandon the Christian faith for Islam.”

Pastor Uzoechina said he understands that other Christian girls and women are being held captive at Abubakar's home and forcibly converted to Islam.

“Apart from my daughter, there are so many other Christian girls also that have been kidnaped and are being held at the palace,” Morning Star News reported he said. “There is need for the police to rescue these Christian girls in that Islamic enclave.”

Ayo Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, said CAN is involved in trying to resolve the case.

“Our attention has been called to this problem, and we have taken it up with the leadership of the Muslim community,” Morning Star News reported he said. “It is unfortunate that this is happening.”

Christians make up 51.3 percent of Nigeria's population of 158.2 million and live mainly in the south, while Muslims account for 45 percent and live mainly in the north. But those practicing indigenous religions may be as high as 10 percent of the total population, according to Operation World, so the percentages of Christians and Muslims may be less.
For more information visit Morning Star News at http://morningstarnews.org


Berber, Atta of Morocco

Berber, Atta of Morocco
Rather than calling themselves "Berbers," they refer to themselves by the name of their particular subgroup. Berbers also use the overarching term "Imazighen." The arrival of Arabs in Morocco in the seventh century resulted in the gradual conversion of some Berbers to Islam. It was not until the thirteenth century, however, with the arrival of large numbers of Arabs from the Middle East, that the majority of Berbers accepted Islam, learned the Arabic language, and were assimilated into Arab culture.
Ministry Obstacles
Morocco does not provide easy access for Christian influence.
Outreach Ideas
Gospel radio and television beamed to North Africa is very helpful. Materials distributed to North Africans on the docks of southern Europe find its way into the hands of many Berbers.
Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for those who are beginning to find Christ among the Berber communities, that the Lord will protect and nurture their faith, and that they will find each other in order to fellowship and grow together. Pray they will be rooted and established in love.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Berbers of Morocco will have access to the good news of Jesus in many forms, hearing clearly who He is, in their mother tongue.
Scripture Focus
"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." Matthew 25:32

People Name: Berber, Atta
Country: Morocco
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 135,000
World Population: 135,000
Language: Tamazight, Central Atlas
Primary Religion: Islam
Bible: Portions
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

Memahami Republik Afrika Tengah

Memahami Republik Afrika Tengah


Ubangi-Shari, yang dahulu menjadi koloni Perancis, telah menjadi Central African Republic (CAR) (Republik Afrika Tengah = RAT), pada proklamasi kemerdekaan tahun 1960. Setelah tiga dasawarsa bergejolak karena carut-marut dalam pemerintahan -- terutama oleh pemerintahan militer -- sebuah pemerintahan sipil ditegakkan pada tahun 1993. Sebagaimana ditunjukkan melalui namanya, Republik Afrika Tengah (RAT) merupakan negara yang secara geografis berada di tengah-tengah benua Afrika. Negara ini memiliki berbagai macam iklim dan ciri-ciri alam yang indah, mulai dari hutan hujan tropis di Selatan hingga kawasan Anak Gurun Sahel-Sahara di Utara. Meskipun RAT memiliki sejumlah sumber daya alam, termasuk di dalamnya berlian, emas, uranium, dan kayu, namun negara ini masih menjadi salah satu bangsa termiskin di dunia. RAT terkurung dan terisolasi di Afrika Tengah. Hal ini mengakibatkan kebergantungannya pada negara-negara tetangga dan menimbulkan biaya hidup yang relatif tinggi. Masalah-masalah politik dan kesalahan pengelolaan telah menyebabkan timbulnya pemogokan dan ketegangan politik pada beberapa tahun terakhir.

Investasi Islam di RAT

Kesulitan ekonomi saat ini ternyata menjadi sumber pertumbuhan bagi Islam di RAT. Usaha-usaha bisnis dimiliki oleh kaum imigran Muslim yang berasal dari Lebanon, Arab, Senegal, Haussa, Mali, dan Chad. Beberapa negara Arab secara terbuka melipatgandakan sumbangan dan investasi mereka di RAT dengan tujuan mendorong penyebaran Islam.

Belum Terjangkau

Rungas, suatu suku Muslim (dengan populasi 37.000 orang) yang tinggal di Utara, praktis belum terjangkau dan sangat terisolasi dari orang-orang Kristen. Banyak imigran Arab di RAT yang masih belum tersentuh Injil. Terlepas dari kemajuan Muslim di RAT beberapa tahun ini, Tuhan juga sedang bekerja. Akhir-akhir ini, seorang Muslim Fulani yang berpengaruh, yang telah dua kali berziarah ke Mekah, berbalik pada Kristus dan mempertahankan kesaksian Kristennya di tengah-tengah tekanan yang ada. Dan, patut dicatat bahwa pertobatannya (berbaliknya dia kepada Tuhan Yesus) terjadi selama bulan Ramadan.


1. Bersyukur kepada Tuhan untuk situasi yang relatif aman di negara tersebut meskipun ada berbagai tekanan ekonomi dan sosial. Berdoalah agar kondisi seperti ini terus berkesinambungan.

2. Berdoalah agar orang-orang Kristen beroleh kesejahteraan dalam usahanya dan tetap setia kepada Tuhan. Banyak orang terpikat pada Islam melalui kemakmuran yang orang Muslim miliki (Amsal 13:7).

3. Berdoalah agar diadakan program-program pelatihan sehingga orang-orang Kristen mengetahui bagaimana memberitakan Injil kepada orang Muslim. "... bagaimana mereka memberitakan kalau tidak diutus ...." (Roma 10:15)

Ersu of China

Ersu of China
The Ersu believe they will be reincarnated when they die and will come back to the earth as a person in a higher social position if they have lived a virtuous life. They will come back as an animal if they lived a wicked life. This belief results in the Ersu having little motivation to help the afflicted among them, as suffering is considered the consequence of a person's bad karma. The Ersu are officially part of the Tibetan nationality.
Ministry Obstacles
The Ersu may fear disturbing community harmony if they become followers of Christ.
Outreach Ideas
Christian workers need to build good relationships with the Ersu community, earning the right to share the Good News about Christ.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There may be no followers of Christ among the Ersu at present, but pray for those that will soon emerge. Pray they will be zealous to know and serve the Lord, and will be properly instructed in the faith.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Ersu community will increasingly become aware of their need for a savior, and that many will be given faith to believe in Jesus and his finished work on the cross.
Scripture Focus
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96:3

People Name: Ersu
Country: China
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 42,000
World Population: 42,000
Language: Ersu
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Bible: None
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: No
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level: