Kamis, 29 September 2016

GPN - 09/27/2016

Dear Church,

The world crowns success; God crowns faithfulness. Judges 7:21; Nehemiah 8:6

IMPORTANT: My brother has liver cancer and I notice that he is deteriorating. Perhaps he will start with chemo this week or next week. Pray that our heavenly Father will take everything in His hands. Mrs. A.L.

IMPORTANT: For God's blessing for Mrs. Monique N. on her birthday tomorrow. And for God's rest when she will undergo a cardiac catheterization on Thursday. Pray that God will use the hands of the doctors for this surgery, so it will be successful and she will receive total healing.

My grandson Christopher (14) is being bullied for more than a year, threatened and knocked down at school. He wants to commit suicide. His mother and I pray that he wants to live again. He is a child of God. Pray in Jesus' name for deliverance from all evil spirits, thoughts and feelings. Mrs. R.T.

Pray for a breakthrough for Mr. and Mrs. S., who have severe communication and marital problems. That they no longer want to change each other, but find their help in the Lord.

Suriname: After my daughter came out of a coma, she is refusing to eat. She will now get a probe. Pray that God will heal and restore her in spirit, soul and body. Mrs. P.

Pray and believe for complete recovery from a stroke for Mr. J.T. and that God will bless him in everything he can do for the Lord.

That God’s Spirit will bring a change in the heart of Joshua B., a satanist. That he will see God's light and feel His goodness, so he will accept Jesus. Mr. G.W.

I believe in the power of prayer and thank you for the support from Maasbach Radio. I ask the prayer partners to pray to overcome my smoke and porn addiction. V.S.

Mrs. v.E. asks us to pray for a breakthrough and provision in their finances and the health of her husband.

USA: New York City - Pray for me. I am feeling so very lonely and tired. This is a very hard time of the year when you are homeless. It starts to get dark early and cooler. I spent the nights in the park. brother Danny

Mrs. d.B. (94) asks prayers for her deaf ears and aching legs and toes.

Mr. R.G. has sinned last week and confessed it to the Lord. Now he experiences terrible attacks. Pray that he will overcome this struggle by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that his thoughts and feelings will be obedient to the truth of God's Word.

For Ms. R.H. who is terribly treated by a man and must report this to the police. Pray for strength in this situation and inner healing. Pray also for wisdom in the future with whom she interacts.

Mrs. M. feels depressed and has no energy. Pray for her and her friend, Mr. T., that they will start to live in the will of God. That they will give their worries and burdens to God instead of to each other. For trust in God that He will help them in their circumstances, so they will receive miracles, blessings and inner peace.

PRAYING HELPS! Mrs. M. (71) was ordered to live in a smaller house. They came in her home and took new things from her, also from her daughter and granddaughter, including photographs and valuable documents and threw it in a container. She asked us to pray and she has a lawyer now. She already heard that she can stay in her house and yesterday her granddaughter has received a home. PRAY: For God's power and a miracle in the lawsuit, so that she will get back her belongings or be reimbursed.

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The GPN team wishes you a week of Jubilee-Breakthrough-Blessings!

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