Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

GPN 4/9/2016

Dear Dave and church,

Man's best friend, Jesus, has conquered man's worst enemy, death. 1 Thessalonicenzen 4:16-17

IMPORTANT: Pray for God's peace, healing and victory for my daughter M., with whom a lump was found in her left breast. Mrs. R.

Mr. A. gets discouraged by his sore knee, eyes, dizziness and struggle in his mind. That he will never again be deprived of joy. He asks prayer for a breakthrough of healing, deliverance and victory. And pray for his wife M. and his 6 children. He is unstable due to various brain haemorrhage he had.

Ask God to deliver my body from demonic oppression and influence. Pray and ask Him to fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit. C.G.

Matthew (12 ) has muscular dystrophy and collapsed lungs and needs healing from God. Pray also for God's peace for his family. Mrs. L.

Pray for the JMWM Mission Trip to Poland that will be led by a few Youth Managers, who will go out with a group to evangelize. Pray that God's Spirit will set the team on fire and will speak to the hearts of children, youth and people.

For insight and wisdom from the Lord for Mrs. B. and total healing of diabetes.

Ask God to surround me with His angels to protect me. Mr. A.S.

For victory and deliverance of the alcohol addiction of Mr. R.H. And for a breakthrough for his wife, Mrs. I.H., that she will give her heart to the Lord. In her desperation, she asks prayer support of all GPN prayer partners.

Worldwide: Pray for persecuted Christians to remain strong in faith and trust despite physical and psychological abuse and to be able to forgive those who persecute them or who fail to support them. May they experience and know love, joy and peace from God. Prayer Alert

For prosperity for Mrs. G.B. and her family in finding work and finances, so her family will experience God's blessing.

Pray for God's healing power for my mother (83). She had an angioplasty, but remains fatigued. Pray for a friend, S., for healing of pain in his right arm. And for myself, for healing of heel spurs. And for God's blessing on our holiday trip to England. Mrs. G.

I ask prayer for the conversion of my sister, Mrs. K., and her friend, H-J. He is being attacked with suicidal thoughts. Mrs. W.W.

Mrs. A., mother of two kids, visited our Blessing Church. Pray for her spiritual growth; that she may experience God's guidance in finding a job and in finding her place in the church, where she can serve the Lord.

My Indonesian friend, D., has a Dutch husband, B. He has a bad temper when he is drunk. Pray for this marriage. She translates the sermon in their church from Indonesian to Dutch. Ms. R.H.

PRAYER HELPS! I am grateful for your prayers, because I received the news that I can continue with my study. PRAY: For successful completion of two subjects and that I will meet the right life partner. Ms. A.H.

PRAYER WORKS! The bicycle test of Mrs. S. in the hospital went well. And the result of the echo of her heart was fine. She does not have to come back for further verification.

The Blessing Family Message Station
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The GPN team wishes you a weekend full of victories!

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