Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Nepal: Influential Buddhist monk receives Jesus

Nepal: Influential Buddhist monk receives Jesus

By Mark Ellis, Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service
Two Tibetan Buddhist monksNEPAL (ANS - June 30, 2016) -- The Nepal earthquake in 2015 killed over 8,000 people and was the worst natural disaster to strike that country since 1934. Hundreds of thousands were left homeless — with entire villages flattened — which prompted many Christian organization to respond with humanitarian aid.
A prominent Buddhist monk observed carefully as Christians helped rebuild his community last year after the massive temblor reduced his neighborhood to rubble.
“As a powerful Tibetan monk with 1,000 disciples, his word was law,” a ministry director for Christian Aid Mission reported. “He was watching us for seven days continually as Christians became salt and light to the community.”
Missionaries pray for people in NepalBetween the witness of the Christian workers and a powerful move of the Holy Spirit on the man’s heart something remarkable happened.
“After watching us for seven days, he said, ‘I’m going to give my life to Jesus.'”
Before the earthquake, the Buddhist leader had never allowed homegrown missionaries to preach in his area.
But he was disheartened when he observed that none of his monastery colleagues assisted with aid or rebuilding following the earthquake.
“Where are the 330 million gods of Hinduism? Where are the Buddhists?” the monk asked.
Mark Ellis potraitAbout the writer: Mark Ellis is Senior Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net), and also founder of www.GodReports.com, a website that shares stories, testimonies and videos from the church around the world. He is also co-host for "Widows on the World" with ANS Founder, Dan Wooding, which is airred weeekly on the Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network (http://hsbn.tv).
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