Burmese in Myanmar (Burma)
The Burmese are the political, economic and religious
leaders of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. Myanmar has had a long
history of coups, wars, and rebellions. The Burmese have mixed Buddhist
beliefs with animistic beliefs. Their animistic beliefs center around
inherently evil spirits called nats. The Burmese spend their lives
trying to appease the nats. Burmese homes often have altars for the
spirits, as well as a statue of Buddha. Farmers may spend more in a year
on their religion than on education, health, and clothing for their
families.Ministry Obstacles Following Christ for the Burmese may be threatening, risking attacks from evil spirits. Pray for deliverance. Outreach Ideas Christians need to befriend the Burmese, and also be forthright in sharing Christ with these needy people. Pray for the followers of Christ Please pray for the few followers of Christ among the Burmese, that they will live holy lives, being zealous to grow into the image of Christ. Pray they will be kind and compassionate to one another. Pray for the entire people group Pray for peace in Myanmar, and for the Burmese people to hunger to know forgiveness of sin and power for living, found only in the person and work of Christ. Scripture Focus "The time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory." Isaiah 66:18 |
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By Carol Round, Special to ASSIST News Service
11 years ago, I took a giant leap of faith. I left a northeastern
Oklahoma community where I’d lived since 1969—except for the times I’d
gone away to college—to move to a larger town about 70 miles west. I
left behind family and friendships formed over a 36-year period to a
place where I knew very few people.
during the time I’ve lived in Rogers County, I’ve been blessed with a
multitude of friends. Those friends have encouraged me, laughed and
cried with me, prayed with and for me and stood by me during times of
trouble. Even more importantly, being here has helped my faith grow.
Through my church family and the people of faith God has placed in my
path, my spiritual eyes have been opened to embrace what God can do in
our lives when we place our trust in Him.
like what best-selling author and minister, Norman Vincent Peale said
about faith. “Faith is the most powerful of all forces operating in
humanity and when you have it in depth nothing can get you down.”
it wasn’t always that way for me. I’d only been in Claremore about a
year when I yearned to return home. Prayer and the advice of wise
individuals revealed to me I was here for a reason. Soon, I came to call
this place home. I had no desire to return.
two years ago, God began working in me through a variety of ways. I
knew He had plans for me to move. I just wasn’t sure where. Through
reading scripture, praying daily, hearing the testimony of others and
listening to my pastor’s sermons, I explored my options. Then, a very
powerful dream last November affirmed I needed to return home.
I will miss my church family and the friendships I’ve formed, I’m
excited about the new adventure God has in store for me. I will continue
to write this column. I am clarifying because so many people have
does God ask of us? When Jesus was asked which commandment of the Law
was the greatest, He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your
strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is
no commandment greater than these.”
God wants from His children is really quite simple: He wants us. He
wants our hearts, and all of our service for Him must flow from these
two commands to love.
A recent devotional I read said, “The Word of God spreads out like ripples of water.”
you’ve ever thrown a stone into a body of water, you know what happens.
A ripple occurs. I want to be a part of that ripple effect. Wherever I
go, my faith will lead me to share the Good News.
My challenge to you is to “go make ripples in the name of Jesus.”
Photo: Blue ripples
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