Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Tlapaneco, Tlacoapa of Mexico

Tlapaneco, Tlacoapa of Mexico
The people have been "Christianized" for generations, but few know what it means to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Current ministry in the area is conducted by Iglesias Cristianas Tlapanecas (ICT), with support from Tlapanec Indian Ministries of Memphis, TN. The people are steeped in superstition and have a very hard time getting over these problems. They have not had extreme objection to the Gospel such as many groups in Mexico have had, but their old animistic practices continue in their lives even for those who have accepted Christianity.
Ministry Obstacles
Sadly, the people have been somewhat inoculated from the power and purity of the Gospel of Christ.
Outreach Ideas
Believers in Mexico are sometimes oblivious to the need of unreached groups in their backyard. Pray these believers will see the need to effectively communicate the Gospel to the Tlapaneco.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There may very well be no genuine followers of Jesus in this tribe, only the Lord knows. Pray the Lord's Spirit will make it abundantly clear to each person in this highly Christianized tribe whether they have truly accepted Christ.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray for a stirring of the Lord's Spirit in this tribe, taking from them any satisfaction gained from their religion and giving them a hunger to know Jesus in a personal way.
Scripture Focus
"Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You." Psalm 67:3

People Name: Tlapaneco, Tlacoapa
Country: Mexico
10/40 Window: No
Population: 8,400
World Population: 8,400
Language: Me'phaa, Tlacoapa
Primary Religion: Christianity
Bible: New Testament
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

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