Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Faqir of Bangladesh

Faqir of Bangladesh
This community name is derived from the Arabic word faqr, meaning poverty. Most Faqir consider the famous Sufi Abdul Qadir Jillani as their mentor, and most Faqir in Bengal thus belong to the Qadriyah Sufi order. They often live in multi-caste villages in their own quarters, known as Faqir paras. The Faqir are giving up their age-old activity of begging and turning towards agriculture and self-employment. Their literacy rate is low. Faqir children receive Islamic education at home and in madrasas. They have a history of being Sufi Muslims.
Ministry Obstacles
Bangladesh does not provide ready access to Christian workers and creative means of access may be helpful.
Outreach Ideas
The literacy rate of the Faqir people is quite low. The Gospel of Christ needs to come to them in audio and visual ways, perhaps by stories from scripture.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There are no known believers within the Faqir community, not in Bangladesh or India or Pakistan or any country where they reside. However, pray the Lord is now preparing teachers and pastors for those he will soon call to himself.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray this poor community will gain employment skills and be able to properly provide for their families.
Scripture Focus
"He will have compassion on the poor and needy, And the lives of the needy He will save." Psalm 72:13

People Name: Faqir
Country: Bangladesh
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 4,800
World Population: 126,000
Language: Bengali
Primary Religion: Islam
Bible: Complete
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

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