Kamis, 22 September 2016

The Bibles You Sponsored Will Change Lives!

Women with Bibles

Thank You for Sending Bibles to Fellow Believers
Earlier this year we compiled a list of 178,875 believers in the 68 countries where we serve who need a copy of God’s Word. Thanks to you, that list is now shorter. “Adhit,” a Nepali believer we told you about recently, was one of the many who gratefully received his first Bible from VOM.

Your gift of God’s Word to our persecuted brothers and sisters is changing lives. They can now read their Savior’s words in their own language, receiving direct encouragement and instruction on loving their enemies in the face of persecution.

By sending Bibles to believers in hostile and restricted nations, you not only encourage their faith but also equip them to tell others about Jesus. Thank you!

Tell a friend: Help us send more Bibles to persecuted Christians by sharing this email with your friends.

Give Them God’s Word

People with Bibles
Last year, VOM workers collected the names of 178,875 believers who are waiting for a Bible in hostile and restricted nations. The list of names includes children and believers in the most restricted nations, such as Iran and North Korea. You can sponsor a Bible for one of your brothers or sisters in these countries for $6, including the cost of distribution. With your support, we’re able to provide Bibles to these waiting believers.

Please forward this email to others who may be interested in sending Bibles to persecuted Christians, equipping them with God’s Word for the first time!

Send Bibles to Believers

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