Senin, 19 September 2016

“Can I raise a righteous child relying on grace alone?”

“Can I raise a righteous child relying on grace alone?”

Say Goodbye to Harsh Rules or Chaos — Discover God's Plan for Bringing Up Leaders

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD (Ps. 127:3).

As I prayed an inner healing prayer with a middle-aged man, Jesus walked into a scene of him as a young boy sitting trembling in the back seat of the car while his father was screaming at him in rage and fury. Jesus appeared and held the father in His arms and just loved him. Jesus spoke, "Your father never experienced a father's love. That is why he is treating you this way." With those words from Jesus, a trauma which had stunted this man's growth for a quarter of a century was healed.

As Christian parents, our passion is to release God's grace into our children. Passing on the pain of previous generations is not what we want to do. So let's consider how to release rivers of grace into our children and grandchildren's lives. It's really not all that hard.
Rivers of Grace - 2 Minute Intro
Watch Mark Virkler's 2-minute introduction to this message.

YOU can become a parent who ministers God's grace...

The principles Jesus gave for interpersonal relationships apply to our families first and foremost, and then, secondarily, to others. Learning to release love and grace within our nuclear family is our training ground for wider ministry (1 Tim. 3:2-4).

Don't I just follow my parents example in parenting?

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if they were Christian parents who ministered love, grace and strength into the lives of their children or not. Parenting is one of God's greatest tools to mature us as Christians. As parents we need to honor each child. They are human beings, created in the image of God, and in training to rule as kings and queens. We are responsible to train them for their position of royalty.

We teach them honor and respect. We teach them to serve their brothers and sisters and friends and classmates. We train them to become selfless, respecting others before themselves. We train them who they are in Christ and the spiritual resources available to them.

The JOY of parenting!

Parenting was not intended to be a burden, and anyone who tells you differently has bought into a lie. You will learn to enjoy parenting as an exciting, joy-filled, divinely-ordained opportunity, not a wearying responsibility. You will love, encourage, trust and raise up your children in the way they should go, fulfilling their own unique destinies.

God has a vast reservoir of grace that He wants to pour into your life, your home, and your family.

God has provided lots of ways by which that grace can be channeled through you and into the lives of your children. Unfortunately, these rivers of God’s grace can become littered with the debris of our own sinful thoughts and actions, as well as the ungodly actions of our ancestors, creating dams that prevent His grace from flowing the way He desires.

In this training module you will …

  • Learn how to remove generational sins and curses originating from our ancestors
  • Learn how to release the power and wisdom of God into your children’s lives
  • Learn how to teach them to have a heart that pursues God
  • Model honoring of your parents, so your children learn to honor you
  • Learn to honor your children. The Bible says we are to honor ALL people and ALL obviously includes children
  • Learn to watch your words carefully, speaking only life over your children. 
  • Learn to focus on their God-given strengths, rather than their weaknesses, for it is in following and utilizing the strengths God has placed within them that they ascend to success in life.

My family IS my number one ministry objective!

Your number one ministry focus during the years you are raising your children is to minister God’s life to them. So you will make them your primary priority – without feeling guilty about it! You will learn why it is vital to teach them to hear God’s voice for themselves, and how to make wise spiritual decisions by using God’s approach to decision making.

Learning to release MORE grace…

The goal of this module is to enable you to release more of the grace of God into your home, making it a place of love, peace, honor and victorious Christian living where each member of the family is accepted as he is and strengthened to become all that he can be in Christ. As you allow the Holy Spirit to shine the Light of revelation on your life, He will gently mold you more fully into His image and the changes will be manifest not only in your life but in your whole family!

Enroll in this interactive e-learning course:

Parenting by Grace Module -- $99

Prefer hard copies?

Get them shipped from our sister site (also on sale)!

Or go deeper with the
“Spirit-Anointed Counselor” Certificate

consisting of our top 7 Spirit Life Modules at a discount:
Spirit-Anointed Counselor Certificate - Only $300

Act Now: 50% off sale expires Sept. 28th


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