Sabtu, 09 September 2017

Big Message, Little Ears

Children in Ceuta, Morocco.
Children in Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in Morocco, enjoy skits and songs at a gospel presentation. A ministry based in Spain provides social projects in Morocco and trains Moroccans to demonstrate the love of Christ to their countrymen. In a recent trip to bring medicines and other aid to needy Moroccans, workers learned the wife of an imam was suffering from a thyroid condition. The imam granted permission for his wife to pray with a female doctor about the illness, and minutes later the ministry director arrived and brought her a bag of medicines. “She opened the bag and started to weep with happiness,” the director said. “She said, ‘We don’t have that medicine here; it was the answer to our prayer before we even opened our eyes.’ And the imam began to weep too. And because of that, a big door has opened to the gospel in the village, because they all saw the power of God from the Christians.” Will you consider giving to bring Christ’s healing and salvation to people in pain and darkness?

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