Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

GPN Prayer request


Dear Dave and church,

'Steadfast determination coupled with faith in Christ can accomplish wonders.' (Philippians 3:13-14)

Important: Pray for God's strength and healing for Mrs. G., who receives chemotherapy for bladder cancer. Now she has problems with her bladder, rectum, heart, and suffers from arthrosis and itching.

Pray, believe and praise God that His Spirit will bring a change in the lives of the many people who will watch the television broadcast of Pastor David Maasbach on SBS6. He preaches the message of Jesus’ salvation, healing and deliverance every Sunday at 9.00 am.

Mrs. W. (65) had a stroke and is very emotional. She has the flu and is attacked in her mind with flashbacks from her past. Pray for God’s healing, deliverance and victory in her life.

Vicki will have a dental procedure to remove a piece of bone. They also want to make a biopsy. Pray that nothing wrong will be seen on the radar. Ruth

Iran: Rasoul Abdollahi was pardoned and released from prison in Karaj, Iran, on February 18th, after spending more than a year in detention on charges related to his Christian ministry. He was later tried in court and sentenced to three years in prison for his Christian activities. Pray for him, for God's guidance, protection and strength. VOM Contact

Pray for healing for the mother of N., who has severe anemia. She is very confused, depressed, angry and aggressive.

Mrs. P. requests prayer that the Lord helps her with her work in health care, because her working hours have changed. She has another manager and now works in another department. She will now start a trial period of three months.

The Afghan police has rescued 41 children from becoming suicide bombers, as they were about to be smuggled across the mountains to a neighbor country. The children aged six to eleven, had been released from four insurgents. Pray for God’s protection; that their parents would not sell them and they will not be indoctrinated, brainwashed or manipulated to do something that they do not feel comfortable with. Pray that God, through the Holy Spirit, will reveal Jesus to those families in dreams and visions. And that they will accept, dedicate and surrender their lives to God. Prayer Alert

Please pray for my brother J., for God's help in finding a new job.

Mrs. S.F. experiences God's help and rest, because we are praying for her. She asks us to pray for God's healing of her sleeping problem, diabetes and pain caused by a paralysis. And for strength to order her house and to keep it clean.

I have met a mother of 82 and her son of 51 and I have given them shelter. He has accepted the Lord Jesus and the next day he was offered accommodation. Pray that it continues to go well with them. Mrs. T.H.

Mrs. S. requested prayer for a change in the attitude of her manager toward employees at work. After this prayer request his attitude has improved. She now asks prayer for healing of her skin pigmentation.

New York City: Pray for me, being homeless at age 68 can be dangerous. Pray for me, for God's protection and care. brother Danny 

Diane is a Christian minister and has been laboring hard for the Lord on the front line for many years. Last week she fell on concrete. She has injuries all along her left side from her shoulder down to her ankle. Pray for healing and extra protection for her.

Pray for Mrs. V., that she will recieve the Holy Spirit and God's victory in her mind.

A fetish priest, Nicolas, served as a priest in his village. Many feared him, until God’s Word brought transformational change. A pastor felt led to reach out to the dreaded priest and discovered that Nicolas was suffering from an abscess in his right armpit. The priest shared about his life, confessing all the bad things he had been doing and gave his life to Jesus Christ. A few months later, Nicolas died a day after he asked the pastor to plant a church in the village. Pray for this village, so many peope will turn away from sorcery, divination and withcraft and will accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Prayer Alert

Pray for my daughter, S., for healing of rheumatism, pains and fatigue. Pray also for my grandson, that he will meet the right partner. Mrs. B.

PRAYER HELPS: I had requested prayer for the situation with my brother-in-law, who initimidated me during the holidays and later daily tried to contact me by phone. A day after my prayer request, the phone calls have stopped. Mrs. S.

PRAYER HELPS: I want to thank you for your prayers for my son, Laurens. The Lord has taken care of his problem. I am grateful for His goodness and mercy. Mrs. L.

PRAYER HELPS: Ms. C. wants to thank the Lord and the GPN prayer partners for their prayers. She requested prayer for her sister, Mrs. D.M. from Curacao, who had bone cancer. The doctors were amazed, because they could not find anything during the latest examination.

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We wish you a very blessed weekend!
The team of Global Prayer Network 

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