Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Prayer Request GPN 10-14-2010

GPN 10-14-2010

“Peace is the condition of the heart, not of circumstances.” Matt. 8:19

Let the peace of God fully reign in your heart. Greetings, Roberto Wijnhof

My instructor, Loren, refuses to give me credit for a class and test that I passed quite successfully, and that I paid for that testing. He is giving my different excuses at times as to why he cannot give me the credits, but these are not valid reasons as I show him the papers and the requirements and what grades I received.

Please pray that the Lord will intervene on this situation and turn his heart around to be honest with me and give me the class credits. C.

Lord, please soften and change Paul's heart drawing him to Jesus. Open his eyes and heart to accept Truth. Help Paul to hear and learn from you so he will come to Jesus. Flood his heart with Your light and give him revelation of who you are and Your plans for his life. Bring your labourers forth to show Paul the way. In Jesus name.

There is no doubt that there are at least 75,000 believers in Algeria today and the number is growing daily. The vast majority are in the Kabyle areas. At least 3,500 believers get baptized every year. The number of churches, house churches and groups is impossible to count. The believers have a great desire to share their faith in the towns and villages where they live. They also go and evangelise in other towns and villages. One large church has planted 6 other churches. The Kabyles are very open to the gospel. These people are ready to hear of another Way to God and be assured of their salvation. Pray that more leaders would have opportunity for leadership training, in preparation for ministry. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders in pastoral care. Ask the Lord to provide books and training materials. Pray for more meeting places. And praise God for all these new believers!

Maldives: Muslims Force Expat Christian Teacher to Flee

Mistaking compass she drew for a cross, parents of students threatened to expel her.

Authorities in the Maldives had to transport a Christian teacher from India off one of the Islamic nation’s islands after Muslim parents of her students threatened to expel her for “preaching Christianity.”

On Wednesday night (Sept. 29) a group of angry Muslim parents stormed the government school on the island of Foakaindhoo, in Shaviyani Atoll, accusing Geethamma George of drawing a cross in her class, a source at Foakaindhoo School told Compass. A few days earlier, George, a social studies teacher, had drawn a compass to teach directions to Class VI students. But the students, who knew little English, mistook the drawing to be a cross and thought she was trying to preach Christianity, the source said. The students complained to their parents, who in turn issued a warning to the school.

“There were only 10 teachers to defend Geethamma when a huge crowd gathered outside the school,” the source said by telephone. “Numerous local residents of the island also joined the parents’ protest.” The school administration promptly sought the help of officials from the education ministry.

“Fearing that the teacher would be physically attacked, the officials took her out of the island right away,” the source said. “She will never be able to come back to the island, and nor is she willing to do so. She will be given a job in another island.” Please pray for safety as a Christian.

Could you pray with us as we are organizing a revival meeting in Saint Malo - France - For a mighty move of the Spirit of God ? Also for our health to improve, it's like a kind of virus or bacteria is attacking Nadia and I. Thank you so much and Blessings to you. Frédéric and Nadia

From 16-25 October 2010, more than 4,000 Christian leaders will face major obstacles to world evangelisation meeting in Cape Town for 10 days. They trust God for breakthroughs in six main areas: portraying the uniqueness of Christ in a pluralistic world; religious fundamentalism; obstacles to world evangelisation within the church; the shift within the world church from the Global North to South and West to East; the development of a theology of suffering and reconciliation; and the building of new partnerships to help the church advance in the unfinished task of world evangelisation. Please pray into these different focus areas now, so leaders will be able to hear God's voice on these issues when they gather.

Pray for Surajpark church believers, that they may grow in faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for Pastor Satyanarayan that God may use him in this area and bless him with wisdom, knowledge, power and strength. Pray for his wife and children too. We have a thriving children church and youth group who are first generation Christians. Uphold them in your prayer. India

Please pray for the 7 days of daily Bible school and at night a 7 days conference with pastor David Maasbach in the Netherlands form Monday 18 till 24 of October.

Fifty thousand people, Africans and Americans alike, are expected to descend upon the Capitol West Mall in Washington DC on Saturday, October 16, 2010 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. and participate in Africa Prays For America, a unique and unprecedented prayer gathering hosted by the African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network ( African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network (ASLPN), an assembly of African Christian leaders from around the world, is a non-profit Christian charitable organization dedicated to prayer and intercession. The ASLPN said, “We are coming, leaders and lay people, we are coming from dozens of African Nations, we are coming 50,000 strong to petition heaven in unity. We, African believers, call all Christians to join us on October 16 to pray for America. May our light never go out.” Pray that every attendee from Africa will only release and pray according to the Spirit of God. Pray that every attendee will have God’s kingdom in mind and the expansion thereof. Pray against the activity of false prophecy, any form of witchcraft, etc. Pray that Africans will call on the name of the True and Living God, the Holy One of Israel to intervene on behalf of America.

Please pray for the Assyrian Christians of Iraq. Please pray in particular for the nearly 500,000 refugees in neighbouring countries and within Iraq as we work to provide them with assistance, help to go home and protection.

Religion is largely irrelevant to most young people who rely instead on a ‘secular trinity’ of themselves, their family and their friends to give meaning to their lives, a new book claims. The study published by the Church of England concludes that people born after 1982 - known as ‘Generation Y’ - have only a ‘faded cultural memory’ of Christianity. For many young people, religious observance extends no further than praying in their bedrooms during moments of crisis, on a ‘need to believe basis’. Fewer than one in five young people believe in a God ‘who created the world and hears my prayers’, and teenagers were more likely to believe in the ‘nicer’ parts of religious doctrine than those about the devil and punishment. ‘It is undoubtedly the case that the Christian memory is very faint and in many respects Generation Y is a largely unstoried and memory less generation,’ the study said. Continue to pray for the young people in your community by speaking the Word of God into their lives. Try to spend time with them and listen to their battles and pray accordingly.

Pray for the AIDS situation in our country. Pray for the Churches to rise in India and take the responsibility to show Christ love to them. Pray for our HIV/AIDS awareness programme and the radio programme on FM Rainbow through which we reach to thousands every week with the latest information about the pandemic and also the Gospel. Pray that we would be able to work towards educating the present and the future generation in fighting this deadly disease and caring for its victims with the love of Jesus Christ. Please pray for Zeeta, Anil, Azad, Suresh and others in the team.

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