Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

GPN 6 March 2009

GPN 03-06-2009

Faith is the key which opens one’s life to God. ( Marcus 11:22)

Have a good-blesses weekend. GPN Team.

Hi my brothers and sisters asking prayer for GODS strength and provision to make it through the week. Please pray as well as for the homeless- “Senior citizens” Centre” The centre is supposed to close the end of JULY but many people are being asked to leave as soon as possible it just seems so very sad. GOD richly bless you. Br. D., U.s.A.

Please pray that:

-Funding will be raised up for our church to purchase their rented Food Co Operative and the next door house daily.

-the right Christian volunteers will be added to the team.

-Emergency relief will be donated and paid for by all different people and businesses.


-UNHINDERED PROGRESS will go forward to establish an on site TRAINING SCHOOL

-Unhindered progress on the expansion of the Food Co Operative

-DAILY NEW MUSIC STUDENTS will BE ADDED TO ME and NEW CREATED PAID JOBS wITH additional paid employment within the organization and prosperity to my whole family as we assist in trying to establish building the on site TRAINING SCHOOL FOR Many different types of courses for the unemployed and needy.

Many thanks.

According to an American report, there is some good news regarding teen drug use—they seem to be heeding their parents' anti-drug advice. The U.S. study was commissioned by the Partnership for a Drug-free America. According to the yearly research, those teens who said they had learned "a lot" about the negative effects of drug use from their parents rose from 34 to 37 percent, the most notable increase in about 15 years. There was more good news in the overall decline of marijuana and methamphetamine use. Thank God for the all the parents that are taking up their responsibility in teaching their children about the dangers of drugs. Pray that parents in your community will also become involved in their children’s lives. Ask God for mercy on Cape Town, South Africa where the use of drugs (especially methamphetamine) is on the increase.

Please pray for:



School Van, Copying machine, Computers & Video machines for students’ research;

(Note: We’ve previously asked prayers for a video camera: Praise God – somebody pledged to help buy Video camera to record teachings)


Pray for our Philadelphia Bible college students and all the staff. Pray that God will help them to learn and grow in His word. Pray also for the faculties , who teach them. Pray that God will give all the students good health and wisdom, knowledge and gift of Holy spirit. We have 40 regular and 75 correspondent students.

Pray for all the ten students of our Institute of Community Transformation. Their training is ending in the month of March. Pray that God will bless them and fill them with His knowledge, power, strength and wisdom. This programme we run in partnership with Seva Bharat. Pray that these ICTs will be a blesseing.

Pray for our People Empowerment Project at Delhi. We are empowering nearly 3000 women and their families in Delhi and Aligarh in U.P. Last month in a training program, 40 women from our SHG Groups underwent a special course on food processing and received certificate and study materials from the Government of India. Pray that this project will bring smile and financially blessings to the thousands of families and they will grow in the faith of Jesus Christ.

Rev. S., Philadelphia Churches in India.

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