GPN 03-31-2009
“Faith is the key which open one’s life to God”. Mark 11:22
I hope that you will enter into Gods presence by faith, to Him who has given us so much promises. For others but also for yourself. Roberto Wijnhof.
My mother in law (AJ) and brother in law (Ash) -both unsaved, suffered from unsound mind/total demonic control. After the death of AJ 3 months ago, we have brought Ash to live with us (no one else to look after him) but our Peace has gone. Please pray for our deliverance from demons that may have infiltrated into our lives/home as a result. Thank you for your deep prayers for us and May God bless you abundant!
Take a moment today to look at the condition of your community. Is there a beggar in the street? Did a child knock on your car’s window this morning asking for money or food? Do you know of a single parent in your community that can barely make ends meet? Consider: To give without the thought of wanting anything in return. Give with the intention to bless, for you are called to be a blessing (this does not necessarily mean anything materialistic, but time, words of comfort, a hug, compassion, etc.). He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given. (Prov.19:17).
Hi my brothers and sisters asking special prayer for Peters Place the seniors here now are getting angry feeling they have been betrayed, asking prayer for strength and provision to be a voice of hope and faith .GOD richly bless you. brother Danny
Imagine spending 10 years with little more than 2,4 sq m to yourself. The cell is badly ventilated, the food is not great, and somewhere along the line you got tuberculosis (TB) and for some reason the warder isn't bringing you your pills anymore. The reality in prisons around the country is that they're a health horror. And the fact that you are not in jail does not mean you are not affected. Some have gone as far as describing prisons as "epidemiological pumps" that fuel the TB epidemic on the outside. Prisons in South Africa are about 40% over capacity. An estimated 60% of prisoners are in prisons that are more than 150% full. Jesus said, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to Me. Jesus also came to set the captives free. Pray for them and bear this in mind as you pray for prisoners and the condition that they are living in.
Christian human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng, has now been missing 50 days, and there is increasing concern for his life. He was last seen being hauled away from his home by more than a dozen police officers on February 4. Reports from inside China indicate he is undergoing brutal torture.
The situation is critical, and with each day that passes, Gao Zhisheng's life hangs in the balance.
Because of Gao's work defending house church Christians and others persecuted in China, the Chinese government wants to silence his voice. ChinaAid president, Bob Fu calls Gao's torture "the most severe persecution in China's modern history." Gao's wife and two children, who have also been abused and tormented by the police, escaped to the U.S. less than two weeks ago. His family is afraid that authorities, furious at their escape, are taking revenge on Gao.
Urgent prayer is needed for church mediation and a resolution to conflict between the President of Madagascar and the ex-Mayor of Antananarivo which has resulted in 100 deaths. The Christian Churches in Madagascar began successful mediation between the two sides but they appear to have stalled. The situation is described as ‘a social explosion of great anger all over the country.' While the people remain in deep poverty, political leaders steal the wealth of the country. As the stalemate continues, food is becoming rare and expensive. Please pray that the mediation talks would be resumed. Ask God to bring an acceptance of justice and righteous conclusions to every obstacle. Pray that the Church of Christ will be God’s voice in this situation and that those who have an ear will abide to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
By the God's will we have delivered the warehouse in which the Church was located. This, because the owners of the building want to sell it and it is not possible for us to buy it. We had hard days moving all our things. We don't have found a place to establish the Church and Administrative office. But we have being celebrating the meetings in a place we can rent for hours. Please pray for a solution.
Pray for the Begumpur Church in Delhi. They have got a piece of land to build a church in that area. But they do not have enough of money. Pray that God may provide all their financial needs. We believe God will do it within this year. In faith we want to start construction from June, 2009. Also pray for Pr. Chandra, as he is serving the Lord in that area. Pray that God will give him more strength and power and bless him. Pray for his wife and two children.
Praise God for Jharoda Church Believers in Delhi who are growing in faith & in Spirit. God is spreading his work. Pray that we may raise many leaders who will spread his kingdom. Pray for our Associate Pastor Dinesh Dass, that God will give him wisdom, knowledge, power & strength & use him mightily in this area. Pray for his wife and two sons too.
We Praise God for Sis. Hemlata , a teacher and Motivator in the Child Development Project of our Church at Surajpark. She had a deep spot in her neck that was suspected of a serious sickness, but when the Church prayed, God gave her completely healing. Please also praise God for brother Sunny who is an accountant in the same project as God heal him from his severe stomach pain.
Pray for Pastor Shyamdhami , he is serving the Lord in Mubarakpur and Ranapark area. Pray for his family and his ministry. Specially remember Anandamayee his wife who needs Gods favour. Pray for Sis. Meena, from Ranapark Church, who is married but has no child after eight years. Pray that God will bless her with the fruit of her womb and that she will glorify God’s name in the community.
Deliverance and protection from evil spirits due to witchcraft/black magic + health & peace.
Colombian pastor missing for six months
Your prayers and action will make a vital difference to the family of Pastor William Reyes.
Yesterday, Luz Nelly, William and Estefania celebrated a very sombre anniversary - it is six months since they last saw their father. As you may recall, Pastor Reyes disappeared while travelling home from the city of Valledupar on 25 September. They have not seen or heard from him since.
There have been a number of worrying developments in the case since the start of this year: threatening messages being left for India, strangers attempting to grab their daughter, and unidentified armed men allegedly entering a local church and forcibly removing a female parishioner.
We are concerned for their safety and ask that you stand together with them at this time.
Kita dipanggil untuk berdoa untuk membina hubungan yang intim dengan Tuhan dan berdoa bagi sesama kita sebagai bukti kasih kita pada sesama terutama yang terhilang dan tengah berbeban berat
Selasa, 31 Maret 2009
Kisah Adam dari Pasifik Selatan


Kisah Adam dari Pasifik Selatan
Misionaris-misionaris yang pertama datang Di Wilayah Pasifik Selatan
200 tahun lalu Terkesima dengan keindahan daratan hijau dan
wanita-wanita dengan rambut panjang yang hitam namun mereka
juga terkejut dengan ketidakberadaban, pengorbanan manusia dan
penyembahan berhala yang mereka temukan. Syukur untuk kerja
keras dari para misionaris pionir ini Sekarang mungkin ada tidak
kurang dari 30 kelompok etnik Di bagian dunia yang memiliki sedikit hubungan dengan
injil ini Dan hari-hari ini, Penduduk kepulauan Pasifik membawa injil pada langkah
berikutnya Kami berdoa agar Tuhan membantu kami menolong mereka yang berada
pada kelompok yang tersisa ini
Pada saat Jacob Abufa'asia kembali ke rumahnya pada tahun 1904, Injil untuk pertama
kalinya datang ke wilayahnya di Pasifik Selatan Dia menjadi kristen melalui pelayanan
Dari Misi Kanaka Queensland Badan misi ini bekerja diantara para pekerja Kepulauan
Laut Selatan Di Perkebunan gula Queensland Injil menyebar secara cepat diantara
penduduk pesisir, Namun para penduduk pegunungan masih tetap tidak terjangkau.
Dikarenakan perubahan dramatis dalam kehidupannnya, Abufa'asia seperti terjangkit
parah dengan sebuah penyakit – Kekristenan - dan dia ingin membagikannya kepada
yang lain Sehingga mereka akan menjadi pembawa dari penyakit itu juga. Abufa'asia
akhirnya meninggal dengan damai di masa tuanya namun buah dari kerja kerasnya
berkelanjutan dan Penyebaran penyakit – Kekristenan - Menjangkit banyak orang-orang
muda Saya tahu karena saya salah satu dari mereka: Nama saya Adam.
Kehidupan di banyak bagian dari kepulauan Solomon tetap Terpusat di sekitar
Kepemilikan tanah- secara bersama dan ditopang oleh pertanian dan perikanan Kami
meneruskan pekerjaan yang Abufa'asia mulai Membawa injil ini Untuk mereka yang
membutuhkan, Penduduk primitif pegunungan Kwaio yang terhilang Mereka tinggal di
Malaita Tengah Kepulauan Solomon, di belahan gunung wilayah hutan tropis. Mereka
adalah pemburu dan petani, Mengolah kentang manis dan mengikuti kepercayaan
tradisional setempat.
Penduduk pegunungan Kwaio mungkin Salah satu dari beberapa kelompok suku di
Kepulauan Solomon. Masih kurang dari 2% yang terinjili Dengan pelayanan yang baru
berlangsung 10 tahun.
Pada tahun 1993, tiga puluh gereja Kwaio Timur Membentuk panitia misi dan saya
ditunjuk menjadi koordinatornya Wilayah Pegunungan dibagi menjadi 7 Daerah atau
pusat perkemahan yang dibangun dekat dengan tempat tinggal mereka Kami pergi ke
sana dan membawa pakaian, Panci, peralatan makan, bahan-bahan makanan, beras,
ikan, dll Kami melakukan hal ini pada hari tertentu dan mengundang pemuka agama
suku Dengan keluarga mereka bertemu kami di pusat perkemahan Kami betemu dari
jam 6 pagi sampai 6 sore Kami bernyanyi dan bermain drama, memberikan kesaksian
dan menunjukkan film Yesus, Berkotbah dan memberikan hadiah-hadiah yang kami
bawa. Seringkali mereka akan menangis keras dan meminta kami datang dan
Membangun gereja di pedesaan mereka dan mengirim misionaris ke mereka, kami telah
membangun beberapa gereja sekarang dan Tuhan sedang mengerjakan perkara yang
dahsyat di antara mereka.
Sekitar 40 – 70 orang menjadi percaya setiap tahunnya - dan pada tahun 2005,
jumlahnya mencapai 770 meningkat dari tahun 1993. Jumlah penduduk Kwaio adalah
13,249 menurut survei pada tahun 1999 dan kami memperkirakan masih ada 2000
penduduk untuk dijangkau di pegunungan mereka masih tinggal di gubuk rumput Kami
mohon dukungan anda untuk usaha misi kami untuk menjangkau suku kwaio dengan
Pasifik Selatan adalah wilayah dengan jumlah terkecil dari kelompok suku-suku
terabaikan dari 12 wilayah di dunia. Mungkin kurang dari 30 kelompok secara
keseluruhan, namun banyak bagian dari kepulauan pasifik ada pada tahap postkekristenan,
hampir seperti gereja di Eropa. Namun, Tuhan telah mulai membangkitkan
gerejanya di tempat-tempat seperti Fiji. 14 Mei 2006 adalah deklarasi ke 400 tahun
Dibuat oleh Pedro Ferdandez de Quiros ketika dia bernubuat bahwa tanah yang tak
dikenal ini sampai ke bagian selatan dimana dia berdiri akan menjadi “terra australis de
Espiritu Santo,” atau “Kepulauan Selatan Roh Kudus.” Berdoa agar Tuhan mengirimkan
api kebangunan rohani dan melahap semua Kepulauan pasifik dan seluruh belahan
dunia, mengubah orang-orang dan bangsa-bangsa mereka! Berdoa untuk Suku
terabaikan yang tersisa di Pasifik Selatan juga.
Minta Tuhan untuk membawa penggenapan proklamasi profetik 400 tahun ini Bahwa
gereja-gereja di Pasifik Selatan bangkit dengan kuasa dan Pengurapan Roh Kudus
untuk secara berani menyatakan kabar baik Memproklamasikan bukan hanya untuk
suku-suku terabaikan yang tersisa di wilayah ini, namun di seluruh belahan dunia!
Berdoa agar Tuhan membuat tubuh-tubuh Kristus bekerja dengan kekreatifan illahi-NYA
dan dalam kesatuan Roh untuk menghadapi setiap batasan untuk injil di setiap
kelompok suku.
Berdoa untuk penggenapan Maleakhi Bahwa Anak Kebenaran bangkit dengan
kesembuhan di sayap-Nya, Mengembalikan hati bapa-bapa pada anak-anak dan hati
anak-anak pada bapanya. Berdoa agar berkat-berkat iman dan keberanian dari
generasi sebelumnya Diteruskan pada generasi muda sehingga mereka dapat
menjangkau generasi mereka bagi Yesus.
Berdoa agar Firman Tuhan akan menyebar dengan pesat dan dihormati seperti yang
diproklamasikan diantara mereka oleh para pria dan wanita setia Terutama di antara
suku-suku terabaikan yang tersisa.
Berdoa untuk Suku-suku terabaikan yang masih tersisa di Pasifik Selatan Untuk
dijangkau dan bergandengan tangan di dalam Tuhan satu sama lain, dan orang-orang
percaya di seluruh belahan dunia untuk menjangkau dan mengubah Kelompok yang
tersisa dengan Kerajaan Allah
Senin, 16 Maret 2009
Pokok Doa 13 Maret 2009
“Temper makes a man “speak his mind,” when he should be “minding what he speaks.” Matt. 16:17 Lets be careful what comes out of our mouth; let it be “loving and building up somebody”. Have a nice weekend, Roberto Wijnhof.
Hi my brothers and sisters asking special prayer for strength and provision things are changing so rapidly here at the homeless shelter that I could be soon living on the street which will be a real test of faith. GOD richly bless you brother Danny.
Please pray for the funds to rebuild our church. We are working on it but we can not finished it because we haven not the right funds to finished it. Pastor S. M. Pakistan.
Powers of darkness keep playing tricks with my mind. This makes me weary and depressed. Though I keep rebuking them this problem prevails. I am a believer. Please for total deliverance. Thank you all for your fervent prayers. God bless all of you. India.
Please pray that I get a job. Also, there is a particular person that is harassing me. I know that the enemy is working through that person. Pray that the Lord bind that demon. Thanking you in advance. Helen C.
Please pray for josh m., the deputy in Alabama whose family was shot yesterday. Pray that he and the other members of his family are saved, born-again, and receive encouragement and hope from the Lord.
I have asked for prayer for my family many times, but this time its for me. Dr have found a spot in my breast , and they are going to do a biopsy. Please pray it isn't cancer. If it is , that the Lord will give me, and my family, the strength to handle it. He has given me peace with this, but he said to ask. Thank you so much.
Polycarp eclipse my colleague is severe condition due to stage 4 colon cancer please pray for his healing and for the comfort and peace to his family. Please pray that God will send someone to this person and share the salvation of Jesus Christ to him. Please Lord I plea before you'll get this person let him be saved. Pray also for the right shoulder of my mother-in law for healing. She's in pain. Thank u for your prayers.
Cuban pastor’s trial suspended
Pastor Rodriguez and family
Latest news from Cuba reports that Reverend Rodriguez’s trial was again unexpectedly suspended, however, no reason has been given and the charges still stand.
You can speak up on behalf of Reverend Rodriguez by sending a letter to the Cuban embassy – see the right-hand column for details.
Attacks on the family
Reverend Rodriguez was hospitalised last week for stomach problems and was diagnosed with pan-gastritis. Doctors confirmed that the stress of the situation with the authorities has aggravated his illness.
We are also deeply concerned by reports from his family that neighbours continue to carry out acts of aggression against their family, apparently with the tacit support of local authorities. The family has been forced to move for their own safety, neighbours have damaged their septic tank, leaving them with no sanitary facilities in their home, and destroyed their water pipes, leaving them without water. There have been no repercussions for the neighbours who seem to enjoy the support of the authorities.
The daughter-in-law of Reverend Rodriguez, Gianelys Meneses, was attacked on the street while walking with her two-year old daughter. As a result, she suffered a miscarriage at eight weeks. Even more alarmingly, she has been told by the authorities that they may charge her as responsible for the attack.
As you may recall Gianelys’ husband, Eric Gabriel Rodriguez, was convicted in December on the same charges against his father, “offensive behaviour” and was sentenced to three months to one year of house arrest with the possibility of imprisonment if he “re-offends”.
The family has requested that representations be made to the Cuban government and in particular to the Ministry of Religious Affairs; asking that the charges against Reverend Rodriguez be dropped, that the conviction of Pastor Eric Gabriel Rodriguez be thrown out, and that the local authorities should guarantee the safety and protection of this family.
- Pray all charges against the Revered Rodriguez and his son would be dropped.
- Pray for Reverend Rodriguez’s health, that he would be healed and restored.
- Pray for the family of Reverend Rodriguez as this situation continues to be prolonged, that they would be strengthened and protected from further harm.
- Pray for those harassing this family, that they would stop their campaign, drop all charges and ultimately come to know the Lord.
- Praise God that He did intervene in December and February and that He is the same yesterday, today and forever and is able to intervene again.
Please pray for the restoration of our marriage. Please pray for my wife M. that her heart will become soft and that we will not divorce. A.M. Pakistan.
Please pray that everything necessary will happen so every obstacle to breakthrough would be removed to my eldest daughter, and second youngest daughter returning to Christ, and that all my daughters will love and desire fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving and desiring Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires. Please pray that Christ be formed in each of my daughters.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum (my wife) recovers.
Many Thanks
Husband may be laid off (72yrsold) he needs this job as we have just learned I have ra. I lost my job since I've been in pain and sometimes not able to walk due to swelling in my foot. He is a good worker and never off. Thanking you in advance.
Please pray for me, I would like to get married this year. S.M. Pakistan.
I have a long-term disability (though no longer paralysed) as a result of a hit & run 20 years ago. I have had my daily help stopped, I’m unable to care for myself independently. I need healing, money to live independently & maybe a new place to live. I believe my difficulties to be a symptom of a spiritual stronghold in this city. For decades in this city there has been a culture of sexual & ritual abuse amongst professionals & a tolerance of arrogant & deceitful cover ups. Please pray for my healing & for this city; thanking God for the victory already won in Christ Jesus.
“Temper makes a man “speak his mind,” when he should be “minding what he speaks.” Matt. 16:17 Lets be careful what comes out of our mouth; let it be “loving and building up somebody”. Have a nice weekend, Roberto Wijnhof.
Hi my brothers and sisters asking special prayer for strength and provision things are changing so rapidly here at the homeless shelter that I could be soon living on the street which will be a real test of faith. GOD richly bless you brother Danny.
Please pray for the funds to rebuild our church. We are working on it but we can not finished it because we haven not the right funds to finished it. Pastor S. M. Pakistan.
Powers of darkness keep playing tricks with my mind. This makes me weary and depressed. Though I keep rebuking them this problem prevails. I am a believer. Please for total deliverance. Thank you all for your fervent prayers. God bless all of you. India.
Please pray that I get a job. Also, there is a particular person that is harassing me. I know that the enemy is working through that person. Pray that the Lord bind that demon. Thanking you in advance. Helen C.
Please pray for josh m., the deputy in Alabama whose family was shot yesterday. Pray that he and the other members of his family are saved, born-again, and receive encouragement and hope from the Lord.
I have asked for prayer for my family many times, but this time its for me. Dr have found a spot in my breast , and they are going to do a biopsy. Please pray it isn't cancer. If it is , that the Lord will give me, and my family, the strength to handle it. He has given me peace with this, but he said to ask. Thank you so much.
Polycarp eclipse my colleague is severe condition due to stage 4 colon cancer please pray for his healing and for the comfort and peace to his family. Please pray that God will send someone to this person and share the salvation of Jesus Christ to him. Please Lord I plea before you'll get this person let him be saved. Pray also for the right shoulder of my mother-in law for healing. She's in pain. Thank u for your prayers.
Cuban pastor’s trial suspended
Pastor Rodriguez and family
Latest news from Cuba reports that Reverend Rodriguez’s trial was again unexpectedly suspended, however, no reason has been given and the charges still stand.
You can speak up on behalf of Reverend Rodriguez by sending a letter to the Cuban embassy – see the right-hand column for details.
Attacks on the family
Reverend Rodriguez was hospitalised last week for stomach problems and was diagnosed with pan-gastritis. Doctors confirmed that the stress of the situation with the authorities has aggravated his illness.
We are also deeply concerned by reports from his family that neighbours continue to carry out acts of aggression against their family, apparently with the tacit support of local authorities. The family has been forced to move for their own safety, neighbours have damaged their septic tank, leaving them with no sanitary facilities in their home, and destroyed their water pipes, leaving them without water. There have been no repercussions for the neighbours who seem to enjoy the support of the authorities.
The daughter-in-law of Reverend Rodriguez, Gianelys Meneses, was attacked on the street while walking with her two-year old daughter. As a result, she suffered a miscarriage at eight weeks. Even more alarmingly, she has been told by the authorities that they may charge her as responsible for the attack.
As you may recall Gianelys’ husband, Eric Gabriel Rodriguez, was convicted in December on the same charges against his father, “offensive behaviour” and was sentenced to three months to one year of house arrest with the possibility of imprisonment if he “re-offends”.
The family has requested that representations be made to the Cuban government and in particular to the Ministry of Religious Affairs; asking that the charges against Reverend Rodriguez be dropped, that the conviction of Pastor Eric Gabriel Rodriguez be thrown out, and that the local authorities should guarantee the safety and protection of this family.
- Pray all charges against the Revered Rodriguez and his son would be dropped.
- Pray for Reverend Rodriguez’s health, that he would be healed and restored.
- Pray for the family of Reverend Rodriguez as this situation continues to be prolonged, that they would be strengthened and protected from further harm.
- Pray for those harassing this family, that they would stop their campaign, drop all charges and ultimately come to know the Lord.
- Praise God that He did intervene in December and February and that He is the same yesterday, today and forever and is able to intervene again.
Please pray for the restoration of our marriage. Please pray for my wife M. that her heart will become soft and that we will not divorce. A.M. Pakistan.
Please pray that everything necessary will happen so every obstacle to breakthrough would be removed to my eldest daughter, and second youngest daughter returning to Christ, and that all my daughters will love and desire fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving and desiring Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires. Please pray that Christ be formed in each of my daughters.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum (my wife) recovers.
Many Thanks
Husband may be laid off (72yrsold) he needs this job as we have just learned I have ra. I lost my job since I've been in pain and sometimes not able to walk due to swelling in my foot. He is a good worker and never off. Thanking you in advance.
Please pray for me, I would like to get married this year. S.M. Pakistan.
I have a long-term disability (though no longer paralysed) as a result of a hit & run 20 years ago. I have had my daily help stopped, I’m unable to care for myself independently. I need healing, money to live independently & maybe a new place to live. I believe my difficulties to be a symptom of a spiritual stronghold in this city. For decades in this city there has been a culture of sexual & ritual abuse amongst professionals & a tolerance of arrogant & deceitful cover ups. Please pray for my healing & for this city; thanking God for the victory already won in Christ Jesus.
Kamis, 12 Maret 2009
GPN 11 MARCH 2009
GPN 03-11-2009
“Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming”. Col. 4:6; Matt. 11:36. Sorry for not sending our prayer requests to you yesterday. We had a system problem. Roberto Wijnhof GPN
Praise God for K. in Begam Pur, He was suffering from T.B. for a long time. We thank God for touching and healing him. Please pray for his family members so that they come to know Him as their personal saviour.
Dear Praying friends & family,
Greetings in Jesus Name from the Philippines. We are grateful for your prayers. We are in Urgent need of prayer for two requests;
1. Please Pray for me especially tomorrow Wednesday, March 12, 1pm-5pm&Thursday March 13,9am-5pm Philippine time as I share at a Corporate Gathering that many would be impacted in the Seminar. For Jesus to shine through for His Glory!!!
2. On Friday, March 20 7-9pm over 300+Filipino-Indian Hindu businessmen/families have been invited to hear the good news of Jesus, The DOULOS (Operation Mobilization's Ship)Pier#13,The Manila Harbor. Pray that God would empower me to share the Word that many would give up their Hindu Gods and follow Christ Jesus. Much opposition! Pls Pray4 Protection!
God bless you & Thank you Daniel, Salvy & Asha Samuel
Praise God for mrs. M. from Najafgarh. She was possessed by evils power since last 22 years, she & her family members were depressed. Thank God we prayed & God delivered her. Pray that she may be a witness for Christ Jesus in her Community also pray for her husband P., who has a desire to serve God.
Praise God for mr. S. in Suraj Park. He was sick for a long time, but thank God our jahova rapha (our healer) who healed mr. S.
Pray that God will give him spiritual power and strength and that He will also supply all their needs.
Rev. A., P. Churches in India.
Please pray for:
-financial partners: For the projects of the Institute.
-HT building in Metro Manila (Long term) : 4 stories on at least 1000 sq m. Accessible, good location.
H. T. Institute, Philippines.
Deliverance and protection from evil spirits due to witchcraft/black magic + HEALTH & PEACE John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. PLEASE PRAY THAT THIS PEACE FLOWS IN OUR LIVES.
Take a moment today to look at the condition of your community. Is there a beggar in the street? Did a child knock on your car’s window this morning asking for money or food? Do you know of a single parent in your community that can barely make ends meet? Consider: To give without the thought of wanting anything in return. Give with the intention to bless, for you are called to be a blessing (this does not necessarily mean anything materialistic, but time, words of comfort, a hug, compassion, etc.). He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given. (Prov.19:17).
Praise God for God’s Grace & Mercy upon The Philadelphia Ministries & The Full Gospel Trust Of India during the last two months. God has blessed us tremendously. Pray that God will continue to use this ministry as a channel of Blessing in North India and that we may reach the unreached in millions and bring them to the kingdom.
Please pray for the book on Iraq currently being completed. Pray for favour with the publisher, completion of remaining writing, strong media support for the book and the ability to tell the story of the Assyrian Christians of Iraq.
Please pray for much needed support for Iraq. We need support in prayer & people who will pledge monthly support.
Please help us in prayer so we can take care of these as well as the work in Iraq and ongoing ministry.
We are doing our best to help the nearly 500,000 Assyrian Christian refugees.
Assyrian C., Baghdad.
Please pray that God will provide a Christian husband for my daughter who is over 30 years of age.
A., Ghana.
Praise God for Sis. B. ( Najafgarh), she was possessed by evils spirit for last 19 years.
But as we prayed for her, God delivered her. Pray that she may grow in Faith and in the word of God. Please also pray for her husband that he may know Jesus Christ as his saviour.
Imagine spending 10 years with little more than 2,4 sq m to yourself. The cell is badly ventilated, the food is not great, and somewhere along the line you got tuberculosis (TB) and for some reason the warder isn't bringing you your pills anymore. The reality in prisons around the country is that they're a health horror. And the fact that you are not in jail does not mean you are not affected. Some have gone as far as describing prisons as "epidemiological pumps" that fuel the TB epidemic on the outside. Prisons in South Africa are about 40% over capacity. An estimated 60% of prisoners are in prisons that are more than 150% full.
Urgent prayer is needed for church mediation and a resolution to conflict between the President of Madagascar and the ex-Mayor of Antananarivo which has resulted in 100 deaths. The Christian Churches in Madagascar began successful mediation between the two sides but they appear to have stalled. The situation is described as ‘a social explosion of great anger all over the country.' While the people remain in deep poverty, political leaders steal the wealth of the country. As the stalemate continues, food is becoming rare and expensive. Please pray that the mediation talks would be resumed. Ask God to bring an acceptance of justice and righteous conclusions to every obstacle. Pray that the Church of Christ will be God’s voice in this situation and that those who have an ear will abide to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
“Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming”. Col. 4:6; Matt. 11:36. Sorry for not sending our prayer requests to you yesterday. We had a system problem. Roberto Wijnhof GPN
Praise God for K. in Begam Pur, He was suffering from T.B. for a long time. We thank God for touching and healing him. Please pray for his family members so that they come to know Him as their personal saviour.
Dear Praying friends & family,
Greetings in Jesus Name from the Philippines. We are grateful for your prayers. We are in Urgent need of prayer for two requests;
1. Please Pray for me especially tomorrow Wednesday, March 12, 1pm-5pm&Thursday March 13,9am-5pm Philippine time as I share at a Corporate Gathering that many would be impacted in the Seminar. For Jesus to shine through for His Glory!!!
2. On Friday, March 20 7-9pm over 300+Filipino-Indian Hindu businessmen/families have been invited to hear the good news of Jesus, The DOULOS (Operation Mobilization's Ship)Pier#13,The Manila Harbor. Pray that God would empower me to share the Word that many would give up their Hindu Gods and follow Christ Jesus. Much opposition! Pls Pray4 Protection!
God bless you & Thank you Daniel, Salvy & Asha Samuel
Praise God for mrs. M. from Najafgarh. She was possessed by evils power since last 22 years, she & her family members were depressed. Thank God we prayed & God delivered her. Pray that she may be a witness for Christ Jesus in her Community also pray for her husband P., who has a desire to serve God.
Praise God for mr. S. in Suraj Park. He was sick for a long time, but thank God our jahova rapha (our healer) who healed mr. S.
Pray that God will give him spiritual power and strength and that He will also supply all their needs.
Rev. A., P. Churches in India.
Please pray for:
-financial partners: For the projects of the Institute.
-HT building in Metro Manila (Long term) : 4 stories on at least 1000 sq m. Accessible, good location.
H. T. Institute, Philippines.
Deliverance and protection from evil spirits due to witchcraft/black magic + HEALTH & PEACE John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. PLEASE PRAY THAT THIS PEACE FLOWS IN OUR LIVES.
Take a moment today to look at the condition of your community. Is there a beggar in the street? Did a child knock on your car’s window this morning asking for money or food? Do you know of a single parent in your community that can barely make ends meet? Consider: To give without the thought of wanting anything in return. Give with the intention to bless, for you are called to be a blessing (this does not necessarily mean anything materialistic, but time, words of comfort, a hug, compassion, etc.). He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given. (Prov.19:17).
Praise God for God’s Grace & Mercy upon The Philadelphia Ministries & The Full Gospel Trust Of India during the last two months. God has blessed us tremendously. Pray that God will continue to use this ministry as a channel of Blessing in North India and that we may reach the unreached in millions and bring them to the kingdom.
Please pray for the book on Iraq currently being completed. Pray for favour with the publisher, completion of remaining writing, strong media support for the book and the ability to tell the story of the Assyrian Christians of Iraq.
Please pray for much needed support for Iraq. We need support in prayer & people who will pledge monthly support.
Please help us in prayer so we can take care of these as well as the work in Iraq and ongoing ministry.
We are doing our best to help the nearly 500,000 Assyrian Christian refugees.
Assyrian C., Baghdad.
Please pray that God will provide a Christian husband for my daughter who is over 30 years of age.
A., Ghana.
Praise God for Sis. B. ( Najafgarh), she was possessed by evils spirit for last 19 years.
But as we prayed for her, God delivered her. Pray that she may grow in Faith and in the word of God. Please also pray for her husband that he may know Jesus Christ as his saviour.
Imagine spending 10 years with little more than 2,4 sq m to yourself. The cell is badly ventilated, the food is not great, and somewhere along the line you got tuberculosis (TB) and for some reason the warder isn't bringing you your pills anymore. The reality in prisons around the country is that they're a health horror. And the fact that you are not in jail does not mean you are not affected. Some have gone as far as describing prisons as "epidemiological pumps" that fuel the TB epidemic on the outside. Prisons in South Africa are about 40% over capacity. An estimated 60% of prisoners are in prisons that are more than 150% full.
Urgent prayer is needed for church mediation and a resolution to conflict between the President of Madagascar and the ex-Mayor of Antananarivo which has resulted in 100 deaths. The Christian Churches in Madagascar began successful mediation between the two sides but they appear to have stalled. The situation is described as ‘a social explosion of great anger all over the country.' While the people remain in deep poverty, political leaders steal the wealth of the country. As the stalemate continues, food is becoming rare and expensive. Please pray that the mediation talks would be resumed. Ask God to bring an acceptance of justice and righteous conclusions to every obstacle. Pray that the Church of Christ will be God’s voice in this situation and that those who have an ear will abide to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Where Do Our Emotions Come From?
Alice Smith
No one is born with a full set of healthy emotions. We gradually learn to differentiate between various kinds of emotions. For instance:
Birth - 3 mos. > Distress or delight
3mos. - 6 mos. > Distress or fear, anger
6mos. - 12 mos. > Delight or elation, affection
12mos. - 18mos. > Distress or jealousy
Gradually each of us will develop emotional responses or expressions that form our patterns of habit. If we experience abusive situations, or fearful conditions on a regular basis, our mind registers impressions that form habits.
Anger = Young > Temper tantrums, screaming
Anger = Older > Sulking, rebellion, rage, cursing, irritability, withdrawn, bad grades, behavioral problems
Fear = Young > Hides, shy, crying, thumb sucking, bed-wetting, afraid of the dark
Fear = Older > Drugs, sex, isolation, anti-social behavior, physical problems, performance
Jealousy = Young > Bully, teasing, name calling, threats, temper
Jealousy = Older > Crimes, manipulation, critical spirit, rage, harmful actions to others
As we grow older, our emotional responses grow and change. Babies and toddlers are self-centered. They love to see themselves in a mirror, they want the toy for themselves and their language revolves around "me" and "mine." They express simple pleasure, like joy, anger and fear.
As teenagers, our emotions express levels of love, fear, friendship, pain, jealousy, and respect. Teens are learning how to be unselfish, kind, and respectful to adults. Emotional energy is directed for the love of football, their best friend, or their parents. Each emotion of love is on different levels of feelings. The complete opposite of the emotional spectrum is a teen girl afraid of the school principle or afraid of the dark.
But if the overweight teen is bombarded with teasing at school then a pattern is established in her mind that I deserve this teasing. And often the overweight teen will add on more weight as a way of self-punishment. It doesn't take long for the wounded teenager to send out a "vibe" that any human predator can take advantage of them.
By late adolescence and into adulthood, if we are emotionally healthy we will distinguish between truth and falsehood, goodness and evil, and justice and mercy. Mature Christian adults have a desire and a need to prove themselves honorable before men and God. But some abused victims look for ways to be exploited, because that is all they know. Like a TV show I saw one day. It was tragic to watch, but the truth of it was so real, and a classic example of how victimized people often heap shame and disgrace on themself.
Several years ago when the Jenny Jones talk show was airing on TV there was a feature for the day of women who thought they had "hot" bodies. (World term for gorgeous figures) As I sat in my living room, taking a break from work, I was drawn by the sheer audacity of some of the women who appeared on this program. One woman, who caught my attention, thought she was a perfect image of the drop dead gorgeous Oscar-winning, Halle Berry. Now friends, Halle Berry is a looker, (in Texas that means she’s beautiful). With her perfect figure and flawless brown skin, she pulls top billing in Hollywood’s highest movie-grossing movies. But believe me, the girl on this show was no Halle Berry!
The young woman boasted of her resemblance to Halle, but was about 150 pounds overweight and that was the least of her problems! As the overweight young woman walked the runway with a prissy hip action, the audience booed and hissed in obvious disagreement with her personal assessment. Jenny, of course, got the audience involved with their opinions. The "Halle Berry" look-alike argued with everyone in the studio who gently tried to tell her the truth. Finally, one slender, clean cut young Afro-American man jumped to his feet and determined to be heard shouted, "Girl, sit yo' self down! Someone’s done lied to you!” Well friends, the devil is a liar, he’s often lied to me, and he's probably lied to you too. Let's set the record straight!
As a result of a lifestyle of personal prayer I now know that the devil never plays fair, but he does play for keeps! Where he gains a toehold in our lives through fear, lies, trauma, injustice, betrayal, sin or generational iniquity, he will develop a foothold, which will ultimately become a demonic stronghold unless we do something about it.
Isn't it wonderful that God has given each of us a separate and distinct personality type with a specific purpose to fulfill our kingdom assignment on this earth? (See Ps. 16:5-8; 22:9-11; 139; Is. 44:2) The devil wants to kill, steal and destroy our belief about God, our life and our future. (John 10:10) Some are in such pain they lose sight of God's purpose for their lives.
I assure you right now, that your loving Father in heaven has a wonderful plan for you. Even if through life's difficulties you have lost sight of it. I have gone through a lot of personal pain, and was an unknowing victim for many years. Allow my victories to be yours.
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
GPN 6 March 2009

GPN 03-06-2009
Faith is the key which opens one’s life to God. ( Marcus 11:22)
Have a good-blesses weekend. GPN Team.
Hi my brothers and sisters asking prayer for GODS strength and provision to make it through the week. Please pray as well as for the homeless- “Senior citizens” Centre” The centre is supposed to close the end of JULY but many people are being asked to leave as soon as possible it just seems so very sad. GOD richly bless you. Br. D., U.s.A.
Please pray that:
-Funding will be raised up for our church to purchase their rented Food Co Operative and the next door house daily.
-the right Christian volunteers will be added to the team.
-Emergency relief will be donated and paid for by all different people and businesses.
-UNHINDERED PROGRESS will go forward to establish an on site TRAINING SCHOOL
-Unhindered progress on the expansion of the Food Co Operative
-DAILY NEW MUSIC STUDENTS will BE ADDED TO ME and NEW CREATED PAID JOBS wITH additional paid employment within the organization and prosperity to my whole family as we assist in trying to establish building the on site TRAINING SCHOOL FOR Many different types of courses for the unemployed and needy.
Many thanks.
According to an American report, there is some good news regarding teen drug use—they seem to be heeding their parents' anti-drug advice. The U.S. study was commissioned by the Partnership for a Drug-free America. According to the yearly research, those teens who said they had learned "a lot" about the negative effects of drug use from their parents rose from 34 to 37 percent, the most notable increase in about 15 years. There was more good news in the overall decline of marijuana and methamphetamine use. Thank God for the all the parents that are taking up their responsibility in teaching their children about the dangers of drugs. Pray that parents in your community will also become involved in their children’s lives. Ask God for mercy on Cape Town, South Africa where the use of drugs (especially methamphetamine) is on the increase.
Please pray for:
School Van, Copying machine, Computers & Video machines for students’ research;
(Note: We’ve previously asked prayers for a video camera: Praise God – somebody pledged to help buy Video camera to record teachings)
Pray for our Philadelphia Bible college students and all the staff. Pray that God will help them to learn and grow in His word. Pray also for the faculties , who teach them. Pray that God will give all the students good health and wisdom, knowledge and gift of Holy spirit. We have 40 regular and 75 correspondent students.
Pray for all the ten students of our Institute of Community Transformation. Their training is ending in the month of March. Pray that God will bless them and fill them with His knowledge, power, strength and wisdom. This programme we run in partnership with Seva Bharat. Pray that these ICTs will be a blesseing.
Pray for our People Empowerment Project at Delhi. We are empowering nearly 3000 women and their families in Delhi and Aligarh in U.P. Last month in a training program, 40 women from our SHG Groups underwent a special course on food processing and received certificate and study materials from the Government of India. Pray that this project will bring smile and financially blessings to the thousands of families and they will grow in the faith of Jesus Christ.
Rev. S., Philadelphia Churches in India.
Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
GPN 4 March 2009

GPN 03-04-2009
Prayer that moves the hand of God comes from the heart of man.
James 5:15,16 I Thess. 5:17.
May you have a blessed week. GPN team.
Please pray for:
D. - full healing from colon cancer.
M.- full healing from hypertension and other heart related illness.
C. - that he will be included in petition for working visa and God to provide fee.
Scholarship fund partners
H. Bibles school, The Philippines.
According to a water expert the water problems experienced in South Africa are as a result of water demand exceeding available supply and not lack of proper planning.
In some places polluted water cannot be purified quickly enough. There is no infrastructure and works are not being built fast enough for the civil engineers to do their work in order to see to the water challenges of the country.
Please pray for those who are involved in the water affairs of the country. Ask God to grant them wisdom on how to provide in the needs of the people. South Africa.
- We met with Prime Minister M. of Iraq and present him with the list of needs from the Assyrian Christians of Iraq.
We went over the details with his staff.
The Prime Minister was happy to see us and receive the request.
Please pray as the various requests are looked over and pray for a concrete proposal to be agreed in writing to protect the Assyrian Christians of Iraq.
-Please pray specifically for signed agreement by the Iraqi Government to:
1. Provide for an Assyrian Christians area in Northern Iraq.
2. Provide for monthly support from the National Oil Fund.
3. Provide for one job for each family.
-Please pray for the presence of Jesus and favour with all officials.
Baghdad News.
Pray for:
-J.M. World Mission LEADERS: Dr. D.(Pres), Ptr J., (Int’l Missions Director), Ptr. G. (HT Global Operations Director),
-Br. M., other JMWM Leaders, financial partners.
-New Venue for school: 2 BIG classrooms, library, office, 2 guest rooms.
Accessible to MRT, Good price/ good terms, safe neighbourhood.
An American missionary group, Seoul USA, has opened an 'underground university' in South Korea to train North Korean Christians to spread the gospel among their compatriots. The group is offering a 12-month intensive training course in Seoul to North Koreans wanting either to return home as missionaries or to reach out to North Korean refugees in other nations. They report a growing trend for 'North Korean exiles who are eager to return to China and North Korea to reach their countrymen'
Praise God for His followers who are willing to spread the Gospel despite danger or the possibility of being harshly persecuted. Pray for the protection of the trainers and trainees. Ask God to grant them the strategy on how to effectively reach out to the North Koreans.
South Korea.
-Pray for T .’s elder brother who is diabetic and his leg and kidney are not working well. He is admitted in the hospital. Pray that God will touch and heal him completely.
Pray for B., G. and V. ’s father. They are suffering from different problems. May God bless and heal them that they will receive completely healing.
-Please pray for the staff and 300 slum children of Phoolwari Child Development project (CDSP). This project of our Church is working towards transforming the community by caring for their children and their families. Pray for Pastor S. who is spiritually guiding the project and sunandita who is leading the team to accomplish an exemplary work.
Pray for Pr. V. and his area - Jahangir puri, Tilak Nagar, Hakikat Nagar and Swaroop Nagar. God is using him for his glory. Pray that people in these area will grow in their faith and many souls will be added to the kingdom of God.
Pray for Karan Vihar area where our brother S. is serving and taking spiritual care of the people. Pray for Br. S., he has TB. When we prayed he started recovering. Pray that God will give him complete healing.
Rev. A., P. Churches in India.
Every seven seconds, a child dies from hunger-related causes. It's believed that one third of the world's population is affected by the global food crisis.
Compassion International has set aside March 11th to talk about the issue. The Global Food Crisis Day on March 11 has one purpose -- to raise money to feed those in need.
Pray for this endeavor on 11 March 2009. Pray for all the kids who are suffering from hunger. Pray that this day will stir awareness amongst many people to become involved in bringing relief to people affected by poverty and hunger.
Please pray for my finances. Pastor S., Pakistan.
Minggu, 01 Maret 2009
Kuasa Doa Seorang Wanita
Kuasa Doa Seorang Wanita
Pdt David Yonggi Cho dari Korea mengklaim dirinya sebagai pendeta dari gereja terbesar di dunia hingga saat ini. Mayoritas anggota gereja beliau adalah “wanita”. Beliau memiliki gereja terbesar salah satu alasannya adalah sebab ia memperlngkapi dan memobilisasi para wanita ini untuk berdoa dan bersaksi bagi Kristus.
Wanita (woman) diciptakan setara dengan pria (man). Wanita adalah alat Tuhan dan diurapi untuk menyatakan kemuliaan Tuhan.
Salah satu aspek yang hendak saya bahas pada kesempatan ini adalah “doa seorang wanita/istri/ibu dapat mengubah atmosfir keluarga”.
Pertama-tama, jadikanlah Tuhan prioritas dalam kehidupanmu. Ingatlah bahwa memprioritaskan Tuhan itu “bukan” sibuk mengikuti semua aktivitas/ program gereja/persekutuan meski itu hal yang baik. Apa yang saya maksudkan disini adalah memulai kehidupanmu di dalam doa. Doa pertama-tama akan mengubah kita, saat bertemu Tuhan kita sadar bahwa segala kekurangan dan dosa yang masih melekat dalam diri. Doa disini bukanlah doa yang dihafalkan seperti Doa Bapa Kami, bukan pula doa satu arah yang penuh dengan permohonan kita. Doa disini adalah doa dua arah, kita berbicara pada Tuhan dan lalu berdiam diri mengizinkan Dia menyampaikan isi hataNya.
Kedua, milikilah disiplin di dalam “bersaat teduh”/ meditasi Firman. Bacalah Firman Tuhan setiap hari, renungkanlah setiap kebenaran dan taati/lakukanlah. Sering saya temukan, banyak anak Tuhan baca Alkitab tetapi tidak benar-benar merenungkannya hanya sekedar membaca saja. Atau mereka menghafalkannya, bagus namun akan percuma bila hafal tetapi tidak melakukannya. Itu tidak ada bedanya dengan burung beo yang kita ajar untuk berbicara, namun beo itu tidak pernah mengerti apa yang diucapkannya. Bacalah Firman Tuhan, renungkan, mintalah hikmat (Yak1:5) dan lakukan apa yang Firman tersebut perintahkan.
Ketiga, Jadilah pelaku Firman Tuhan atau teladan (1 Tim 4:12). Saat kita menghadapi masalah tanggapilah secara positif sesuai Firman Tuhan. Jangan melihat problem sebagai musuh tetapi kawan untuk bertumbuh di dalam Tuhan. Sebab saat masalah datang ini merupakan ksempatan emas bagi kita untuk menanggapinya sesuai apa yang Tuhan firmankan. Pasangan hidup atau anak-anak yang belum takut akan Tuhan perlu teladan hidup. Tuhan menghendaki anda untuk jadi teladan dalam kehidupan seutuhnya, ingat teladan hidup berbicara lebih keras daripada “perkataan rohani” kita.
Keempat, bergaullah dengan orang-orang yang dapat menjadi teladan yang hidup. Dengan siapa anda banyak bergaul seperti itu pulalah nilai-nilai anda. Lois and Eunike telah menjadi teladan bagi Timotius. Pr Christopher K & Vijaya sejak 1995 telah menjadi orangtua rohani saya, yang telah memberikan teladan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan dan pelayanan. Begitu pula Inban Caldwell & Rozanne, yang telah membagi hidup dan mengajarkan banyak hal sejak 1998, bagi kami sekeluarga.
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