Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

The beautiful girls were sold for $2000, the ugly ones for $150

Kurdish Doctor Dedicates Her Profession to 
Caring for Victims of ISIS
What has your church done for the persecuted church this last year? Meet Dr Ghafouri. She has done more for the persecuted body of Christ than most people have in multiple lifetimes. And she's not even a Christian.
For the past few years Dr Neman Ghafouri, an Iraqi born surgeon, has spent countless hours helping victims of ISIS brutality in Syria and Iraq. From healing bullet holes to providing counseling to rape victims, Dr Ghafori isn't afraid to stand up and fight for what is right. Dr Ghafouri has a story to tell. A story unlike any you have ever heard.
Come to International Christian Concern's The Bridge on July 7-9, 2016 in Silver Spring Maryland to hear from Dr Ghafouri and many others just like her. It's an experience that you will never forget.
For more information or to register you can visit our website at Early bird discount ends on May 31. You can also contact us for student and group discounts at 301-329-2849. 
Main Conference Speakers
July 8th & 9th - Silver Spring, MD
Invited Capitol Hill Speakers
July 7th - Washington, D.C.

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