Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Can Robots achieve Consciousness?

Can Robots achieve Consciousness?

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Debate
By Alan Metcalfe, President/CEO, Safe Worlds TV, Special to ASSIST News Service (Writer's Opinion)
AUSTRALIA (ANS – May 12, 2016) -- The ultimate question in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) debate is: can machines (robots) ever achieve consciousness? The simple, easy-to-understand answer is no! Because, if they did, they would no longer be robots but humans.
smaller Terminator 3Like animals, robots can be programmed (taught) to do things in a way that they appear to think as humans think. However, when they do, they are not conscious of the fact that they are thinking. If they were, like humans, they would strive, of their own volition, to achieve eternal life, to live forever, but they do not. And we know this because there is no evidence of animals developing the mental capabilities of mathematics and science to aid the understanding of their lives, for the purpose of prolonging their lives.
Yes, animals have a certain survival instinct that is programmed into them; that they acquire (learn) through their experience of life. Robots can also be programmed to learn from experience, and to keep rebuilding their physical selves, but this does not mean that animals, or robots, are capable of learning, as humans are, through pure thought; without any physical experience; and saving their spiritual lives.
It is true that humans also learn from experience, the same way that animals do; and robots can. However, in every human life, there is a time of awakening; an epiphany; out-of-body, spiritual experience when we realize that we can think; and through thought, we can consciously change, and even save our lives. This is what the Biblical concept of being born again is all about. When this happens, we have taken the first step of our spiritual life, which is not a physical or mechanical experience, but an out-of-body experience inspired by our hopes and ambitions. Animals to not have such an experience of life; and such a spiritual experience cannot be programmed into a physical, mechanical robot.
Some may think that after millions of years of programmed learning that a robot could have such a spiritual awakening. However, the Law of action and reaction (the Binary Code) that rules computerized (robotic) learning makes no allowance for epiphanies. This is a Law of precision that has no tolerance for any departure from its purpose; which is to ensure that every action has an equal reaction; and that every cause has a consequence. Any departure from the programmed purpose of a robot, means it destruction (death).
If the Law of action and reaction had such tolerance, then robots (and computers) would not work in the first place. Robots, like the computers that enable them, after all, are only tools of the human mind that have a specific purpose that is programmed into them by humans, from which they cannot depart. They are not human to start with; and therefore have no spiritual (mental) capacity to think on their own, within the realm of physical capability. To believe therefore that they can have an out-of-body, spiritual experience like being conscious of the possibility of eternal life, is akin to believing that a shovel can think; and if it wants, one day could evolve, and become a computer.
People think that robots can become conscious because they do not appreciate the incredible spiritual power, and unique blessing of the human mind. The Darwinian idea that human life has mechanically evolved from ignorance now rules this world and is behind this mistaken way of thinking. Yes, it is difficult to understand; and therefore difficult to believe, but the reality is that we humans have a spiritual aspect of our lives that cannot be programmed into any robot, or taught to any animal.
Photo captions: 1) A robot from one of the Terminator movies. 2) Alan Metcalfe.
Alan MetcalfeAbout the writer: Alan Metcalfe is a computer system scientist working in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet TV, and electronic business. He is also a widely experienced Bible researcher who unraveled the Bible Code and in 1999 discovered, in the Bible, The Law of Thought, which he believes is the key to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Whereas most in science believe that intelligence exists in the brain, and has evolved over time,Metcalfestudies the invisible human mind and believes that God is the only source of intelligence. Since 2000 he has been working with a team of computer programmers and engineers to build the Safe Worlds Internet TV platform and e-business system based on that discovery that is designed to empower people worldwide to do Internet TV and e-business. Safe Worlds TV ( exists within the Internet, in parallel to the World Wide Web.Metcalfeclaims that the Safe Worlds TV solves all the shortcomings of the World Wide Web; and not only delivers privacy and data security, but digital monetization.
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