‘I Will Never Leave My Jesus’
Gospel for Asia (www.gfa.org) News Release – For Immediate Release
WILLS POINT, TX (ANS – March 14, 2016)
-- One woman named Saparna shares how God healed her from a
life-threatening disease when the gods her family adored couldn’t bring
her relief.
I grew up in a [religious] family, I would worship many gods and
goddesses and follow the customs of [my religion]. My mother especially
had a strong faith in [our] gods. Sometimes she would fast and pray for
21 days to please her deities and receive their favor. Everything was
moving smoothly in my family and we had no problems at all.
in the year 2011, I began to suffer from severe stomach pain. I did not
share about this [with] anyone. I thought my gods and goddesses would
heal me completely from this small sickness.
“But I was wrong.
days went by, I struggled a lot. I could not bear the pain anymore, so I
went to a government hospital . . . After medical tests, the doctor
told me I was suffering from uterus cancer.
I heard this news, I was shocked to the core. I was so sad and
heartbroken. So one particular day, I told my mother about this problem.
She was terrified when she heard about my illness. She immediately told
me to visit the government hospital . . . for treatment. So I went to
the hospital with my husband. A senior doctor told my husband that my
uterus was totally damaged, and even if I had an operation, there was
little chance I would survive. After hearing this, I lost all my hope
for recovery. From that day on, I lost interest in everything, and I was
just awaiting death.”
Brand New Hope
day a lady named Garati, a [Gospel for Asia-supported] Women’s
Fellowship leader . . . shared with me about the love of Jesus Christ.
That was the first time I heard the name of Jesus in my life.
hearing about the love of Jesus, I could not control my tears. That
very moment, with tears rolling down my [face], I gave my life to Jesus,
saying, “Jesus, I love you. Please have mercy on me my life and heal me
from this dangerous disease.”
“That day I confessed my sins before the Lord and opened my heart to Him.”
Prayer and Healing
went on to say, “Garati prayed for me and encouraged me with promises
of God, saying, “He is . . . God, and He is going to wipe away your
tears. … You will be alright.”
“Those beautiful words really comforted my heart. I felt relaxed, as if God took away every burden and tension from my life. …
Sunday, I visited [a local church led by a Gospel for Asia-supported
pastor]. After the worship service, Garati shared with the congregation
about my illness. So the pastor and all the members of the church prayed
for me. From then on, I began to attend Women’s Fellowship meetings
every Saturday, too. There, the sisters earnestly prayed for me.
Gradually, I started to recover from my sickness.
the continuous prayers of the pastor and the Women’s Fellowship team, a
year later I was totally healed. … Only Jesus . . . hears our prayers
and stands with us in the time of our failures, poverty, agony, pain,
sicknesses and problems.
am very thankful to my Jesus Christ for giving me a new life to live on
this earth and worship Him all the days of my life. … I will never
leave my Jesus.
Note: Gospel for Asia (www.gfa.org)
has - for more than 30 years - provided humanitarian assistance and
spiritual hope to millions across South Asia, especially among those who
have yet to hear the Good News.
Read one woman’s testimony of how a literacy class changed her life (http://gospelforasia-reports.org/2015/05/how-a-young-woman-unlocked-the-greatest-treasure/%20?motiv=WB21-RB00&cm_mmc=GFAReports-_--_--_-).
Photo captions: 1) She says she will never leave her Jesus.
** You may republish this or any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).
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