Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Prayer Request GPN 03-09-2010

GPN 03-09-2010

“Prayer that moves the hand of God comes from the heart of man. James 5:15,16,; 1 Tess. 5;17 Greetings, Roberto Wijnhof

Please pray for Carol, that God would remove all bad relationships in her life and open the door to what He has in store for her. Pray for provision for her that she might catch up on all of her unpaid and past due bills. She needs a new church home and new Godly friends. She also needs deep, inner healing from her past.

URGENT: Please pray urgently! Uphold HUBLI city in your prayers as there's a kind of tension in the city. Curfew is imposed. A. S.

Please pray for the book on Iraq, for David and Jan and all others involved that it will be completed and published.

Please pray for Operation Haiti and Operation Chile as the Team continues to make a difference.

Please pray for the nearly 500,000 Assyrian Christian refugees of Iraq. Pray for the elections.

Thank you for praying - "God does nothing in the affairs of men except by prayer . . . " John Wesley. With love, Ken Joseph Jr.

Dear servant of God I greet you in the name of Jesus. We appreciate the work you are doing in the country. I need your prayer because in May I am going to the American Embassy to ask for a VISA. Rev. John B. Uganda

We praise God for our initiative called Baal Panchayat (5 judges from among children) programme in the slums of Delhi. We are organizing children to address civic and social issues of the community where they live and ensure they enjoy their Child rights to the fullest extent. This is done through Baal Panchayat (member of 5 judges), Children Pariliament and Children Banks. They are going to address and deal with the issues of School drop outs, drug habits among children, Child labour, sexual exploitation and trafficking, under the guidance and care of our Philadelphia Church and its various projects such as Phoolwari and Nanhon ki Duniya.Pray for this.

Please pray for Tisha she needs deep inner healing from a very abusive and bad past. She also needs healing from depression, and needs help in her relationship with her 18-yr-old son. He is ADD, Bi-Polar, and has other multiple issues that keep him from thinking correctly and behaving like he should. Tisha is exhausted from trying to keep him where he needs to be. She needs a good church home and Godly friends to encourage her.

Please pray for the state of Bihar in India where the literacy rate is highest and so is the crime rate. This is also one of the least evangelised states of India. Please pray that we will be able to share the word and spread the light in this state. Pray for all mission agencies engaged in this state and also for our work in Motihari area and Muzaffarpur areas.

Hi my brothers and sisters, asking special prayer for GODS strength and provision also for my heart it has been feeling a little strange lately like indigestion I am hoping it passes. GOD richly bless you brother Danny

Pray for the children of the world. Malnourishment of children is the highest risk among the children of India. The second risk lurking on these children are the threat of trafficking. Pray that the Church would rise up to care and mobilize its congregation and neighbours to care for these silent victims.

Megan and Lance and sons: Please pray for healing in every area of their lives, and God's direction for them. Open their blinded eyes and unstop their deafened ears to hear God's truth.

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