Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

GPN 06/09/2009

GPN 06/09/2009

“When God measures a man. He puts the tape around the heart, not the head”. 1 Sam.16:14-17 Greetings, Roberto Wijnhof GPN

Pray for salvation of: SH, CP, FY, OM, IL, Teddy M, VT, Dima, IJ, WE, RI, Tobbi, Malika, Siumien, NP, AP, Sanya, ME, DC, Subochev, AR, E, GE, ET, CA, AM, EV, Larry, IB, NE, CH, TR, ES, Kunchikov, Lena, Aurora, CO, FG, BG, PS, PA, R, SE, Bill, MO.

My name is H. N. and I am living in Connecticut USA alone without any relative.
I have a sickness that is serious and I want you to join me in prayers for Jesus to heal me. I want my life to be of great service to God and the sickness keeps me unhealthy for a long time now. Please also pray that I will be a great leader and Christ labourer. I want to use up my talent for Christ. Thank you, H.

We praise God for the victory of Secular parties in the recently concluded general elections in India. We thank God for our answered prayers. Please pray that the ruling party and its elected leaders will be able to guide the country into a new phase of progress, stability and peace.

The us embassy issued me a visa today 8th June 09.that is great and awesome because of you prayers. Pray for me to get a ticket in this very week by his power and mighty.

I need the favour of God, protection in the way and god to destroy all the obstacles try to discourage me. Ap.S.M.

Pray for us affected by these storms in our lives: for our financial, spiritual and physical well-being. Pray that our landlady will not cause us damage, but will be nice to us. Pray for her to be saved and filled with the Spirit. Pray for our ministry.

Praise God for our work in Aligarh Area of UP in India. We have a very responsive field here. We are covering over 20 villages in 4 districts. We have a school here and for the first time we are starting a Children camp here. 150 children from various faiths will attend it for the first time. Pray for Vijay Tandi under whose leadership this camp is going to be organized. Pray that the children and their families will receive Jesus as their personal saviour.

Asking prayer for strength and provision to make it one more week and for GOD to supernaturally open a door so i could get to camp in Virginia. GOD richly bless you brother Danny

Pray for Sveta to have favor on her job and for them not to cheat her out of her money. Pray for her to be on fire for Jesus and to become responsible. Pray for favor between my landlady and me. Pray for me to have funds to fix things in my apt.


Pray for our homeless kids: Fedia, Zarina, Nastia and Oleg. Pray that they will come to repentance and be saved. Intercede for the Russian government. Pray For Peace to Reign in Russia and for the war with Chechnya to end. Pray for us! Pray for President Medvedev's salvation.

Pray for the human rights situation in North Korea, particularly for all those who continue to suffer under the repressive state.

Pray that the suffering of many would not be forgotten by the international community while they focus their attention on the nuclear issue.

Pray that world leaders would have perseverance, wisdom and integrity as they attempt to bring change to North Korea, and that the DPRK government would listen and respond off actively to the cries of its people.

We Praise God that nearly 1500 children participated in our first Summer Children camp called ‘Baal Grishm Mahostav” held at the Satyawati Public School, Nangli Deri. A total of 616 children invited Jesus to their lives. Please pray for all these children and also for their parents so that they will be receptive to the word. Please also pray that we will be able to effectively integrate these children to our existing Children Bible clubs and open new ones, if necessary.

Please pray for a young Christian girl N. that is depressed. She really needs a touch of deliverance and a bundle of joy.

Please pray for our Cell groups or small group initiatives. We have nearly hundred of them in Delhi. It is growing. Pray that we will be able to provide strong leadership lessons to all which is Biblical and Christ like. Pray that people will continue to grow in word and in likeness of Jesus Christ.

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