Selasa, 21 April 2009

Pokok Doa GPN 21 April 2009

GPN 21-04-2009

“When everything goes dead wrong, look and see if you are facing the wrong direction”. Gal. 6:7-8 Let’s follow Jesus! Roberto Wijnhof GPN


I still need your prayers. I have to see a doctor on this Tue., and then they want to put me Into another Hospital to see why I had breathing problems. I will also have to see 2 more doctors. All of this is very expensive. Please, pray for my strength.
Please, pray for my new friend Gulia. I want to invite her and others to church. Please, pray for many to come. I ask for a spirit of conviction upon the people I witness to, my Dr. Konradi, my friends, Dima, the homeless kids, my landlady and my boss.

Please pray for our Church construction work at Orissa. We are constructing 4 churches and the work is in full swing, but the non supply of water is causing problem in one area called Dubla. Please pray that God will enable us to complete the work soon. Pray for Pastor Subodh Nag the team leader and His team. Please also pray for the wedding of his daughter Dharas marriage on the 17th. She is marrying a pastor from Maharashtra in India.

I'm bringing Marilou to her cardiologist this PM. Since the other day, she is feeling not good and this morning, she just feels she needs to see the doctor.
I will ask your prayers. God bless you my friend.

Pray for Dhamavir’s mother. She was operated in her eyes, but now she is getting pain in her eyes. Pray that God will heal her.

CAROL: Still out of work since last Fall and will not be receiving any more money each month from unemployment benefits. She is desperately looking for work and has become very discouraged and exhausted trying to "make things work". Please pray for a miracle for God to provide her a good job...not just a "make do" job. She also needs another church home to help her in her walk with the Lord. The one she presently attends is not equipped to help someone personally going through her situations, and she needs a deeper walk with the Lord.

MICHELLE: Please continue to pray for her complete and total healing from cancer - and for her family.

HELEN: The church I attend and play the organ and piano for may be "going under" pretty soon if things don't change. Please pray for God's perfect will to be done with all concerned, as they have really become like family to me, and a big part of my monthly income comes from playing for them. I know God will supply in other ways, but a good church family is hard to find these days!!!

Please pray for all of the people in my classes at Amarillo College and the Museum of Art. MANY are unsaved and in desperate need to know Jesus Christ. Others are desperately needing a touch from the Lord to heal and deliver them. Please pray that I may continue to be a "light" in this dark world, and that I may be faithful to unconditionally love, but be able to be bold with the Truth that sets people free. It's a really fine line and balance sometimes - especially in a class room situation.

Glenn: Please pray for his mother, his son and grandson. His mother is 89 and going through chemo for cancer, and his son and grandson have multiple, extremely serious health issues that may require risky surgeries. Please pray for God to enable Glenn to be the support and help he desires to be without burning out. THANKS!!!!!

Please pray for sis. Margarette for the Lord’s divine intervention as she has been diagnosed of breast cancer! Please pray for total healing! Thank you


Pray for the Lisikov family to be saved and for me to be able to start a cell group in their home. They used to be very open to the Lord, because I led one of their sons to the Lord. Then the satanists beaten him and me, and told the Lisikovs lies.

Pray for my team's health. We have cold symptoms. Pray for our important meetings this month. Pray for God's will to be done, for my health, strength. Pray for Godly wisdom in my life. For successful evangelism, for street kids to be healed and saved.
Sasha Soviet Union

Hi my brothers and sisters i really need your prayers for strength and provision i will be leaving the shelter tomorrow and for awhile i will be on the streets so your prayers will mean more than ever.GOD richly bless you brother Danny

I praise God for giving me hope at this time. Please, pray for the money for our car to come in. Our ministry needs a car in order to help the homeless kids. Pray for us to buy a car soon. Pray for our min. to grow and to be more anointed.

Pray for my Grandma: she needs salvation, deliverance from the occult, healing for her legs. I suggested for her to take part in one of our social projects. She's a very active person. Pray for her to receive a revelation of who Jesus is.

Pray for Natasha to be saved and delivered from fornication. Pray for Vania Brusnikin, who is invoved in the occult. He opposes our evangelism in the area. Pray for him to be saved and delivered. I spoke to him about Jesus, but he doesn't want to be saved.

Pray for our work among PLWA (people living with HIV&AIDS). We have more than 12 families that are attached with our church and we are supporting them with spiritual, physical and emotional support. Pray for commitment of our staff and their dedication to love them with the AGAPE love of Jesus Christ.

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