Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

A Lifestyle of Commitment

Insight from Eddie and Alice
For our wonderful Insight Newsletter family.
Have a blessed week!

A Lifestyle of Commitment
Alice Smith

Robert, our oldest son, is an anointed worship leader and is the Vice-President of Operations for the U.S. Prayer Center. I couldn’t be more proud of all that God has done in his life. Not only is Robert a skillful guitarist, but he also writes, records and leads congregational worship. He and Missy and their son Robby are passionate for Jesus.

It wasn’t always this way. As all children must do, Robert had to make the choice whether or not he would serve the Lord. We can teach our children right from wrong and how to honor and love God; but as they grow toward maturity the choice becomes theirs to apply what they have been taught.

One of the most difficult challenges for a parent is to watch a child make wrong choices. Eddie and I have certainly faced this challenge with our own children. The pain can go deeper than one can describe and unless you have experienced a child’s rebellion it is sometimes easier to accuse than to understand.

Like his dad, Robert has always been very musical; it seemed to be a given that he would use that gifting in some way. When the time was right, Robert decided to do his own thing and start a rock band. He struggled financially to make ends meet and made many wrong choices. But nothing calmed his restlessness, and nothing ever would. He tried to run from God’s calling on his life, but everywhere he turned the heavenly Father was there with open arms to receive him back. Aren’t you glad we serve a merciful and loving God? He is always ready and willing to help us in our time of trouble.

After several years, Eddie decided to write a letter to Robert, inviting him to come back home. The conditions were that Robert would work full-time, get out of debt and let us teach him how to live for the Lord. We were so excited when Robert called and said yes. When our son drove into our driveway, it was clear that the devil hadn’t paid him very well. All of Robert’s earthly possessions were on the back seat ! The car was old and almost ready for the junk pile. But our soon to be transformed son was now a broken man, ready for God’s intervention.

The day Robert came home, Eddie was leaving to attend a worship conference in Dallas, Texas, and he invited Robert to go with him. After the conference one night at the hotel, Eddie went to the room while Robert stayed in the lobby to talk on the phone. As Eddie walked into the room, he began to hear a new song in his heart and quickly pulled out a piece of music manuscript paper to notate a 16-measure worship song. He folded the paper, placed it in his Bible and turned on the television to watch the ten o’clock news.

About 20 minutes later, Robert arrived and said, “Dad, do you have any music paper? I have an idea for a song.” Eddie said, “Sure. Look in the top drawer.” When Robert finished writing, he said, “Well, I have it written, but I don’t have any words for it yet.” Eddie said, “Son, let me see what you’ve written.” When he looked at the paper he could hardly believe his eyes. Robert’s song was exactly the same 16-measure melody as Eddie’s, and even written in the same key!

Eddie said, “Son, I think you'll find the words in my Bible.” When Robert pulled out his dad's song his eyes got big. “Dad, how did we both write the same song!?” he exclaimed. Eddie dryily answered, “The Lord did it.” “Yeah, but how did it happen?” Robert insisted. Eddie again said, “Son, the Lord did it.”

Not to be stopped, Robert said, “Dad, if you put 1,000 songwriters in a room and asked them to write a 16-measure song, no two of them would be alike.”

“Unless . . . ” Eddie began.

“Unless what?” Robert said.
“Unless God did it.”

“Okay, if God did it, then why did He do it?” Robert asked.
“Son, God allowed this miracle to happen to show both of us how He is going to use you. It is heaven’s confirmation of who you are and what you’ve been called to do.”

The Lord has done great things in Robert. But one of the noticeable things I can see in him every day is his gratitude to God for bringing him out of the world. Robert learned how to defeat the devil at his own game, and is a man of integrity.

Even with a decision to surrender to God, there is more. King Saul had great abilities and a genuine calling, but he lacked integrity. As a result, his leadership failed in the end. Ultimately, God is more interested in who we are than in what we do. Only a person with integrity will be able to withstand the plans of the enemy in these last days. That’s loyalty!

Are you so thankful for the work God has done in your life that you are committed to a lifestyle of integrity and loyalty to Jesus?

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