Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Burmese in Myanmar (Burma)

Burmese in Myanmar (Burma)
The Burmese are the political, economic and religious leaders of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. Myanmar has had a long history of coups, wars, and rebellions. The Burmese have mixed Buddhist beliefs with animistic beliefs. Their animistic beliefs center around inherently evil spirits called nats. The Burmese spend their lives trying to appease the nats. Burmese homes often have altars for the spirits, as well as a statue of Buddha. Farmers may spend more in a year on their religion than on education, health, and clothing for their families.
Ministry Obstacles
Following Christ for the Burmese may be threatening, risking attacks from evil spirits. Pray for deliverance.
Outreach Ideas
Christians need to befriend the Burmese, and also be forthright in sharing Christ with these needy people.
Pray for the followers of Christ
Please pray for the few followers of Christ among the Burmese, that they will live holy lives, being zealous to grow into the image of Christ. Pray they will be kind and compassionate to one another.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray for peace in Myanmar, and for the Burmese people to hunger to know forgiveness of sin and power for living, found only in the person and work of Christ.
Scripture Focus
"The time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory." Isaiah 66:18

People Name: Burmese
Country: Myanmar (Burma)
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 30,825,000
World Population: 31,548,000
Language: Burmese
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Bible: Complete
Audio NT (FCBH): Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

Go Make Ripples in the Name of Jesus

Go Make Ripples in the Name of Jesus (Writer’s Opinion)

By Carol Round, Special to ASSIST News Service
Ripples 2GROVE, OK (ANS – May 30, 2016) -- “I am with you. I will watch over you everywhere you go”—Genesis 28:15(NIRV).
Almost 11 years ago, I took a giant leap of faith. I left a northeastern Oklahoma community where I’d lived since 1969—except for the times I’d gone away to college—to move to a larger town about 70 miles west. I left behind family and friendships formed over a 36-year period to a place where I knew very few people.
However, during the time I’ve lived in Rogers County, I’ve been blessed with a multitude of friends. Those friends have encouraged me, laughed and cried with me, prayed with and for me and stood by me during times of trouble. Even more importantly, being here has helped my faith grow. Through my church family and the people of faith God has placed in my path, my spiritual eyes have been opened to embrace what God can do in our lives when we place our trust in Him.
I like what best-selling author and minister, Norman Vincent Peale said about faith. “Faith is the most powerful of all forces operating in humanity and when you have it in depth nothing can get you down.”
However, it wasn’t always that way for me. I’d only been in Claremore about a year when I yearned to return home. Prayer and the advice of wise individuals revealed to me I was here for a reason. Soon, I came to call this place home. I had no desire to return.
About two years ago, God began working in me through a variety of ways. I knew He had plans for me to move. I just wasn’t sure where. Through reading scripture, praying daily, hearing the testimony of others and listening to my pastor’s sermons, I explored my options. Then, a very powerful dream last November affirmed I needed to return home.
While I will miss my church family and the friendships I’ve formed, I’m excited about the new adventure God has in store for me. I will continue to write this column. I am clarifying because so many people have asked.
What does God ask of us? When Jesus was asked which commandment of the Law was the greatest, He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
What God wants from His children is really quite simple: He wants us. He wants our hearts, and all of our service for Him must flow from these two commands to love.
A recent devotional I read said, “The Word of God spreads out like ripples of water.”
If you’ve ever thrown a stone into a body of water, you know what happens. A ripple occurs. I want to be a part of that ripple effect. Wherever I go, my faith will lead me to share the Good News.
My challenge to you is to “go make ripples in the name of Jesus.”
Carol Round useNeed a speaker or workshop leader? Check out 
Photo: Blue ripples
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Dirangkum oleh: Ayub

Populasi: Kurang lebih 300.000 jiwa
Anggota gereja: 10 (0,002 persen)
Alkitab dalam bahasa Kerinci: Tidak ada
Film Yesus dalam bahasa Kerinci: Tidak ada
Siaran radio pelayanan dalam bahasa Kerinci: Tidak ada

Nama Kerinci berasal dari bahasa Tamil, yaitu nama bunga Kurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana) yang tumbuh di India Selatan pada ketinggian di atas 1800 m, yang mekarnya satu kali selama dua belas tahun. Karena itu, Kurinji juga merujuk pada kawasan pegunungan. Dapat dipastikan bahwa hubungan Kerinci dengan India telah terjalin sejak lama dan nama Kerinci sendiri diberikan oleh pedagang India Tamil

Suku Kerinci memiliki aksara yang disebut aksara Incung, yang merupakan salah satu variasi surat ulu.

Bahasa mereka adalah bahasa Kerinci, yang termasuk rumpun bahasa Melayu. Setiap desa di Kerinci memiliki dialek yang berbeda-beda satu dengan yang lain. Mata pencaharian sebagian besar penduduknya adalah bertani di ladang dan di sawah.

Kehidupan Masyarakat

Pola perkampungan orang Kerinci mengelompok padat. Suatu kampung, yang disebut dusun, biasanya dihuni oleh sekelompok kerabat yang berasal dari satu keturunan nenek moyang. Dalam dusun terdapat beberapa larik (rumah panjang) yang letaknya berderet dan mengelompok di sekitar jalan desa.

Masyarakat Kerinci memiliki garis keturunan secara matrilineal, artinya seorang yang dilahirkan menurut garis ibu menurut suku ibu. Suami tidak memiliki kedudukan yang begitu penting dan di bawah kedudukan wanita. Dalam masyarakat Kerinci, perkawinan dilaksanakan menurut adat istiadat yang disesuaikan dengan ajaran agama Islam.

Bentuk kesatuan kekerabatan terkecil yang terdiri atas suami, istri, dan anak mereka yang belum kawin, disebut tumbi. Dengan adanya adat menetap sesudah menikah matrilokal, para suami menetap di kediaman kerabat istrinya. Biasanya, bila ada anak wanita yang menikah, untuknya dibuatkan ruangan baru yang menempel pada larik orangtuanya. Tumbi-tumbi lainnya akan menggabungkan diri pada larik asal ini dan membentuk suatu peraut. Para anggota peraut yang berasal dari keturunan dari keturunan ibu disebut Kelbu, yang merupakan kelompok kekerabatan yang terpenting di Kerinci. Walaupun sistem kekeluargaan suku Kerinci menganut garis ibu (matrineal), keluarga inti dipimpin oleh suami, bukan saudara laki-laki ibu (mamak).


Islam merupakan agama mayoritas, walaupun mereka masih mempertahankan kepercayaan animisme, khususnya dalam hal penyembuhan dan upacara-upacara yang berhubungan dengan bidang pertanian tetapi secara status agama mereka adalah muslim.

Suku ini tergolong cukup makmur karena daerahnya yang subur, yaitu di sekitar pegunungan. Saat ini mereka membutuhkan peningkatan dalam teknologi pertanian dan pengolahan hasil hutan. Selain itu, daerah Danau Kerinci dengan pemandangannya yang indah sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan menjadi daerah tujuan wisata.

Pokok Doa:

1. Berdoa agar Tuhan mencurahkan Roh Kudus, berkat, dan kasih-Nya di tengah-tengah suku Kerinci agar terang dan kemuliaan Tuhan bercahaya di atasnya.

2. Berdoa agar Tuhan menyediakan pekerja: pendoa syafaat, penerjemah Alkitab, kaum profesional, penabur, dan penuai untuk melayani suku Kerinci.

3. Berdoa kepada Tuhan Yesus supaya Ia menggerakkan lembaga dan gereja untuk mengadopsi suku Kerinci dan terbeban untuk melayani di sana.

4. Berdoa kepada Tuhan Yesus supaya Ia melepaskan setiap belenggu agama maupun kepercayaan yang saat ini mengikat jiwa mereka.

Dirangkum dari:
1. _____. "Suku Kerinci Jambi". Dalam
2. _____. "Suku Kerinci". Dalam

Acehnese in Indonesia

Acehnese in Indonesia
The Aceh are a blend of many races, which explains why they are fairer skinned and taller than most other Indonesians. Most are either farmers or fishermen. Traditionally, most Aceh, both men and women, wore a sarong, a modest and colorful skirt. In recent years there has been a move towards Islamic dress and now the majority of women wear a head covering. Most men have no say in matters that deal with the home or even child rearing. The Aceh people are strict Sunni Muslims and have been very instrumental in spreading Islam throughout Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia.
Ministry Obstacles
The Aceh people are one of the most strongly resistant people groups in the world to the good news of Jesus.
Outreach Ideas
Much focused, sustained prayer is needed for the Aceh people. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. The Lord's Spirit can work in Aceh hearts to hunger to know Jesus, the Savior.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There are very few followers of Jesus among the Aceh people. They need prayer support. Pray for their physical protection, and spiritual protection. Pray they will be tactful yet forthright in their quiet testimony for Christ. Pray they will consistently know the joy of Christ.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the fervency of the Aceh people toward Islam to be gradually redirected toward its proper object. Pray for a growing desire to know Isa (Jesus).
Scripture Focus
"Now it will come about that In the last days, The mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains, And will be raised above the hills; And all the nations will stream to it." Isaiah 2:2

People Name: Acehnese
Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 3,404,000
World Population: 3,484,000
Language: Aceh
Primary Religion: Islam
Bible: Complete
Audio NT (FCBH): Yes
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

TBN Co-Founder Jan Crouch suffers massive stroke and may not recover

TBN Co-Founder Jan Crouch suffers massive stroke and may not recover

By Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST News Service
Jan and Paul CrouchORLANDO, FL (ANS – May 29 2016) – TBN co-founder, Jan Crouch, 78, has suffered a massive stroke in the Orlando, Florida, area and is now being treated by doctors as her family care for her.
She suffered the stroke on Wednesday evening (May 25th) and was rushed into a local hospital where she is being treated.
However, Charisma News has said that Christian recording artist, Carman, posted on his Facebook page Saturday that recovery from a significant stroke is “unlikely” for Jan Crouch.
“The official word is out ... and after careful medical evaluation recovery of any kind is unlikely,” Carman's Facebook post read.
Carman said the Crouches built the “greatest Christian network of preaching the gospel in history.” In recent years, Carman suffered through a bout with cancer and it was Jan Crouch who supported him emotionally and financially.
“Jan is the president and is totally irreplaceable,” Carman's Facebook post read. “I've been close to her for 40 years. She is family to me. We have won countless souls to Christ together through that network. She is the best friend you can ever have when you’re going through a crisis and feel like everyone has abandoned you.
“Example: When I went through 10 months of cancer treatment and sent out 600 letters to 600 churches I've ministered at for support, and not one responded, it was Jan who paid my bills so I could focus on my fight with cancer. Her words to me was, ‘Just get well.’”
Carmen speakingCharisma said that the TBN family has been asking for miracle healing prayers for the Christian media pioneer since her hospitalization.
The Crouch's oldest son, Paul Jr., made this post on Facebook: “Please bombard heaven for my mother, Jan Crouch. She's in the hospital in Orlando and needs a miracle.”
The younger son, Matt Crouch, posted on TBN's Facebook page on Saturday: “Thank you for joining your faith with us and agreeing for our precious mother, Jan Crouch, as she receives comfort from Jesus and ministering angels from a life-threatening stroke. Thank God WE are NEVER alone. Much love, Matt and Laurie.”
Crouch and her husband, the late Paul Crouch, founded the Trinity Broadcasting Network in 1973. She produced multiple television programs including Praise The Lord, The Glory of America and Say Yes. Paul Crouch passed away in 2013.
Her full name is Janice Wendell Bethany “Jan” Crouch and she was born on born March 14, 1938, in New Brockton, Alabama.
Photo captions: 1) Jan and Paul Crouch on TBN. 2) Carmen. 3) Dan Wooding
Dan Wooding at HSBN useAbout the writer: Dan Wooding, 75, is an award-winning winning author, broadcaster and journalist who was born in Nigeria of British missionary parents, and is now living in Southern California with his wife Norma, to whom he has been married for nearly 53 years. They have two sons, Andrew and Peter, and six grandchildren, who all live in the UK. Dan is the founder and international director of the ASSIST News Service (ANS), and the author or co-author of some 45 books. He has one radio show and two TV programs all based in Southern California. He was a regular guest on the JOY program on TBN for several years. Before moving to the US, Dan was a senior reporter with two of the UK’s largest circulation newspapers and also an interviewer for BBC Radio One in London.
** You may republish this and any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (

‘Boko Haram is 100% a Muslim problem,’ says Nigerian Sheikh

‘Boko Haram is 100% a Muslim problem,’ says Nigerian Sheikh

He says Boko Haram ‘came from among us’ and must be ‘tackled by us’
By Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST News Service, who was born in Nigeria
Nigerian SheikNIGERIA (ANS – May 29, 2016) -- An influential Muslim cleric in Nigeria says the responsibility for dealing with the threat of Boko Haram lies with the Muslim community.
“We [Muslims] have to understand that these people [Boko Haram] are from among us and that the society was not doing enough to bring these elements out,” Sheikh Ahmad Gumi told The Interview magazine. “We have to reflect and see if we want to truly combat Boko Haram. I can tell you that Boko Haram is 100 per cent a Muslim problem … It is we Muslims that have the responsibility to tackle it more than anybody else.”
According to Hassan John, a Nigerian journalist writing for World Watch Monitor, Gumi is an influential figure in Nigeria, particularly with the Muslim youths of the Izala sect in the north of the country. His father, the late Abubakar Gumi, was a highly controversial cleric, who is attributed to have influenced the radical, Wahhabi theology of Boko Haram and other radical groups.
Abubakar Gumi was once the Grand Khadi of the Northern Region of Nigeria, and head of Sultan Bello Central Mosque in Kaduna. He attacked the mysticism attached to Sufi Islam and publically squabbled with the Sultan of Sokoto, the most influential figure for Nigeria’s Fulani and Hausa peoples. He paved the way for the founding of the Izala sect in Jos, Plateau State, in 1978. Izala has since grown in influence and number in most parts of northern Nigeria and spread to countries like Niger, Chad and Cameroon, where Boko Haram also operates.
Boko Haram leader“After the death of his father, Ahmad Gumi, who was schooled in Saudi Arabia, founded the Nigerian Muslim Shurah Assembly, in an attempt to unite Nigeria’s Muslims,” said Hassan, who is also an Anglican cleric in Jos, the capital of Nigeria’s central State of Plateau, one of the most affected by sectarian violence in recent years.
“Following in his father’s footsteps, the younger Gumi has delved into controversy, but unlike his father, he also promotes peaceful co-existence in a country torn by deep ethnic and religious divides, which have led to the killing of thousands of Christians.”
He has taken to social media to propagate his ideas. In a 2012 Facebook post, he wrote: “We Muslims collectively are more POWERFUL than any group in the nation, yet … we forfeited this power. POWER protects wealth, lives, culture, religion and family. When you give power to the wrong person you lose all. This can explain our poverty, terrorism, moral degradation and family disunion.”
For Sheikh Gumi to declare that Boko Haram is “100 per cent a Muslim problem” could indicate that Muslims in Nigeria are fed up with the terrorist group. It could even prove a major turning point in the fight against them, although it may also make him a target.
“Boko Haram is a segment of the northern population, and cooperation was protecting them,” he said. Though he did not name which “cooperating” organization he was referring to, he is not the first to suggest that Muslim groups in the north – and even some politicians – have been secretly supporting Boko Haram.
Gumi also said that corruption has hampered the military campaign against Boko Haram. However, he suggested the man behind the arms scandal, the former national security adviser to former President Goodluck Jonathan, Sambo Dasuki, should not be prosecuted.
Boko Haram Mubi victims“When you place Dasuki, whose father is the Sultan of Sokoto, and put him in that situation … it could cause problems in Nigeria,” he said.
The challenge Ahmad Gumi has thrown down to the Muslim community in Nigeria is commendable because Boko Haram still has sympathizers within large sections of the Muslim population in the north. The fact of the matter is that, unless the Muslim community sees radical Islam as its own fight, and works hard to reform Islam, any assistance from non-Muslims will be considered suspicious and therefore rejected.
But more important is the fact that, unless Muslims all over the world become proactive in the fight against terrorism, there will always be a suspicion they are collaborating with terrorists.
To say that Islam is a peaceful religion and that terrorists are not Muslims is not enough, because terrorist groups use the Qur’an and Hadith in defense of their ideologies. Not many people know the difference – even Muslims.
“All lizards crawl on their belly. How do we know which suffers bellyache?” an African proverb says.
Hassan John concluded by saying, “People want terrorism to stop. But like another African proverb says, ‘He who wants to swim must be prepared to get wet.
“To fight Islamophobia and unify Nigeria, Muslims must engage radically with radical Muslims.”
For more information, please go to: 
Sheikh Ahmad Gumi. (Facebook / Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi). 2) Leader of Boko Haram. 3) Boko Haram victims. 4) Dan Wooding with his mother, Anne Wooding, just after he was born at Vom Christian Hospital in Northern Nigeria.
Dan Wooding as a baby with his mother in NigeriaAbout the writer: Dan Wooding, 75, is an award-winning winning author, broadcaster and journalist who was born in Nigeria of British missionary parents, and is now living in Southern California with his wife Norma, to whom he has been married for nearly 53 years. They have two sons, Andrew and Peter, and six grandchildren, who all live in the UK. Dan is the founder and international director of the ASSIST News Service (ANS), and the author or co-author of some 45 books. He has one radio show and two TV programs all based in Southern California. Before moving to the US, Dan was a senior reporter with two of the UK’s largest circulation newspapers and also an interviewer for BBC Radio One in London.
** You may republish this and any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (

Despite Sometimes Blistering Heat and Possible Dehydration, Homeless say It's Overall "Easier" in the Winter than Summer.

Despite Sometimes Blistering Heat and Possible Dehydration, Homeless say It's Overall "Easier" in the Winter than Summer.

By Jeremy Reynalds, Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service ( )
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (ANS -- May 20, 2016) -- Whether summer or winter, hot or cold, there’s no good time to be homeless.
Always contending with the dangers of the streets, sometimes debilitating heat and possible dehydration in the summer months accompanied with cold and rain in the winter, homelessness in whatever season is not a walk in the park.
Then there’s the almost inevitable depression that accompanies homelessness. It can get so bad that some end up drowning their sorrows in the bottle, which unleashes another entirely different set of problems.
Do you relate? Have you ever been homeless-or close?
I was curious what some of our Joy Junction guests felt and whether their experiences of homelessness were even a little better in summer than winter. We asked a number of guests to tell us what they felt.
Here’s what we learned. One guy said it was better being homeless in the summer, because he was able to sleep by the creek.
“The water was a pleasant sound of comfort. Nights were warm, and it was nice looking at the stars. I always tried to think of ways to get out of being homeless.”
Sleeping outside in winter, this guest added, the cold “hindered” his sleep.
“I felt helpless without shelter. It was a life of misery. I starting feeling sorry for myself. The friends that I thought were my friends turned against one another. Sharing food was now a joke.”

Another man said that while there’s no best time to be homeless, water does become a more urgent need. Yes, and it’s because of that we give away thousands of bottles on our Lifeline of Hope mobile feeding unit which crosses Albuquerque daily.
He said the winter season provides different difficulties and opportunities.
“The public seems to be more aware and (giving) during this time. The holidays play a role in this. The coldest nights are the longest, and being very cold is crippling to some.”
That holiday theme was echoed by others.
One woman said she thinks being homeless in the winter is worse, as it is harder to keep your body temperature warm than stay cool in the summer.
She added that this is her first time being homeless, and surprisingly called it a “wonderful” experience for her family.
“I thank God for shelter. I don't feel homeless. because I think of Joy Junction as my home.
She continued, “It gives families an opportunity to get back on their feet and into society. Most of all, I love that (Joy Junction) teaches about God.”
One guy said it’s hard to find a place to warm up in the depths of winter.
“In the summer,” he said, “you can find things to do to cool yourself off – places to swim, find shade or just go walk around in a cool store for a while.”
A woman agreed with him, saying that in winter there is always the fear of freezing to death and needing more clothes to keep warm.
She continued, “Sometimes it's hard to find warmth because a lot of people don't like the homeless. They're usually not willing to help out. That's why I'm so happy for Joy Junction.”
A heartrending comment came from another woman. She said, “I can remember being outside on the street during the winter months; my feet and hands were burning from the cold. I thought that my toes were going to fall off. It brought me to tears.”
Can you even come close to imagining being in that predicament?
One woman contended that in the winter, people can lose limbs and possibly their life due to the cold.
One guy said in general it’s just harder to survive in the winter, and because (the homeless) are also trying to hard to survive, others may “not be as helpful.”
He added, “There's also a lot of sadness and depression during the winter months.”
Another person said having inadequate clothing is also difficult.
“(In the winter) it gets dark earlier in the day, and darkness brings its own dangers. Being homeless during this time also requires you to create your own warm shelter out of material that you find on the street.”
She added, “During the summer, there is usually a breeze that keeps everyone cool and a lot of shade downtown. It also cools off at night.”
One guy said he thinks summer homelessness is more difficult, adding body odor and hotter than usual tempers to the trials experienced by the homeless.
Jeremy Reynalds with homeless manHe said, “Homelessness is bad regardless of addiction. Thank God for Joy Junction.”
Writing on the Joy Junction Facebook page, Eliane said being homeless is scary no matter what season. “Each season comes with its own challenges. I don't think it matters what time of the year it is. Homeless is just home-less.”
Returning to our guests, one woman made a lot of sense, commenting that homelessness is bad no matter the season. That notwithstanding, homeless in the winter can be more of a harsh reality with which to cope.
“It is much easier to escape the heat of summer than frozen ground,” she said. You may be able to find more resources in the winter, such as an overflow shelter and clothing drives.
No matter the season, being homeless is unpleasant. Thank you Joy Junction for making it a lot more pleasant. It's greatly appreciated.”
My take is that being homeless in the summer is just as bad as the winter. However, with the kids being out of school and the never ending rush of family activities the homeless and the agencies they’re served by tend to get more readily forgotten during in the summer months.
With that in mind, please remember the homeless and the agencies that help make their lives a little more bearable during the summer months. We’re still there, and so are our many guests. Your gift could help save a life.
Photo captions: 1) Jeremy Reynalds leaving food and a beverage for someone who's made their own makeshift camp. 2) Elma and Jeremy Reynalds.
Elma and Jeremy Reynalds latestAbout the writer: Jeremy Reyaldsis Senior Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, a freelance writer and also the founder and CEO of Joy Junction, New Mexico’s largest emergency homeless shelter ( He has a master’s degree in communication from the University of New Mexico, and a Ph.D. in intercultural education from Biola University in Los Angeles. His newest book is “From Destitute to Ph.D.” Additional details on the book are available at Reynalds lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife, Elma. For more information please contact Jeremy Reynalds at .
** You may republish this or any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (

Infant Boy Killed in Sudanese Air Force Bombing of Christian Family

Infant Boy Killed in Sudanese Air Force Bombing of Christian Family

By Jeremy Reynalds, Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service ( )
JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN (MAY 29-ANS) A Sudanese Air Force bombing of civilians in the Nuba Mountains town of Heiban on May 23 struck a Christian family, killing a 6-month-old boy and wounding six others, a rebel source said.
According to a story by Morning Star News, one of several bombs dropped from a Russian-made Antonov plane on the town in South Kordofan state killed infant Kacho John and wounded 4-year-old Kuku John, 7-year-old Zainab John and Kaka John, 20, of the Sudanese Church of Christ.
Man shows were Sudanese bomb landedOthers injured were identified as Hafida Abdurahman Banat, 10, Hani Saeed Kori, 35, and Ismail Alnur.
A spokesman for the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army-North (SPLA-N), which is battling government forces in southeastern Sudan, noted the bombing in a press statement on Facebook. Morning Star News said at the time of writing, there was no independent confirmation of the bombing.
The area's predominantly black ethnic Nuba believe that since South Sudan split from Sudan in a 2011 referendum, the government's goal of quashing SPLA-N rebels is also meant to rid the area of non-Arabs and Christianity.
Since April 2012, Sudan has dropped 4,082 bombs on civilian targets, according to Nuba Reports. This week's killing follows bombing of Heiban on May 1 in which six children ages 4 to 13 were killed, including four from a Muslim family.
Church leaders said a government jet fighter dropped four parachute bombs at about 6 p.m., and one struck next to a foxhole where the children had taken cover. Morning Star News said there are no military installations in the area.
"One of the bombs exploded at my house, and I knew my kids and other children were dead," Al-Sheikh Abdelrahman Ibrahim Al-Toum told area journalists. 
The other two children killed belonged to Yacoub Omar and his wife, Hanan Ismail, who was also wounded and received hospital treatment, according to Nuba Reports. 
The attack triggered protests within Sudan as hundreds of people signed a petition calling for a halt to government bombing of civilians, Morning Star News said Nuba Reports stated. 
The petition includes 620 signatories from 29 opposition parties, 31 civil society organizations and 560 individuals that “call for the re-awakening of the Sudanese national consciousness to take campaign actions in response to this crime … and make Heiban the last aerial bombardment against civilians,” according to Nuba Reports.
On April 17 a government Antonov plane dropped six bombs on the Nyukur area of Delami County, wounding three civilians, according to SPLA-N spokesperson Arnu Ngutulu Lodi.
Civilians in Umserdiba were killed in shelling on March 24, killing 34-year-old Hawa Sabit, a member of the Sudanese Church of Christ and a mother of four, according to Lodi. 
An unrelated child, 7-year-old Mubarak Tutu, was reportedly wounded during the same attack but died en route to a hospital.
On April 3 Najala Omer, a Christian civilian, was killed when four bombs struck Hakima Medical Training School, according to an area reporter. Six others were wounded.
The Nuba people have longstanding complaints against Khartoum - including neglect, oppression and forced conversions to Islam in a 1990s jihad. 
Morning Star News said as Sudanese citizens on the northern side of the border, they were never given the option of secession in the 2005 peace pact between northern and southern Sudan.

The rebels in the Nuba Mountains were formerly involved with the southern Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) forces fighting Khartoum before the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). 
Fighting between Sudan and South Sudan broke out in June 2011, when Khartoum forcefully attempted to disarm the SPLA-N in South Kordofan by force rather than awaiting a process of disarmament as called for in the CPA.
When the CPA was signed in 2005, the people of South Kordofan were to vote on whether to join the north or the south, but the state governor suspended the process.
Morning Star News said Ethnic Nuba, along with Christians, face discrimination in Sudan, where President Omar al-Bashir has vowed to adopt a stricter version of sharia (Islamic law), and recognize only Islamic culture and the Arabic language.
Due to its treatment of Christians and other human rights violations, Sudan has been designated a Country of Particular Concern by the U.S. State Department since 1999. In its 2016 report, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recommended the country remain on the list. 
Sudan ranked eighth on Christian support organization Open Doors' 2016 World Watch List of countries where Christians face most persecution.

For more information visit
Photo captions: 1) Relative of two children killed on May 1 in Heiban points to the site where a government bomb hit.(Nuba Reports). 2) Elma and Jeremy Reynalds.
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Elma and Jeremy Reynalds latestAbout the writer: Jeremy Reyaldsis Senior Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, a freelance writer and also the founder and CEO of Joy Junction, New Mexico’s largest emergency homeless shelter ( He has a master’s degree in communication from the University of New Mexico, and a Ph.D. in intercultural education from Biola University in Los Angeles. His newest book is “From Destitute to Ph.D.” Additional details on the book are available at Reynalds lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife, Elma. For more information please contact Jeremy Reynalds at .
** You may republish this or any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (

Malay in Indonesia

Malay in Indonesia
The Malay people are believed to have originated in Borneo and then expanded outwards into Sumatra and other regions, including Indonesia. These people were descendants of Austronesian-speakers who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan. Malays practiced Buddhism, Hinduism, and their native Animism before converting to Islam in the 15th century.
Ministry Obstacles
A strong commitment to Islam dating from the 15th century establishes strong ethnic group identity with that religion. To change religions threatens a person's place in family and society.
Outreach Ideas
Gospel radio and television can be helpful. Christian workers also need to befriend these people.
Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few Christian believers among the Malay, that they will have Scripture available in their language, as well as other resources to help them grow and mature. Pray they will keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Malay of Indonesia will hunger to know more of Isa (Jesus), and will be drawn to this Man. Pray their hunger will be satisfied, that the Spirit of Christ will help them.
Scripture Focus
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15

People Name: Malay
Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 3,083,000
World Population: 11,432,000
Language: Malay
Primary Religion: Islam
Bible: Questionable Need
Audio NT (FCBH): Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

Kapan Ramadan Itu?


Ada lebih dari 1.57 miliar orang Muslim. Mereka berasal dari beraneka ragam budaya di dunia ini. Itulah sebabnya, di dalam Islam terdapat kebiasaan-kebiasaan dan tradisi-tradisi yang berbeda-beda. Seperti halnya di dalam kekristenan dan Yudaisme, beraneka ragam pula praktik-praktik keagamaan dan pemahaman umat Muslim terhadap iman mereka. Karena itu, sangatlah penting untuk mengenal sungguh-sungguh orang Muslim dan memahami apa yang mereka percaya, daripada berasumsi bahwa kita sudah mengetahuinya hanya karena kita sudah melihatnya melalui berita-berita atau membacanya melalui internet. Setiap orang Muslim, seperti halnya orang Kristen, berada dalam perjalanan iman mereka sendiri yang dipengaruhi oleh keluarga, budaya, dan pengalaman-pengalaman pribadinya.

Sebagian besar orang Muslim akan mengatakan bahwa Lima Rukun Islam merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk diikuti jika Anda ingin menjalani hidup yang baik menurut Islam.

Lima Rukun Islam itu adalah:
Syahadat: mengucapkan/melafalkan dengan tulus pernyataan iman umat Muslim.
Salat: bersembahyang dengan cara dan waktu yang tepat, lima kali sehari.
Zakat: membayar sedekah untuk kepentingan orang miskin dan untuk mereka yang membutuhkan.
Puasa: berpuasa selama bulan Ramadan.
Naik Haji: mengadakan perjalanan ziarah ke Mekah.

Tujuan Puasa

Puasa, terjemahan dari bahasa Arab "Sawm", secara harfiah berarti "menahan diri". Pada bulan Ramadan, puasa bukan hanya berarti menahan diri dari makanan dan minuman, tetapi juga dari pikiran, kata-kata, dan tindakan yang jahat.

Menurut tradisi, diyakini bahwa selama bulan Ramadanlah Alquran diwahyukan kepada Muhammad. Kaum Muslim menandai peristiwa penting bagi iman mereka ini dengan berpuasa setiap hari, mulai dari matahari terbit hingga saat terbenamnya. Puasa ini memiliki aturan yang ketat, tidak boleh makan dan minum apa pun. Merokok dan aktivitas seksual tidak diperbolehkan. Orang Muslim harus berpuasa lebih keras untuk dapat menghindari segala sesuatu yang najis dan melanggar hukum. Ketaatan yang sedemikian ini merupakan gambaran dari sebuah komitmen pribadi dalam semangat berpuasa -- ini adalah saatnya untuk melatih pengendalian diri, untuk menyucikan, baik tubuh maupun jiwa, dan fokus dalam penyembahan kepada Tuhan.

Sepanjang bulan Ramadan, keluarga dan kerabat dekat bersama-sama berbagi makanan dan berkumpul bersama di petang hari hingga larut malam. Kaum Muslim dipanggil untuk memanfaatkan bulan ini untuk memeriksa kehidupan dan iman mereka, berdamai satu dengan yang lain, mempererat tali persaudaraan dan pertemanan, dan secara umum berusaha untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.

Kapan Ramadan Itu?

Bulan Ramadan ditetapkan menurut penanggalan Islam, yang merupakan lunar kalender (sistem penanggalan berdasarkan peredaran bulan). Itu berarti Ramadan bergeser dari kalender Gregorian kurang lebih 11 hari setiap tahunnya. Penetapan tanggal untuk bulan Ramadan juga berbeda-beda antara satu negara dengan negara lain bergantung pada apakah bulan sudah bisa terlihat atau belum.

Orang Muslim yang tekun akan bangun pagi sebelum matahari terbit dan makan Sahur (sebelum fajar merekah), lalu melakukan sembahyang yang pertama. Mereka tidak akan makan lagi hingga sesudah matahari terbenam, yaitu ketika tiba saatnya mengakhiri puasa dengan berbuka, yang juga dikenal dengan Iftar. Mereka yang sudah lanjut usia dan yang sakit, anak-anak yang masih kecil dan bayi, serta ibu yang menyusui tidak diwajibkan berpuasa.

Mengapa Berdoa Selama Bulan Ramadan?

Doa 40 Hari dilaksanakan sebelum dan sepanjang bulan Ramadan, sebab inilah waktunya di mana orang Muslim sendiri juga sedang berdoa. Orang Kristen dapat berbagi dengan orang Muslim dengan ikut dalam puasa dan doa -- dan berbuka puasa bersama merupakan kesempatan besar untuk saling mengenal satu dengan yang lain dengan lebih baik.

Orang Kristen bisa terinspirasi/termotivasi untuk berdoa lebih bersungguh-sungguh lagi ketika melihat saudara Muslim berpuasa dan aktif selama bulan Ramadan. Diharapkan hal ini dapat memulai suatu momen di mana kita dapat berbicara satu dengan yang lain tentang iman kita dan mencapai pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang perjalanan rohani yang sedang kita jalani untuk mengenal Tuhan.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

GPN - 05/27/2016

Dear Dave and church,

The secret of true service is to be faithful wherever God places you. 1 Corinthians 7:17

Pray for brother John T.L. Maasbach and brother Simon van Dalen during the campaigns in Indonesia. That God will confirm His Word with signs and wonders and many people, including young people and children, will have an encounter with Jesus and want to follow and serve Him.

IMPORTANT: Mr. G.K. needs a miracle. According to doctors he will just have two months to live due to lung cancer. He stays in a hospice. Pray also for me, for strength, wisdom and faith. Mr. W.T.

URGENT: Pray for the famine and drought in Africa. That the Lord will provide rain, water and food, medicine and supplies. That God will send Christian aid workers to also provide for their spiritual needs.

Mrs. A.B. longs for a good life with a healthy educational environment for her children. Pray also that God will provide in good financial prospect. That she may know that God hears and sees her.

Ms. C.L. is newly converted and baptized. She experiences attacks in her thoughts and emotions, especially at night. She gets overtired. She would like to receive the victory and strength of the Holy Spirit, and grow strong in faith.

Pray for each evangelism team that goes out this weekend to spread the Gospel. That the Holy Spirit will open minds and hearts to the love of Jesus.

Pray that the wall between me and my best Christian friend (R.) at church will come down. We are supposed te be ministering together along with our wives. Mr. G.

Bangladesh: A church was surrounded by 70 angry Buddhists who heard that Buddhists had converted to Christianity. The Christians were six hours locked in their own church building. When they finally came out, they were beaten and wounded outside. Pray for the restoration of the physically and mentally wounded believers. And for the pastor who had to watch as his church was persecuted. Pray that Buddhists will seek the truth and learn to know the Lord Jesus. Open Doors

Mrs. M. has trouble believing. She is depressed, stays home a lot and is lonely. Pray that she will choose the Lord and receive healing and deliverance. Mrs. B.

I need God to change my work life, my finances and my relationship with Him. Mr. L.

Mrs. K.v.E. will soon go to the hospital for her bowel problem. Pray for her healing and that she will trust the Lord.

The Netherlands: Pray for a burning desire for God's presence among our people and in the government. That we will humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our evil ways. When we do so, God's promises are so great. He will hear our prayers, save the lost, heal the sick and deliver the bound. Pray for a change in our country; that the schools will be cleansed and the churches awakened. He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and restore our country. Team 24-7Gebed

For the conversion and liberation of the son of Mrs. M. in the USA. And for herself, for a good result of a cardio test.

My husband has locked himself up in his room and does not want to talk. Pray for an inner touch and breakthrough, so he will unlock his heart for the Lord and for me. Pray also for God's wisdom for me in this situation. Mrs. R.

PRAYER HELPS! India: After a long time of prayer and waiting, God wonderfully provided brother and sister R. in permanent visas. PRAY & THANK the Lord that He will open new doors for them in the same miraculous way, so that they can share the love of Jesus among many children and people.

PRAYER HELPS! The Lord provided for me so I have 800 euros less debt to pay off. PRAY: That I will find more stability in a job, so I can evangelize more. And for concentration this weekend as I am studying for a course I currently follow. Mr. K.d.W.

The Blessing Family Message Station
Listen non-stop to the faith-building messages of anointed preachers with singing, music and special prayer. Choose your own language, preacher and topic. Listen, download, like it, put in your favorites, share with others and much more! Pray and thank God that this station will reach many people in places where little or nothing of the Gospel is found and where people are on their own. Tune in at

The GPN team wishes you a very blessed weekend!

‘VANISHED | Left Behind: Next Generation’

‘VANISHED | Left Behind: Next Generation’

Premiere Event Starring Amber Frank (Montana), Dylan Sprayberry and Mason Dye Comes to Select U.S. Cinemas September 28
By Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST News Service
Postor for VanishedLOS ANGELES, CA (ANS -- May 27, 2016) – Fathom Events and EchoLight Studios present “VANISHED | Left Behind: Next Generation” for an exclusive one-night cinema event in select U.S. theaters Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. local time.
Inspired by the New York Times best-selling book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, the production stars Amber Frank (“The Haunted Hathaways”), Dylan Sprayberry (“Teen Wolf,” “Man of Steel”) and Mason Dye (“Finding Carter,” “Flowers in the Attic”), among others. Following the feature, audience members can enjoy a Q&A with the cast and crew (Frank, Sprayberry, Dye and Keely Wilson), hosted by nationally-known speaker and youth leader, Doug Fields.
According to a news release, tickets for the “VANISHED | Left Behind: Next Generation” event can be purchased online by visiting or at participating theater box offices.
Fans throughout the U.S. will be able to enjoy the event in nearly 300 movie theaters through Fathom’s Digital Broadcast Network. For a complete list of theater locations visit the Fathom Events website (theaters and participants are subject to change).
“VANISHED | Left Behind: Next Generation” follows headstrong 15-year-old Gabby (Frank) who is thrust into adulthood way too soon when a billion people around the globe suddenly vanish, and chaos engulfs the nation. The event forces Gabby, along with her younger sister Claire (Keely Wilson) and the two teen boys vying for Gabby’s affection, Josh (Dye) and Flynn (Sprayberry) — to figure out what has happened and how they fit into this dangerous new world.
smaller scene from the filmThe full cast also includes Tom Everett Scott (“That Thing You Do”), Jackson Hurst (“Drop Dead Divas”), Brigid Brannagh (“Army Wives”) and Rachel Hendrix (“October Baby,” “Perfect Wave”).
“We are excited to debut this feature on the big screen,” Fathom Events Vice President of Programming Kymberli Frueh said. “The best-selling Left Behind books from the ‘90s and early 2000s made a huge impact on their readers, and ‘VANISHED | Left Behind: Next Generation’ will resonate with and engage a new legion of young fans.”
To view the official trailer visit 
About Fathom Events:
Fathem events logoFathom Events is the event cinema distribution arm of AMC Entertainment Inc. (NYSE: AMC), Cinemark Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CNK) and Regal Entertainment Group (NYSE: RGC) (known collectively as AC JV, LLC), the three largest movie theater circuits in the U.S., and is recognized as the leading distributor of alternative content. It offers a variety of one-of-a-kind entertainment events in movie theaters nationwide that include live, high-definition performances of the Metropolitan Opera, dance and theatre productions such as the Bolshoi Ballet and National Theatre Live’s Hamlet, sporting events like FS1 Presents USA v Mexico, concerts with Roger Waters and One Direction, the TCM Presents classic film series and faith-based events such as The Drop Box and Four Blood Moons. Fathom Events also takes audiences behind the scenes and offers unique extras including audience Q&As, backstage footage and interviews with cast and crew, creating the ultimate VIP experience. In addition, Fathom Events’ live digital broadcast network (“DBN”) is the largest cinema broadcast network in North America, bringing live and pre-recorded events to 885 locations and 1,348 screens in 181 Designated Market Areas® (including all of the top 50). For more information, visit .
About Salt Entertainment Group:
Salt Entertainment, formed by entertainment industry veterans, Dave Alan Johnson and Steve McBeth, produces high quality projects for film, television and digital markets in the U.S. and around the world. Salt focuses on content targeted for markets largely underserved by mainstream Hollywood, with an emphasis on positive and uplifting values, faith-related projects, and stories using humor, honesty and heart to touch this audience at the deepest level. Salt is committed to a standard of excellence in quality and execution for its projects, to both serve its core audience, and then to cross-over with the same content to a broader general market. For more information, visit
About EchoLight Studios:
EchoLight Studios is committed to bringing relevant, redemptive and powerful entertainment to the marketplace through productions of the highest cinematic quality. From action-adventure, comedy and dramas based on true events, EchoLight delivers feature films which are family-friendly, entertaining and that inspire the human spirit. For more information, visit
MEDIA CONTACTS: Lesley Burbridge/ Tracy Cole, Rogers & Cowan, 310-854-8170 / 615-568-2988,  / .
Jessica Nelson / Katherine Schwappach, Fathom Events, 720-262-2753 / 720-262-2713,  / .
Photo captions: 1) Poster for the film. 2) Dramatic scene from the movie. 3) Fathom Logo. 4) Jerry B. Jenkins and Dan Wooding with two of their recent books.
Jerry Jenkins with Dan Wooding and booksAbout the writer: Dan Wooding, 75, is an award-winning winning author, broadcaster and journalist who was born in Nigeria of British missionary parents, and is now living in Southern California with his wife Norma, to whom he has been married for nearly 53 years. They have two sons, Andrew and Peter, and six grandchildren, who all live in the UK. Dan is the founder and international director of the ASSIST News Service (ANS), and the author or co-author of some 45 books. He has one radio show and two TV programs all based in Southern California. Before moving to the US, Dan was a senior reporter with two of the UK’s largest circulation newspapers and also an interviewer for BBC Radio One in London.
** You may republish this and any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (