From Christian Aid Mission ( For Immediate Release
Contact: Amie Cotton APR, +1 (434) 327-1240,
A cease-fire signed in February
between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces has been
crumbling fast in the past week as troops on both sides have reported
casualties. The February agreement followed the break-down of a prior
cease-fire signed in September 2014. The United Nations estimates more
than 6,800 people, both civilians and troops, have been killed since
April 2014, with 17,100 wounded.
Untold misery continues to
unfold in a conflict little understood in the West. Preceding the
battles was the collapse in February 2014 of the Ukrainian government as
protests mounted. Demonstrators raged at the government's decision,
under pressure from Russia, to forego a trade pact that would have drawn
Ukraine closer to the European Union. Protestors were further incensed
at the subsequent acceptance of a major loan from Russia.
Amid the unrest, Russia on
March 18, 2014 annexed the Ukrainian region of Crimea. At the same time,
pro-Russian demonstrations in eastern Ukraine escalated into an armed
insurgency, and an indeterminate number of Russian paramilitaries have
since joined the Russian citizens in eastern Ukraine who launched the
Since the fighting in eastern
Ukraine started last year, an estimated 1.4 million people have been
forced to flee their homes. Starvation and disease took the lives of
many who fled bullets and bombs, according to a Ukraine-born, Christian
leader overseeing organizations ministering in the conflict zones.
In combat areas in eastern
Ukraine, heavy artillery has been used in the Donetsk and Lugansk
regions in spite of the cease-fire signed in the Belarus capital of
Minsk. As many as 400 pro-Russian separatists attacked Ukrainian forces
over the weekend (Aug. 8-9) with the aid of 10 tanks and 10 armored
personnel carriers, according to a government spokesman.
Many stores are closed, making
it difficult to buy staple items such as bread, and travel is dangerous.
The indigenous missionaries that Christian Aid Mission assists said
they have the know-how and contacts to overcome the obstacles of war to
get aid to people.
“Every week we send out food
parcels and clothing to different locations in the Donetsk and Lugansk
regions where people are unable to leave the territory,” a local
ministry director said. “Food delivery capability is very limited, as
there are only seven corridors through which humanitarian supplies may
be delivered. Many people are in need of food.”
The ministry has established
mobile kitchens in tents where people are fed. Three such tents are in
place in Donetsk, two in Lugansk, and one each in Makiyevka, Krasnodon,
Rubizhne, and Yenakievo. Each day, up to 1,000 people receive food, the
ministry director said.
“All these people hear the
testimony of Jesus Christ,” he said. “They are offered the opportunity
to repeat a prayer of repentance. According to the pastors, no one
refuses to repent.”
The daily cost of feeding one
person per day is 70 cents. The ministry also provides clothes and
toiletries, but great needs for pharmaceutical items remain.
The hostilities have not only
caused businesses to close their doors, but several other aspects of
society have ceased to function. Pensioners have not received their
pensions, and students have been unable to study. Where food is
available, prices have skyrocketed. All these problems have led to a
steep increase in crime.
Displaced families are settling
wherever they can; some have been directed toward orphanages, while
churches are making their basements, pews and any other space available.
“We await the arrival of 23 more boys and girls who have lost
families/caregivers,” the director of one ministry recently wrote.
Ministries based in Ukraine
seek to expand aid to meet the growing needs of the Internally Displaced
People (IDP) and those who have no way of leaving conflict areas. In
the expanded plan, crucial medications, diapers, baby formula, personal
hygiene items and warm clothing would be distributed along with food,
water and temporary shelter.
“This kind of help is expected
to continue for an indefinite time,” the Christian leader from the
region said. “Secondly, the multifaceted social implications of such a
crisis situation will also be addressed. Longstanding outreach programs
will play a vital role in the rehabilitation of fractured lives.”
Local Christian workers from
indigenous ministries who have proven ability to extend aid in Christ's
name would build upon existing programs in the effort to expand. Ukraine
has a network of churches, ministries (including orphanages) and
volunteers in place, all working together to provide critical help.
“Volunteers, church workers,
and the IDPs themselves are working together to restore abandoned
buildings to house the homeless,” a ministry director said. “Overall,
the efforts have been successful, but there are concerns about
sufficient funding to sustain these projects over longer periods of time
– six months or more – and about funding for programs in those areas
where no help has yet been given.”
Proposed “Temporary
Accommodations Centers” would house 70 people at sites to be constructed
or renovated for 14 to 18 families. Once housed in renovated old houses
or abandoned buildings, adults would be assisted with finding new jobs
and their children enrolled in area schools.
Since the military conflict
began, ministries assisted by Christian Aid have helped more than 10,000
people, the Christian leader said. The indigenous missionaries are in
great need of funding for their planned expansion of the relief
“We are so grateful to everyone
who helps us make this possible,” the Christian leader said. “Your gift
helps to save souls daily.”
To provide help for refugees in Eastern Ukraine, you may contribute online by going to
or call 434-977-5650. If you prefer to mail your gift, please mail to
Christian Aid Mission, P.O. Box 9037, Charlottesville, VA 22906. Please
use Gift Code: 368REF. Thank you!
* Those interested in
discussing expanded projects giving opportunities in Ukraine may call
Christian Aid Mission's Raul Hernandez at (434) 422-2585.
Photo caption: 1) An indigenous
ministry worker distributes bread, a staple item in short supply in
Ukraine (Photo: Christian Aid Mission). 2) Logo for CAM).
Aid Mission (CAM) is an evangelical missionary organization based in
Charlottesville, Virginia, that assists indigenous missionary ministries
overseas through prayer, advocacy and financial support. Since 1953,
Christian Aid Mission has identified, evaluated and assisted more than
1,500 ministries in more than 130 countries that are reaching the
unreached for Christ in areas of the world where there is no witness for
Christ, where Christians suffer from poverty or persecution, or where
foreign missionaries are not allowed. Today, we assist more than 500
ministries overseas with tens of thousands of indigenous or native
missionaries in the field. These ministries are currently working among
more than 1,000 people groups in 100+ countries around the world. For
more information, please visit
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