Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

GPN 06-12-2012

"Prayer is profitable whenever it is practiced." Acts 6:6 I wish you God's blessing for the coming week, Roberto Wijnhof Can you pray for me? I was a Christian, but I have made wrong choices. Now I use pills to get rid of my drug addiction. Please pray for deliverance. I would like to serve the Lord again in my church. Mrs. W.V. Please pray for us here in Bali, that people get saved and healed and become disciples through our ministries. Please pray for my health, that I will receive healing from gluten allergies, and my girlfriend from a certain sickness as well. Mr. R.B. Because of my feelings of loneliness, I became involved in a relationship. I now regret this. I asked the Lord for forgiveness. Please pray that God will help me to live a Christian life. I really want to follow and serve the Lord. Mr. R. Can you pray for my daughter E. and son in law F.? Both are Christians, but they have relationship problems. Can you also pray that my daughter will get her driving license? Mrs. D. I ask prayer for my friend Mr. M. He has an intestinal ailment. Pray that he opens his heart to Jesus. Mr. H. I ask prayer for healing and strength. Because of my advanced age I suffer from physical complaints. Walking is a problem. I hope and pray that I can join my children on a holiday. Mrs. v.B. Please agree with me in prayer. I would really like to get a job at a school for disabled children as soon as possible. Ms. M. Mrs. C. asks our prayer. She feels very depressed. She had a Christian upbringing. Pray that she will get to know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. That He will give her joy and new hope for her future. I ask you to pray that the Lord will help me to make the right choices. By disappointments, my husband no longer attends our church. Pray that the Lord will touch him again, so we will visit the church together. Mrs. R. Please pray for the healing of Mrs. H. She has bruises on her body. Mr. W. lives in Curacao. He has problems at work. He also has problems on an inheritance. Pray that he will be obedient to God's Word, so he will experience God's blessings and will see the results in his situation. Can you pray for me? I am from origin a Hindu. I gave my life to Jesus. I experience a lot of opposition. Pray that I will remain faithful to Him. Miss A. Please pray for Mrs. G. She has financial problems. She has many debts and cannot pay the rent. She asks God for help and wisdom to know how to deal with these problems. Mr. V. asks our prayer that the Lord will free him from his drinking problem. He followed a rehab program, without success. He prayed the sinner's prayer and wants to serve the Lord. Roberto Wijnhof Global Prayer Network E info@gpnetwork.com W http://www.gpnetwork.com

1 komentar:

George Kender Comney mengatakan...

Why are the last nazi war criminals hiding in Syria? Ohlig & Puim show Islamic extremism came from Syriac monophysates, products of Chrysustolm trying to consummate the Channukah crimes of his Seleucid forefathers. ("Questioning is the subversion of faith" Homily I on I Timothy I- Such was the dark mind that led Justinian to abolish the universities and Olympics and bring on the palgues.) Nesselrode sent Porphy Uspensky to de-Hellenize the Antiochians which led to Michel Aflaq founding the Nazi Ba'ath party which is why Putin hid Saddam's WMD in Syria! The Ochrafux church is a war criminal organization which must be prosecuted!