Minggu, 25 November 2012


Saya sebagai salah seorang pendoa syafaat dari Global Prayer Network, mengundang rekan-rekan dari tubuh Kristus untuk sama-sama merapatkan barisan berdoa. Global Prayer Network Indonesia merupakan jejaring dari Global Prayer Network Belanda – Johan Maasbach Wereld Zending. Pelayanan ini bukanlah sebuah organisasi tetapi sebuah pergerakan doa lintas organisasi maupun denominasi. Kami pun berdiri mandiri tanpa bantuan dari Belanda, sebab pelayanan ini terlahir dari kesadaran saya sebagai pendoa syafaat dari GPN Belanda untuk mendorong tubuh Kristus di Indonesia berdoa syafaat bagi pribadi-pribadi maupun bangsa-bangsa, bagi gereja Tuhan secara universal maupun lokal.
Global Prayer Network (GPN) Indonesia berupaya memberikan informasi dan pokok doa untuk didoakan oleh tubuh Kristus. Fokus kami mengajak tubuh Kristus untuk saling peduli dengan saudara-saudara seiman yang membutuhkan dukungan doa. Harapan kami ketika manusia rohani kita bersentuhan dengan Roh Tuhan, kita pun bergerak untuk membantu tubuh Kristus yang ada melalui tindakan kita. Sebab iman tanpa tindakan adalah iman yang mati.
GPN Indonesia juga memberikan pelatihan Sekolah Doa bagi prbadi-pribadi, persekutuan doa maupun gereja Tuhan. GPN Indonesia bekerjasama tidak terikat dengan US Prayer Centre untuk mempersiapkan anak-anak Tuhan menjadi pendoa-pendoa syafaat.
Hal-hal yang secara umum GPN doakan adalah:
Pertama-tama untuk pemulihan tubuh Kristus agar gereja Tuhan makin sadar akan kebersamaan dan keragaman di antara kita. Hingga gereja dapat saling menolong, membangun dan bekerja bersama sebagai bagian tubuh Kristus yang berbeda.
Kedua berdoa bagi jiwa-jiwa yang belum mengenal Tuhan Yesus, mereka yang meninggalkan Tuhan Yesus dengan berbagai latarbelakang alasan, pemulihan bagi saudara seiman yang terluka, Kristen KTP, pemulihan kesehatan, pemulihan ekonomi dll.
Ketiga kita berdoa bagi gereja Tuhan yang teraniaya dan mengalami penindasan.
Keempat berdoa bagi bangsa kita dan bangsa-bangsa di dunia.
GPN Indonesia menyediakan pokok-pokok doa dan informasi doa bagi tubuh Kristus yang ada.

GPN Indonesia juga merencanakan untuk membentuk “persekutuan pendoa syafaat” per kota dan akan dimulai di kota Bandung. Bilamana ada rekan-rekan sekota (Bandung) yang tertarik dan berminat bergabung dapat menghubungi saya melalui inbox atau dari kota lain dan bersedia ditunjuk menjadi koordinator maka bisa juga menghubungi saya.
Terimakasih Tuhan Yesus memberkati.

Ps. Dave Broos

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Kenya: church bombings and al-Shabaab

'a call to pray for the Church in Kenya"

By Elizabeth Kendal
Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin (RLPB) 166
Special to ASSIST 

AUSTRALIA (ANS) -- Kenyan-assisted military operations to rout al-Shabaab in Somalia are being blessed with success. Gradually, order and security are being restored to large tracts of Somalia. Facing immense pressure, many al-Shabaab militants are shedding their uniforms, ditching their weapons and fleeing south into eastern Kenya where they disappear into the refugee population, sheltered by sympathetic Islamists who have fled war and famine. Just 80km west of the Somalia border and with as many as 500,000 Somali refugees, Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp has become a major security problem for Kenya. Aid workers have been kidnapped and held hostage in Somalia, mines and grenades have been used to kill Kenyan soldiers, and several refugee leaders have been executed. Many aid organisations no longer let their foreign workers serve in Dadaab because it is simply too dangerous.
Kenya recently experienced its worst terror attack since the 28 November 2002 bombing of the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel in Mombasa when18 died. National police spokesman Eric Kiraithe declared that this most recent attack 'is the worst in terms of the numbers killed, the manner of execution, the anger behind it and the anguish it has aroused as well as the national impact it has had'.
On Sunday 1 July seven militants launched simultaneous attacks on two churches in the eastern town of Garissa (about 90km south-west of Dadaab) at 10:15am. The congregations were at prayer when the militants threw grenades and started shooting. Five militants attacked the Africa Inland Church, killing 17 people and wounding some 60, including many women and children. The church's two security guards were amongst the dead. The other two militants attacked the Catholic Church just 3km away, leaving three believers wounded.
As Al Jazeera notes, Garissa serves as a military base for Kenyan troops fighting al-Shabaab in Somalia. Whilst the pro-Shabaab Twitter site Al-Kataib boasted of a 'successful operation in Garissa', al-Shabaab has not actually claimed responsibility. This leads many to believe that Dadaab-based al-Shabaab-sympathisers might be to blame, inspired by Boko Haram's attacks on churches in northern Nigeria.
On Monday 2 July Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga told an audience in Garissa that al-Shabaab was acting 'in desperation . . . reacting to the progress made by our forces in Somalia'. He made it clear that Kenya would not be surrendering to terrorists and would continue the fight against al-Shabaab. PM Odinga's assessment is accurate, for al-Shabaab is indeed desperate. Their principal state sponsor, Eritrea, has run out of funds since the fall of Mubarak (Egypt) and Gaddafi (Libya), benefactors keen to help fund belligerence against Ethiopia. The al-Shabaab stronghold of Kismayo, the last major city al-Shabaab controls, is presently surrounded by Kenyan forces that aim to have control of the southern port city by August. As al-Shabaab's r emnant transitions from a jihadist force into a terrorist network, war will diminish but terrorism will doubtless escalate and Kenya will be targeted.
  • bring healing, comfort and peace to the grieving and traumatised survivors of the 1 July terror attacks in Garissa.
  • be an impassable defence, protecting his threatened people, the churches of Kenya. 'As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore.' (Psalm 125:2 ESV)
  • lead and empower Somali and Kenyan forces to bring al-Shabaab jihad, repression and terror to a decisive end.
  • redeem this suffering and use it to awaken Muslims to the deficiencies of Islam, so that the hearts of Somali and Kenyan Muslims might be made receptive to the Gospel.
  • remove all terrorists from the Dadaab refugee camp and turn the hearts of their sympathisers (Pro verbs 21:1), so that humanitarian aid and Gospel ministry can resume for the benefit of hundreds of thousands of desperately needy Somalis; may they soon be able to return to secure homes, with food in their stomachs and the gospel seed planted in their hearts.
On Sunday morning 1 July, seven militants launched simultaneous attacks on two churches in Garissa in Kenya's east. The congregations were at prayer when militants threw grenades and started shooting. Seventeen people died and some 60 were wounded in the main attack at the Africa Inland Church, while three believers were wounded at the nearby Catholic Church. Garissa serves as a military base for Kenyan troops fighting al-Shabaab in Somalia and is just 90km west of the Dadaab refugee camp, home to some 500,000 desperately needy Somali refugees. Infiltrated by Isla mic militants fleeing military operations in Somalia, Dadaab has become a major security problem for Kenya. Please pray for believers in Kenya; also for God's intervention to end al-Shabaab and for the spread of the Gospel amongst Somali and Kenyan Muslims.
To view this RLPB with hyperlinks, visit the Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin blog.

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

GPN 06-12-2012

"Prayer is profitable whenever it is practiced." Acts 6:6 I wish you God's blessing for the coming week, Roberto Wijnhof Can you pray for me? I was a Christian, but I have made wrong choices. Now I use pills to get rid of my drug addiction. Please pray for deliverance. I would like to serve the Lord again in my church. Mrs. W.V. Please pray for us here in Bali, that people get saved and healed and become disciples through our ministries. Please pray for my health, that I will receive healing from gluten allergies, and my girlfriend from a certain sickness as well. Mr. R.B. Because of my feelings of loneliness, I became involved in a relationship. I now regret this. I asked the Lord for forgiveness. Please pray that God will help me to live a Christian life. I really want to follow and serve the Lord. Mr. R. Can you pray for my daughter E. and son in law F.? Both are Christians, but they have relationship problems. Can you also pray that my daughter will get her driving license? Mrs. D. I ask prayer for my friend Mr. M. He has an intestinal ailment. Pray that he opens his heart to Jesus. Mr. H. I ask prayer for healing and strength. Because of my advanced age I suffer from physical complaints. Walking is a problem. I hope and pray that I can join my children on a holiday. Mrs. v.B. Please agree with me in prayer. I would really like to get a job at a school for disabled children as soon as possible. Ms. M. Mrs. C. asks our prayer. She feels very depressed. She had a Christian upbringing. Pray that she will get to know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. That He will give her joy and new hope for her future. I ask you to pray that the Lord will help me to make the right choices. By disappointments, my husband no longer attends our church. Pray that the Lord will touch him again, so we will visit the church together. Mrs. R. Please pray for the healing of Mrs. H. She has bruises on her body. Mr. W. lives in Curacao. He has problems at work. He also has problems on an inheritance. Pray that he will be obedient to God's Word, so he will experience God's blessings and will see the results in his situation. Can you pray for me? I am from origin a Hindu. I gave my life to Jesus. I experience a lot of opposition. Pray that I will remain faithful to Him. Miss A. Please pray for Mrs. G. She has financial problems. She has many debts and cannot pay the rent. She asks God for help and wisdom to know how to deal with these problems. Mr. V. asks our prayer that the Lord will free him from his drinking problem. He followed a rehab program, without success. He prayed the sinner's prayer and wants to serve the Lord. Roberto Wijnhof Global Prayer Network E info@gpnetwork.com W http://www.gpnetwork.com

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Suicide Bombing Hits Another Church in Jos, Nigeria

Boko Haram Islamic extremist finds weak link in military security chain By Dan Wooding, who was born in Nigeria Founder of ASSIST Ministries JOS, NIGERIA (ANS) -- Compass Direct News (CDN) is reporting that an Islamic extremist ran a car full of explosives at a Pentecostal church in this Plateau state city this morning (Sunday, June 10, 2012), killing at least two Christians and injuring more than 40 others, military and police officials said. The collapsed building of the Christ's Chosen Church of God (Photo: Compass Direct) CDN said that in Borno state also today, gunmen reportedly killed at least two Christians during church worship. "The Boko Haram Islamic sect reportedly took responsibility for both assaults," said the CDN story. "The attack in Jos on Christ's Chosen Church of God was the second suicide bombing of a church in two Sundays and the third church bombing in Jos in six months. "The explosion, which hit after a service had ended and church leaders and some children remained in the building, collapsed the roof of the sanctuary, witnesses said." CDN went on to say that the death toll was expected to increase as injuries were severe. It marked the second consecutive Sunday that an extremist from the Boko Haram Islamist sect has been able to get through check-points to bomb a church, and reports followed of rioting by aggrieved youths that left further casualties. Esther Solomon, a 31-year-old university student whose family's house sits directly opposite the church building, told Compass that a pastor, church elders and some children remained in the sanctuary at the time moment the bomb was detonated. She said she was in her family living room at the time. "The impacts of the explosion forcefully opened the front door of our house and threw me into one of the bedrooms," Solomon said. "I just found myself in the bedroom, and when I rushed out, I found out that a suicide bomber had crashed into the church across the road." For more information, please go to: www.compassdirect.org

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Shutdown of Protestant Church in Iran Sparks Fears of Coming Closure Spree

Revolutionary Guard Takes Over Iranian Church Oversight, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today By Michael Ireland Senior International Correspondent, ASSIST News Service NEW YORK (ANS) -- Iran's Revolutionary Guard Intelligence Organization has recently and abruptly taken over the oversight of Christian churches in Iran, which were previously overseen by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, according to information received by the International Campaign for Human Rights, as reported by the Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN) www.fcnn.com . Central Assembly of God Church in Tehran (Courtesy FCNN). At the end of May 2012, Iranian authorities forced the Assembly of God church in the western Tehran neighborhood of Jannat Abad to close its doors and discontinue services, a local source with knowledge of the Iranian Protestant community told the Campaign. According to the local source, the authorities told the church leaders, "You must close the church, and if you don't do this and we have to formally close the church then there is no hope of you even keeping the building afterwards, to sell." The local source told the Campaign, "Because if [the authorities] shut down the church themselves then the government will confiscate the building." The Jannat Abad church held its last services on 28 May 2012, after having operated in the same building for over 15 years; the church gained ownership of the building five years ago. The church, which provided two services per week for 80 to 100 attendees, as well as prayer sessions and bible studies, is part of an international Protestant evangelical network called Assemblies of God. The Jannat Abad church operated with the full knowledge of Iranian authorities as a branch of the officially recognized Central Assembly of God Church in Tehran but was an independent ministry, sources told the Campaign. In the past six months, authorities have reportedly shut down several other established Persian-language churches in Iran, arresting many of their members. Another Assembly church in the southern city of Ahvaz was shut down on 23 December 2011, just before Christmas. Authorities allegedly detained the church's reverend, Farhad Sabok Rooh, along with his wife and two other church members, eventually releasing them on bail. On 22 February 2012, authorities arrested at least ten members of St. Peter's Anglican church in Esfahan, including its pastor Hekmat Salimi, according to Iranian Christian news agencies. One detainee, a 78-year-old woman, was quickly released; the rest were held for nearly two months before being freed on bail. "The church's work was a hundred percent spiritual. They had no attachment to any agencies, organizations, or political groups. And all their activities and budget came from the donations of their congregation," the source added. While some existing churches are facing closure in Iran, no new churches have been able to obtain licenses from the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance since the 1979 revolution. The Jannat Abad Assembly of God church conducted its services in the Persian language. FCNN reports that Iranian authorities "should allow the Assembly of God church in western Tehran to reopen immediately, and should stop persecuting Persian-language churches," the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. "The ability to join a church or mosque or temple is one of the most fundamental religious freedoms," said Hadi Ghaemi, spokesperson for the Campaign. "This drive to close churches is an assault on free religious practice, in violation of Iran's international commitments, and a sign of growing religious intolerance within the Iranian government," Ghaemi said. FCNN says the Campaign's research for an upcoming report on the persecution of Protestant Christians in Iran indicates that the Iranian government has targeted churches which operate in Persian and evangelize, largely to prevent Muslims from learning about or converting to Christianity. Several Iranian church leaders told the Campaign that around 2005, coinciding roughly with the election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the government ramped up its repression of Protestant groups, and since 2009 the arrests of church members and limitations on churches have increased markedly. FCNN says Iranian Christian rights activists told the Campaign they fear the Jannat Abad closure marks a particular threat to all established Persian-language churches in the country. According to the FCNN report, the local source noted that Iran's Revolutionary Guard Intelligence Organization was instrumental in shutting down the Jannat Abad church. Several on-the-ground sources have reported that in the past month the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) has assumed responsibility for controlling church activities in Tehran, the director of the Iranian Christian news agency Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN) told the Campaign. "In the past month, all of a sudden the individual government agents responsible for contacting church leaders and giving them orders in Tehran changed," FCNN's director said. "Prior to this, the people who did this work were experts in Iranian minority groups from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and Ministry Intelligence. The new people who appear to [oversee churches] introduce themselves as agents of the Revolutionary Guard." FCNN explained that the IRGC is a parallel military and intelligence agency under the direct control of Iran's Supreme Leader, and outside the control of the executive branch of the government. "The Revolutionary Guard's new role demonstrates that the government is likely intensifying its efforts to exert control over Persian-language churches," said Ghaemi. "We fear that if the international community does not speak up, we will see more church closures and more limits of religious choice in the future." Ghaemi added: "Sadly, this move against Protestants mirrors the Iranian government's effort to suppress many religious groups and religious leaders, including Baha'is, Sufi and Sunni Muslims, and even Shia Muslim clerics, who possess views that differ from those of the government."

Severe Injuries sustained after Suicide Bomb Attack in Bauchi, Nigeria

Islamic extremist bombing, alleged military shooting, kill 21 By Michael Ireland Senior International Correspondent, ASSIST News Service BAUCHI, NIGERIA (ANS) -- Amid allegations that soldiers were responsible for at least eight of 21 deaths after the suicide bombing of two churches here on Sunday (June 3), sources told Compass Direct News (CDN) that most of those injured from the blast and alleged military shooting were in critical condition. Three of 10 people injured after suicide bombing collapsed a wall of the Harvest Field Church of Christ were in critical condition. (Photo: Compass Direct News) Compass reports that a statement reportedly from the Muslim extremist Boko Haram sect claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing of the Living Faith church in Yelwa, a Christian settlement on the outskirts of the northern Nigerian city of Bauchi. Compass said the blast also collapsed a wall of the nearby Harvest Field Church of Christ, leaving three people in critical condition. Compass added that a staff member told the agency on condition of anonymity, that of 61 people taken to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital Bauchi after the blast, 38 were in critical condition; the other 23 have been treated and sent home. Church leaders said at a press conference on Monday (June 4) that 45 Christians were considered injured, the agency reported. "Twenty-five out of these were injured by the bomb blast, while 20 sustained various degrees of injuries from the gunshots by soldiers," said the Rev. Lawi Pokti, chairman of the Bauchi chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, who said the military shot eight Christians to death. Compass reported that the Nigerian military has yet to respond to the allegations. In similar church attacks in Nigeria, Compass stated that Christians angry that their brethren were killed in the presence of security agencies have been shot for refusing military orders to leave. Johnson Elogva, associate pastor at Living Faith, said most of the injuries were severe. "Most of our members are critically ill in the hospitals," he said. "Some with first degree, second degree burns." For more information, log-on to www.compassdirect.org


AN ETHIOPIAN PRIEST GPN 06-08-2012 "The quality of your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts." Phil. 4:6-7 Blessed weekend, Roberto Wijnhof I am 21 years old and have cancer of the throat and breasts. Please pray for me for healing through our Lord Jesus, because I know anything is possible if we just believe. Mrs. B.S. I ask special prayer for God’s strength and provision. I'm living on the streets of New York City. That something good will happen this week to lift my spirit. brother Danny Please agree with Mary in prayer that she will get a good job very soon. She has relocated to Johannesburg. Mrs. M. Kazakhstan – A church in Kazakhstan closed voluntarily after the pastor's wife was fined for holding worship meetings in her home, the church's legal address. After paying the fine, the church decided to close in order to avoid further punishment. Church officials said they eventually would have been shut down if they hadn't closed on their own. Pastor Valery Kim and his wife, Larissa, said they will not re-register the church because they cannot collect the 50 signatures required for re-registration under the Religion Law. Kazakhstan's 2011 Religion Law prohibits all exercise of religion or belief without state permission, making any future church activity illegal. Pray for the churches suffering under this restrictive religion law. Please pray for physical healing of Mrs. T.M. She has problems with balance. She also has trouble with her eyes. Hi, please pray for a financial breakthrough for my friend Mr. M. Mrs. A. Iran – A former member of Iranian intelligence recently confirmed the government's official agenda against Christians in Iran, specifically new Christian converts. Iranian intelligence agents are identifying pastors and active Christians in order to arrest and torture them in prison. Officials hope this agenda of arrests, terror and torture will suppress the spread of Christianity. The former intelligence agent reported that Iranian intelligence has gathered tens of thousands of files on Iranians who have converted to Christianity. In a recent example of this systematic persecution, secret police raided a Christian's birthday party in Karaj and arrested all in attendance. The secret police photographed all of the Christians and accused them of being Zionist Christians, an accusation that carries the stigma of collaboration with Iran's greatest enemy. Those accused of Zionism are often executed. Pray for the Christians arrested at the party and for all converts in Iran during this time of extreme persecution. Please pray for the healing of my 14 year old son. He has ADHD. It causes learning problems. His school wants to send him to a special school. Mrs. H. Nigeria – Christian leaders in Nigeria's Plateau state say Muslim extremists, including members of Boko Haram, have killed more than the 35 Christians reported by the military in May. Attacks on 15 Christian villages left many houses destroyed and displaced more than 1,000 villagers. Christians, including children, were sometimes shot in their homes or slashed with machetes. Some believers have taken refuge at police stations and primary schools in other parts of the state, while others have fled Plateau state to avoid further attacks. Although authorities have increased security to protect Christians from Muslim extremists, the attacks continue. Pray that God will grant peace to Nigerian believers as they continue to suffer from past attacks and fear for their future. Please pray for my wife's heart problems, that is causing continual pain. Pray for new sources of income. For new music students and new leaflet clients. That all my children will daily have a hunger for Jesus, and will come to our church. Mr. J.M. Please pray for my sister and her family, that God will reveal Himself to them. Mr. or Mrs. M. Colombia – Pray for those involved in VOM's parachute project. Pilots in single-engine airplanes use these parachutes to drop Christian literature and radios into remote areas. Roberto Wijnhof Global Prayer Network E info@gpnetwork.com W http://www.gpnetwork.com

Saudi Officials Offer Conflicting Explanations as 35 Ethiopian Christians Continue to Languish in Prison

By Michael Ireland Senior International Correspondent, ASSIST News Service WASHINGTON, DC (ANS) -- Over the past month, Saudi Arabian officials have been making conflicting statements when asked why a group of 35 Ethiopian Christians were arrested at a prayer service in a private home in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, last December. International Christian Concern (ICC) www.persecution.org says it has learned that the statements were made over a period of several weeks after staff members from multiple Congressional offices began calling the Saudi embassy in Washington D.C. to inquire into the situation. ICC says the calls began soon after ICC held a series of meetings during the last week of April on Capitol Hill to raise awareness of the case and to ask for calls from Senators, Representatives, and their staff to the Saudi Embassy. In a media update, ICC says that on Monday, May 7, a Congressional office told ICC that a source close to the Saudi ambassador had indicated the Christians were arrested as part of an investigation into a large scale human smuggling ring. ICC says this explanation contradicted the original rationale published by Human Rights Watch in January that the group had been accused of the "illicit mingling of genders." Then, just three days later, Sarah Nezamuddin, a representative from the Embassy, told a separate Congressional office that the Christians had all been arrested for having issues with their work permits. ICC proceeded to provide a list of the prisoners with legal work permit numbers to the Congressional office, and after some follow up, Ms. Nezamuddin changed the explanation and said that the Christians were involved in both drug and human trafficking. ICC goes on to report that finally, on May 21st, in a meeting with staff members from multiple Congressional offices, representatives from the Saudi government said that the 35 Christians had been arrested for visa issues, but that they were also involved in some form of smuggling ring. ICC said: "When pressed for specifics, the Saudi officials reportedly demurred and changed the topic. At least one Congressional staff member left the meeting with the impression that neither Saudi official actually knew why the Christians were arrested in the first place." Speaking with ICC, one of the prisoners reported feeling "very sad, and very surprised" at the constantly changing allegations. "Why haven't they brought us to court? Why don't they show us some evidence and bring charges against us?" said one of the prisoners. "[We feel like] the Saudis are trying to punish us for being Christians by keeping us in prison." ICC further states that soon after the May 21 meeting, the prisoners reported being taken to a processing center for the first time since their arrest. However, after two extended trips to the processing center, the prisoners were returned to their cells without any new information as to when or if they will be released. After speaking with some of the prison authorities, one of the prisoners reported being under the impression that orders had "come from higher up" for their release, but that the prison authorities may be reluctant to let them go. Ryan Morgan, ICC's Advocacy Officer, said: "I continue to be baffled by the inability of the Saudi government to explain exactly why 35 Christians attending a prayer service at a private home were suddenly arrested almost six months ago. "The story keeps changing, and it is very troubling to think that a key U.S. ally in the Middle East may be lying to U.S. government officials about why they are arresting religious minorities. I strongly encourage interested individuals to call the Saudi Embassy and express their concern at this alarming turn of events." The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia can be reached at the following numbers: United States: (+1) 202 342 3800, Canada: (+1) 613 237 4100, UK: (+44) 207 9173-000, Australia: (+61) 2 6250 7000, Germany: (+49) 30 88 92 50, France: (+33) 1 56 79 4000, Ethiopia (+251) 1 710303. ICC is a Washington,DC-based human rights organization that exists to help persecuted Christians worldwide. ICC provides Awareness, Advocacy, and Assistance to the worldwide persecuted Church. For additional information or for an interview, contact ICC at 800-422-5441 or 301-585-5915.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

A White Afrikaner Doctor Stuns Audience When He Apologizes To Black Doctors of Africa for the Racism of His People in South Africa

Dr. Frans J. Cronje made his request for forgiveness during a medical conference in Nairobi, Kenya By Dan Wooding Founder of ASSIST Ministries NAIROBI, KENYA (ANS) -- Dr. Frans J. Cronje, a white Afrikaner doctor stunned an audience in Nairobi, Kenya, recently when, during a keynote session at a Christian medical conference, he apologized to the hundreds of black doctors for the racism of his people in South Africa. Dr. Frans J. Cronje making his apology during the WCDN conference Speaking on the topic of "Spiritual Roots of Disease", Dr. Cronje said, "I was born in London. I have a British birth certificate. I also have a Dutch, French, and German ancestral heritage. And, I am an Afrikaner. So, I represent the African colonial empires and a white South African male. I am a symbol of generational racism.generational iniquity... "We have all had to learn that racism is contrary to God's word - that is sin - and I have had to learn to think differently. We have behaved contrary to what we know God's Word says - that is transgression -- and I have had to repent before God for my disobedience. "Indeed, I also want to repent to you, today: I repent for the way my ancestors and I have oppressed you out of greed and have dishonored you out of fear... But I also need to overcome the stain of this generational iniquity by demonstrating that I want to change; that I want to become my brother's keeper again; and that I have had a change of heart. Another picture of Dr. Frans J. Cronje "Therefore, I would like to deposit something into Africa today that may help to restore the health and dignity our generational iniquity has stolen from you... That is how you overcome iniquity. That is how love covers a multitude of sins - it does so by demonstrating a desire to represent God's nature again." He went on to say, "Unfortunately, this is not the way we minister on issues of health. As a result, we complain that God does not answer our prayers and we continue relying only on the methods of man to overcome our persistent violations of His instruction, His laws, and His sovereignty. We need to change and to show that we want to!" Some 500 doctors, scientists and medical professionals from 37 countries came to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi for the 9th International Christian Medical Conference held May 25-26, 2012, to explore whether miracles still happen today and, if they do, to provide medical data to prove them. After making his request for forgiveness; Dr. Cronje received thunderous applause from the attendees for his brave statement. One doctor from the Democratic Republic of Congo told me, "It was very courageous of Dr. Cronje to make this apology to us and, of course, we accept it. After all, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are commanded to forgive. He is the first Afrikaner that I have heard make a statement like this, and it is deeply appreciated by all of us from the continent of Africa." Dr. Cronje is a medical doctor who specializes in diving, hyperbaric and aerospace medicine, and received both his medical degree and a Master's of Science degree in Aerospace Medicine from the University of Pretoria cum laude in 1991 and 1997 respectively. He completed the full medical licensing exams to practice medicine in the United States and subsequently completed a clinical Fellowship in Diving, Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine at Duke University, Durham, NC, USA in 2003. He is considered the pioneer of modern hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Southern Africa and has dedicated 17 years of his professional career to introduce and expand this scientific, therapeutic modality in South Africa. African doctors praying during the conference Dr. Cronje also went on to say, "This brings me to an important understanding: all unrighteousness is not biologically equal. 'All fall short of the glory of God' and, yes, 'the wages of sin is death'. So the eternal consequences are indeed the same. However they are not the same biologically: stealing your pen is not the same as murdering you even though both actions are unrighteous. "God himself makes the distinction in Exodus 34:6-7: Here He declares His own nature and says that He forgives iniquity, transgression and sin. Jesus uses this same distinction when He says that the thief comes but to steal to kill and to destroy. Please do not leave here today without getting this from my message: sin represents ignorance of God's principles. It robs you of God's blessings and reduces your quality-of-life. "The first example of this progression in Scripture comes from the life of Cain. He displays ignorance by bringing the fruit of his own labors as a sacrifice to God instead of the shed blood of lambs - our works do not atone for our sins; we have to follow God's instructions. His sacrifice is rejected, but God instructs him, tells him not to sulk, encourages him to do what is right, and warns him not to entertain anger because sin is lurking at his door. "God covers his sin. However, Cain disobeys this instruction, goes into the field and murders his brother in a deliberate violation of God's instruction. So transgression reduces life itself and leads to premature death. I encourage you to explore the Scriptures and you will find this consistently: transgression leads to death. There is another level, though: After murdering his brother, Cain is confronted by God who asks him where his brother is. Cain responds by saying: 'am I my brother's keeper'. The very meaning of brother in Hebrew is a 'strong fence' or 'strong keeper'. So in this simple statement Cain is challenging God's right as sovereign lawmaker. Dan Wooding with some of the Maasai dancers who performed during the WCDN conference "This is iniquity; the point where we determine right and wrong for ourselves rather than accepting God's absolutes. At the end of this initial confrontation, Cain expresses these profound words: my iniquity is more than I can lift off. The English translation is misleading. It reads 'my punishment is more than I can bear'. This is not about punishment primarily; this is about the consequence of violating God's sovereignty. It is Cain's iniquity that brings on a generational effect. Cain is now marked". He added, "In an effort to limit the damage, he is instructed by God not to concentrate in cities. However, he disobeys this instruction again and it leads ultimately to the destruction of the entire World except for eight people! Iniquity destroys. Steal, kill, destroy.Iniquity is also transferred from generation to generation until someone is willing to take it on. It is the basis of inherited sin, inherited mental illness, and inherited the biological disease. Like Cain, this is the point where people have the greatest problem with their understanding of God. "They interpret their suffering as punishment and accuse God of His lack of mercy. What they fail to realize, is that God is actually expressing His greatest mercy in that He does not destroy the person who became twisted immediately. Rather, God's appreciation of life is so great, and his willingness to demonstrate patience towards us is so vast, that He allows the person to live, to see the impact of his iniquity, in the hope that Ezekiel 18 will be fulfilled: That a father will look at his son and cry out: 'God what must I do'. Or a son will look at his father and say: 'I want to change'. This is the point where the restoration that comes by God's own sacrifice - through His Son's atoning death - can be appropriated. "Yes, Jesus died for our sins, but we must appropriate the fullness thereof by becoming willing to learn God's ways; by repenting of our disobedience; and by showing our change of heart as we choose to manifest His love." Dr. Cronje also said, "With few exceptions, the Bible attributes sickness to sin. However, with the discovery of microorganisms four centuries ago, the emphasis gradually shifted towards a more material and biological understanding of the cause of disease. "Today there is nearly a complete dissociation between the original Biblical understanding of man and the modern practice of medicine and psychiatry. Yet, for all the advances of science, nearly 70% of the population of most Western countries are on chronic medication whereas 40% have a mental health diagnosis; elsewhere, poverty and disease abound. Our modern biological and chemical approaches are not solving our present health problems. "Evidence from psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology (PNIE), epigenetic research and functional medicine all suggest that 75 to 85% of chronic and incurable disease have associated emotional root causes. These root causes are strikingly similar to those first described in Genesis 3 - fear, guilt and shame." In his presentation, the doctor offered a practical framework in which the links between spiritual roots and biological problems may be reconciled and understood from both a Scriptural and a scientific perspective. "The ultimate goal is the pursuit of wholeness and sanctification of spirit, soul and body," he added. Note: In South Africa, an Afrikaner minority party, the National Party, came to power in 1948 and enacted a series of segregationist laws favoring whites known as Apartheid (literally "apartness"). These laws allowed the systematic persecution of opposition leaders and attempted to enforce general white supremacy by classifying all South African inhabitants into racial groups. Non-white political participation was outlawed, black citizenship revoked, and the entire public sphere, including education, residential areas, medical care and common areas such as public transportation, beaches and sidewalks, was segregated. Apartheid was officially ended in 1990 after significant internal resistance and a long embargo against South Africa. The factual end to apartheid, however, is widely regarded as the election of 1994. After a long series of negotiations between President Frederik Willem de Klerk and Nelson Mandela, a democratic, multi-racial election was held, transitioning power from the National Party to the black African National Congress. Attendees wave farewell at the end of the medical gathering Dr. David Nico, PhD, CWC, from the United States was another speaker and he presented a "Deliverance Case Study - Demon Possession." The doctor described himself as a "Healthpreneur & Wellness Expert," and is an educator, researcher, and spokesperson for DR. HEALTHNUTT which inspires people to live an active, healthy and exciting lifestyle by taking personal responsibility for their health. He is the Founder and CEO of NICO VENTURES®, a health consulting, promotion, and seed stage investment company. He has also appeared as a guest on television and radio programs and is a speaker at conferences and seminars. At the end of the conference, it was announced that the 10th World Christian Doctors Network International Conference will take place in Mexico City, Mexico, next year at a date yet to be announced. Dan Wooding, 71, is an award winning British journalist now living in Southern California with his wife Norma, to whom he has been married for 48 years. They have two sons, Andrew and Peter, and six grandchildren who all live in the UK. He is the founder and international director of ASSIST (Aid to Special Saints in Strategic Times) and the ASSIST News Service (ANS) and was, for ten years, a commentator, on the UPI Radio Network in Washington, DC. He hosts the weekly "Front Page Radio" show on the KWVE Radio Network in Southern California and which is also carried throughout the United States. The program is also aired in Great Britain on Calvary Chapel Radio UK and also in Belize and South Africa. Besides this, Wooding is a host for His Channel Live, which is carried via the Internet to some 192 countries and also provides a regular commentary for Worship Life Radio on KWVE. You can follow Dan Wooding on Facebook under his name there or at ASSIST News Service. Dan has recently received two top media awards -- the "Passion for the Persecuted" award from Open Doors US, and one of the top "Newsmakers of 2011" from Plain Truth magazine. He is the author of some 44 books, the latest of which is "Caped Crusader: Rick Wakeman in the 1970s." To order a copy, go to: http://www.amazon.com/CAPED-CRUSADER-Rick-Wakeman-1970s/dp/1908728302/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1335474883&sr=1-1 . Wooding, who was born in Nigeria of British missionary parents, has also recently released his first novel "Red Dagger" which is available this link.


Pray for Nosu, Tianba of China Violent conflict, inter-tribal and inter-clan warfare, and the taking of slaves were commonplace among the various branches of the Nosu until recently. The War songs were equally awe inspiring: "We are the famous Black Nosu! We are the tigers who eat up human flesh! We are the butchers who skin people alive! We are the supermen!'" The Tianba Nosu have been influenced by Chinese culture more than the other Nosu groups in Sichuan, although they still retain their traditional dress and most of their ceremonies and customs. Ministry Obstacles These people may have little concept of a loving, forgiving creator God. Outreach Ideas Sustained, focused prayer is needed to prepare these people to receive the good news of Christ. Pray for the followers of Christ There may be no followers of Christ among the Tianba Nosu today, but pray for those that will soon emerge from this group. Pray they will be kind and compassionate to one another. Pray for the entire people group Pray the Tianba Nosu may overcome their history of violence, and increasingly hunger to know the Prince of peace. Scripture Focus "Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?' Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest." John 4:35 People Name: Nosu, Tianba Country: China 10/40 Window: Yes Population: 101,000 World Population: 101,000 Language: Nuosu Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions Bible: New Testament Online Audio NT: No Jesus Film: Yes Audio Recordings: Yes Christ Followers: Few, less than 2% Status: Unreached Progress Level: 1.1

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

The Muslim soldier who became the 'Apostle to the Pygmies'

Edited and adapted by Mark Ellis He was a Muslim soldier who fought against Christians until a Scripture verse stopped him in his tracks and set him on a new path in life. Waswa Munubi grew up in Uganda. During his youth, he was an avid marijuana smoker. In military service, he fought against Christians until he came under the influence of Alexander Mackay, a Scottish missionary with the Church Missionary Society. Challenged to read the New Testament, one verse in the Sermon on the Mount grabbed his heart in an unexpected way. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. (Matthew 5:13) After he read that passage, Munubi surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and was born again. At his baptism, he took the name “Apolo,” after the eloquent Alexandrian Jewish believer who “was fervent in spirit, spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus” (Acts 18:25). Apolo left military service and began his discipleship training under the Anglican Church. He almost married, but his fiancée died unexpectedly before their wedding. After her death, Apolo decided to take the Apostle Paul’s advice in 1 Cor. 7:32, so he stayed single, and committed himself to serve the Lord wholeheartedly and completely. He was the first to volunteer as a missionary to the neighboring region of Toro. After that, he was sent to Boga, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. To get to Boga, Apolo walked over the Rwenzori Mountains, then he traveled another 50 miles through the forest. He only took his Bible and his hoe on the arduous journey. The Bible fed him spiritually; the hoe allowed him to find work along the way. When he arrived at Boga, Apolo began to boldly proclaim the gospel. However, many were offended by his preaching, because he spoke against traditional practices and behavior, such as sorcery, polygamy, and drunkenness. He even offended Chief Tabaro, who gave the order that no one should give Apolo any food, in the hope that Apolo would die of hunger or leave his village. Undeterred, Apolo remained steadfast and loyal to the Lord’s calling on his life and continued his ministry. Against all odds, he watched in amazement as the Lord provided for all of his needs. Then a strange incident happened. Chief Tabaro’s sister died by accidently falling onto a spear that was carelessly left in the tall grasses at a building site. Apolo was blamed for her death, imprisoned and beaten, then sent back to Uganda where he was placed on trial for murder. One night in the prison, Apolo had a life-changing dream. “I saw Jesus shining like the sun, He said to me, ‘Take heart, for I am with you,’” Apolo recalled later. At the same time he had this powerful dream, God miraculously changed Chief Tabaro’s heart. Inexplicably, the chief requested that Apolo be released from prison and returned to his village. Through Apolo’s influence, the chief became a believer himself and the two men became close friends. After these dramatic events, Apolo’s heart was revived and encouraged. Full of the Holy Spirit, he began to preach with even greater boldness. Wherever he spoke, people gave up their old customs, repented, and began to follow Jesus. Apolo declared the year 1921 as “the year of the Gospel.” God began to touch his heart about reaching the pygmy tribes who inhabited forested areas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Faithful to God’s call, he went to live among the Walese, Wanyali, and Wambuti as a friend. When he preached, he often told them about another unusual encounter with Jesus: “Christ appeared before me as a man. It was like seeing a man who was my brother. He said to me, ‘Go, preach in the forest, because I am with you. I Am who I Am–this is my Name.’” Due to the Lord’s favor and an anointing propelled by the Spirit, Apolo became known as “the Apostle to the Pygmies” for his work among the Bambuti people of the Ituri forest in the eastern part of the country. He died in 1933 at Boga, his mission field. Contrary to local customs, he was buried with his head toward the west (not the east) at his request. This signaled his desire that the Gospel should go to the western part of the country. Others, inspired by his example, continued his work throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This article, edited and adapted by permission of the Dictionary of African Christian Biography, was originally researched and written by Rev. Yossa Way, Project Luke Fellow and Professor of Theology at the Institut Supérieur Théologique Anglican in Bunia, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Chris Wilkinson assisted Mark Ellis in editing this article.

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Pray for Arab, Saudi - Hijazi of saudi Arabia

Arab, Saudi - Hijazi of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia once had a large Christian population, but they were expelled when Islam gained control 1300 years ago. Saudi Arabs see themselves as preservers of the Islamic faith, and the Wahabi fundamentalists were formed here. The Hijazi Arabs speak one of the variants of the Arabic language. Ministry Obstacles Any overt expression of the Christian faith is likely to bring strong negative response. Outreach Ideas Satellite TV and evangelistic websites are only two of the ways that the Gospel message can be communicated to these people. Pray for the followers of Christ Pray fervently for the few believers among the Arabs of Saudi Arabia, for their protection, and for their growth in the faith. Pray they will be courageous yet very tactful. Pray for the entire people group Pray for the Saudi Arabs, that their religious zeal will soon be directed toward serving Jesus the Son of God. Scripture Focus "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96:3 People Name: Arab, Saudi - Hijazi Country: Saudi Arabia 10/40 Window: Yes Population: 8,782,000 World Population: 9,005,000 Language: Arabic, Hijazi Spoken Primary Religion: Islam Bible: None Online Audio NT: No Jesus Film: No Audio Recordings: Yes Christ Followers: Few, less than 2% Status: Unreached Progress Level: 1.2

Senin, 30 April 2012

Pakistanis Pay Tribute to Cecil Chaudhry, a National Hero

By Ashfaq Fateh Special to ASSIST News Service LAHORE, PAKISTAN (ANS) -- People from various sections of Pakistani life, including many from the Christian community, paid tribute to Group Captain (Retired) Cecil Chaudhry, one of the Pakistani national heroes of 1965 and 1971 wars against India, at his funeral at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Lahore, on Sunday, April 15, 2012. A recent picture of Cecil Chaudhry Chaudhry, 71, a veteran fighter pilot of Pakistan Air Force, died at the age of 71, on Friday, April 13, 2012, at the Combined Military Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan, after suffering from lung cancer. At the funeral, and on behalf of the ASSIST News Service-Pakistan, I spoke with Christian activists who had attended the service and they each applauded the role of Mr. Chaudhry as fighter pilot and an icon of minority rights. Rafia Salomi, a women rights activist said, "Cecil Chaudhry was the Chairman of Society for Human Development and he tasked the workers to strive to build strong Pakistan empowering the weaker sections of society including labor, religious minorities, children and women. He made several nationwide visits to educate Pakistanis to struggle for equal rights for minorities. "He trained youths like Clement Shahbaz Bhatti, the former Minister for Minorities Affairs [who was murdered on March 2, 2011] to dedicate their lives to uplift our Pakistan minorities." Rafia Salomi She went on to say, "As the head of the Christian Organizations for Social Action in Pakistan (COSAP), he struggled to restore joint electorate system in Pakistan that enabled minorities to be a part of mainstream politics of the country. His contribution to democracy will remember forever. He addressed various international forums to represent Pakistan and he highlighted the role of minorities in our country's development." Atif Jamil Pagaan, Executive Director the Harmony Foundation, said, "Cecil Chaudhry was a role model for Christian youth. As a great pilot fighter he destroyed India's hunter planes and was awarded with the Sitar-e-Jurat and Tamga Jurat awards from the President of Pakistan in recognition of his services to the nation. Later, he supported India-Pakistan peace process and was a well-known educationist. "He was one of the founding fathers of Punjab Education Foundation, a government-run education department that introduced educational development programs in the province of Punjab. He also inspired hundreds of youth to join hands to educate younger generation with the values of love, peace and hard work. He was a great politician as well." Fr. Bonnie Mendes Fr. Bonnie Mendes, one of the founding fathers of the Christian rights movement in Pakistan had been a close associate of Mr. Cecil Chaudhry and worked with him under the umbrella of Society for Human Development, as well as the National Commission for Justice and Peace, both important Christian Organizations for social action in Pakistan and other countries." Cecil Chaudhry and Fr. Mendes initiated various movements against discriminatory laws affecting religious minorities, restoration of joint electorate and for adding a religious column in national identity card. Fr. Mendes spoke to ANS-Pakistan and said, "The loss of Mr. Cecil Chaudhry is great. Last year, the icon of minorities rights Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti, was assassinated and now another strong voice is no more. However, his vision and great examples of service and empowering weaker sections of the society will continue to be followed by others." Johnson Gill, a Christian youth leader, stated, "The death of Cecil Chaudhry is a national loss, but our youth will follow in his footsteps to promote peace, love and harmony in the country." Mian Shahbaz Shari, Chief Minister of Punjab, presenting flowers on the occasion of funeral Mian Shahbaz Sharif, the Chief Minister of Punjab, paid a special tribute to Chaudhry at the funeral, saying "Group Captain (Retired) Cecil Chaudhry was a legendary fighter pilot of Pakistan Air Force, and the services rendered by this legend were beyond the call of normal duty. His aerial battles during the 1965 and 1971 wars with India will be remembered for all times to come." Later, on behalf of ANS-Pakistan, I held a meeting in Lahore with Ms. Michelle Chaudhry, the daughter of Mr. Chaudhry and Executive Director of the Iris Foundation, to give our condolences to the family. Ms. Michelle said, "The Iris Foundation was initiated in memory of my late mother, Mrs. Iris Chaudhry, to empower and help women and children, The Iris Foundation has provided food and other relief aids to Hindus, flood-affected women in Sindh last year. We are pledged to carry on the mission of my great father [and mother] to support the weaker groups of the society in Pakistan."

Kamis, 26 April 2012

Bombers Attack Center in Christian Area of Jos, Nigeria

Suspected Islamic extremists throw explosive, killing one person and injuring nine others By Dan Wooding, who was born in Nigeria Founder of ASSIST Ministries JOS, NIGERIA (ANS) -- Compass Direct News (CDN) is reporting that one person was killed and nine others were injured last night (Tuesday, April 24, 2012) after suspected Islamic extremists attacked a TV viewing center in a Christian area of Jos where a crowd had gathered to watch a soccer game. CDN says that at about 10:15 p.m. at the viewing center, one of many such establishments popular in Nigeria for watching soccer matches, attackers drove past the site and threw an explosive device at hundreds of Christians watching the match, eyewitnesses told Compass. Medical personnel at nearby Janvak Hospital were treating the injured under strict supervision of police and other security agents. "The bombing marks the second time in two weeks that the Christian area has been attacked. During Easter celebrations, Islamic extremists were also suspected of detonating a bomb a few meters from the center that injured five Christians," said the CDN story. "Various churches in the Tudun Wada area of Jos commonly use the site as a base for evangelistic campaigns aimed at social venues in the area. Christian and Muslim communities live in close but separate quarters of the Tudun Wada area of Jos, and the attacks have heightened tensions between them. The area comprises eight churches." Note from CDN: Plateau state, in central Nigeria, has been especially volatile recently as it lies between the country's predominantly Muslim north and Christian south. Nigeria's population of more than 158.2 million is divided between Christians, who make up 51.3 percent of the population, and Muslims, who account for 45 percent. The percentages may be less, however, as those practicing indigenous religions may be as high as 10 percent of the total population, according to Operation World. For more information, please go to: www.compassdirect.org

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Christians in peril as Sudan and South Sudan head towards war

By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries

SUDAN AND SOUTH SUDAN (ANS) -- The threat of an all-out war between Sudan and South Sudan is mounting amid intensifying fighting in the disputed border region, putting Christians in both nations in great danger.

3,700 people are said to have fled Jau, which lies across the border from Southern Kordofan,
since the attacks
(AFP/HO Stuart Price)
Barnabas Fund, based in the UK says that Fierce clashes in the oil-rich territory over the last three weeks have been described as the worst fighting since South Sudan gained independence in July 2011.

The UN Security Council last week expressed its "deep and growing alarm" over the "escalating conflict", and said that the situation threatened to return the countries to full-scale war.

Sudan, which has been indiscriminately dropping bombs in the border regions and the South for almost a year, said that if Southern troops do not comply with a UN order to withdraw from the Heglig oilfields, Khartoum "will chase them out" and "hit deep inside South Sudan".

"The tensions threaten a return to the deadly civil war that devastated the South and left more than two million people, mainly Southern Christians, dead," said a Barnabas Fund spokesperson.

"The independence of South Sudan was meant to herald a new dawn of peace, but a number of serious issues between the two countries remain unresolved, including disputed border territory, oil revenue and citizenship rights."

Left in limbo

South Sudanese boy shows he plans
to protect himself
The spokesperson went on to say that the hostility between the two nations has left people of Southern origin, who are mainly Christian and mainly African, in the overwhelmingly Muslim and Arab Republic of Sudan in a state of limbo and increasing danger. They were stripped of their citizenship of Sudan after the South voted to secede in January 2011 and given until 8 April to sort out their papers.

That deadline has now passed, and, treated as foreigners in Sudan, they have been denied work permits, while South Sudan has not yet started issuing identity documents. Thus they have been left without an official nationality.

A deal that would have given citizens of both countries key rights - to live, work and own property - in the other state has stalled, and there is little hope of further progress; a planned summit between the two presidents at the beginning of April was called off because of the violence in the border region.

A mother and child trying to shelter from the possible upcoming all-out war
"Thousands of people are consequently living rough, hundreds of them on wasteland around Khartoum, having had to give up their homes; many do not have the money and resources to transport their families and possessions to South Sudan. Around three-quarters of them are Christians," said the Barnabas Fund spokesperson.

One community leader said: "We've been out of our homes for three months. We're going to South Sudan, but we need the help of the two governments to return to our country. The people here are very tired. The men have no work, no food; that is our situation."

Barnabas Fund is helping to meet the practical needs of Christians in both Sudan and South Sudan. We are providing returning refugees with emergency supplies, including sorghum (grain), salt, plastic sheeting for shelters, mosquito nets, blankets, water drums and cooking pots.

A family that has been provided shelter

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, said: "A return to war would be a tragedy, especially for Christians in both territories who, during the long civil war, were particular targets of Khartoum's aggression. Christians in Sudan are already suffering greatly as a result of the unresolved tensions between the two countries; many have been left homeless and in great need. The humanitarian situation will only deteriorate as the latest conflict intensifies."

Give Today

If you would like to help Christians in Sudan and South Sudan, please make a donation to the Sudan and South Sudan General Fund (project 48-990). Donate Online (www.barnabasfund.org/donations/usa/?id=48-990&appealCode=SUD%2004/12 ) using their secure server.

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Afghan Viewer Testifies to God's Healing Power

By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries

IRAN (ANS) -- It was only by chance that Mina* caught a glimpse of a SAT-7 program on TV. In fact, she doesn't even own a TV or know what email is. Mina was visiting a friend in Iran who was watching SAT-7 and-as normal social protocol could predict-Mina joined in watching.

An Afghan woman
According to a story by Melissa M. Brown, Communications Assistant at SAT-7® (www.sat7usa.org), at the time, Mina was suffering from depression that followed a serious medical procedure. Doubtless the taxing health problems and psychological stress made this middle-aged woman dream of a more sublime existence.

"A few days before the New Year, Mina had unusual dreams in which Jesus appeared to her. Jesus told Mina that He needed her to help him by making dough from flour," said Brown. "Then, Jesus disappeared and a man saying he was a helper of Jesus told Mina that there is too much dough.half the world is filled with dough and waiting for Jesus to make bread with them. Like most dreams, the vision was an ephemeral experience, but this one was not easily forgotten throughout the day.

"Mina awoke and responded to the suggestions in her dreams by seeking more knowledge about Jesus. She later contacted SAT-7 to share her story. In tears, she said that she is healed of her depression and that she loves Jesus with all her heart."

1 John 1:3 in Farsi
Melissa Brown went to to say, "Mina's faith is exceptional! Personally, I have a tendency to struggle with the intangible. A Bible can be held and passed around and quoted, but a vision or dream? I pit the surreal against the scientific because my ability to explain events in my life makes me feel in control, and superior to other forces at work.

"I tell myself a strange dream means that maybe I shouldn't have eaten that cookie dough or taken melatonin before bed. Not all dreams are necessarily God-inspired, and maybe they are just a sleepy-time manifestation of ideas that have been long-forming in the subconscious. But at the same time, this woman's dream had a productive function-she responded to Jesus! Am I missing out on the miraculous in my own life?

"Not being a theologian, I can't verify to anyone that her dream was definitely a manifestation of God's will. But perhaps the more important point is the spiritual change the dream encouraged in Mina's life by revealing God and drawing her closer to Him. In the Old Testament, dreams and visions were not an uncommon way for God to express Himself."

She then said that the Bible states that in the end days, these experiences will be an integral part of spiritual life: "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." (Acts 2:17)

*Name has been changed for privacy