Kita dipanggil untuk berdoa untuk membina hubungan yang intim dengan Tuhan dan berdoa bagi sesama kita sebagai bukti kasih kita pada sesama terutama yang terhilang dan tengah berbeban berat
Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
Memasuki tahun ke dua kami di Bandung merupakan sukacita kami bisa ada di kota ini. Banyak perkara dan hal yang diizinkan Tuhan untuk kami kerjakan disini melalui caraNYA. Acap kali kami hendak melakukan sebuah pekerjaan dengan kemampuan atau pengalaman kami di masa lalu. Tuhan menegur kami dan membimbing kami, untuk sungguh-sungguh melakukan apa yang Bapa sedang kerjakan, menyatakan apa yang Bapa nyatakan.
Dua tahun terakhir ini dengan dana terbatas yang ada kami mengontrak dua buah kamar tempat kost untuk menjadi tempat tinggal sekaligus “kantor” pelayanan kami. Satu kamar sebagai kamar tidur dan sebuah lagi sebagai ruang kerja sekaligus ruang tamu (kadang kami alih fungsikan bagi tamu dari luar kota maupun luar negeri yang mau menginap di istana kami).
Dalam keterbatasan sekalipun kami melihat penyertaan Tuhan, dikala keuangan menjadi kendala pelayanan. Tuhan selalu memiliki dan membuka jalan bagi anak-anakNya yang mencari Dia dalam ketulusan. Kala orang lain tengah frustasi dan mengeluh kekurangan dana untuk mengembangkan pelayanan, kami yang sama sekali tidak memiliki fasilitas memulai pelayanan sebagai penulis lepas dari beberapa media Kristen yang ada secara “cuma-cuma”. Kami hanya menabur saja benih Firman Tuhan tanpa pamrih. Ketika kami coba membina hubungan dengan beberapa anggota tubuh Kristus untuk berjejaring dan bekerjasama kami seolah membentur tembok penolakan. No hard feelings, kami menyadari terkadang “kehidupan pelayanan atau gereja” dewasa ini “kurang sehat”. Gereja atau pelayanan menjadi seolah “perusahaan rohani” hingga menggunakan sistem franchise, sistem merger atau bahkan diambil alih oleh “organisasi gereja yang lebih besar”. Ketika di suatu daerah sudah ada “gereja A”, biasanya ada saja “gereja lain” masuk ke wilayah tersebut. Seandainya masuk ke wilayah yang sama dan menjangkau jiwa-jiwa belum percaya atau belum bergereja nampaknya bukanlah suatu cela. Namun bila masuk ke sana dan lalu menyedot jemaat dari “gereja A” maka ini merupakan cela dalam pelayanan gereja. Kita seharusnya saling membangun dan menolong bukan menjatuhkan seperti itu. Kita melayani Tuhan demi kepentingan KerajaanNya...demi kepentingan GerejaNya...bukan kerajaan dan gereja kita.
Hingga saat kita dengan tulus ingin membangun jaringan pelayanan dalam satu kesatuan sebagai tubuh Kristus, kita dipandang sebagai kompetitor baru. Harap dicatat maksud dan tujuan kami disini bukanlah hendak mempersatukan semua gereja dan pelayanan dalam “satu atap organisasi”. Kami rindu semua organisasi gereja dan pelayanan dapat berjejaring untuk tujuan ilahi, karena kita satu tubuh dan Tuhan Yesus sajalah Kepala kita.
Saya dapat berkata begitu sebab dulu saya pernah ada dalam pola pikir yang sama. Saat saya menggembalakan jemaat di Surabaya, yang ada dalam benak saya adalah bagaimana “gereja saya” bisa berkembang dan memiliki pengikut yang makin bertumbuh & banyak jumlahnya. Jangan sampai jemaat saya pindah gereja lain sebab itu dapat merugikan income kami. Kebanggaan saya sebagai “pendeta” kala itu adalah seberapa besar jumlah jemaat saya, berapa besar gedung gereja saya, berapa cabang gereja saya, berapa banyak kelompok kecil saya yang bertumbuh dan bertambah , berapa pemimpin baru yang saya hasilkan, berapa petobat baru yang kami hasilkan, dstnya..dstnya. Pusatnya adalah saya, gereja saya.
Di kala gereja kami kala itu mencapai titik jenuh dan mulai tidak bertumbuh atau bertambah, dan “gereja-gereja lain” mulai buka cabang di sekitar kami. Maka saya pun berdoa untuk “kebangunan/kebangkitan rohani”, motivasi saya sebenarnya adalah agar “gereja saya” bertambah jumlah anggotanya dan “saya” menjadi tokoh kebangunan rohani itu. Semua saya lakukan karena merasa pelayanan gereja sudah mulai “macet” dan sekarang ada kompetitor yang siap merebut “jemaat kami” masuk ke dalam “gereja mereka”.Jadi bukan sekedar ingin melihat orang percaya bertumbuh dalam Tuhan namun ingin “punya nama dan pelayanan besar”. Dulu saya katakan untuk “kemuliaan Tuhan”, namun sadar atau tidak, dalam hati yang terdalam harus diakui itu semua untuk “kebanggaan diri sendiri”. Keinginan diakui sebagai pendeta yang berhasil.
Hingga suatu hari saya tertempelak saat tengah berdoa bahwa seharusnya saya membangun “Gereja Tuhan”, bukan gereja saya. Yesus-lah Gembala yang baik dan agung, saya hanyalah hambaNya yang membantu menggembalakan umatNya semakin mengenal pribadiNya. Mengapa saya mendoakan agar terjadi “kebangunan/kebangkitan rohani”? Bila Yesus adalah pokok anggur dan kita carangnya, seharusnya kita senantiasa hidup di dalam Dia (Yohanes 15). Kalau gereja yang saya gembalakan “mati”, jangan-jangan karena itu “gereja saya” dan bukannya “Gereja Tuhan” yang seharusnya senantiasa melekat dengan Kristus Yesus.
Dalam keterbatasan dana yang ada, kami berdoa apa yang harus dan dapat kami kerjakan. Sebagaimana anak kecil yang membawa 5 roti jelai dan 2 ikan pada Tuhan Yesus untuk memberi makan 5000 orang (Yoh 6:1-15), begitu pula kami dengan jumlah uang yang mungkin bagi sementara orang tidak ada artinya, datang padaNya. Lalu Tuhan ingatkan bahwa Ia sanggup memberi makan 5000 orang dengan melipatgandakan apa yang kami miliki. Akhirnya Tuhan membimbing kami melayani melalui dunia maya. Kami sempat menggunakan koneksi “W” untuk akses internet di rumah namun kadang terkendala dengan sambungan internet yang lambat. Hingga akhirnya kami menggunakan jasa warnet untuk memperlebar Kerajaan Tuhan dan memuridkan bangsa-bangsa.
Saat kami pertama kali melakukan pelayanan dunia maya, kami ini ditertawakan dan dicibir, namun saat pelayanan kami mulai berkembang, “seperti biasa” mendadak semua melakukan hal yang sama.
Bagi kami melihat kejadian tersebut satu kata yang keluar dari mulut kami, Haleluya, akhirnya ada lebih banyak orang digerakkan Tuhan untuk melakukan penjangkauan, penginjilan, pengajaran, sekolah Alkitab, memperlengkapi umat Tuhan dan masih banyak hal lagi melalui dunia maya.
Kami bersyukur melalui salah satu website pertemanan Facebook, kami dapat terhubung kembali dengan banyak teman-teman lama (SMPK Bahureksa, SMAK Dago, STBA Yapari, INTEL, geng Moonraker,dll), rekan-rekan seperjuangan dalam pelayanan (Cornelius Wing, Jonathan Pattiasina, Samuel Saputra, Franky Sihombing, Melanie Pedro, Roger Thoman, Jammie Bakker, Shelley Lubben, Morria Nickels, Frank Viola, Neil Cole, Robert Ricchiardelli dll) , anak-anak rohaniku maupun teman-teman baru bahkan keluarga besarku. Luar biasa sekali!
Puji Tuhan, bahwa salah satu pelayanan kami, Eagles Nest Online Bible School yang sederhana dapat berkembang dalam hitungan bulan kini bukan hanya diikuti oleh saudara-saudara seiman di Indonesia namun juga Singapura. Ini merupakan hal yang luar biasa bagi kami. Sungguh Tuhan menguatkan kami, sebab kala kami memulai Sekolah Alkitab gratis ini, orang-orang pun terheran-heran. Mengapa kamu tidak menarik biaya para siswa/murid yang mau belajar? Alasan kami sebab Tuhan Yesus tidak pernah menagih uang sekolah dari para muridNya. Maka saya pun tidak akan menagih biaya apa-apa, kecuali para murid digerakkan oleh Tuhan dan ingin memberi dengan sukacita. Bagi kami yang terpenting adalah mereka yang menjadi siswa, mempelajari, menghidupi kebenaran dan memuridkan orang lain lagi. Sekolah ini bukan tentang mencari uang tetapi mencari Tuhan. Bila pun ada orang yang mengambil bahan ini secara cuma—cuma bagi kelompok kecilnya atau pemuridan di organisasi gerejanya atau untuk dipelajari sendiri,asalkan orang tersebut bertumbuh dan makin cinta Tuhan. Maka tugas kami sebagai pendidik dan pengajar berhasil. (Catatan: Ini merupakan “keyakinan” kami, jadi bila Sekolah Alkitab atau STT anda menarik biaya tidak ada tujuan kami sedikitpun “menyerang” lembaga anda. God bless you)
Kini kami tengah berdoa untuk sebuah tempat/rumah yang cukup besar untuk kami gunakan sebagai tempat untuk menjadi pusat studi dan pembelajaran yang kami beri nama PUSAT PEMBELAJARAN & PENGEMBANGAN KOMUNITAS (P3K) atau COMMUNITY STUDIES & DEVELOPMENT CENTER (CSDC). Kami telah memiliki sekitar 1000 judul buku rohani, puluhan buku sekuler dari berbagai latar belakang ilmu, beberapa ratus judul kaset/CD/VCD khotbah & pengajaran dimana kami hendak membuat perpustakaan bagi tubuh Kristus hingga kita semua dapat belajar untuk bertumbuh di dalam Tuhan. Sebenarnya ini merupakan koleksi pribadi yang saya sangat sayangi namun apa artinya bila semua buku itu hanya disimpan di lemari, lebih baik dibuka bagi mereka yang mau belajar dan bertumbuh dalam Tuhan untuk menjadi dampak bagi sekitarnya.
Kami juga rindu untuk mengadakan lebih banyak pelatihan untuk memperlengkapi tubuh Kristus secara interdenominasi tanpa memandang asal muasal denominasinya. Kami rindu untuk memperlengkapi setiap orang kudus untuk melakukan pekerjaan Tuhan. Dunia ini membutuhkan kita sebagai “garam dan terang di muka bumi ini”. Hati kami rindu melihat orang percaya tidak hanya “jago kandang”, nampak luar biasa di dalam gedung gereja namun saat di luar “melempem” (tidak ada dampaknya).
Selama hampir dua tahun ini, kami memperlengkapi “orang kudus” di tempat umum (cafe, rumah makan, warung lesehan, rumah orang yang kami layani, bahkan di pinggir jalan) atau di salah satu kamar yang kami sewa. Kami belum memiliki dana untuk menyewa tempat khusus atau membeli rumah, namun satu perkara yang indah adalah Tuhan ada di tengah kami. Kami tidak ingin dibatasi oleh fasilitas yang belum kami miliki dan membatasi Roh Kudus untuk bekerja di tengah kami.
Dari pelayanan The Body Building (Pelayanan jejaring kami). Puji Tuhan, pada bulan April dan Mei ini kami akan mengadakan camp Father Heart and Sonship bersama pelayanan Zoe Ministries Malaysia, yang dipimpin Pr Christopher K. Camp ini akan diadakan di dua kota yaitu Surabaya dan Bandung. Selebihnya kami akan melayani bersama beliau di Probolinggo dan Jember di beberapa organisasi gereja yang membuka diri. Apa yang orang pandang tidak mungkin, menjadi selalu mungkin bila Tuhan yang telah menetapkan.
Beberapa rekan lain, seperti Robert Fitts (Uncle Bob) dari Outreach Fellowship International dan Roger Thoman dari Appleseed Ministries juga merencanakan untuk datang ke Indonesia untuk melihat apa yang Tuhan kehendaki untuk mereka kerjakan atau bantu untuk Indonesia. Kami mungkin tidak punya apa-apa namun kami ini “milik” Tuhan yang memiliki segala sesuatu. Bersama kedua rekan senior saya di atas kami tengah berdoa agar gereja dapat berdampak dalam masyarakat bukan hanya sekedar secara rohani namun juga secara holistik. Meski mereka mengenal Kristus Yesus sebagai Tuhan mereka. Namun bila kita tidak menolong mereka untuk pulih secara kejiwaan dan secara finansial bangkit, maka kita akan melihat jiwa-jiwa ini hidup dalam kebiasaan lama mereka.
Beberapa tahun lalu, kami banyak memenangkan jiwa atas kasih karunia Roh Kudus dan sesekali memberikan bantuan sembako atau pengobatan gratis secara periodik. Petama-tama, kami puas melihat jiwa-jiwa diselamatkan dan kami dapat “melakukan perbuatan baik” dengan memberikan sumbangan dalam bentuk sembako maupun medis. Namun bila kami melihat dari dekat, tidak banyak perubahan yang signifikan secara holistik, kadang mereka berkompromi lagi dengan pola dunia atau cara hidup yang lama akibat kesulitan hidup. Mereka tidak hanya butuh hal rohani, mereka juga butuh pemenuhan kebutuhan kejiwaan maupun jasmani.
Mereka yang sempat kami layani adalah mantan pengedar narkoba, bandar judi, pelacur, anak geng/mafia, paranormal, kasus curanmor, anak jalanan, petani miskin, mantan napi dan yang sejenisnya.
Sebab kami kala itu sebagai gereja Tuhan, hanya tertarik pada “jumlah yang diselamatkan” lalu meninggalkan mereka. Persis seperti orangtua yang tidak bertanggungjawab, setelah melahirkan seorang anak ditinggalkan begitu saja, hanya sesekali ditengok itupun kalau tidak lupa. Saya sangat menyesali kebodohan saya kala itu sebagai seorang pemimpin dan “ayah rohani”.
Untuk kesekian kalinya Tuhan menegur kami, hingga paradigma pelayanan kami berubah dan kini kami mau melayani secara lengkap, sebuah pelayanan holistik yang menyentuh rohani, kejiwaan dan jasmani mereka. Kini kami melihat jiwa-jiwa ini sebagai pribadi yang unik. Kami tidak mau lagi melihat mereka sebagai sekedar jumlah bilangan atau proyek pelayanan.Bukan masalah berapa banyak jiwa, namun berapa orang yang dapat kami bimbing dan bawa terus bertumbuh dalam Tuhan hingga ia dapat menjadi terang dan garam bagi rekan-rekannya “di masa lalu”. Kini kami fokus di dalam memuridkan mereka yang telah mengenal Kristus Yesus secara holistik.
Bagi sementara orang, yang seperti biasa menjadi “pengamat rohani”, kami ini nekat katanya. Memang tipis nampaknya antara hidup nekat dan beriman pada Tuhan bagi sebagian orang. Dalam ketiadaan dana dan donatur sekalipun, kami tetap mau taat padaNya. Entah ada yang memback-up kami atau tidak, kami tidak ambil pusing. Kami melihat pelayanan ini sebagai bagian hidup kami dan bukan pekerjaan apalagi mesin untuk menghasilkan uang. Ini adalah visi dan misi keluarga kami. Ketika ada orang-orang yang mau berjuang bersama kami, puji Tuhan, sekalipun tidak ada, tidak masalah sebab Tuhan beserta kami, Ia adalah Immanuel. No hard feelings, Brothers and Sisters. Kita sama-sama membangun tubuh Kristus. Kita mau taat untuk mengerjakan bagian kita dalam arahan Dia. Kami sudah belajar makna hidup dalam kelimpahan maupun kekurangan, kami belajar untuk mengucap syukur dalam segala hal. Kami belajar untuk melihat segala sesuatu dari perspektif Tuhan, melihat situasi seberat apa pun secara positif. Sebagai sebuah kesempatan dimana Tuhan ingin membentuk karakter kami makin segambar dengan Kristus.
Sebuah lembaga gereja dan pelayanan bernama United Christian Faith Ministries (UCFM) dari Amerika Serikat pun menahbiskan saya, Dave Broos, sebagai UCFM ordained minister mereka untuk wilayah regional 11 Asia pada tanggal 22 Februari 2009 lalu. Ini juga di luar dugaan bahwa pelayanan kami mendapat apresiasi dan pengakuan dari rekan-rekan di sana. Puji Tuhan, kini kami bisa berjejaring dengan rekan tubuh Kristus lebih luas lagi dan kami bersukacita atas hal tersebut. Maz 133.
Kini yayasan yang dahulu kami dirikan di Surabaya, Yayasan Pelayanan Cinta Kasih Bangsa (YPCKB), pada November 1998 rupanya dikembalikan kembali untuk dikelola oleh kami. Kami sempat mengundurkan diri dari yayasan tersebut pada tahun 2005 akibat terjadi apa yang saya sebut sebagai “politik dalam pelayanan”. Kini kami tengah berembuk dengan beberapa rekan sekerja di Surabaya dan anak-anak rohani kami di sana bagaimana solusi terbaiknya. Kerinduan kami yayasan ini dapat menjadi alat Tuhan kembali setelah sempat “mati suri” sepeninggal kami kala itu. Tolong dukung doa agar permasalahan pajak yang sempat terbengkalai beberapa tahun terakhir ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Dukung doa agar rekan saya, Onggo Susilo, yang saya percayakan untuk mengambil kemudi yayasan ini di Surabaya dapat secara optimal menjadi terang berkat di sana.
Pada bulan April ini pun , kami akan mengadakan pelayanan bersama badan missi Open Doors. Kami melayani bersama OD, sebab kerinduan hati kami sama untuk melihat Amanat Agung terjadi di muka bumi dan kita sebagai satu tubuh Kristus bekerja bersama-sama menanggung beban terutama bagi anggota tubuh/gereja yang teraniaya. Sebagai salah seorang volunteer OD di Bandung, kami sangat gembira dapat berjejaring dan bekerjasama memperluas Kerajaan Tuhan. Kami berdoa agar organisasi gereja di Bandung mau membuka diri dan perduli terhadap gereja Tuhan teraniaya di muka bumi ini.
Dukung doa juga untuk istri saya, Novie, yang saat ini tengah menjabat ketua PA Haleluya (Persekutuan para orangtua murid di Lembaga Pendidikan Baptis Bandung). Agar perubahan yang Tuhan kehendaki dan regenerasi dapat terjadi dalam persekutuan ini. Ada banyak tantangan dari muka lama yang tidak menyukai perubahan-perubahan. Ini sudah bagian sejarah kekristenan dimana mereka yang dulu merupakan bagian movement (kegerakan) kemudian membuat monument (monumen). Hingga saat Tuhan ingin membuat pergerakan lagi, ia tidak mau bergerak sebab sudah mapan. Ketika Tuhan memakai orang lain (apalagi yang lebih muda), tanpa sadar mereka menganiaya orang yang mau mentaati Tuhan tersebut. Mengapa? Orang yang merasa dirinya “pendiri” kadang terusik dikala ada seorang baru yang menarik perhatian “massa”nya. Persis seperti Orang Farisi terusik dengan pelayanan Tuhan Yesus. Kita sebagai anak-anakNya pasti akan mangalami hal seperti itu juga. (Yoh 15:20)
Simple Church Network, pun telah mengadakan pertemuan di rumah-rumah atau kadang juga di tempat umum. Suatu kumpulan murid yang belajar bersama-sama, berdiskusi, membicarakan permasalahan dalam kehidupan, saling menasehati, membantu dan berdoa. Ada banyak orang yang enggan ke gereja (karena berbagai alasan) maka kami membawa gereja ke tengah mereka. Kami coba belajar menghidupi pola gereja mula-mula yang ada dalam Kisah Para Rasul 2:41-47 dan Matius 18:20. Kadang kami hanya melayani satu jiwa, kadang satu keluarga, kadang satu kelompok, kadang satu komunitas besar, intinya kami tidak perduli berapa banyak yang kami layani. Lebih baik melayani satu jiwa yang sungguh-sungguh haus dan lapar akan Tuhan (ingin menjadi murid Kristus) daripada satu gereja atau komunitas besar yang hanya suka khotbah “ice cream” dan berdoa “give me..give me, blessed me blessed me”.
Global Prayer Network 27 Feb 2009
GPN 02-27-2009
“Keep your eyes on God and all of your fears will vanish”. Isa. 12:2. What a powerful promise we received from God “He will never leave nor forsake us”. Greetings and a wonderful weekend to you. Roberto Wijnhof GPN
Hi my brothers and sisters i really need your prayers this week just to make it through the week the centre is going to close at the end of June but what I am finding out is in some ways it is already closed because everyone has changed their is so much more arguing and it is very hard on the staff because they have to look for work themselves. I think your prayers are keeping the lid from blowing off. GOD richly bless you. brother Danny
Please pray that everything necessary will happen so every obstacle to breakthrough would be removed to my eldest daughter, and second youngest daughter returning to Christ, and that all my daughters will love and desire fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving and desiring Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires. Please pray that Christ be formed in each of my daughters.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum (my wife) recovers.
According to recent surveys, over 60 per cent of children and teenagers talk in chat rooms on a daily basis. Three in four children online are willing to share personal information about themselves and their family in exchange for goods and services. One in five children will be targeted by a predator or pedophile each year. (E-mail:, 16/02/09). Pray that child online safety gets on the global agenda and is taken seriously and begins to be addressed in realistic and effective ways. Pray that parents will become more involved in their children’s lives and monitor what their children view.
Pastor Rodriguez and familyCuban pastor faces trial on Friday
Reverend Roberto Rodriguez was notified last Wednesday that he must present himself in court this Friday 27 February.
In December 2008, Reverend Rodriguez was accused of “offensive behaviour”. Thankfully, in large part because of your prayers and support, his case received an unexpected amount of attention outside of Cuba, and the trial was suspended.
However, due to the stress involved in the situation, Reverend Rodriguez’s health has suffered. He has lost a great deal of weight and has problems with his kidneys.
He is required to attend the trial on Friday, despite the fact that he is currently under medical care. Prosecutors are requesting that he receive a one-year prison sentence.
Please pray for Reverend Rodriguez and his family and consider offering them encouragement during this difficult time to remind them that they are not alone.
We need agreement in warfare prayer for my work place. The scriptures we are standing on are (Matthew 21:22, Matthew 18:18-19). Individuals over us are not of GOD & we are stuck with a schedule where you cannot plan your life. We need the HOLY SPIRIT to open some new doors in our work place to get us more computer techs. And that we get a leader to help us get a decent fair schedule where some of us who want go to Church, can. Please pray & agree with us that we will get our breakthrough in our work place. Prayer is the only answer in many trials & that is why we turn to it. Again thank you for your agreement in Jesus Name, Jim.
Please pray that the fungus that is growing on all the grass of our lawn and trying to take over the whole of our large grass area of lawn would immediately shrivel up, cease and die and never return. Please pray that the grass will be unaffected by it.
The amount of South Africans that abuse drugs have increased with 40,000 over the past two years. South Africans also use double the dagga, cocaine and tik (amphetamine) than the world average. The cost of this addiction is about R20 milliard per year. About 9% of the South African population of 47 million people (about 4.2 million people) uses dagga. This is more than double the world average of 4 percent. Thirty seven percent of all South Africans consume too much alcohol over weekends. Only 17,000 South Africans receive treatment for drug and/or alcohol addiction per year. Pray for those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs; ask God to deliver them by the power of His Word (Ps.107:20). Pray that their family members will support them with love, care and understanding. Ask God to awaken prayer in the hearts of man for this situation for the prayer of the righteous makes power available (Jas.5:16).
COCIN President Rev Dr Pandang Yamsat visits victims in Bauchi Town. Photo courtesy of Stephanos Foundation.New attacks on Christians in Bauchi State, Nigeria
In spite of the fact that the government has declared a comprehensive curfew in the state capital, violent attacks against Christians continue in Bauchi State.
The violence began early on 21 February. In the latest figures, at least eleven people have been killed and over 1,500 displaced, and fourteen churches, eight vicarages, one mosque and around 150 homes and businesses have been destroyed.
It is believed that the current violence is in retaliation for the events which took place in Jos last November, when rioting Muslims were shot for defying the curfew.
Please pray for the people of Nigeria, in particular for the victims of violence in Bauchi State.
Please pray for Lydia B. who has cancer on her uterus. That all will become well again.
Last month the Kenyan government declared a national crisis as the number of starving Kenyans doubled in only 3 months, quickly reaching over 10 million. The crisis was caused by drought and a 99% crop failure, along with post-election attacks in 2008, which cost the country at least 20,000 acres of maize cultivation. Overall, food staples in Kenya have risen about 44% in price. Although the government is now offering lower prices on seed, distributing extra soil and importing 5 million bags of maize to assist its people, the aid is not enough to immediately quell the crisis. Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, is calling on the church to pray. Lift this country before God in prayer, asking God to have mercy on them. Pray that the Christians in Kenya will continually come before God in prayer (2 Chr.7:14, Lk.18:7).
Please pray for my brother Santos who is admitted in hospital with acute chicken pox and respiratory complications. Please pray for him to receive healing and to recover. And that he may also know Christ and commit his life to God. Thank you and do remember my family in your prayers. F. Kenya.
My friend who works for the rocky mountain news will be without a job Friday as they close business after many years. She is a Christian and has asked for prayer. She just got married in September so it is a super financial drain for them as well as all others who are laid off in the Denver area...
Special prayer for Morgan that she will find help and comfort and relief from her pain. Pray for cheer. Pray that my son stolen car is returned now, pray for him to have godly favor on his job, school, ect. Pray for protection, safety for our family salvation for our children, and total financial restoration for the family.
“Keep your eyes on God and all of your fears will vanish”. Isa. 12:2. What a powerful promise we received from God “He will never leave nor forsake us”. Greetings and a wonderful weekend to you. Roberto Wijnhof GPN
Hi my brothers and sisters i really need your prayers this week just to make it through the week the centre is going to close at the end of June but what I am finding out is in some ways it is already closed because everyone has changed their is so much more arguing and it is very hard on the staff because they have to look for work themselves. I think your prayers are keeping the lid from blowing off. GOD richly bless you. brother Danny
Please pray that everything necessary will happen so every obstacle to breakthrough would be removed to my eldest daughter, and second youngest daughter returning to Christ, and that all my daughters will love and desire fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving and desiring Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires. Please pray that Christ be formed in each of my daughters.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum (my wife) recovers.
According to recent surveys, over 60 per cent of children and teenagers talk in chat rooms on a daily basis. Three in four children online are willing to share personal information about themselves and their family in exchange for goods and services. One in five children will be targeted by a predator or pedophile each year. (E-mail:, 16/02/09). Pray that child online safety gets on the global agenda and is taken seriously and begins to be addressed in realistic and effective ways. Pray that parents will become more involved in their children’s lives and monitor what their children view.
Pastor Rodriguez and familyCuban pastor faces trial on Friday
Reverend Roberto Rodriguez was notified last Wednesday that he must present himself in court this Friday 27 February.
In December 2008, Reverend Rodriguez was accused of “offensive behaviour”. Thankfully, in large part because of your prayers and support, his case received an unexpected amount of attention outside of Cuba, and the trial was suspended.
However, due to the stress involved in the situation, Reverend Rodriguez’s health has suffered. He has lost a great deal of weight and has problems with his kidneys.
He is required to attend the trial on Friday, despite the fact that he is currently under medical care. Prosecutors are requesting that he receive a one-year prison sentence.
Please pray for Reverend Rodriguez and his family and consider offering them encouragement during this difficult time to remind them that they are not alone.
We need agreement in warfare prayer for my work place. The scriptures we are standing on are (Matthew 21:22, Matthew 18:18-19). Individuals over us are not of GOD & we are stuck with a schedule where you cannot plan your life. We need the HOLY SPIRIT to open some new doors in our work place to get us more computer techs. And that we get a leader to help us get a decent fair schedule where some of us who want go to Church, can. Please pray & agree with us that we will get our breakthrough in our work place. Prayer is the only answer in many trials & that is why we turn to it. Again thank you for your agreement in Jesus Name, Jim.
Please pray that the fungus that is growing on all the grass of our lawn and trying to take over the whole of our large grass area of lawn would immediately shrivel up, cease and die and never return. Please pray that the grass will be unaffected by it.
The amount of South Africans that abuse drugs have increased with 40,000 over the past two years. South Africans also use double the dagga, cocaine and tik (amphetamine) than the world average. The cost of this addiction is about R20 milliard per year. About 9% of the South African population of 47 million people (about 4.2 million people) uses dagga. This is more than double the world average of 4 percent. Thirty seven percent of all South Africans consume too much alcohol over weekends. Only 17,000 South Africans receive treatment for drug and/or alcohol addiction per year. Pray for those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs; ask God to deliver them by the power of His Word (Ps.107:20). Pray that their family members will support them with love, care and understanding. Ask God to awaken prayer in the hearts of man for this situation for the prayer of the righteous makes power available (Jas.5:16).
COCIN President Rev Dr Pandang Yamsat visits victims in Bauchi Town. Photo courtesy of Stephanos Foundation.New attacks on Christians in Bauchi State, Nigeria
In spite of the fact that the government has declared a comprehensive curfew in the state capital, violent attacks against Christians continue in Bauchi State.
The violence began early on 21 February. In the latest figures, at least eleven people have been killed and over 1,500 displaced, and fourteen churches, eight vicarages, one mosque and around 150 homes and businesses have been destroyed.
It is believed that the current violence is in retaliation for the events which took place in Jos last November, when rioting Muslims were shot for defying the curfew.
Please pray for the people of Nigeria, in particular for the victims of violence in Bauchi State.
Please pray for Lydia B. who has cancer on her uterus. That all will become well again.
Last month the Kenyan government declared a national crisis as the number of starving Kenyans doubled in only 3 months, quickly reaching over 10 million. The crisis was caused by drought and a 99% crop failure, along with post-election attacks in 2008, which cost the country at least 20,000 acres of maize cultivation. Overall, food staples in Kenya have risen about 44% in price. Although the government is now offering lower prices on seed, distributing extra soil and importing 5 million bags of maize to assist its people, the aid is not enough to immediately quell the crisis. Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, is calling on the church to pray. Lift this country before God in prayer, asking God to have mercy on them. Pray that the Christians in Kenya will continually come before God in prayer (2 Chr.7:14, Lk.18:7).
Please pray for my brother Santos who is admitted in hospital with acute chicken pox and respiratory complications. Please pray for him to receive healing and to recover. And that he may also know Christ and commit his life to God. Thank you and do remember my family in your prayers. F. Kenya.
My friend who works for the rocky mountain news will be without a job Friday as they close business after many years. She is a Christian and has asked for prayer. She just got married in September so it is a super financial drain for them as well as all others who are laid off in the Denver area...
Special prayer for Morgan that she will find help and comfort and relief from her pain. Pray for cheer. Pray that my son stolen car is returned now, pray for him to have godly favor on his job, school, ect. Pray for protection, safety for our family salvation for our children, and total financial restoration for the family.
Permohonan Doa dari Uncle Bob (Outreach Fellwship International)
Dear Intercessor, God is blessing our work and giving us more and more Fellow Workers both here in the USA and also in other countries. It was in June of 1969 that I began to pray for disciples in every country, so in June of this year that will be forty years ago. I have been praying and working to see this happen all these years. Over the past few days God has give me this word, "Your time has come, begin again!" I have been renewing my commitment to that forty year old vision over the past few days and now I am beginning to see more and more doors beginning to open up to spread this vision to every state in the USA and into every other country. Gary and Wendy Huber are doing a magnificent work in Corona, CA! They started a house church in their home they call the "Bread Barn" several months ago and the weekly meetings as so powerfully anointed they sometimes last all night! Wow! The power of God is tangible in that room where they meet! I was with them only once, and I drove away at about 1:30 AM. If you are new Corona, I suggest you visit one of their meetings on a Saturday evening. Gary and Roy Cypher will be going to Kenya soon and I am asking you to intercede for them starting now and continuing until they return to the US. Please read Gary's letter below. Thank you for praying with us for this outreach! Robert
Dear Robert,
About two years ago, I was very blessed when you put me in contact with Pastor James Wafula in Bungoma, Kenya. Since that time, I have cultivated a rich relationship with him. We have seen many healings, miracles, and people led to Jesus Christ through the Kenya ministry. Pastor James is an evangelist and teacher, and over these past two years the Breadbarn has been privileged to help and undergird him.
This year has brought a rich harvest as the church in Kenya has grown to 17 churches. The work includes a completed orphanage to house 10 children, a school for the children, Bible school, the digging of a well, and beginning the construction of a building for the church to meet. I am very excited, as God has given me marching orders to go to Kenya on April 19th to continue to build up and undergird this work.
I will be traveling with Roy Cypher, and we will be in Kenya for about 12-14 days. We are in the process of making the arrangements. During that time we will be teaching in the Bible school, teaching the pastors who will be coming from the churches, doing evangelism in the churches and streets, and having meetings where we know the Holy Spirit will move mightily.
I am asking you and any intercessors who would take up the burden, to pray and intercede for us while we are there. I know that God will move so mightily and touch these precious people of God, and continue to bring in the harvest. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a blessing to the church of Kenya. Thank you for the love you have shown us by sharing in His work. We love you!
John 15:88 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
In Agape,
Pastor Gary S. Huber
Bread Barn Ministries
Robert Fitts
76-6309 Haku Pl
Kona, HI 96740
Where It All Begins
Out of the womb of prayer, praise and worship all things in the kingdom of God are conceived, nurtured, and brought to birth for the glory of God and the good of mankind.
A Declaration of Unity
I belong to everything that belongs to Jesus and everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to me! It's not us and them. It's just us! There's only one Body of Christ, and the problems of the church, the whole church, are our problems, for we are the church and we can do more united than we can do divided! So let's unify, simplify, and multiply!
Divine Appointment Prayer
Father, give me a divine appointment today with someone who is hungry for God, or sick, or in need, and give me grace to minister the love of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Winning the War on Terror by Prayer
Father, give every terrorist in the world an encounter with Jesus such as Paul had on the road to Damascus.
Living to Give
Father, make me a generous giver today! Show me where to give and what to give, and let all my giving bring glory to the name of Jesus.
Say "Yes" to Grace and "No" to Law
Law demands, demands, demands, But gives me neither feet nor hands. Grace and Truth are better things, They bid me fly and give me wings!
Dear Robert,
About two years ago, I was very blessed when you put me in contact with Pastor James Wafula in Bungoma, Kenya. Since that time, I have cultivated a rich relationship with him. We have seen many healings, miracles, and people led to Jesus Christ through the Kenya ministry. Pastor James is an evangelist and teacher, and over these past two years the Breadbarn has been privileged to help and undergird him.
This year has brought a rich harvest as the church in Kenya has grown to 17 churches. The work includes a completed orphanage to house 10 children, a school for the children, Bible school, the digging of a well, and beginning the construction of a building for the church to meet. I am very excited, as God has given me marching orders to go to Kenya on April 19th to continue to build up and undergird this work.
I will be traveling with Roy Cypher, and we will be in Kenya for about 12-14 days. We are in the process of making the arrangements. During that time we will be teaching in the Bible school, teaching the pastors who will be coming from the churches, doing evangelism in the churches and streets, and having meetings where we know the Holy Spirit will move mightily.
I am asking you and any intercessors who would take up the burden, to pray and intercede for us while we are there. I know that God will move so mightily and touch these precious people of God, and continue to bring in the harvest. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a blessing to the church of Kenya. Thank you for the love you have shown us by sharing in His work. We love you!
John 15:88 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
In Agape,
Pastor Gary S. Huber
Bread Barn Ministries
Robert Fitts
76-6309 Haku Pl
Kona, HI 96740
Where It All Begins
Out of the womb of prayer, praise and worship all things in the kingdom of God are conceived, nurtured, and brought to birth for the glory of God and the good of mankind.
A Declaration of Unity
I belong to everything that belongs to Jesus and everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to me! It's not us and them. It's just us! There's only one Body of Christ, and the problems of the church, the whole church, are our problems, for we are the church and we can do more united than we can do divided! So let's unify, simplify, and multiply!
Divine Appointment Prayer
Father, give me a divine appointment today with someone who is hungry for God, or sick, or in need, and give me grace to minister the love of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Winning the War on Terror by Prayer
Father, give every terrorist in the world an encounter with Jesus such as Paul had on the road to Damascus.
Living to Give
Father, make me a generous giver today! Show me where to give and what to give, and let all my giving bring glory to the name of Jesus.
Say "Yes" to Grace and "No" to Law
Law demands, demands, demands, But gives me neither feet nor hands. Grace and Truth are better things, They bid me fly and give me wings!
Rabu, 25 Februari 2009
Buletin Doa Open Doors Maret 2009
Negara-negara yang didoakan bulan Maret 2009:
1 Maret 2009
Ketegangan di perbatasan Kenya dan Somalia meningkat. Di area ini,
terjadi konflik antaretnis. Berdoalah bagi para pemimpin gereja dan
jemaatnya agar mereka tetap teguh dalam iman dan terus percaya pada
2 Maret 2009
Umat Kristen di Somalia sangat membutuhkan doa kita. Al Shabab,
seorang fundamentalis M, telah mengambil alih hampir seluruh negeri
dan mengimplementasikan hukum Syari'at.
3 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen yang melaporkan seorang pengusaha yang
telah mengambil alih kepemilikan atas gedung gereja mereka tanpa dasar
hukum yang pasti. Berdoalah bagi campur tangan Tuhan untuk
menyelesaikan kasus ini.
4 Maret 2009
Siswa teologi mengadakan perjalanan ke Emmanuel Christian Training
Centre sepanjang bulan Januari untuk segera memulai pelajaran semester
baru. Berdoalah bagi mereka. Setelah selesai, mereka akan kembali ke
tengah keluarga dan jemaat.
5 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi sebuah bengkel kerja kepemimpinan untuk 450 orang dari
seluruh Mesir, dan konferensi doa yang akan diikuti oleh lima ribu
orang. Berdoalah bagi program pelayanan kaum perempuan di Mesir.
6 Maret 2009
Kasus pemerkosaan terhadap gadis 13 tahun, Elina Das, masih bergulir
di tengah tekanan yang meningkat di negara ini. Berdoalah bagi Elina,
bagi pemulihan mental, rohani, serta fisiknya. Berdoalah agar seluruh
keluarganya juga tetap terus teguh dalam iman mereka.
7 Maret 2009
Seminar SSTS akan diselenggarakan di Salatiga pada tanggal 25 s/d 27
2009. Berdoalah bagi setiap peserta agar mereka diperlengkapi dengan
kebenaran firman Tuhan akan penderitaan dan penganiayaan.
8 Maret 2009
Open Doors akan mengadakan pelatihan bagi beberapa orang pemimpin dari
suku Sama di kota Zamboanga. Semoga pelatihan ini menjadi saluran
berkat untuk menguatkan dan menjamah hati mereka yang bergabung.
9 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi mereka yang melayani di Maldives untuk mendapat
perpanjangan izin tinggal. Berdoalah agar terbuka kesempatan untuk
umat Kristen menbagikan talenta yang mereka dapat dari Tuhan.
10 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi hamba-hamba Tuhan saat mereka belajar bahasa lokal dan
beradaptasi dengan budaya dan lingkungan. Berdoalah agar mereka
beroleh hikmat dan anugerah Tuhan untuk menghadapi tantangan dan hati
yang penuh ucapan syukur.
11 Maret 2009
Open Doors akan mencetak seribu Sinhala Bible Encyclopedia Volume 7
untuk didistribusikan tahun ini. Berdoalah bagi proyek ini agar
memberkati saudara-saudari kita di Sri Lanka.
12 Maret 2009
6 November 2008, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk ditahbiskan sebagai
Druk Ghalpo kelima oleh ayahnya. Dalam pidatonya, Jigme menekankan
pentingnya arti perdamaian, keamanan, dan kebahagiaan. Berdoalah agar
hal ini menjadi nyata bagi seluruh rakyat Bhutan.
13 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi seratus ribu orang, termasuk di dalamnya umat Kristen
yang mengungsi karena sebuah kampanye militer di Birma.
14 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi akreditasi sekolah-sekolah Akitab oleh
seminari-seminari yang memiliki reputasi di luar negeri. Dengan
akreditasi ini, para siswa akan mendapat kesempatan lebih baik.
15 Maret 2009
Bulan Oktober tahun lalu, Palang Merah Laos mengadakan pelatihan
tentang meminimalisasi dampak bencana alam. Kiranya Tuhan menolong
umat Kristen untuk menjadi berkat di tengah bencana.
16 Maret 2009
Di sebuah daerah, seorang pendeta dan keluarganya harus melarikan diri
karena ancaman yang mereka terima. Gerilyawan memaksanya untuk
berhenti berkhotbah. Berdoalah bagi pendeta ini dan keluarganya.
17 Maret 2009
Bersyukur pada Tuhan untuk jumlah umat Kristen yang terus bertambah
dan berdoa agar Tuhan melindungi dan menolong mereka untuk bertemu dan
membagikan kasih Kristus di tengah keluarga dan kerabat.
18 Maret 2009
Pada bulan Januari dan Februari, beberapa orang menerima pelatihan
trauma konseling, khususnya anak-anak. Berdoalah bagi anak-anak di
sebuah panti asuhan yang mengalami trauma karena peristiwa yang mereka
19 Maret 2009
Berdoa bagi perdamaian dan kesatuan Tubuh Kristus di Israel. Umat
Yahudi Mesianik memiliki kerinduan untuk membagikan kesaksian tentang
Kristus kepada kerabat mereka. Berdoalah juga bagi umat Kristen
Palestina yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan dan berpenghasilan sangat
20 Maret 2009
Ring Nawruz (Tahun Baru dalam bahasa Persia -- diselenggarakan tanggal
21 Maret 2009). Ribuan peziarah Afganistan akan mengunjungi makam Imam
Ali di Mazar-i-Sharif. Berdoalah bagi saudara-saudara kita ini.
21 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi penyertaan Tuhan melalui perantaraan Roh-Nya yang kudus
di sepanjang acara konferensi kaum perempuan yang akan diselenggarakan
awal bulan Maret. Istri-istri gembala dan para pemimpin akan hadir.
22 Maret 2009
Berdoalah untuk perlindungan Tuhan bagi proyek distribusi buku-buku
rohani di negara ini. Proyek distribusi adalah sebuah proyek yang
cukup sensitif dan setiap orang yang terlibat di dalamnya sangat
membutuhkan perlindungan dan hikmat Tuhan. Berdoalah juga bagi Secret
Believers yang diinterogasi.
23 Maret 2009
Tahun 2008 adalah tahun yang cukup sulit bagi gereja di Aljazair,
namun melewati semua kesulitan dan pergumulan, gereja tetap berdiri
teguh. Berdoalah bagi Mustapha Krim dan Salah Challah yang merupakan
pilar gereja di Aljazair.
24 Maret 2009
Tidak ada kebebasan untuk pindah agama di Libia. Polisi berdiri di
depan gereja-gereja ekspatriat untuk memastikan tidak ada orang lokal
selain orang-orang asing yang datang untuk beribadah. Berdoalah untuk
pintu-pintu yang dibukakan Tuhan bagi kebebasan beragama.
25 Maret 2009
Saat ini Maroko berada dalam periode yang tenang dan sektor ekonomi
bertumbuh baik. Berdoalah bagi hikmat Tuhan untuk gereja dan
pertumbuhannya. Tantangan yang berat bagi orang-orang yang baru
menerima Kristus justru datang dari keluarga terdekat.
26 Maret 2009
Tahun ini adalah Tahun St. Paulus dan tempat yang paling tepat untuk
merayakannya adalah negara di mana ia pertama kali melihat Terang.
Berdoalah bagi setiap aktivitas dan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk
mengenang kembali Rasul Paulus dan semua pengajarannya.
27 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi pelayanan yang kami harap bisa berlangsung dengan
lancar di tahun 2009 ini. Kami berharap buku-buku rohani yang dicetak
dapat dibagikan ke orang-orang di Mauritania dan beberapa pelatihan
dapat berlangsung dengan efektif dan memberkati jemaat Tuhan di negara
ini. Berdoalah agar kami juga dapat menemukan guru-guru yang tepat
bagi proyek-proyek Open Doors.
28 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi setiap mereka yang terlibat dalam persiapan program
"summer camp" untuk kaum muda dan anak-anak musim panas ini. Berdoalah
bagi setiap anak dan kaum muda yang ikut dalam program ini, semoga
mereka menemukan Kristus dan menerima-Nya sebagai Tuhan, Juru Selamat,
dan Sahabat.
29 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi pelayanan mentoring yang dilakukan Open Doors di antara
para pemimpin gereja rumah di dua kota. Banyak pemimpin yang sangat
sibuk dalam pelayanan hingga mereka mengabaikan pertumbuhan rohani,
emosi, fisik, bahkan hubungan dengan keluarga.
30 Maret 2009
Tetaplah berdoa bagi upaya rehabilitasi yang dilakukan di Orissa.
Semoga Tuhan membangun kembali hidup yang hancur.
31 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen di Madhya Pradesh dan Chattisgarh.
Beberapa partai politik fundamental telah kembali berkuasa. Situasi
ini menjadi tantangan bagi gereja di kedua negara bagian tersebut.
Negara-negara yang didoakan bulan Maret 2009:
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang pelayanan Open Doors, silakan
berkunjung ke situs-situs berikut ini:
1. Situs Open Doors ==>
2. Situs e-MISI ==>
Yayasan Obor Damai Indonesia
PO BOX 5019 JKTM/Jakarta 12700, Indonesia
Telp./Fax.: 021-52963779/5260972
Negara-negara yang didoakan bulan Maret 2009:
1 Maret 2009
Ketegangan di perbatasan Kenya dan Somalia meningkat. Di area ini,
terjadi konflik antaretnis. Berdoalah bagi para pemimpin gereja dan
jemaatnya agar mereka tetap teguh dalam iman dan terus percaya pada
2 Maret 2009
Umat Kristen di Somalia sangat membutuhkan doa kita. Al Shabab,
seorang fundamentalis M, telah mengambil alih hampir seluruh negeri
dan mengimplementasikan hukum Syari'at.
3 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen yang melaporkan seorang pengusaha yang
telah mengambil alih kepemilikan atas gedung gereja mereka tanpa dasar
hukum yang pasti. Berdoalah bagi campur tangan Tuhan untuk
menyelesaikan kasus ini.
4 Maret 2009
Siswa teologi mengadakan perjalanan ke Emmanuel Christian Training
Centre sepanjang bulan Januari untuk segera memulai pelajaran semester
baru. Berdoalah bagi mereka. Setelah selesai, mereka akan kembali ke
tengah keluarga dan jemaat.
5 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi sebuah bengkel kerja kepemimpinan untuk 450 orang dari
seluruh Mesir, dan konferensi doa yang akan diikuti oleh lima ribu
orang. Berdoalah bagi program pelayanan kaum perempuan di Mesir.
6 Maret 2009
Kasus pemerkosaan terhadap gadis 13 tahun, Elina Das, masih bergulir
di tengah tekanan yang meningkat di negara ini. Berdoalah bagi Elina,
bagi pemulihan mental, rohani, serta fisiknya. Berdoalah agar seluruh
keluarganya juga tetap terus teguh dalam iman mereka.
7 Maret 2009
Seminar SSTS akan diselenggarakan di Salatiga pada tanggal 25 s/d 27
2009. Berdoalah bagi setiap peserta agar mereka diperlengkapi dengan
kebenaran firman Tuhan akan penderitaan dan penganiayaan.
8 Maret 2009
Open Doors akan mengadakan pelatihan bagi beberapa orang pemimpin dari
suku Sama di kota Zamboanga. Semoga pelatihan ini menjadi saluran
berkat untuk menguatkan dan menjamah hati mereka yang bergabung.
9 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi mereka yang melayani di Maldives untuk mendapat
perpanjangan izin tinggal. Berdoalah agar terbuka kesempatan untuk
umat Kristen menbagikan talenta yang mereka dapat dari Tuhan.
10 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi hamba-hamba Tuhan saat mereka belajar bahasa lokal dan
beradaptasi dengan budaya dan lingkungan. Berdoalah agar mereka
beroleh hikmat dan anugerah Tuhan untuk menghadapi tantangan dan hati
yang penuh ucapan syukur.
11 Maret 2009
Open Doors akan mencetak seribu Sinhala Bible Encyclopedia Volume 7
untuk didistribusikan tahun ini. Berdoalah bagi proyek ini agar
memberkati saudara-saudari kita di Sri Lanka.
12 Maret 2009
6 November 2008, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk ditahbiskan sebagai
Druk Ghalpo kelima oleh ayahnya. Dalam pidatonya, Jigme menekankan
pentingnya arti perdamaian, keamanan, dan kebahagiaan. Berdoalah agar
hal ini menjadi nyata bagi seluruh rakyat Bhutan.
13 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi seratus ribu orang, termasuk di dalamnya umat Kristen
yang mengungsi karena sebuah kampanye militer di Birma.
14 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi akreditasi sekolah-sekolah Akitab oleh
seminari-seminari yang memiliki reputasi di luar negeri. Dengan
akreditasi ini, para siswa akan mendapat kesempatan lebih baik.
15 Maret 2009
Bulan Oktober tahun lalu, Palang Merah Laos mengadakan pelatihan
tentang meminimalisasi dampak bencana alam. Kiranya Tuhan menolong
umat Kristen untuk menjadi berkat di tengah bencana.
16 Maret 2009
Di sebuah daerah, seorang pendeta dan keluarganya harus melarikan diri
karena ancaman yang mereka terima. Gerilyawan memaksanya untuk
berhenti berkhotbah. Berdoalah bagi pendeta ini dan keluarganya.
17 Maret 2009
Bersyukur pada Tuhan untuk jumlah umat Kristen yang terus bertambah
dan berdoa agar Tuhan melindungi dan menolong mereka untuk bertemu dan
membagikan kasih Kristus di tengah keluarga dan kerabat.
18 Maret 2009
Pada bulan Januari dan Februari, beberapa orang menerima pelatihan
trauma konseling, khususnya anak-anak. Berdoalah bagi anak-anak di
sebuah panti asuhan yang mengalami trauma karena peristiwa yang mereka
19 Maret 2009
Berdoa bagi perdamaian dan kesatuan Tubuh Kristus di Israel. Umat
Yahudi Mesianik memiliki kerinduan untuk membagikan kesaksian tentang
Kristus kepada kerabat mereka. Berdoalah juga bagi umat Kristen
Palestina yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan dan berpenghasilan sangat
20 Maret 2009
Ring Nawruz (Tahun Baru dalam bahasa Persia -- diselenggarakan tanggal
21 Maret 2009). Ribuan peziarah Afganistan akan mengunjungi makam Imam
Ali di Mazar-i-Sharif. Berdoalah bagi saudara-saudara kita ini.
21 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi penyertaan Tuhan melalui perantaraan Roh-Nya yang kudus
di sepanjang acara konferensi kaum perempuan yang akan diselenggarakan
awal bulan Maret. Istri-istri gembala dan para pemimpin akan hadir.
22 Maret 2009
Berdoalah untuk perlindungan Tuhan bagi proyek distribusi buku-buku
rohani di negara ini. Proyek distribusi adalah sebuah proyek yang
cukup sensitif dan setiap orang yang terlibat di dalamnya sangat
membutuhkan perlindungan dan hikmat Tuhan. Berdoalah juga bagi Secret
Believers yang diinterogasi.
23 Maret 2009
Tahun 2008 adalah tahun yang cukup sulit bagi gereja di Aljazair,
namun melewati semua kesulitan dan pergumulan, gereja tetap berdiri
teguh. Berdoalah bagi Mustapha Krim dan Salah Challah yang merupakan
pilar gereja di Aljazair.
24 Maret 2009
Tidak ada kebebasan untuk pindah agama di Libia. Polisi berdiri di
depan gereja-gereja ekspatriat untuk memastikan tidak ada orang lokal
selain orang-orang asing yang datang untuk beribadah. Berdoalah untuk
pintu-pintu yang dibukakan Tuhan bagi kebebasan beragama.
25 Maret 2009
Saat ini Maroko berada dalam periode yang tenang dan sektor ekonomi
bertumbuh baik. Berdoalah bagi hikmat Tuhan untuk gereja dan
pertumbuhannya. Tantangan yang berat bagi orang-orang yang baru
menerima Kristus justru datang dari keluarga terdekat.
26 Maret 2009
Tahun ini adalah Tahun St. Paulus dan tempat yang paling tepat untuk
merayakannya adalah negara di mana ia pertama kali melihat Terang.
Berdoalah bagi setiap aktivitas dan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk
mengenang kembali Rasul Paulus dan semua pengajarannya.
27 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi pelayanan yang kami harap bisa berlangsung dengan
lancar di tahun 2009 ini. Kami berharap buku-buku rohani yang dicetak
dapat dibagikan ke orang-orang di Mauritania dan beberapa pelatihan
dapat berlangsung dengan efektif dan memberkati jemaat Tuhan di negara
ini. Berdoalah agar kami juga dapat menemukan guru-guru yang tepat
bagi proyek-proyek Open Doors.
28 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi setiap mereka yang terlibat dalam persiapan program
"summer camp" untuk kaum muda dan anak-anak musim panas ini. Berdoalah
bagi setiap anak dan kaum muda yang ikut dalam program ini, semoga
mereka menemukan Kristus dan menerima-Nya sebagai Tuhan, Juru Selamat,
dan Sahabat.
29 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi pelayanan mentoring yang dilakukan Open Doors di antara
para pemimpin gereja rumah di dua kota. Banyak pemimpin yang sangat
sibuk dalam pelayanan hingga mereka mengabaikan pertumbuhan rohani,
emosi, fisik, bahkan hubungan dengan keluarga.
30 Maret 2009
Tetaplah berdoa bagi upaya rehabilitasi yang dilakukan di Orissa.
Semoga Tuhan membangun kembali hidup yang hancur.
31 Maret 2009
Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen di Madhya Pradesh dan Chattisgarh.
Beberapa partai politik fundamental telah kembali berkuasa. Situasi
ini menjadi tantangan bagi gereja di kedua negara bagian tersebut.
Negara-negara yang didoakan bulan Maret 2009:
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang pelayanan Open Doors, silakan
berkunjung ke situs-situs berikut ini:
1. Situs Open Doors ==>
2. Situs e-MISI ==>
Yayasan Obor Damai Indonesia
PO BOX 5019 JKTM/Jakarta 12700, Indonesia
Telp./Fax.: 021-52963779/5260972
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
healing Trauma
Healing from Trauma
Alice Smith
If I had one desire for my Insight friends, it would be that you purchase AND read my book, Beyond the Lie: Finding Freedom from the Past. Every week I travel across this nation...and into the nations, and weekly I answer questions, pray for, and instruct people who are living in fear, abuse, rejection, and emotional distress. Beyond the Lie was the hardest book I have ever written, but by far my greatest gift to any who are looking to identify the reasons they are stuck in their relationship with God. I assure you it will be life-changing....(told to me by many, many who have said so). Please make an investment in your life by buying my book on how to identify life-altaring experiences that will better explain the pain, habits, fears, and attitudes you deal with. Just click the book link on the right, and it will take you to the page to order on our secure site
prayerbookstore. Below is an excerpt of this book.
* Don't forget to go to: glance at the events where we will be near you. Come and be with us....2009 is the year for revelation, realignment, and change.
Healing from trauma takes time. Yet, many victims of trauma are continuously harassed by their victimization because they've stopped thinking about their God-given kingdom authority, and are instead focused on just getting past life's next pothole. Often victims can't see past their problems, and become so engaged with the cycle, that in time they think survival is the normal Christian life. Arthur Burk in his book, Overcoming the Victim Spirit says,
"This attitude is totally understandable. Scripture says, 'Hope deferred makes the heart sick.' While it is understandable, it is not permissible. Obtaining freedom from victimization requires us to appropriate God's power. God delights to make his power available to us, but only for kingdom objectives. He is not primarily interested in helping us to survive. He wants to partner with us in releasing his power into our world in such a way that we become life givers to others around us. It is about building up and expanding, not survival." Arthur Burk, Overcoming the Victim Spirit, (Whittier, CA.: Plumbline Ministries, 2001), p. 19.
Victimization isn't gender biased. It happens to both male and female. Think of the thousands of boys and girls who've been impacted because of Catholic priests or Christian leaders taking advantage of them. Will they ever escape the victim mindset? And for many of those abused, if the Lord Jesus hasn't done a powerful transforming work in their life, the abuse will repeat itself in the next generation. One of the Devil’s primary plans is to perpetuate victimization from one generation to the next.
The problem with childhood sexual abuse is not remembering the experiences. It’s trying to forget them. I know from experience that once God heals the pain, the memories are only just that. Memories. No pain. No ache. No terror.
Our emotions only react. They can't think, organize, or plan. Emotions are simply involuntary responders to our circumstances. Though our emotions can't think, they are either positive or negative in nature. Example: a good emotion would be excitement; a bad reaction would be despair; a good emotion might be pleasure; and a bad response would be displeasure. A good emotion would be faith; a bad response would be fear. There isn't any neutral ground when it comes to emotions. We may try to be unemotional, but even what we call an absence of emotion often reveals hidden emotional pain. We all manifest some level of voluntary or involuntary response to life's situations.
Why do we need to understand how our emotions work? Because emotional responses often correspond to our personalities. Since emotions are reactors, they provide mental energy to whatever motivates us. When we think strongly about an issue, we generate strong feelings about them! For some of us it is abortion, others it is politics, and another it might be marriage, or war, or children. Our emotions trigger our will to act. We may act godly or ungodly. It depends in part on how healed we are from the past wounds.
If our thinking is polluted once victimized by trauma, and we have developed wrong conclusions, it is possible that they will manifest in improper emotional behaviors like various kinds of abuse, overeating, lying, domestic violence, alcohol, adultery, phobias, excessive spending, drugs or depression. When I refer to a victim spirit, it is on two different levels.
First, a "victim spirit" could refer to any one of a host of demonic spirits that are attracted to, and desire to attach themselves to a person who along with it's lies and behaviors, has embraced a "victim identity". There is an unseen world of darkness filled with spirit beings just looking for opportunity to "kill, steal and destroy" lives. (See Judges 19:25; 2 Sam. 13: 1-20; John 10:10) So when trauma occurs through any form of victimization, demons are often ready to attach themselves to the wounded individual, which advances the cycle of events. The victim's fear, intimidation and hopelessness are now supercharged by the demonic. This obviously causes troubling consequences. The terms used to describe demonic activity in an individual are:
· Demon obsession - means to be mentally or emotionally obsessed by an evil spirit; i.e. confusion, hallucinations, fantasy, hearing voices in the mind and paranoia.
· Demon oppression - is the experience of feeling pressed down; (this can be in the mind, body, or emotions), like depression, lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and suicidal thinking.
· Demon possession - Although the KJV uses the word possession, the original Greek word is "demonized." The word demonized describes a person vexed with a demon.
Secondly, a "victim spirit" is the (human spirit of a person who's been violated in some way and whether intentionally or unintentionally has failed to process the experience properly. There is a specific mindset that a victim embraces that keeps the pattern of victimization reoccurring unless or until it is broken. I'm not referring to everyone who's been abused; only those who continue to allow it to shape their lives. They've adopted a victim mindset and worldview by believing lies. Thus they've developed predictable patterns of behavior. A victim can explain why it's right for things to be wrong and continue to allow a predator access to their life.
An example would be a woman who allows her husband to physically beat her year after year. In her mind, she has assumed lies that tell her she is the problem in the marriage and deserves beating. A predator is someone who preys on wounded and victimized people, and in the above case would be the husband. Three keys have to be in place to keep a person victimized.
1. A wrong mindset
2. A demon to continue the lie
3. A predator to produce the victimization
The spirit of victimization has a voracious appetite. It must be fed to stay in place. And it thrives on unforgiveness and self-condemnation. Many of us who have been victimized played little or no part in our victimization. This would especially be true of innocent children. However, the enemy is shrewd. He will argue to abused people that the pain they suffered was at least partly their fault. This keeps the victim paralyzed from ever leaving their circumstance.
Jumat, 20 Februari 2009
GPN 20 FEB 2009
GPN 02-20-2009
“With all eternity before us let us be meek, alert, serious, and joyous.” Matt. 5:5 and Rom. 12:11. The Joy of the Lord is your strength. Greetings Roberto Wijnhof GPN.
- We pray for business men to catch a vision for the region of Oltenia. It is
important in our ministry to try to meet the tangible needs as well as the spiritual.
We are trusting God for open doors of opportunity for Christian Businessmen in
this region. Pastor C. R. Romania.
The C- advocacy team is considering the situation in Orissa.
Pray for the C. advocacy team, as they are working on the ground with local partners in order to make detailed, accurate and authentic assessments of the situation and to determine the most appropriate path to take with regard to relief, taking into account the responsibilities of the government in the area.
-We would encourage all to continue to pray for the restoration of peace. C- Advocacy team. Orissa, India.
My 20-year-old granddaughter has brain tumor. She has to be operated. Pray for her healing. The Netherlands.
Please pray for my son. G. He is separated and he’s obligated, because his alcohol problem to go to therapy. The Netherlands.
Please pray for me for a new job. I resigned after being bullied for over 2 years. I desperately need one. Thank you. Peggy
- We pray for Florina Cazan and Danuts Opris as they continue to lead children’s
ministry in Draganesti-Olt, Comani and Coteana and now Stoenesti. It is so
exciting to see the same children consistently attending the programs and so
excited to be part of them. God is so good! Romania.
The Word commands us to pray for the government and the nation (1 Tim.2:1-3). During the last months we saw the replacement of Thabo Mbeki with an interim president and a new political party on the horizon. The economy is very unstable and increases poverty. Pray for the powerful working of the Holy Spirit in this country. Pray Prov.21:1 that God will direct the hearts of the leaders like a stream of water. Pray also Prov.25:5 for the removal of the wicked counselors from the leaders so that they will rule with righteousness.
Pray for divine appointments for Ari and Shira as they meet with a number of German leaders this week.
Pray for protection for members of Congregation Tiferet Yeshua and Maoz Israel staff.
- Please pray for Bob and Diane Wagstaff and their ministry with us. In particular
we ask for prayer for Bob as he has had some recent health concerns. Romania.
My 18-year-old granddaughter has brain tumor. Pray for her.
Relief and development charity Tearfund is calling on thousands of Christians to join them in prayer this month (February 23 to 1 March), to see real change around the world. Tearfund's Global Poverty Prayer Week is a call to the UK church to join with churches around the world in calling on God to hear the cry of our hearts for some of the world's most difficult situations. Disaster relief, water and sanitation, climate change, people living with HIV, and the impact of the local church in the neediest places are all topics for prayer during Tearfund's Global Poverty Prayer Week. Ask God to teach you how to pray about these situations effectively. Spend time in waiting on the Spirit of God to declare the Word of God into these situations. It is God’s Word that can break a rock to pieces (Jer.23:29). Declare God’s Name over all these situations – for His name is above every other name that is named (Eph.1:21).
Hi my brothers and sisters would you be so kind to say a word of prayer for me for strength and provision to be honest things are pretty rough its like I am supposed to be learning a lesson here and all I can see is a broken heart mine that is. GOD richly bless you. brother Danny
My husband seem to have given up, on himself and life he had a rough childhood,
he's been abused by his mother and dad as a child.
every since I've known him ( I've known him for 10 yrs) he likes to fight, even now, at the age of almost 50 yrs of age. he is an angry man, to the point of destroying this 2 yrs and 5 months of marriage. because he wants to take out his frustration on me , by hitting on me, I cant live like that. That's why our marriage is destroyed because of the prayers I received from you all that prayed for me and my brother. I Thanked You.
I Thanked U God, I Got away, Thank you Jesus, for our safety. But, I cant help but to feel for my husband, my husband cant seem to get thru the fact, that even thou he was abused, he survived it. I don't know Gods plan for him, but John feels, he's been cursed and I do too. like bad luck, I don't believe in luck I believe in God. but, he cant seem to
get on his feet on the ground, nothing seems to work for him. everybody likes him and is aware of that dark side of him, he's a self proclaimed monster, very nice when he's nice and mean when he's mean, he's in a psych place for anger control, where he's been fed psych med's. { I don't want a monster or a crazy man for a husband}
but when he gets out, he doesn't have nowhere to go, cant stay with me cause he hits me, he cant get a job because of his parole thing
he don't feel useful, I don't wont a husband because I feel sorry for him or a husband that I'm afraid of.
I think he's the only one with Gods help who can control his anger and come to face his pass and deal with it effectively and he needs a job. God said, if a man don’t work, he don’t eat.
he needs a break in his life, he's almost 50 yrs old and he need serious prayer . Please pray for my husband.
Please pray for my Grandson, his name is Nicholas, 2 yrs old, he has asthma, which is a lie from the devil, because by Jesus strips we are healed. Please pray to keep this baby safe from harm and danger and pray for his mother my daughter whose about to lose her job, because the job is relocating , God says if a man don't work, he don't eat. and my daughter needs a car and more education and a good baby sitter.
Please pray for me and the court case, I'm about to go thru, I did get hurt and I lost my transportation please pray for me and my relationship to God can get stronger, because I have so many distracting, T.V, computer, work, family
please prayer for us
Please pray that EVERYTHING NECESSARY will happen so EVERY OBSTICLE to BREAKTHROUGH WOULD BE REMOVED to my ELDEST DAUGHTER, MY SECOND YOUNGEST DAUGHTER and their other sisters returning to Christ, AND THAT THEY WILL LOVE AND DESIRE fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum (my wife) recovers.
Many Thanks
“With all eternity before us let us be meek, alert, serious, and joyous.” Matt. 5:5 and Rom. 12:11. The Joy of the Lord is your strength. Greetings Roberto Wijnhof GPN.
- We pray for business men to catch a vision for the region of Oltenia. It is
important in our ministry to try to meet the tangible needs as well as the spiritual.
We are trusting God for open doors of opportunity for Christian Businessmen in
this region. Pastor C. R. Romania.
The C- advocacy team is considering the situation in Orissa.
Pray for the C. advocacy team, as they are working on the ground with local partners in order to make detailed, accurate and authentic assessments of the situation and to determine the most appropriate path to take with regard to relief, taking into account the responsibilities of the government in the area.
-We would encourage all to continue to pray for the restoration of peace. C- Advocacy team. Orissa, India.
My 20-year-old granddaughter has brain tumor. She has to be operated. Pray for her healing. The Netherlands.
Please pray for my son. G. He is separated and he’s obligated, because his alcohol problem to go to therapy. The Netherlands.
Please pray for me for a new job. I resigned after being bullied for over 2 years. I desperately need one. Thank you. Peggy
- We pray for Florina Cazan and Danuts Opris as they continue to lead children’s
ministry in Draganesti-Olt, Comani and Coteana and now Stoenesti. It is so
exciting to see the same children consistently attending the programs and so
excited to be part of them. God is so good! Romania.
The Word commands us to pray for the government and the nation (1 Tim.2:1-3). During the last months we saw the replacement of Thabo Mbeki with an interim president and a new political party on the horizon. The economy is very unstable and increases poverty. Pray for the powerful working of the Holy Spirit in this country. Pray Prov.21:1 that God will direct the hearts of the leaders like a stream of water. Pray also Prov.25:5 for the removal of the wicked counselors from the leaders so that they will rule with righteousness.
Pray for divine appointments for Ari and Shira as they meet with a number of German leaders this week.
Pray for protection for members of Congregation Tiferet Yeshua and Maoz Israel staff.
- Please pray for Bob and Diane Wagstaff and their ministry with us. In particular
we ask for prayer for Bob as he has had some recent health concerns. Romania.
My 18-year-old granddaughter has brain tumor. Pray for her.
Relief and development charity Tearfund is calling on thousands of Christians to join them in prayer this month (February 23 to 1 March), to see real change around the world. Tearfund's Global Poverty Prayer Week is a call to the UK church to join with churches around the world in calling on God to hear the cry of our hearts for some of the world's most difficult situations. Disaster relief, water and sanitation, climate change, people living with HIV, and the impact of the local church in the neediest places are all topics for prayer during Tearfund's Global Poverty Prayer Week. Ask God to teach you how to pray about these situations effectively. Spend time in waiting on the Spirit of God to declare the Word of God into these situations. It is God’s Word that can break a rock to pieces (Jer.23:29). Declare God’s Name over all these situations – for His name is above every other name that is named (Eph.1:21).
Hi my brothers and sisters would you be so kind to say a word of prayer for me for strength and provision to be honest things are pretty rough its like I am supposed to be learning a lesson here and all I can see is a broken heart mine that is. GOD richly bless you. brother Danny
My husband seem to have given up, on himself and life he had a rough childhood,
he's been abused by his mother and dad as a child.
every since I've known him ( I've known him for 10 yrs) he likes to fight, even now, at the age of almost 50 yrs of age. he is an angry man, to the point of destroying this 2 yrs and 5 months of marriage. because he wants to take out his frustration on me , by hitting on me, I cant live like that. That's why our marriage is destroyed because of the prayers I received from you all that prayed for me and my brother. I Thanked You.
I Thanked U God, I Got away, Thank you Jesus, for our safety. But, I cant help but to feel for my husband, my husband cant seem to get thru the fact, that even thou he was abused, he survived it. I don't know Gods plan for him, but John feels, he's been cursed and I do too. like bad luck, I don't believe in luck I believe in God. but, he cant seem to
get on his feet on the ground, nothing seems to work for him. everybody likes him and is aware of that dark side of him, he's a self proclaimed monster, very nice when he's nice and mean when he's mean, he's in a psych place for anger control, where he's been fed psych med's. { I don't want a monster or a crazy man for a husband}
but when he gets out, he doesn't have nowhere to go, cant stay with me cause he hits me, he cant get a job because of his parole thing
he don't feel useful, I don't wont a husband because I feel sorry for him or a husband that I'm afraid of.
I think he's the only one with Gods help who can control his anger and come to face his pass and deal with it effectively and he needs a job. God said, if a man don’t work, he don’t eat.
he needs a break in his life, he's almost 50 yrs old and he need serious prayer . Please pray for my husband.
Please pray for my Grandson, his name is Nicholas, 2 yrs old, he has asthma, which is a lie from the devil, because by Jesus strips we are healed. Please pray to keep this baby safe from harm and danger and pray for his mother my daughter whose about to lose her job, because the job is relocating , God says if a man don't work, he don't eat. and my daughter needs a car and more education and a good baby sitter.
Please pray for me and the court case, I'm about to go thru, I did get hurt and I lost my transportation please pray for me and my relationship to God can get stronger, because I have so many distracting, T.V, computer, work, family
please prayer for us
Please pray that EVERYTHING NECESSARY will happen so EVERY OBSTICLE to BREAKTHROUGH WOULD BE REMOVED to my ELDEST DAUGHTER, MY SECOND YOUNGEST DAUGHTER and their other sisters returning to Christ, AND THAT THEY WILL LOVE AND DESIRE fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum (my wife) recovers.
Many Thanks
Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
God's Suddenlies & His Subtleties
God's Suddenlies & His Subtleties
By Eddie Smith
Are you like me? Do you tend to get frustrated when you don’t see the big answers you want to your prayers. I admit that I enjoy God's "suddenlies." But when instead, he chooses to move "subtlty", instead of "folding up my prayer tent and going home," I’m learning to notice those tiny adjustments and expressions of God’s intervention. I watch so carefully that when I see the slightest thing, I can celebrate it--in fact, magnify it!
In the Old Testament temple, some priests’ only duty was to watch for the manifest presence of the Shekinah glory of the Lord (Ex. 25:22). Today God is calling us as His New Testament priests to watch for, acknowledge, and intentionally celebrate even His smallest response.
This is how I do it. After I "make my case" to God in prayer, I begin the process of watching—watch and pray, as Jesus put it (Mk 14:38, emphasis added). In Colossians 4:2, Paul says, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." We are to look for even the slightest indication of God’s response. Why? So we can celebrate the small stuff, of course!
Let me give you a couple of examples of small stuff that could have been celebrated. Suppose a woman has been praying for her lost husband for some time. One day he turns to her and says, "Pray for Jim’s wife. She is going in for some medical tests today."
Whoa! Here is a lost man who’s making a prayer request! Instead of looking for a huge answer to prayer, it’s time for his wife to throw a praise party for this subtle indication that God is answering her.
Or, consider the mother who’s praying for her wayward son at 3:00 a.m. She’s lying facedown on the living room carpet, crying out to the Lord, when he staggers drunkenly through the front door.
"Prayer Woman, you can go to bed. I’m home," he declares. As he goes to his bedroom, he calls over his shoulder, "And you can pray for Tommy’s mother. They say she has cancer and needs surgery."
"Oh Lord," the mother cries out as he slams his door shut, "when are you going to do something with my boy?"
She really missed it. Let’s take a closer look.
1. Some drunken sons died in head-on collisions that night while others were arrested. Her son came home safely.
2. Look at what he called his mother: "Prayer Woman." He knows who she is and recognizes her kingdom role.
3. He gave her a prayer request because deep inside he knows she has access to God’s power.
It’s time for this mom to call some friends and throw a praise party. Well, perhaps not—after all, it’s 3 a.m.! But it’s certainly time for her to identify and celebrate God’s work in her son’s life.
Was this answer to her prayer subtle? Sure, it’s subtle. But God’s work often is. Subtle answers to prayer are especially difficult for us to understand when we live in an "instant" culture. It’s hard to relate to an eternal God for whom one day is as a thousand years. Impatient and with short attention spans, we want instant gratification—and we want it now!
When we don’t immediately get what we’ve asked for, we lose faith, but that’s our test: Are we focused on the demonstrations of the flesh and the devil in their lives? Or, are we focused on evidences of God’s work? As we learn to concentrate on what He is doing rather than on these negative demonstrations or on our own plans, we’ll see it.
Why does God seem to move so slowly and with such small steps? Possibly because
He is testing our faith.
He’s checking to see if we are paying attention to Him.
He’s working behind the scenes to prepare people, places, and things (including us) for what He’s about to do.
He wants to extend our celebration over a longer period of time.
He wants to know if we will celebrate even His smallest response.
It’s easy to become so enamored with the splitting of the Red Sea that we neither notice or appreciate God’s incremental answers to our prayers, as when He made the wheels of Pharaoh’s chariots fall off! No kidding--Exodus 14:25!
A good way to acknowledge God’s subtle movements is to pay attention to what the people you are praying for say and do in their unguarded moments. These are often unconscious expressions of what’s going on inside them. When I see or hear anything, even the slightest thing that is positive, I try to record it in my journal. Then I begin to praise God for it.
Perhaps you have a child who is often angry, rebellious, and disrespectful. When you see him do something kind or respectful, celebrate it and thank God for it. He loves your celebration. After all, it’s the atmosphere of heaven!
To use a sports analogy, anyone can celebrate the final score of a game, but God wants us to celebrate every point that goes on the board because each one is additional evidence that He is at work—and it warrants our praise. After praying, too many of us turn our attention to the next need we plan to present to Him rather than waiting expectantly, identifying, and celebrating what the Father is doing in answer to our prayer. Don’t you imagine He’s tired of being ignored?
King David knew the importance of watching for the Lord to answer his prayers. He wrote, "My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct [my prayer] to You, And I will look up" (Psalm 5:3, NKJV, emphasis added). The Contemporary English Version says, "wait for your reply." After directing his prayer to God, David watched and waited expectantly for an answer.
Present your request to God with thanksgiving, then watch expectantly for any evidence of His divine intervention in the matter, no matter how small it is. While it’s true that I pray based on who God is and what He’s said and done in the past, I do expect to see expressions of His intervention. As I pray, I carefully watch for evidences of His answers to my prayers. That’s why it’s a good idea to journal these answers: I can read back over them later, which helps build my faith for future prayer projects.
If we ignore the subtle things God does in answer to our prayers, we won’t see much. So, consider right now something the Lord has done for you. Now deliberately praise Him for it. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Aren't you experiencing a bubbling up in your soul? That joy will explode into a smile on your face and a spring in your step. I’d be surprised if your disappointment and frustrations fade as well.
Elijah knew the thrill of seeing God answer prayer. After ordering the killing of 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah, he ascended to the top of Mount Carmel to pray for rain. But what he saw next was most unusual. It wasn’t rain. It wasn’t even a rain cloud. There was no thunder or lightning; there was only a cloud "as small as a man’s hand" (1 K. 18:44). Elijah saw this "micro cloud," turned to Ahab, and said, "You’d better get off of this mountain. There’s a serious storm coming." As he rejoiced to see God at work, that small cloud grew into a mighty rainstorm that ended a three-year-long drought!
The small stuff does matter, whether it is clouds or pennies. My two younger brothers and I spent each summer at our grandparents’ home near Gadsden, Alabama. My Granddaddy Jeff had a large pickle jar that sat on the floor of his closet into which he threw his pocket change. We looked forward to the times we were allowed to stick our arms into Granddaddy’s coin jar because we could keep all the coins we could grasp in one hand. While we never got much more than a dollar, we were thrilled and looked forward to the next year when our hands would be even larger.
My brothers and I thought the coin-jar experience was for us; however, now that I’m a granddaddy myself, I realize that it was just as much (if not more) for Granddaddy Jeff’s pleasure. He looked forward to those days with as much excitement as we did. He loved to see the looks of celebration on our faces, as I do when my grandchildren now reach into my coin jar today.
Does our heavenly Daddy long to see us celebrate like little children when He answers our prayers, not just in huge ways but also in small ones? I believe He does. Why not begin right now to pray and watch for the Lord to answer? You’ll be throwing praise parties before you know it.
And go ahead, grab a handful out of your Heavenly Daddy's coin jar. After all, He's filled it for you!
Adapted from Eddie's book, How to Be Heard in Heaven, available at
By Eddie Smith
Are you like me? Do you tend to get frustrated when you don’t see the big answers you want to your prayers. I admit that I enjoy God's "suddenlies." But when instead, he chooses to move "subtlty", instead of "folding up my prayer tent and going home," I’m learning to notice those tiny adjustments and expressions of God’s intervention. I watch so carefully that when I see the slightest thing, I can celebrate it--in fact, magnify it!
In the Old Testament temple, some priests’ only duty was to watch for the manifest presence of the Shekinah glory of the Lord (Ex. 25:22). Today God is calling us as His New Testament priests to watch for, acknowledge, and intentionally celebrate even His smallest response.
This is how I do it. After I "make my case" to God in prayer, I begin the process of watching—watch and pray, as Jesus put it (Mk 14:38, emphasis added). In Colossians 4:2, Paul says, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." We are to look for even the slightest indication of God’s response. Why? So we can celebrate the small stuff, of course!
Let me give you a couple of examples of small stuff that could have been celebrated. Suppose a woman has been praying for her lost husband for some time. One day he turns to her and says, "Pray for Jim’s wife. She is going in for some medical tests today."
Whoa! Here is a lost man who’s making a prayer request! Instead of looking for a huge answer to prayer, it’s time for his wife to throw a praise party for this subtle indication that God is answering her.
Or, consider the mother who’s praying for her wayward son at 3:00 a.m. She’s lying facedown on the living room carpet, crying out to the Lord, when he staggers drunkenly through the front door.
"Prayer Woman, you can go to bed. I’m home," he declares. As he goes to his bedroom, he calls over his shoulder, "And you can pray for Tommy’s mother. They say she has cancer and needs surgery."
"Oh Lord," the mother cries out as he slams his door shut, "when are you going to do something with my boy?"
She really missed it. Let’s take a closer look.
1. Some drunken sons died in head-on collisions that night while others were arrested. Her son came home safely.
2. Look at what he called his mother: "Prayer Woman." He knows who she is and recognizes her kingdom role.
3. He gave her a prayer request because deep inside he knows she has access to God’s power.
It’s time for this mom to call some friends and throw a praise party. Well, perhaps not—after all, it’s 3 a.m.! But it’s certainly time for her to identify and celebrate God’s work in her son’s life.
Was this answer to her prayer subtle? Sure, it’s subtle. But God’s work often is. Subtle answers to prayer are especially difficult for us to understand when we live in an "instant" culture. It’s hard to relate to an eternal God for whom one day is as a thousand years. Impatient and with short attention spans, we want instant gratification—and we want it now!
When we don’t immediately get what we’ve asked for, we lose faith, but that’s our test: Are we focused on the demonstrations of the flesh and the devil in their lives? Or, are we focused on evidences of God’s work? As we learn to concentrate on what He is doing rather than on these negative demonstrations or on our own plans, we’ll see it.
Why does God seem to move so slowly and with such small steps? Possibly because
He is testing our faith.
He’s checking to see if we are paying attention to Him.
He’s working behind the scenes to prepare people, places, and things (including us) for what He’s about to do.
He wants to extend our celebration over a longer period of time.
He wants to know if we will celebrate even His smallest response.
It’s easy to become so enamored with the splitting of the Red Sea that we neither notice or appreciate God’s incremental answers to our prayers, as when He made the wheels of Pharaoh’s chariots fall off! No kidding--Exodus 14:25!
A good way to acknowledge God’s subtle movements is to pay attention to what the people you are praying for say and do in their unguarded moments. These are often unconscious expressions of what’s going on inside them. When I see or hear anything, even the slightest thing that is positive, I try to record it in my journal. Then I begin to praise God for it.
Perhaps you have a child who is often angry, rebellious, and disrespectful. When you see him do something kind or respectful, celebrate it and thank God for it. He loves your celebration. After all, it’s the atmosphere of heaven!
To use a sports analogy, anyone can celebrate the final score of a game, but God wants us to celebrate every point that goes on the board because each one is additional evidence that He is at work—and it warrants our praise. After praying, too many of us turn our attention to the next need we plan to present to Him rather than waiting expectantly, identifying, and celebrating what the Father is doing in answer to our prayer. Don’t you imagine He’s tired of being ignored?
King David knew the importance of watching for the Lord to answer his prayers. He wrote, "My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct [my prayer] to You, And I will look up" (Psalm 5:3, NKJV, emphasis added). The Contemporary English Version says, "wait for your reply." After directing his prayer to God, David watched and waited expectantly for an answer.
Present your request to God with thanksgiving, then watch expectantly for any evidence of His divine intervention in the matter, no matter how small it is. While it’s true that I pray based on who God is and what He’s said and done in the past, I do expect to see expressions of His intervention. As I pray, I carefully watch for evidences of His answers to my prayers. That’s why it’s a good idea to journal these answers: I can read back over them later, which helps build my faith for future prayer projects.
If we ignore the subtle things God does in answer to our prayers, we won’t see much. So, consider right now something the Lord has done for you. Now deliberately praise Him for it. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Aren't you experiencing a bubbling up in your soul? That joy will explode into a smile on your face and a spring in your step. I’d be surprised if your disappointment and frustrations fade as well.
Elijah knew the thrill of seeing God answer prayer. After ordering the killing of 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah, he ascended to the top of Mount Carmel to pray for rain. But what he saw next was most unusual. It wasn’t rain. It wasn’t even a rain cloud. There was no thunder or lightning; there was only a cloud "as small as a man’s hand" (1 K. 18:44). Elijah saw this "micro cloud," turned to Ahab, and said, "You’d better get off of this mountain. There’s a serious storm coming." As he rejoiced to see God at work, that small cloud grew into a mighty rainstorm that ended a three-year-long drought!
The small stuff does matter, whether it is clouds or pennies. My two younger brothers and I spent each summer at our grandparents’ home near Gadsden, Alabama. My Granddaddy Jeff had a large pickle jar that sat on the floor of his closet into which he threw his pocket change. We looked forward to the times we were allowed to stick our arms into Granddaddy’s coin jar because we could keep all the coins we could grasp in one hand. While we never got much more than a dollar, we were thrilled and looked forward to the next year when our hands would be even larger.
My brothers and I thought the coin-jar experience was for us; however, now that I’m a granddaddy myself, I realize that it was just as much (if not more) for Granddaddy Jeff’s pleasure. He looked forward to those days with as much excitement as we did. He loved to see the looks of celebration on our faces, as I do when my grandchildren now reach into my coin jar today.
Does our heavenly Daddy long to see us celebrate like little children when He answers our prayers, not just in huge ways but also in small ones? I believe He does. Why not begin right now to pray and watch for the Lord to answer? You’ll be throwing praise parties before you know it.
And go ahead, grab a handful out of your Heavenly Daddy's coin jar. After all, He's filled it for you!
Adapted from Eddie's book, How to Be Heard in Heaven, available at
Selasa, 17 Februari 2009
GPN 17 FEB 2009
GPN 02-17-2009
“Obedient service and blessing go hand-in-hand”. John 21:3-6.
Greetings Roberto Wijnhof GPN
Dear brother in Christ, most greetings to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.
Dear brother in Christ I am happy to write you for prayer. sir I have get marriage dated 25 march 2006.
My wife name is Alishaba she is sick her diseases is breast wound, flue, fever and gas & water bra problem.
God bless me and bless my wife Alishaba and all my family. we have one daughter Shemariam and god bless our son Theophilus his name. Theophilus is sick. pray
for my son. God heal him. pray for pastor lazer and his
church and family. Pray for brother Naeem hepatitis ( c ). God heal him.
Dear lord kindly wash my heart and my mind and my soul and my body with your holy blood. change my thoughts. God heal my pipe and all body.
Pray for my papa live in Kuwait. God change his heart. My papa feel pain in right arm.
Pray for my uncle Aziz Masih from sargodha. He is sick hepatitis and he can not sit and stand he can not see and speak. God heal him.
I want go to Kuwait for work. Kindly pray for my good job & salary and for work visa. God open all the ways. Pray for my papa rasheed live in Kuwait his problem is wet bra back problem. wet bra disk is slip. God heal him. Pray for my son Theophilus and daughter Shameriah flue and cough problem. God heal them.
I am learn drive god bless my pick up and bless my finance.
Pastor Saleem Masih Pakistan.
Dear Prayer Warriors and Intercessors:
Please be in prayer and pass along to your own prayer groups, as well. My friend, Michelle, who has been fighting thyroid cancer for many years, has been diagnosed again with an even more aggressive cancer than before. It's called Ana plastic Carcinoma, and the prognosis is very grim: only 6-9 months. She just had a joint and part of her femur bone removed along with a tumor. God has kept Michelle alive and fighting this for many years, and I don't think He's through with her yet! She has a very positive attitude, and two children and a husband to fight for. Braelley is now 16 and Mason is 13; Brent is her husband.
I would deeply appreciate your storming the gates of Heaven for Michelle and her family, and passing this along to all of the prayer warriors and intercessors that you know. God is always a miracle-working God, and Michelle's faith is extremely strong!
She has gone through years and years of chemo, radiation, surgeries, and on and on. Pray for God's mercy and grace in abundance for the whole family, and that He would work a huge miracle in all of their lives!
Thanks so very, very much for your faithfulness and for your prayers!!!
In His Love and Care, Helen
I would like to thank you for your continued prayer support from all corners of the world. Indeed it is only through the joining of hands and putting together our efforts that we are able to change the world together. I thank God for being our protector and for His providence in the MCF ministry.
During the past few weeks, several IDPS from the Eldoret camp who had gone back to check on their properties in their original residences were met with resistance, violence and others have been murdered. An example is a grade 6 boy at the Eldoret IDP camp, who was sent on 28th March, by his mother to go collect the iron sheets from their home (where they were chased from) which is about 4 miles from Eldoret town so that they could use the iron sheets for covering their tent at the show ground which had been destroyed by the heavy down pour experienced in March. The boy was cut into pieces and word sent to the mother to go and collect the remains of his body. The mother who was in shock, got inside the MCF bus as it was driving our staff into the show ground IDP Camp, and started talking incoherently. It was after being calmed down that she was able to narrate her story. The funeral was held in the first week of April.
The mother of the dead boy was gang raped during the post election violence. She is not in a position to walk for a long distance and can not pass stool as her rectum comes out. She is HIV positive as a result of the rape. MCF took the step to take her, among other ailing IDPs, to our doctor who recommended that she be taken for an operation to enable her lead a normal life. This is a case among many others that MCF has taken up by a step of faith. Please pray with us for the Lord's provision.
I live in UK as a citizen while my six year old child is in Africa with his father. His father is using the child as a means of holding on to our broken-down relationship. Since I returned to the UK, the child has suffered hunger, illness, loneliness, absence from school for almost two terms, as well as being transferred from the house of one family friend to another.
Needless to say, the child is crying out for his mother and neighbours have noticed. As a dedicated mother and an educationist, I hereby request that you pray that God Himself will touch the stony heart of this man (who acts like Pharaoh) to release my child to me speedily so that the boy will come and live with me in UK, resume school and I can care for him the way I have always done.
J’s mum
Please pray for the Baal Panchayat and the Baal Sansad (Children judiciary and Child Parliament) that our Church has formed amongst the Surajpark slum children. Nearly 250 children are planning to go on a cleanliness drive of their slum tomorrow and also create awareness about health and hygiene. This is one of the very unique programme of our church towards empowering children and organizing them for good works.
Suman is one of our adult literacy students. In her family, there is always sickness. Pray that God will touch every one of them & heal them completely. Pray for Sumit also, who is possessed by evils spirit since a long time. He drinks and does not live in his home with parents. Pray for complete deliverance in his life.
Pray for Pastor Isaac Jal, our pastor for Qutabgarh, Bawana and Dariypur in Delhi. Pray for him and his wife Sarita, as they want to start a sewing centre in Qutabgarh for unemployed girls. Pray that God will provide all their needs.
Pray for our Orissa ministry, where Pr. Subodh Nag , Ashish, Rajiv, Ismail along with others are spreading the Good news among unreached people. Pray that God will use them mightily for His ministry. We are also constructing 3 churches there that have been pulled down and destroyed. Pray that these people will be able to worship the Lord in their new place soon.
The 22-year war in northern Uganda has been Africa's longest running conflict. Tens of thousands of children have been kidnapped, tortured and forced into a hellish slavery as soldiers, laborers, and sexual slaves by Joseph Kony and rebel group "Lord's Resistance Army" (LRA). This terrible and tragic war has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, displaced millions and left generations of children in crisis.
It is of the utmost urgency that the Body of Christ arise and engage in spiritual warfare and intercession concerning this crisis right now, as peace talks have failed and the LRA has recently conducted raids and abductions in southern Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Central African Republic. Your prayers are needed.
We earnestly ask all ministries and individuals worldwide to intercede and mobilize intercession until justice is brought forth unto victory.
Please Pray:
For the Captives to be Set Free: Intercede for the total deliverance of the thousands of child soldiers and slaves currently being held captive by Joseph Kony and the LRA. Pray for child abductions to cease and for God to bring a permanent end to this abominable practice.
Lord please help: Flory, Marilyn, Evan work problems, Chris and Lucy who I prayer for this evening. Please grant Narcillas a good job ps34v6 barb whom they set a foreclose date for her house, ruby & robin need to lose weight and keep it off. In Jesus name I pray amen
“Obedient service and blessing go hand-in-hand”. John 21:3-6.
Greetings Roberto Wijnhof GPN
Dear brother in Christ, most greetings to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.
Dear brother in Christ I am happy to write you for prayer. sir I have get marriage dated 25 march 2006.
My wife name is Alishaba she is sick her diseases is breast wound, flue, fever and gas & water bra problem.
God bless me and bless my wife Alishaba and all my family. we have one daughter Shemariam and god bless our son Theophilus his name. Theophilus is sick. pray
for my son. God heal him. pray for pastor lazer and his
church and family. Pray for brother Naeem hepatitis ( c ). God heal him.
Dear lord kindly wash my heart and my mind and my soul and my body with your holy blood. change my thoughts. God heal my pipe and all body.
Pray for my papa live in Kuwait. God change his heart. My papa feel pain in right arm.
Pray for my uncle Aziz Masih from sargodha. He is sick hepatitis and he can not sit and stand he can not see and speak. God heal him.
I want go to Kuwait for work. Kindly pray for my good job & salary and for work visa. God open all the ways. Pray for my papa rasheed live in Kuwait his problem is wet bra back problem. wet bra disk is slip. God heal him. Pray for my son Theophilus and daughter Shameriah flue and cough problem. God heal them.
I am learn drive god bless my pick up and bless my finance.
Pastor Saleem Masih Pakistan.
Dear Prayer Warriors and Intercessors:
Please be in prayer and pass along to your own prayer groups, as well. My friend, Michelle, who has been fighting thyroid cancer for many years, has been diagnosed again with an even more aggressive cancer than before. It's called Ana plastic Carcinoma, and the prognosis is very grim: only 6-9 months. She just had a joint and part of her femur bone removed along with a tumor. God has kept Michelle alive and fighting this for many years, and I don't think He's through with her yet! She has a very positive attitude, and two children and a husband to fight for. Braelley is now 16 and Mason is 13; Brent is her husband.
I would deeply appreciate your storming the gates of Heaven for Michelle and her family, and passing this along to all of the prayer warriors and intercessors that you know. God is always a miracle-working God, and Michelle's faith is extremely strong!
She has gone through years and years of chemo, radiation, surgeries, and on and on. Pray for God's mercy and grace in abundance for the whole family, and that He would work a huge miracle in all of their lives!
Thanks so very, very much for your faithfulness and for your prayers!!!
In His Love and Care, Helen
I would like to thank you for your continued prayer support from all corners of the world. Indeed it is only through the joining of hands and putting together our efforts that we are able to change the world together. I thank God for being our protector and for His providence in the MCF ministry.
During the past few weeks, several IDPS from the Eldoret camp who had gone back to check on their properties in their original residences were met with resistance, violence and others have been murdered. An example is a grade 6 boy at the Eldoret IDP camp, who was sent on 28th March, by his mother to go collect the iron sheets from their home (where they were chased from) which is about 4 miles from Eldoret town so that they could use the iron sheets for covering their tent at the show ground which had been destroyed by the heavy down pour experienced in March. The boy was cut into pieces and word sent to the mother to go and collect the remains of his body. The mother who was in shock, got inside the MCF bus as it was driving our staff into the show ground IDP Camp, and started talking incoherently. It was after being calmed down that she was able to narrate her story. The funeral was held in the first week of April.
The mother of the dead boy was gang raped during the post election violence. She is not in a position to walk for a long distance and can not pass stool as her rectum comes out. She is HIV positive as a result of the rape. MCF took the step to take her, among other ailing IDPs, to our doctor who recommended that she be taken for an operation to enable her lead a normal life. This is a case among many others that MCF has taken up by a step of faith. Please pray with us for the Lord's provision.
I live in UK as a citizen while my six year old child is in Africa with his father. His father is using the child as a means of holding on to our broken-down relationship. Since I returned to the UK, the child has suffered hunger, illness, loneliness, absence from school for almost two terms, as well as being transferred from the house of one family friend to another.
Needless to say, the child is crying out for his mother and neighbours have noticed. As a dedicated mother and an educationist, I hereby request that you pray that God Himself will touch the stony heart of this man (who acts like Pharaoh) to release my child to me speedily so that the boy will come and live with me in UK, resume school and I can care for him the way I have always done.
J’s mum
Please pray for the Baal Panchayat and the Baal Sansad (Children judiciary and Child Parliament) that our Church has formed amongst the Surajpark slum children. Nearly 250 children are planning to go on a cleanliness drive of their slum tomorrow and also create awareness about health and hygiene. This is one of the very unique programme of our church towards empowering children and organizing them for good works.
Suman is one of our adult literacy students. In her family, there is always sickness. Pray that God will touch every one of them & heal them completely. Pray for Sumit also, who is possessed by evils spirit since a long time. He drinks and does not live in his home with parents. Pray for complete deliverance in his life.
Pray for Pastor Isaac Jal, our pastor for Qutabgarh, Bawana and Dariypur in Delhi. Pray for him and his wife Sarita, as they want to start a sewing centre in Qutabgarh for unemployed girls. Pray that God will provide all their needs.
Pray for our Orissa ministry, where Pr. Subodh Nag , Ashish, Rajiv, Ismail along with others are spreading the Good news among unreached people. Pray that God will use them mightily for His ministry. We are also constructing 3 churches there that have been pulled down and destroyed. Pray that these people will be able to worship the Lord in their new place soon.
The 22-year war in northern Uganda has been Africa's longest running conflict. Tens of thousands of children have been kidnapped, tortured and forced into a hellish slavery as soldiers, laborers, and sexual slaves by Joseph Kony and rebel group "Lord's Resistance Army" (LRA). This terrible and tragic war has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, displaced millions and left generations of children in crisis.
It is of the utmost urgency that the Body of Christ arise and engage in spiritual warfare and intercession concerning this crisis right now, as peace talks have failed and the LRA has recently conducted raids and abductions in southern Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Central African Republic. Your prayers are needed.
We earnestly ask all ministries and individuals worldwide to intercede and mobilize intercession until justice is brought forth unto victory.
Please Pray:
For the Captives to be Set Free: Intercede for the total deliverance of the thousands of child soldiers and slaves currently being held captive by Joseph Kony and the LRA. Pray for child abductions to cease and for God to bring a permanent end to this abominable practice.
Lord please help: Flory, Marilyn, Evan work problems, Chris and Lucy who I prayer for this evening. Please grant Narcillas a good job ps34v6 barb whom they set a foreclose date for her house, ruby & robin need to lose weight and keep it off. In Jesus name I pray amen
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
GPN 13 FEB 2009
GPN 02-13-2009
“To trust is to triumph, for the battle is the Lord’s.” (Joshua 23:10)
Lets trust in God and His Word for He already won our battle. Greetings and have a triumphed weekend. Roberto Wijnhof GPN.
Please pray that everything necessary will happen so that every obstacle to breakthrough would be removed to my eldest daughter, my second youngest daughter and their other sisters returning to Christ, fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum and my wife recovers.
Many Thanks
Please be in prayer and intercession for Joe who is in my Monday Night Piano Class. He has had to have a kidney and lung removed and other surgeries, as well, due to Agent Orange. Now he is battling different cancers because of it and is having radiation on his brain next Monday. Joe loves the Lord and wants to serve Him playing the guitar and keyboard in little churches in small towns around the Panhandle. He also has a great faith and believes that the Lord has ALREADY healed him! This is the faith that overcomes...the kind of faith that grabs hold of God's Word and proclaims it over his life: Isaiah 53. Thanks for your prayers for this mighty man of faith!!
Blessings, Helen
1. Meetings
Please pray for us as we begin a critical series of meetings with officials on behalf of the nearly 500,00 precious Assyrian Christian refugees in Jordan, Syria and suffering inside Iraq.
The Iraqi Government has promised to provide a homeland for them to go back to, monthly payments and support to go home, repair their homes and get started again.
Please pray specifically that they would honour their commitments (we have it on videotape) and put it in writing so we can help these longsuffering precious ones home.
Remember, for most of us we owe our very salvation to the Assyrian Christians as it was them, as the first Christian Nation in history who brought the gospel to Asia and much of Europe. Now they need our help.
2. Safety
Please pray for our safety as we move around. Previously we were dragged out of our car by gunpoint and our plane was rocketed, but God protected us . . . because you prayed!
Also, please pray for health as there is so much disease.
3. Boldness
One of the saddest sights is, as we saw again today is to see American Officials bowing down to various officials and people in general in an extreme version of political correctness gone to the extreme in Iraq.
They are so afraid to offend "Islam" in any way that they go to extremes to pander and humiliate themselves while at the same time refusing to help Christians in the same embarrassing manner lest they be seen favouring them in any way.
The people only respect strength, integrity and self respect. Please pray for boldness, clarity and fearlessness.
4. Project
Please pray for "Operation Registration" to register all the refugees in and outside Iraq so they can be helped. Please pray for support so this program can go forward.
We need their name, Iraqi Social Security Number in order to get the nearly 500,000 Assyrian Christian Refugees of Iraq help.
Imagine the tragedy of support being offered but we cannot direct it to the Assyrian Christians of Iraq because we do not have a list of those in need.
Please pray for the complete provision for this.
4. Book
Please pray for the book on Iraq to tell the story of the Assyrian Christians as it is being completed. Please pray for the details to be finished so it can be out this summer.
Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ in large numbers. A worship service in northern Iraq is one example of the Biblical revolution going on throughout the Middle East. The body of Believers live in the predominately Kurdish area of Iraq that some refer to as Iraqi Kurdistan. Because of their culture and upbringing, they are often referred to as Muslim background Believers. In Syria, in Jordan, in Iraq and Afghanistan great things are happening and many Muslims are open to the Lord Jesus Christ. The most important thing the leadership tells everyone in the Middle East - and no one should be surprised at this - is that as the prayer teams grow around the world for them that the work just takes off. Thank God for revealing His Son in such great measure. Praise Him and rejoice with the heavenly beings for every soul that is saved. Pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to each one the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened. Pray the Body of Christ will continue to pray for the Muslim world with fervency and faith.
I've had an urgent request for prayer from a pastor in Tanzania Bekinbo. His 4yr old son has come down with some exotic disease. The pastor's name is Phillip Mahali, and his son's name is Revival. I know you've told me you don't need names, and I understand that, but I thought I'd put them in anyhow.
By the way, that woman called Mary that I asked you to pray for her, so far, shown no improvement, so could you continue to pray for her please. Love Danny.
South Africa's crisis-stricken motor industry has asked the government for assistance. The National Association of Automobile Manufacturers requested that the government study ways in which to provide stimulus to the industry without any disruptions to monetary policy. If no assistance was forthcoming there will also be job losses in the component industry as small companies in the sector are taking strain due to the volume drop. Last month Volkswagen SA said it would shed up to 400 jobs. Late last year GMSA cut the size of its workforce by 1000. Pray for those who stand in leadership of companies and have the task of retrenching workers. Pray for laborers; that they will look to the Lord for their daily provision.
Hi my brothers and sisters I really need your prayers for strength and provision and that the senior citizens of Peters Place will be able to find a place to live in the next couple of months.
On January 6, 2009 the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress started a Commission on Unethical Conversion of Buddhists to other religions. Their report was publicly launched with "highly inflammatory material and allegations against the Christian community" according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL). The Parliament is considering the amended bill. It is likely to be taken up for debate and final reading in February. The bill states "No person shall, either directly or indirectly, forcibly convert or attempt to convert any person professing religion to another religion by use of force, by allurement, or by any fraudulent means." The Anti-Conversion Bill would have serious consequences for Christians in Sri Lanka. The word "allurement" is so broadly defined that any kind of gift, assistance, or care given by a faith-based organization or person [could] trigger a charge. Pray fervently, seek God on behalf of the Believers in Sri Lanka. Pray for those in parliament that have the authority to amend the bill, pray that God will lead them to make decisions based on Biblical principles.
Hello. my name is Charlene W. and I would like for you to pray that my husband and I will get back together real soon. I love him very much. he left me for another woman and i don't won't to give up on him because I believe in my heart that he was lead astray. Please separate him from this woman and bring him back into my life. the devil is working on him and I want him to take his hands off of him and bring him back to me as soon as possible because I know we belong together. Please let him find in his heart to love me again and think about me all the time and call to tell me that he wants to give our marriage a second chance. I already forgave him and I ask the Lord to have mercy on them both. I believe in my marriage vows and I’m going to stick with them. Please ask god to fight this battle for me and restore our marriage and seek counseling were it is needed. Also please email me to let me know that you have receive this email and that God will be working this out and so will you. Please give me good news. my husband name is Charles W. jr. and I want to take back what the Devil stole from me and that's my husband. Please keep us in your praise and soon there is victory in this I will email you and let you know.
Hurt and Confused, mrs. Charlene W. Please help God to fight this battle for me.
Please pray for a girl of 15 years old, that I med the other day on the street. She did not know where she was and seemed lost. They kicked her out of the house.
“To trust is to triumph, for the battle is the Lord’s.” (Joshua 23:10)
Lets trust in God and His Word for He already won our battle. Greetings and have a triumphed weekend. Roberto Wijnhof GPN.
Please pray that everything necessary will happen so that every obstacle to breakthrough would be removed to my eldest daughter, my second youngest daughter and their other sisters returning to Christ, fellowshipping with other Christians, Going Weekly To Church and loving Jesus with all their hearts and fulfilling God's Desires.
Please also pray that my teenage daughters will willingly help at home with what is reasonable and necessary while their mum and my wife recovers.
Many Thanks
Please be in prayer and intercession for Joe who is in my Monday Night Piano Class. He has had to have a kidney and lung removed and other surgeries, as well, due to Agent Orange. Now he is battling different cancers because of it and is having radiation on his brain next Monday. Joe loves the Lord and wants to serve Him playing the guitar and keyboard in little churches in small towns around the Panhandle. He also has a great faith and believes that the Lord has ALREADY healed him! This is the faith that overcomes...the kind of faith that grabs hold of God's Word and proclaims it over his life: Isaiah 53. Thanks for your prayers for this mighty man of faith!!
Blessings, Helen
1. Meetings
Please pray for us as we begin a critical series of meetings with officials on behalf of the nearly 500,00 precious Assyrian Christian refugees in Jordan, Syria and suffering inside Iraq.
The Iraqi Government has promised to provide a homeland for them to go back to, monthly payments and support to go home, repair their homes and get started again.
Please pray specifically that they would honour their commitments (we have it on videotape) and put it in writing so we can help these longsuffering precious ones home.
Remember, for most of us we owe our very salvation to the Assyrian Christians as it was them, as the first Christian Nation in history who brought the gospel to Asia and much of Europe. Now they need our help.
2. Safety
Please pray for our safety as we move around. Previously we were dragged out of our car by gunpoint and our plane was rocketed, but God protected us . . . because you prayed!
Also, please pray for health as there is so much disease.
3. Boldness
One of the saddest sights is, as we saw again today is to see American Officials bowing down to various officials and people in general in an extreme version of political correctness gone to the extreme in Iraq.
They are so afraid to offend "Islam" in any way that they go to extremes to pander and humiliate themselves while at the same time refusing to help Christians in the same embarrassing manner lest they be seen favouring them in any way.
The people only respect strength, integrity and self respect. Please pray for boldness, clarity and fearlessness.
4. Project
Please pray for "Operation Registration" to register all the refugees in and outside Iraq so they can be helped. Please pray for support so this program can go forward.
We need their name, Iraqi Social Security Number in order to get the nearly 500,000 Assyrian Christian Refugees of Iraq help.
Imagine the tragedy of support being offered but we cannot direct it to the Assyrian Christians of Iraq because we do not have a list of those in need.
Please pray for the complete provision for this.
4. Book
Please pray for the book on Iraq to tell the story of the Assyrian Christians as it is being completed. Please pray for the details to be finished so it can be out this summer.
Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ in large numbers. A worship service in northern Iraq is one example of the Biblical revolution going on throughout the Middle East. The body of Believers live in the predominately Kurdish area of Iraq that some refer to as Iraqi Kurdistan. Because of their culture and upbringing, they are often referred to as Muslim background Believers. In Syria, in Jordan, in Iraq and Afghanistan great things are happening and many Muslims are open to the Lord Jesus Christ. The most important thing the leadership tells everyone in the Middle East - and no one should be surprised at this - is that as the prayer teams grow around the world for them that the work just takes off. Thank God for revealing His Son in such great measure. Praise Him and rejoice with the heavenly beings for every soul that is saved. Pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to each one the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened. Pray the Body of Christ will continue to pray for the Muslim world with fervency and faith.
I've had an urgent request for prayer from a pastor in Tanzania Bekinbo. His 4yr old son has come down with some exotic disease. The pastor's name is Phillip Mahali, and his son's name is Revival. I know you've told me you don't need names, and I understand that, but I thought I'd put them in anyhow.
By the way, that woman called Mary that I asked you to pray for her, so far, shown no improvement, so could you continue to pray for her please. Love Danny.
South Africa's crisis-stricken motor industry has asked the government for assistance. The National Association of Automobile Manufacturers requested that the government study ways in which to provide stimulus to the industry without any disruptions to monetary policy. If no assistance was forthcoming there will also be job losses in the component industry as small companies in the sector are taking strain due to the volume drop. Last month Volkswagen SA said it would shed up to 400 jobs. Late last year GMSA cut the size of its workforce by 1000. Pray for those who stand in leadership of companies and have the task of retrenching workers. Pray for laborers; that they will look to the Lord for their daily provision.
Hi my brothers and sisters I really need your prayers for strength and provision and that the senior citizens of Peters Place will be able to find a place to live in the next couple of months.
On January 6, 2009 the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress started a Commission on Unethical Conversion of Buddhists to other religions. Their report was publicly launched with "highly inflammatory material and allegations against the Christian community" according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL). The Parliament is considering the amended bill. It is likely to be taken up for debate and final reading in February. The bill states "No person shall, either directly or indirectly, forcibly convert or attempt to convert any person professing religion to another religion by use of force, by allurement, or by any fraudulent means." The Anti-Conversion Bill would have serious consequences for Christians in Sri Lanka. The word "allurement" is so broadly defined that any kind of gift, assistance, or care given by a faith-based organization or person [could] trigger a charge. Pray fervently, seek God on behalf of the Believers in Sri Lanka. Pray for those in parliament that have the authority to amend the bill, pray that God will lead them to make decisions based on Biblical principles.
Hello. my name is Charlene W. and I would like for you to pray that my husband and I will get back together real soon. I love him very much. he left me for another woman and i don't won't to give up on him because I believe in my heart that he was lead astray. Please separate him from this woman and bring him back into my life. the devil is working on him and I want him to take his hands off of him and bring him back to me as soon as possible because I know we belong together. Please let him find in his heart to love me again and think about me all the time and call to tell me that he wants to give our marriage a second chance. I already forgave him and I ask the Lord to have mercy on them both. I believe in my marriage vows and I’m going to stick with them. Please ask god to fight this battle for me and restore our marriage and seek counseling were it is needed. Also please email me to let me know that you have receive this email and that God will be working this out and so will you. Please give me good news. my husband name is Charles W. jr. and I want to take back what the Devil stole from me and that's my husband. Please keep us in your praise and soon there is victory in this I will email you and let you know.
Hurt and Confused, mrs. Charlene W. Please help God to fight this battle for me.
Please pray for a girl of 15 years old, that I med the other day on the street. She did not know where she was and seemed lost. They kicked her out of the house.
Rabu, 11 Februari 2009
Praying your children to Christ
Praying Your Children to Christ
by Eddie Smith
"Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything.
With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to
God" (Phil. 4:6, CEV).
Perhaps nothing can provoke us to more anxiety as our
children can. But worry is not an option for a believer.
For when we worry, we call into question both God's
integrity. Instead, Paul tells us to pray with thanksgiving
and praise. Pre-praise prayer, thanking God in advance, is
faith-praying! When you pray for your children, you are
giving God "a green card," inviting Him to work in their
lives. Do it daily!
The Lord's model prayer (Matt. 6:9-13) offers us
eight keys for effectively praying for our children.
1. "Our Father…" - Before God was a creator, he was a
father. It is His most delightful role. Thank Him for His
desire to be a father to your child.
2. "Hallowed by thy Name" - Thank God that He is bringing
your child to such purity and purpose that His name will be
glorified through your child's life and living! (You don’t
see it yet? That's why it's called faith-praying.)
3. "Thy Kingdom Come…" - Thank God that He is extending
His kingdom into your child's life for His own glory and
name's sake. Right now His will is coming to pass, so that
even what the enemy does to fight against God's plan will
backfire on him, and God will ultimately redeem everything
for His glory!
4. "Give us this day our daily bread" - Thank God that He
is providing for your child according to His purposes, even
if He isn't providing according to your child's desires.
Thank Him for what He provides and even what He fails to
provide. "Father knows best!"
5. "Forgive us our trespasses…" - Thank God that Christ
bore your child's sin on the cross and that your child is
being brought to repentance, pardon and purity as a result
of God's grace and the shed blood of Jesus.
6. "And lead us not into temptation" - Thank God that He is
leading your child away from temptation and revealing ways
to escape sin according to 1 Corinthians 10:13.
7. "But deliver us from evil" - Thank God that He is
placing a restraining order around your child today. Praise
Him for being your child's deliverer who is constantly
keeping the enemy from destroying your child's life.
Rejoice that He is faithfully keeping His covenant with
you. (Gen. 7:1; John 4:53; Acts 11:14, 16:31)
8. "For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
forever" - Assure God that you know that this whole matter
isn't about really about you or your child. It is about
God, His kingdom, His power, and His glory...and that's
just fine with you!
Now the fun begins! Watch for even the smallest
indications that God is answering your prayer. Identify and
celebrate the small stuff. In sports terms: Don't wait
until the final score to celebrate. Celebrate every point
that appears on the scoreboard!
If you will celebrate the movement of God's
finger, He will move His hand for you. If you celebrate the
movement of His hand, God will move His arm for you. If you
celebrate the movement of God's arm, He will move mountains
for you. Magnify the Lord. Identify and celebrate wildly
His smallest acts in answer to your prayer!
Eagles Nest Online Bible School bekerjasama dengan pelayanan Zoe Ministries Malaysia akan mengadakan sebuah camp pada bulan Mei 2009 ini di kota Bandung. Dimana camp ini akan dilayani oleh Pr Christopher K, pendiri dari Zoe Ministries Malaysia. Beliau sejak tahun 1995 telah menjadi mentor dan bisa saya katakan juga sebagai “ayah rohani” yang menghidupi apa yang beliau ajarkan.
Pr Christopher K, merupakan seorang juara Karate Malaysia di era tahun 70-an dan juga guru Kick Boxing, beliau telah malang melintang mengikuti kejuaraan dunia Karate sampai bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus. Beliau berlatar belakang agama Hindu, bertobat dan bertumbuh hingga lulus dari sebuah Seminari Baptis. Beliau mengalami kepenuhan Roh Kudus dan lalu merintis gereja berlatar Kharismatik bernama The Tabernacle. Hingga pada akhir tahun 1990-an, Tuhan memanggil beliau untuk memperlengkapi gereja Tuhan di seluruh dunia. Beliau melepaskan gereja yang beliau gembalakan pada “murid” yang selama ini membantu pelayanan, dan beliau sekeluarga mulai memberkati bangsa-bangsa. Selain menjadi berkat bagi negaranya, Malaysia, beliau telah memberkati Indonesia, Singapura, Thailand, India, Selandia Baru, Rusia, Inggris, Skotlandia dll. Lebih lanjut dapat mengakses .
CAMP “FATHER HEART & SONSHIP” bukan “hanya” sekedar acara camp biasa, namun kami berdoa agar setiap peserta camp kembali mengalami pemulihan hubungan dengan Bapa surgawi. Ada begitu banyak “pelayan Tuhan” yang terluka di dalam pelayanan namun tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, ia merasa terjebak di dalam pelayanan. Ia butuh mengalami pemulihan namun di sisi yang lain, ia mengalami dilema, ia takut jemaat atau orang-orang yang dimuridkan tahu kelemahannya. Ia takut “anak-anak rohaninya” menjadi lemah dan tersandung. Hingga akhirnya ia coba bertahan seorang diri.
Brothers and sisters, semua kita punya sisi kelemahan entah secara spiritual, kejiwaan maupun dalam hal disiplin mengendalikan tubuh kita. Bila kita tidak sungguh-sungguh mengalami pemulihan dan “pura-pura” semua baik-baik saja tanpa sadar kita juga dapat melukai jemaat Tuhan maupun orang-orang yang kita muridkan. Mengapa banyak institusi gereja pecah? Mengapa pemimpin gereja saling menjelekkan? Mengapa gereja sulit untuk dapat berjalan seiring? Mengapa gereja ribut untuk hal-hal yang tidak esensi? Mengapa gereja rebutan jemaat? Sebab ada luka dan hal yang belum tuntas dalam hati, selama kita terfokus pada luka dan ego maka sulit kita dapat berjalan seiring. Meski kita beragam(berbeda organisasi, institusi, dll), kita sebenarnya dapat bekerjasama satu dengan yang lain sebagai tubuh Kristus (1 Kor 12-14). Asalkan kasih AGAPE sungguh-sungguh memulihkan kita, semua mata tertuju pada YESUS, kita melakukan apapun untuk Dia maka kita tidak lagi saling berkompetisi dan bersaing namun saling membantu untuk memperlebar Kerajaan Tuhan. Sungguh alangkah indah dan baiknya bila saudara seiman hidup rukun bersama (Mzm 133).
Tujuan camp ini juga bukan untuk mendapatkan peserta sebanyak-banyaknya, sebab kami fokus pada mereka yang sungguh-sungguh mau dipakai Tuhan untuk pemulihan generasi ini, mereka yang dengan segenap hati mereka mau untuk menjadi murid Kristus, mereka yang mau memperluas Kerajaan Tuhan dan mereka yang sungguh-sungguh mau menjadi dampak (terang & garam) bagi bangsanya. Kami tidak mencari “followers” (pengikut) tetapi mereka yang mau menjadi “disciples”(murid) dari Kristus.(Mat 28:18-20, Mrk 16:15-18, Kis 1:8)
Camp ini bukan hanya sekedar mengimpartasikan pengetahuan, namun kami menawarkan “hubungan”. Pemulihan hubungan dengan Bapa Surgawi, sesama dan berjalan dalam otoritas sebagai anak Tuhan, menjadi dampak bagi komunitasnya.
Kerinduan kami adalah seusai camp, setiap orang yang hadir dapat sungguh-sungguh menjadi satu keluarga dalam Tuhan. Dimana setelah kita kembali ke tempat pelayanan masing-masing, kita dapat saling menguatkan dan fungsi tubuh Kristus sungguh-sungguh mengalami pemulihan. A church without any walls….kita semua berfungsi sebagai gereja Tuhan tanpa dibatasi “organisasi gereja kita”, sebab kita adalah gereja (ekklesia) yang merupakan organisme di dalam Kristus.
Dukung doa untuk acara ini terutama tempat di daerah Lembang dan juga dana untuk camp ini. Prioritas bagi para murid Sekolah Alkitab Online namun diluar itu, bila ada yang ingin ikut dapat menghubungi saya. Sebagaimana dijabarkan di atas, bila anda mau menjadi murid Kristus dan mau hidup anda menjadi dampak bagi lingkungan sekitarmu, it’s OK to join us.
Salam pergerakan,
Dave & Novie Broos
The Eagles Nest Ministries (
Eagles Nest Online Bible School (
Renungan Kehidupan (
Selasa, 10 Februari 2009
GPN 10th Feb 2009
GPN 02-10-2009
“We can always live on less, when we have more to live for.” James 4:14; John 10:10
May Gods abundant blessing be yours, Roberto Wijnhof GPN.
The Voice of the Martyrs has just received new information from our field workers about 300 pastors, evangelists and lay workers ministering in restricted nations, such as China, Nigeria and Sudan, who are in great need of support. Many of these church leaders spend most of their day labouring to provide for their families. But they would like to dedicate much more of their time to courageously spreading the gospel and ministering to the needs of other Christians in their communities. Even at great risks, they desire to spend their days serving the Kingdom. Please pray for these pastors.
PATTI: Needs deliverance, healing, and to be totally set free from her past. It involves abuse in every way. Her marriage has been spent with her husband in prison (for alleged molestation of a child). She needs joy in her life, and needs the desire to seek the Lord instead of the things of this world.
B. is desperately is needing prayer for salvation, deliverance and healing. Recently dishonourably discharged from the service for lying about drugs. He has a long history of drug and alcohol addiction, is in his mid 30's, and his father and mother are just devastated. They thought he was doing great and had kicked his habits. Please pray for them, as well, that the Lord would sustain them with grace, mercy, and compassion as they are mourning this recent turn of events in their son's life.
HOLLY: Lost her job and really needs direction and wisdom from the Lord for her life, as well as much encouragement!
S. is really needing a huge move of the Holy Spirit to completely heal and deliver her from recent devastating events in her life. Her husband of many years committed suicide, leaving her completely shattered. She is in her 3rd year of grieving, still trying to heal, and needs a fresh touch from God to change everything. She really loves the Lord and desires to serve Him with all of her heart, but the events were so damaging and horrifying that she struggles to be set totally free from the nightmares of the suicide and the aftermath.
Mrs. A. needs for God to close a door in her life on someone who is literally setting her up for devastation. She is in her 40's, has never married, and someone who is bi-sexual or possibly just homosexual and lying about it, has planted himself in her life and at her workplace.
He works with her, and is now "courting" her...most certainly setting her up for a really horrible fall. His history involves doing this to several women in the past - cheating and stealing from them and their businesses. Literally devastating their lives.
Please pray for a "wake-up" call for my friend, because she is terribly naive, blinded by all of the attention and lonely. She needs salvation, deliverance, healing, and protection from this man.
CAROL: Pray that God would continue the good work in her life and open doors for employment and opportunities to grow in her Christian walk with Him. Pray that she would recognize the need to quit reading really demonic and trashy novels...that God would open her blinded eyes and unstop her deafened ears to this, and that she would have an obedient and surrendered heart.
SANDRA: Continued healing from scleroderma and its effects on her lungs, in particular. Please pray for complete and total healing.
For more homegrown ministry-seasoned and excellently=equipped teachers
Financial sponsorships to upgrade teachers’ honoraria and faculty development
PRAYER POINTS * January 2009
HELEN: All of my classes have started, or are starting next week, and I have been attacked by the enemy in spite of much anointing and prayer...with respect to my health, my car situation, etc. I would appreciate your prayers and intercession on my behalf and also for my sons and their families as I teach and minister to many desperately hurting people and children. The needs this Spring are HUGE, and there are just so many in dire need of a touch from God to heal, deliver, and to comfort and encourage them. Pray that I would have the strength, anointing, and the joy of the Lord to sustain me!
Prayer Request: Pray my computer starts working right, right now in Jesus name. Phil.
General overall healing prayer healing wholeness restoration and peace healing for loved ones and prayers and home and animals healing prayer and praise in Jesus name amen.
Please pray as we negotiate for the nearly 500,000 Assyrian Christian refugees from Iraq.
Please pray for favor from Government officials and fulfilment of the promise to support them monthly, help to return to Iraq and a homeland.
Please pray for the book on Iraq that it will be published as soon as possible. Please pray for the special friends putting it together for blessing, time and the anointing as they do so and for favor with the publisher.
Please pray for support for the ministry. With the economic downturn it has dropped dramatically. Many have asked how they can help. You can support online.
We have set up "The 100 Club" . We are asking God to raise up 100 people who will pledge monthly support to make up for the sudden gap. Iraq.
Prayer Request: Please pray for my husband rob to be convicted of what he has done to us, to keep his word and sign the paperwork upcoming for the separation & 600 dollars mo support. He signed some legal paperwork Monday and yesterday hurt us to get even. I need release from fear, anxiety and stress & need to be able to breath when I talk to him about these matters & for him not to bully me into breathing episodes. Pray the Lord will cause him to have compassion and acceptance and give me what I ask for from the house & protect the kids. M.
Praise God for Pastor Anand and Sis Claudia. They have been blessed with a baby girl. Pray that God will keep the mother and the child safe and secure.
Pray for Shivkumari, our believer from Nangli Deiri Church. Her husband has left her and is staying with another woman. Pray that God will work in his heart and he may come back to his family.
Pray for Pastor Shyamdhami , he is serving the Lord in Mubarakpur and Ranapark area. Pray for his family and his ministry. Specially remember Anandamayee his wife who needs Gods favour. Pray for Sis. Meena, from Ranapark Church, who is married but has no child after eight years. Pray that God will bless her with the fruit of her Womb and that she will glorify God’s name in the community.
Pray for Pr. Kapil Dev, our associate pastor serving the Lord in Alipur and Bhalaswa , Delhi. Pray for him and his family that God will protect them from all evil and that they will serve the Lord faithfully. Pray for Chanderkala who has bleeding problem from long time. Pray that God will touch and heal her completely so that she can be a witness of the Lord.
Praise God for our work in the region of Aligarh in Uttarpradesh. We want to start construction of our school. We plan to start a Bible School there also in the coming session. Pray for our various needs there that God will supply all our needs and His name will be glorified. Rev.Dr.Abraham Sahu India
“We can always live on less, when we have more to live for.” James 4:14; John 10:10
May Gods abundant blessing be yours, Roberto Wijnhof GPN.
The Voice of the Martyrs has just received new information from our field workers about 300 pastors, evangelists and lay workers ministering in restricted nations, such as China, Nigeria and Sudan, who are in great need of support. Many of these church leaders spend most of their day labouring to provide for their families. But they would like to dedicate much more of their time to courageously spreading the gospel and ministering to the needs of other Christians in their communities. Even at great risks, they desire to spend their days serving the Kingdom. Please pray for these pastors.
PATTI: Needs deliverance, healing, and to be totally set free from her past. It involves abuse in every way. Her marriage has been spent with her husband in prison (for alleged molestation of a child). She needs joy in her life, and needs the desire to seek the Lord instead of the things of this world.
B. is desperately is needing prayer for salvation, deliverance and healing. Recently dishonourably discharged from the service for lying about drugs. He has a long history of drug and alcohol addiction, is in his mid 30's, and his father and mother are just devastated. They thought he was doing great and had kicked his habits. Please pray for them, as well, that the Lord would sustain them with grace, mercy, and compassion as they are mourning this recent turn of events in their son's life.
HOLLY: Lost her job and really needs direction and wisdom from the Lord for her life, as well as much encouragement!
S. is really needing a huge move of the Holy Spirit to completely heal and deliver her from recent devastating events in her life. Her husband of many years committed suicide, leaving her completely shattered. She is in her 3rd year of grieving, still trying to heal, and needs a fresh touch from God to change everything. She really loves the Lord and desires to serve Him with all of her heart, but the events were so damaging and horrifying that she struggles to be set totally free from the nightmares of the suicide and the aftermath.
Mrs. A. needs for God to close a door in her life on someone who is literally setting her up for devastation. She is in her 40's, has never married, and someone who is bi-sexual or possibly just homosexual and lying about it, has planted himself in her life and at her workplace.
He works with her, and is now "courting" her...most certainly setting her up for a really horrible fall. His history involves doing this to several women in the past - cheating and stealing from them and their businesses. Literally devastating their lives.
Please pray for a "wake-up" call for my friend, because she is terribly naive, blinded by all of the attention and lonely. She needs salvation, deliverance, healing, and protection from this man.
CAROL: Pray that God would continue the good work in her life and open doors for employment and opportunities to grow in her Christian walk with Him. Pray that she would recognize the need to quit reading really demonic and trashy novels...that God would open her blinded eyes and unstop her deafened ears to this, and that she would have an obedient and surrendered heart.
SANDRA: Continued healing from scleroderma and its effects on her lungs, in particular. Please pray for complete and total healing.
For more homegrown ministry-seasoned and excellently=equipped teachers
Financial sponsorships to upgrade teachers’ honoraria and faculty development
PRAYER POINTS * January 2009
HELEN: All of my classes have started, or are starting next week, and I have been attacked by the enemy in spite of much anointing and prayer...with respect to my health, my car situation, etc. I would appreciate your prayers and intercession on my behalf and also for my sons and their families as I teach and minister to many desperately hurting people and children. The needs this Spring are HUGE, and there are just so many in dire need of a touch from God to heal, deliver, and to comfort and encourage them. Pray that I would have the strength, anointing, and the joy of the Lord to sustain me!
Prayer Request: Pray my computer starts working right, right now in Jesus name. Phil.
General overall healing prayer healing wholeness restoration and peace healing for loved ones and prayers and home and animals healing prayer and praise in Jesus name amen.
Please pray as we negotiate for the nearly 500,000 Assyrian Christian refugees from Iraq.
Please pray for favor from Government officials and fulfilment of the promise to support them monthly, help to return to Iraq and a homeland.
Please pray for the book on Iraq that it will be published as soon as possible. Please pray for the special friends putting it together for blessing, time and the anointing as they do so and for favor with the publisher.
Please pray for support for the ministry. With the economic downturn it has dropped dramatically. Many have asked how they can help. You can support online.
We have set up "The 100 Club" . We are asking God to raise up 100 people who will pledge monthly support to make up for the sudden gap. Iraq.
Prayer Request: Please pray for my husband rob to be convicted of what he has done to us, to keep his word and sign the paperwork upcoming for the separation & 600 dollars mo support. He signed some legal paperwork Monday and yesterday hurt us to get even. I need release from fear, anxiety and stress & need to be able to breath when I talk to him about these matters & for him not to bully me into breathing episodes. Pray the Lord will cause him to have compassion and acceptance and give me what I ask for from the house & protect the kids. M.
Praise God for Pastor Anand and Sis Claudia. They have been blessed with a baby girl. Pray that God will keep the mother and the child safe and secure.
Pray for Shivkumari, our believer from Nangli Deiri Church. Her husband has left her and is staying with another woman. Pray that God will work in his heart and he may come back to his family.
Pray for Pastor Shyamdhami , he is serving the Lord in Mubarakpur and Ranapark area. Pray for his family and his ministry. Specially remember Anandamayee his wife who needs Gods favour. Pray for Sis. Meena, from Ranapark Church, who is married but has no child after eight years. Pray that God will bless her with the fruit of her Womb and that she will glorify God’s name in the community.
Pray for Pr. Kapil Dev, our associate pastor serving the Lord in Alipur and Bhalaswa , Delhi. Pray for him and his family that God will protect them from all evil and that they will serve the Lord faithfully. Pray for Chanderkala who has bleeding problem from long time. Pray that God will touch and heal her completely so that she can be a witness of the Lord.
Praise God for our work in the region of Aligarh in Uttarpradesh. We want to start construction of our school. We plan to start a Bible School there also in the coming session. Pray for our various needs there that God will supply all our needs and His name will be glorified. Rev.Dr.Abraham Sahu India
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