Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

relying on you

Hi Dave,
Your faith and prayers for the coming year are the KEY to the opportunities that we see and the breakthroughs that we are believing for!
God spoke clearly to Brooks and me over ten years ago that it would take a team of friends, like you, to see His vision come to pass. The coming year is no different!

Thank you for taking part in what God is doing, dreaming with us, and praying the following opportunities into the fullness of what God intends!

Opportunities you can help us believe God for in 2016

1. Our national teams are becoming missionaries to the most remote areas of Africa!
“Where it is darkest, the light can shine the brightest. Send me, God, to those dark places no matter how dangerous they are." 
This is exactly what our Ugandan leader said about his work in the dangerous northern part of that country where rebels terrorize freely and are still known for capturing children and forcing them to become slave-soldiers.
Other national teams are now targeting the Phokot tribe of northern Kenya as well as Malawi, one of the poorest countries of Africa.
"Where it is darkest, the light can shine
the brightest"

2. Liberty School looks for a miracle as it needs property and more buildings for the growing high school program. 
Vulnerable children are being reached and their vision is to see them fully ready for a productive life. The director is always expressing his appreciation to you who help support this work:
“May his blessings and favor be with all those who serve God with their resources out of generous and kind hearts. We give God glory and we appreciate the donors so much!”
WomanChild63. Your prayers will help provide training for all of our teams on reaching the non-literate through storytelling! 
We are believing for a training in May that will impact all five nations. One leader in Africa said:
 “This (orality training) is just what we need. This will bring revival to our country. It was through oral methods that the Gospel spread throughout the entire populated world in the First Century, and it hasn't happened since."  
4. Your financial support of water filters and farms is already energizing the movements in Kenya and Burundi. 
Pray with us that this impact will literally lift the lives of hundreds and even thousands of people!

Thank you for your partnership in changing lives!
With Love,
Roger & Brooks

P.S. You might enjoy this inspiring article about Chinese house churches aiming to send 20,000 missionaries into the unreached regions of the world. God is at work on a global level!

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