The Paris Events: The insightful views of missionary statesman, George Verwer
By Dan Wooding, Founder of the ASSIST News Service
LONDON, UK (ANS – November 27, 2015)
–I am sure that the people of Paris felt secure as they went about
their business on Friday evening, November 13. For some, they were
attending a concert, others a soccer game, while more were just having a
pleasant dinner. But for 130 people in Paris, a typical Friday night
ended in tragedy as members of the Islamic State terror group, also
known as ISIS, struck in a barbaric way.
who has lived in the UK now for any years, began by saying, “Most of us
are following the news and at times, it’s overwhelming, that’s for
sure. The Bible says ‘weep with those that weep.' I just saw the Head of
France say that they declare war against Muslim terrorists….but
probably did not for political correctness use the world Muslims. I
sympathize because his job is basically impossible. Let us renew prayer
as the Bible teaches that we should pray for all government leaders.
my view, when the cartoons were released against Mohammed they already
declared war against all who are Muslim and honour Mohammed as their
prophet. Why can we not try to understand Muslims and what they believe?
We know that’s hard as they have many streams of Islam, but we know one
thing they have in common, even the most moderate liberal Muslims, is
their super high (impossible for most non-Muslims to understand) honour
and respect and almost worship of Mohammed. Is it asking too much to ask
all people to respect that?
one act in France and other places has turned millions of Muslims
across the world into what we call ‘terrorists’. (How dare we say this
is not a religious thing!) Just one example and there are so many.
Niger, a land where Christians and Muslims lived together for a long
time and there were quite a few church buildings and peace and
friendship to some degree.”
we really think what happened in Paris would have happened if France
via that Newpaper and Social Media had not already without wanting it
declared war on Islam? That is the way huge numbers of people across the
world see it. If we fail to face this we are on wrong footing. Cannot
the major leaders meeting in Turkey see this? We are not firstly
battling people with weapons; we are battling for their minds. They
might be some of the most sincere people on planet earth right now ready
to give their lives for WHAT THEY BELIEVE.”
then stated, “For some years I have mentioned that we could learn from
Northern Ireland. How long did it take one of the best armies in the
world to bring It under control, and in the end it was winning and
changing people’s minds, not bombs and bullets. (That was a factor of
UK is about to spend funds on 1,r000 more spies it blew my mind when I
heard that. How much are we willing to spend to win peoples’ minds and
hearts? Most Muslims at present, and its changing, here in UK are
normal, ordinary people who want to get on with their lives. Most are
what could be called moderate, but some extremists see everyone as not
just a potential follower, but a suicide bomber. In so-called modern
warfare this is by far one of the most complex things to battle. (Study
the Sri Lanka model or the Nigerian model). This is why every day we
delay produces more potential suicide bombers.
look at the ‘Catch 22’ of the masses of Muslim immigrants flooding into
Europe. Do you think they are arriving with a plan to attack and
destroy us? I don’t think so, but there might be a few what we call
“sleepers” among them. But with the way we are behaving, much in tune
with our fallen human nature, YOU can be sure a percentage will become
extremists and some of them will be ready to die even as suicide
bombers. It’s only a matter of time. This in varying ways is taking
place in almost every nation of the world. It means that in time as
France has declared war on them that every nation in the world will
become like France right now and much worse. So, do we really think this
can be resolved with bombs, drones, bullets and spies? (I am not a
Pacifist and honour the Armed Forces).”
but at present (and the big reason I am typing this) is that most
people are not even talking to Muslims. (This is the most important
sentence in my article). On other hand endless books and articles
negative about them and bringing out all the dark side, as if there is
no dark side in Christendom, and it is producing fear, alienation and
much worse. Forgive me, but has anyone even seen a leaflet or a website
that give reasons for not becoming a suicide bomber?
we know what’s going on in some of the extreme schools, Pakistan and
other similar nations (including the UK)? Millions are being taught to
embrace an extreme fundamentalist form of Islam like they have in Saudi
Arabia who are often financing the spread of this all over the world.
The great embarrassment that Saudi Arabia and other similar nations face
is that this teaching lays the foundation for terrorism. It’s just one
step further into the form of Islam embraced by those ready to kill and
carry out terrorist attacks. Saudi Arabia has birthed a movement that is
not out of control and one of the main targets of this movement is in
fact Saudi Arabia itself. If you follow that nation you know they are
more fearful than ever of those in their midst who want to overthrow the
present regime and have an Islamic State (ISIS) type nation. It’s like
birthing a son who later grows up and wants to kill you. It has often
happened in history. The huge division between Sunni (like Saudi Arabia)
and Shiites (like Iran) also adds confusion and fuel to the fire.
view is that we as people must change. I believe the best way is, as in
my life, conversion and transformation by Jesus Christ. There is now a
film about this, ‘George for Real’ that I would be happy to send to you.
But let’s be real, most people are not going that way and so as
citizens and members together of the Human Race, we must believe all
people can make the step of just being more loving, forgiving and human.
We must believe in different levels of reconciliation and forgiveness.
We as believers in Jesus must love Muslims and show the respect. If
necessary, we must stand with them against injustice.
blessed our work in a huge way in India when we let the Dalit leaders
know that we stood with them in human rights and justice whether they
became Christians or not. Our best friend was a political Buddhist. I
honour at this time every Christian or anyone else who is purposely
befriending Muslims. Even hardball anti-Christian politicians would
honour this as what they might see as terrorist prevention. We in the
so-called Western World are shooting ourselves in the foot with our
so-called total free speech and hyper-democracy.
nation after nation the opposition party attacks the horrible state of
the nation under the present government and especially as they move
toward elections. By news and social media this goes global and proves
to fanatics that our nations are filled with total degenerates and to
bomb some of them or kill them is to honour and obey Allah. I would
really challenge you if you don’t believe that increasing numbers of
people all over the world believe this and are getting ready to die.
Look at the recruits from Western nations that have gone to fight and
die just in Syria. When one of their heroes gets taken out by a drone,
who they think of as martyrs and heroes, many hundreds more right under
our noise sign up to fight. We must wake up!”
then said, “We must all realize this is the information age. Let Bill
Gates put some millions into websites and information that will point
out the truth in this. Let every government, church and institution put
more money and time into reconciliation. Let every nation spend more
money on literature, film and every possible way to tell our story.
Let’s have that brilliant leaflet in many languages, not just in
English, French, Spanish and German that will show people how wrong it
is to take another life and especially a non-military person and by a
suicide bomber. Just one key thing in such a leaflet as to how they harm
so much their own family. These cultures are family-oriented and we
must make use of that. Let all of us in the so called West including us
Christians admit our sins and faults. Let humility and reality reign.
than any time in history this is where the ordinary person just loving
and making friends with a Muslim, yes, even a Mullah, will help
determine the course of history and will for sure save lives.
must be a grassroots movement and every person must be a part of it. I
am even willing to join hands with an atheist or anti-Christian in order
that we might prevent more global bloodshed and horror. I oppose
unloving, narrow minded judgemental Christians but will even join with
them to take this forward. What if it were my family that was blown up
in Paris, or yours? Would I just be sitting back trying to be neutral?
In our culture, with lots of money, we spend huge sums to save one life
(did you see ‘The Martian’?) But here we are talking about millions of
lives and each individual is important. My heart weeps over increasing
numbers of Christians who are opting out just saying, ‘it’s the end
times.’ (Christian, scary, conspiracy books are best sellers). Christ is
soon coming back and we cannot really do anything about the global
situation. Election time makes people even more irrational. What Bible
are they reading?”
concluded by saying, “In closing thanks for reading this. I wish I
could get it in the hands of those leaders in meeting in Turkey because
if ever they had ‘Catch 22’ it is now. I know what I share here is only
part of the answer, but for me it’s a vital part. Prayer is Priority,
but prayer without action is NOT God’s way.”
If you would like to correspond with George Verwer, his e-mail address is .
As a humorous aside. Many years ago Georger Verwer came to speak at the
Sparkbrook Mission in Birmingham, England, where my father, Alfred
Wooding, was the pastor for more than 30 years. After George had
delivered a powerful message on missions, one of the members of the
little church, went over to George and told him, “Young man, if you
continue to preach like that, you’ll go a long way.” How right he was!
captions. 1) George Verwer. 2) Church being attacked in Niger (CBN). 3)
This caricature of George Verwer was made by Graham Donald Kennedy. 3)
Dan Wooding.
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