Sabtu, 09 September 2017


Advance Conference

A Day of Inspiration
“You make the persecuted real to us by sharing their pictures and their stories, and I feel like we know them through our prayers.”
–Advance Conference attendee

Join us at a VOM Advance Conference, where you will meet persecuted Christians and be inspired by their stories. Each Saturday conference provides Christians in the U.S. with opportunities for inspiration and fellowship, encouraging them to pray more boldly and specifically for their persecuted brothers and sisters in hostile and restricted nations.

Find a Conference in Your Area

Advance Speaker
“You are going to hear some hard stories. But at the end of the day you are going to be so uplifted and see the triumph that God gives in the middle of hardship. ... That is what I love about VOM conferences. You go home changed and challenged and ready to pray ... for those brothers and sisters who are being persecuted.”
–Gracia Burnham, ADVANCE Conference speaker and former missionary held hostage in the Philippines

Each conference begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. Attendees learn more about Christians around the world and hear directly from believers who live and work in hostile and restricted nations. You’ll learn what it means to sacrifice for Christ and be inspired to examine your own faith for ways you can grow closer to Jesus Christ.

Speakers may include pastors from Muslim nations, former prisoners for Christ in China, former missionary hostages and VOM staff who travel regularly to restricted nations to meet with Christian workers and support them in their ministry.

Spend a Saturday at a VOM Advance Conference, and be inspired in your faith!

Register Online for a VOM Advance Conference

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