Dear Intercessor,
Please pray for our Fellow Worker in Serbia, Lily Yankovski. She was attacked at the close of her house church gathering a few days ago and suffered the loss of her wood burning stove, among other things. Please lift her up in prayer and if God leads you to help her at this time of need, her contact info is at the end of her letter. Robert Fitts
Beloved Saints, intercessors, family and friends, I need prayer support more than ever from the Body of Christ, at this time.
Last Sunday, 2 “brothers” from nearby city of Nish joined our house church meeting, observing more than participating. The power of the Holy Spirit was moving, people being ministered to in gratitude and adoration to Holy Trinity; we have been exalting Jesus, that evening, really exuberantly.
When everyone left, they wanted to stay and talk with me for a “bit”. Within 10 minutes the most vicious attack began. First verbal, calling me a blasphemous American intruder into the true orthodox faith because I did not teach nor practice exaltation of virgin Marry and zillion of Serbian “saints”, nor do I observe the Krsna Slava Day (idolatrous celebration of the family protector saint).
When I tried to point to the scripture about this issue, I was hit with an open hand on top of my forehead, at which point I somehow ran out of the house at 23h into the thick of the night, finding refuge across the village at one brother's house. There was no sense calling the police, because there is no police in Prolom banja but in Kursumlija, one hour away, and since I had no bruises, we decided to pray and rest.
When I returned home in the morning, nothing was stolen, but all Christian mementos, angels, hard cover Serbian bible and the firewood burning stove expensive to replace was taken outside of the house and completely destroyed, giving me, probably, the message not to spend another winter in this home.
The police said that since I let them into the house voluntarily and they did not break in that this incident will be treated as misdemeanor which was either way of no consequence, since I did not’t even know the attackers full names, so I did not even file a useless police report, but forgave them.
At this point, I am finding comfort in the Word as Jesus who warned us about hatered and persecutions to be expected.
Numerous villagers came to see what took place, giving me a bunch of advice, from going back to Hawaii to not living here alone any longer. The new converts were mostly just stunned and scared, which is giving me the opportunity to minister to them at faster pace, teaching them the hard core realities of Christian faith.
I am in the process of fasting and prayer at this time, seeking His illumination and lessons from this experience, open to obedience to His future guidance.
The good news is, there is a church in Corona, CA. considering supporting my missionary work in Serbia on regular basis. I have been praying for a sufficient steady faithful financial source for several years-timing is everything! Perhaps, as it often happens in the Lord, this terrifying night was yet another test of faith precipitating a breaktrue blessing!
I don’t feel as safe as I felt before in my home, but His presence never left, although the diplomas and pictures have. I can do without those, but without Jesus, I can’t.
Still shaken from this crisis, vacuuming 6 times to get all the glass out, running a fever and a flu on top of it all since yesterday, trusting our Heavenly Father to confirm His guidance through the Body of Christ, I remain steadfast in my love ready to continue with service to Serbs from the North to the South, and possibly, finally, in Belgrade a huge metropolis with much ministry opportunity, but when will depend on when He provides, right now I have $12.00, thank God!
Grateful for your prayers, much needed at this time, I send blessings your way, Sister L
Sister Lily Yankovski Th. serving Jesus in Serbia
Snail mail: Prolom Banja bb 18433 Prolom Banja Serbia
Mobile+0600771277 Land line 0113812788408
AEA Ordained minister
OFI Co-worker in the Balkans
NGO President www.zbogzdravlja.extra.hu
For essential support use www.PayPal.com via lawfulfreedom@yahoo.com
Robert Fitts
76-6309 Haku Pl
Kona, HI 96740
Where It All Begins
Out of the womb of prayer, praise and worship all things in the kingdom of God are conceived, nurtured, and brought to birth for the glory of God and the good of mankind.
A Declaration of Unity
I belong to everything that belongs to Jesus and everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to me! It's not us and them. It's just us! There's only one Body of Christ, and the problems of the church, the whole church, are our problems, for we are the church and we can do more united than we can do divided! So let's unify, simplify, and multiply!
Divine Appointment Prayer
Father, give me a divine appointment today with someone who is hungry for God, or sick, or in need, and give me grace to minister the love of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Winning the War on Terror by Prayer
Father, give every terrorist in the world an encounter with Jesus such as Paul had on the road to Damascus.
Living to Give
Father, make me a generous giver today! Show me where to give and what to give, and let all my giving bring glory to the name of Jesus.
Say "Yes" to Grace and "No" to Law
Law demands, demands, demands, But gives me neither feet nor hands. Grace and Truth are better things, They bid me fly and give me wings!
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