Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Pastor Rips Off Landlords, Blames Church

Pastor Rips Off Landlords, Blames Church
A Kansas pastor used his status to pass bad checks to several landlords before he was apprehended last week. According to local news, pastor Jimmie Hancock would begin the rental process by writing bad checks under his church's name. He then would blame the church when they bounced, but by the time eviction was implemented he'd gained a few months of residency.
Landlords and real estate agents began to talk and word made it to the authorities. "Realtors and property management services started realizing he was hitting all of these facilities and they came together and said something needed to be done," Leavenworth County Attorney Todd Thompson said.
Altogether, more than $10,000 in bad checks were written. "These people all trusted him because of his vocation and I think that's why he was able to sustain it for so long," Thompson said.
A judge has ordered Hancock to repay the money owed.

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