Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Prayer Requested for Missionary Pastors Conference and Ukraine Violence

Prayer Requested for Missionary Pastors Conference and Ukraine Violence

By Jeremy Reynalds
Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service

UKRAINE (ANS) -- The Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (UECB) is having a special conference for missionary pastors beginning Jan. 29.
According to a news release from The Slavic Gospel Association (SGA), members of the UECB, are asking that those so inclined ask the Lord “to protect the pastors as they travel and then meet, and also to bless their time together as they discuss how best to advance the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ in their troubled nation.”

A huge crowd gathered in Kiev over the weekend.
An article on the SGA website said in the capital of Kiev, two people were reported killed in battles between protesters and state security forces. These were the first fatalities in two months of demonstrations. Kiev is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River.
SGA said the protests began when Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich froze key integration agreements with the European Union. Eventually, the protests went beyond the EU issue and became anti-government in general.
Subsequent crackdowns by the government have sparked renewed demonstrations with larger numbers and more violence. On Sunday, about 100,000 people marched, and the violence prompted the government to authorize the use of lethal force.
SGA President Dr. Bob Provost said in the article, “I am asking our partners to support the UECB in calling for urgent intercessory prayer, appealing for calm and reconciliation in the country.”
SGA said it has also received this statement from Ukrainian UEBC President Vyacheslav Nesteruk.
He wrote, “I appeal to the president of the country, to the protesters, to the opposition, and to all Christians in Ukraine. Since these events have reached a critical point and society is just a step away from civil war, we believe that we need to immediately use all peaceful means to resolve the situation. We call on all sides of the conflict to move from words to specific actions for reconciliation.”
Nesteruk added, “Although people have lost faith in the ability of government to reach a peaceful outcome, we see immediate dialogue as the solution. God’s guidance is needed ... We call on Christians everywhere to increase your prayers that sin and lawlessness will not be allowed to lead to civil war. May the Lord protect Ukraine.”
SGA helps evangelical churches make disciples of the people of the lands of Russia for Jesus Christ through prayer, strategic ministry and financial assistance.
For more information visit www.sga.org

Missionary to Samburu killed in Kenya

From Our President

Missionary to Samburu killed in Kenya

February 2014
Dear Partners in the Great Commission,
Consider the power that goes out when we use the enclosed Prayerline in our daily devotions. We are uniting in Christ as we pray together for the requests made by these humble missionary workers each day of the month.
The Lord Jesus told His disciples, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it,” (John 14: 13-14 KJV). Thank you, friends, for praying.
God is answering our prayers. We appreciate your generous response to our letter mailed at the end of the year requesting assistance with operational expenses. Your faithfulness enables us to continue sending your designated gifts 100% to the mission field. This is our promise to you and we thank you for your part in making it possible.
Another bit of news is that in early December of 2013 the Board of Directors elected me for a second term as President.
When I was first elected in 2012, I went into the position knowing God had told me not to fear, for He was with me, and not to be dismayed. He would strengthen me, help me, and uphold me with the Spirit of Christ Jesus (Isaiah 41:10; paraphrase). He has kept His promise.
This last week would have been one that would have “dismayed” all of us here at Christian Aid when we learned a much loved young Kenyan pastor, Ezekiel Lenato, was murdered while serving our Lord. But our sadness is tempered by the fruit of his ministry and our confidence that Ezekiel has now joined those under the altar crying “How long, O Lord” as in Revelation 6:9-11.
We are most familiar with Brother Ezekiel because he worked with Gary Darcus, Director of Christian Aid’s Africa Division. Gary recently returned from a five-week trip to six African countries where he met with ministry leaders strengthening the existing relationships and building the new.
When Gary spent time ministering with Timothy Kinyua (pictured on the envelope), a ministry leader in Northern Kenya, he also met and worked with 35-year-old, Ezekiel, who translated for Gary when the team visited a village in Samburu County. The police force has been unable to contain political infighting in the area, and it is thought that Ezekiel was killed by bandits taking advantage of the lack of a police presence.
Ezekiel giving cooking oil to a Samburu woman.
Brother Ezekiel was walking home on December 29 from his second Sunday ministering in a Samburu village called Siunta. He was following-up those who had received Christ earlier as a result of viewing the Jesus Film. He was shot in the abdomen, his body thrown into the bush, and discovered on Monday when he failed to return home.
Ezekiel was recently married and leaves a bride, Susan, and the two orphaned sons of his brother and sister-in-law who died of AIDS. Please pray for God’s provision for Susan and the children, and that God would use Ezekiel’s death to win many souls for Christ.
The item in Prayerline for February 20 was written before Ezekiel was killed. Since his death, we have received word that another missionary has been beaten and robbed by bandits in the same area. These tragedies show the urgent need for security personnel to travel with ministering pastors in northern Kenya and for our earnest prayers for their safety as they preach the gospel of peace and bring literacy to the Samburu.
In His love and service,

Cynthia Finley
P.S. Thank you for your outpouring of help for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
Missionary Sanchez wrote, “Thank you so much for your timely gift. Truly when God sends His blessings to His children, it is always exactly at the right time and in the exact amount.”
And from missionary Mayeth, “On behalf of everyone, we would like to say thank you for all the help that you’ve given. Every help that was offered, every hand extended is truly appreciated, and no words can ever express how grateful we are. It’s true that in times like this, we are not divided by race, language, or nation but rather we are united as God’s children to become one.”
Click here to see past letters from the President

Dayak, Lawangan of Indonesia

Dayak, Lawangan of Indonesia
The Lawangan people make their living through hunting, fishing, farming, raising livestock, making handicrafts, and some have become traders. Generally, the worldview of the Lawangan people is connected with belief in spirits. In the same way, their arts and culture are related to these spirit beliefs. They are typically followers of traditional Dayak beliefs, called Kaharingan. In addition, some follow Nyuli beliefs. Nyuli teaching is that there is a resurrection after death. In addition the Lawangan worship the spirits of their ancestors, which are called duwata. Every family worships its own duwata that acts as their house god.
Ministry Obstacles
No written scripture is reported to be available in the Lawangan language. Please pray for a translation to soon be provided.
Outreach Ideas
There are Gospel recordings available in the Lawangan language. Workers are needed to carry these to the people.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There are followers of Christ among this tribe. Please pray they will grow in numbers and will be given a heart to carry the message of Christ to their entire tribe.
Pray for the entire people group
The Lawangan need formal education. They also need to develop their skills in order to face the many changes they are experiencing. Better education and skill improvement can help them rise above poverty. Improvement in health is also greatly needed.
Scripture Focus
"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will worship before You." Psalm 22:27

People Name: Dayak, Lawangan
Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 119,000
World Population: 119,000
Language: Lawangan
Primary Religion: Islam
Bible: None
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:



Sabtu, 1 Februari 2014 –- Ethiopia

Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen di Ethiopia dan di Sudan Selatan. Mereka diusir dari desa mereka karena mereka adalah orang Kristen. Gereja-gereja merasa terbeban untuk pekerjaan di Ethiopia. Berdoalah bagi gereja-gereja di Nyangatan agar dikuatkan dan termotivasi walaupun di tengah penganiayaan. Berdoalah agar Tuhan memperlengkapi para pemimpin gereja dengan keberanian, hikmat, dan pengertian dalam menghadapi tantangan ini.

Minggu, 2 Februari 2014 -– Eritrea

Teruslah berdoa untuk kekuatan dan anugerah bagi umat Kristen di Eritrea yang menghadapi penganiayaan berat. Ada ratusan keluarga yang tinggal sebagai pengungsi di beberapa negara. Berdoalah bagi pihak pemerintah agar tidak memusuhi orang Kristen Injili.

Senin, 3 Februari 2014 -– Sudan

Berdoalah bagi kesatuan dan kekuatan gereja teraniaya di Sudan. Bersyukur bagi kesatuan warga yang memperjuangkan hak warga sipil terhadap tekanan pemerintah, termasuk umat Kristen. Berdoalah agar pemerintah memperhatikan hak-hak warga sipil. Berdoalah juga bagi pemimpin gereja dalam menguatkan jemaat dari situasi yang berbahaya.

Selasa, 4 Februari 2014 -– Kenya

Berdoalah bagi keamanan gereja di Kenya dari serangan teroris, secara khusus bagi yang tinggal di tempat-tempat yang dekat dengan perbatasan Somalia dan di provinsi Coast. Berdoalah agar dengan kasih Kristen, mereka merespons para penganiaya dengan pengampunan sehingga keselamatan terjadi.

Rabu, 5 Februari 2014 -- Tanzania

Berdoalah bagi situasi proses peninjauan kembali konstitusi di Tanzania. Berdoalah agar pemerintah menghentikan segala bentuk serangan dari kaum M terhadap umat Kristen dan gedung gereja.

Kamis, 6 Februari 2014 -– Uganda

Berdoalah bagi gereja-gereja di Uganda yang setia melayani Tuhan. Berdoalah untuk Susan Ithungu dan Mzee William Masolo agar Tuhan terus memelihara hidup mereka karena kesaksian mereka telah menguatkan umat Kristen di dunia.

Jumat, 7 Februari 2014 -– Sudan Selatan

Berdoalah bagi pemimpin baru dari ECC agar Tuhan memberikan hikmat yang melimpah dan keberanian kepada mereka, dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang penting ini.

Sabtu, 8 Februari 2014 -– Ivory Coast (Pantai Gading)

Negara ini sedang mengalami pemulihan stabilitas, tetapi dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah biaya hidup menjadi mahal, terutama di Abidjan. Berdoalah bagi pemerintah dan gereja agar diberikan hikmat oleh Tuhan dalam menghadapi tantangan ini.

Minggu, 9 Februari 2014 -– Mesir

Iblis selalu tidak senang jika ada roh kesatuan yang bertumbuh di antara tiga gereja yang berbeda di Mesir seperti: gereja Ortodoks, Injili, dan Katolik. Ada roh pertikaian yang bisa menyebabkan perpecahan di antara umat Kristen di Mesir. Berdoalah untuk melawan kejahatan dari si jahat yang bisa memecahkan roh kasih, kebaikan, dan kesatuan.

Senin, 10 Februari 2014 -– Mesir

Berdoalah untuk penuaian jiwa bagi Kerajaan Surga. Mereka berharap dan berdoa untuk menjangkau jiwa-jiwa dari kaum SALAM agar mereka mendengar berita keselamatan dan menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juru Selamat.

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014 -– Mesir

Terus berdoa bagi jalan keluar dari dilema politik di Mesir. Bangsa yang sedang bertikai antara mayoritas yang menolak rezim presiden yang lama dan didukung oleh kelompok minoritas keras. Masa depan terlihat suram dengan ketidakpastian pemulihan di antara kelompok SALAM dan warga Mesir. Membutuhkan mukjizat Tuhan Yesus!

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014 -– Mesir

Kesaksian umat Kristen tentang kasih dan pengampunan menjadi terang Kristus sehingga bercahaya bagi jutaan kaum SALAM di Mesir. Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen di daerah miskin, di desa terkecil, dan kota agar mereka dapat menjadi terang dan pembawa harapan bagi kaum SALAM.

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014 -– Semenanjung Arab

Negara-negara Semenanjung Arab adalah Arab Saudi, Yaman, Oman, Uni Emirat Arab, Qatar, Bahrain, dan Kuwait. Berdoalah bagi setiap orang Kristen di negara-negara tersebut dan mereka yang suka menikahkan pasangan dengan iman yang berbeda. Karena dalam kebudayaan mereka, keluargalah yang mengatur pernikahan sehingga ini menjadi tantangan bagi orang Kristen.

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014 -– Arab Saudi

Pekerjaan Tuhan bagi pekabaran Injil di Arab yang tertutup bagi Injil sedang terjadi luar biasa. Mereka mengenal Yesus melalui mimpi dan penglihatan, dan mereka mulai mencari kebenaran dari mimpi mereka. Berdoalah agar pekerja-pekerja Kristen diberikan keberanian untuk menceritakan iman mereka.

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014 -– Qatar

Berdoalah bagi kelompok orang percaya dalam persekutuan melalui sukacita akan menarik lebih banyak orang Qatar dengan melihat kehidupan harmonis di dalam Tuhan. Berdoalah bagi terobosan secara rohani bagi negara yang mapan ini agar memiliki rasa bergantung penuh pada Tuhan.

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014 -– Yaman

Berdoalah bagi tujuh orang dari berbagai negara yang saat ini masih ditahan di Yaman dan sedang menunggu putusan. Mintalah agar para penangkap segera membebaskan dan apa yang diminta dapat dipenuhi. Berdoalah bagi para penculik agar dijamah oleh Tuhan.

Senin, 17 Februari 2014 -– Iran

Berdoalah bagi pendeta Armenian yang dipanggil oleh polisi rahasia dan memintanya untuk menghentikan kegiatan gereja berbahasa Farsi atau harus meninggalkan negara Iran. Berdoalah bagi pendeta Vruir Avanessian (61), yang disidang di Persidangan Revolusinari di Tehran. Pengadilan melarang dia untuk berhubungan dengan orang Kristen dan melarang melakukan aktivitas kekristenan sampai ada keputusan.

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014 -– Iran

Berdoalah bagi Maryam Naghash Zargaran (35) yang dijatuhi hukuman penjara 4 tahun di penjara Evin, Tehran. Beberapa tahun lalu, dia melakukan operasi jantung dan saat ini kondisinya semakin buruk. Saat ini, dia menderita sakit jantung di penjara. Maryam akhirnya dipindahkan ke rumah sakit karena keadaannya memburuk. Berdoalah agar Tuhan memberikan kesembuhan dan pemulihan bagi Maryam.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014 -– Iran

Berdoalah agar Tuhan Yesus Kristus akan menjaga, memelihara, dan memotivasi semua orang percaya di Iran, terutama umat Kristen yang berada dalam penjara di mana ada lebih dari 40 kasus yang terjadi terhadap orang Kristen di Iran.

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014 -– Israel dan Kawasan Palestina

Bersyukur karena Tuhan membukakan cara untuk umat Kristen di kawasan Palestina dalam memberitakan Injil selama hari Natal. Terutama di Betlehem, kota kelahiran Yesus, mereka memberikan hadiah dan makanan dalam merayakan kelahiran Juru Selamat. Berdoalah agar Tuhan memberkati ekspresi kasih mereka dan menjadi berkat.

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014 -– Israel dan Kawasan Palestina

Tampaknya, pengaruh Yehuda semakin berkembang di Israel sehingga memunculkan tantangan baru bagi Yahudi Mesianik. Di tempat-tempat seperti Arad dan Ashdod, umat percaya menghadapi tindakan perlawanan secara teratur, seperti mendapat gangguan dan tekanan. Berdoalah agar kesaksian mereka menjadi terang dan berdampak.

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014 -– Israel dan Kawasan Palestina

Berdoalah bagi komunitas umat Kristen di Gaza. Berdoalah agar tetap semangat dan penuh pengharapan, ada kesatuan di antara umat percaya, dan berdoalah juga bagi para pemimpin gereja supaya diberikan hikmat yang luar biasa dalam menghadapi situasi saat ini.

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014 -– Mauritania

Banyak umat Kristen kaum SALAM yang diundang dalam sebuah pidato terbuka dan debat di bulan depan. Dukung dalam doa bagi negara ini agar tidak mementingkan agenda mereka saja karena ini merupakan salah satu usaha untuk menekan Kristen melalui debat dan pidato di depan umum. Berdoalah agar Tuhan membuka mata hati mereka untuk mengenal Yesus Kristus.

Senin, 24 Februari 2014 -– Mauritania

Berdoalah bagi ibu kota Nouakchott, yang mengalami banjir dan masih tergenang air seminggu ini. Kemungkinan, akan banyak yang menjadi seperti rawa-rawa. Orang-orang miskin dan juga umat percaya banyak yang mengalami penderitaan saat ini.

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014 -– Mauritania

Berdoalah bagi masyarakat Pulaar kelompok minoritas kulit hitam di negara ini. Mereka merasakan tekanan dan penganiayaan oleh kelompok mayoritas Arab. Berdoalah agar Tuhan menunjukkan keadilan dan anugerah-Nya bagi umat Kristen Pulaar.

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014 -– Suriah

Berita tentang kekerasan dan kebencian terus dikumandangkan di Suriah, tetapi banyak kelompok tetap berpikir bahwa mereka tetap dapat hidup bersama dengan damai. Berdoalah agar gereja-Nya tetap memberitakan kebenaran Injil dan pemulihan terjadi. Kiranya umat Kristen menjadi surat terbuka bagi banyak orang untuk menjangkau orang bagi Kristus.

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014 -– Irak

Banyaknya tragedi yang terjadi di Irak membuktikan hal tersebut bisa terjadi lagi kalau melihat dan membaca berita-berita yang mengerikan. Tampaknya belum terlihat penyelesaian dari penumpahan darah di negara ini. Berdoalah agar kedamaian sejati dari Yesus Kristus dan pemulihan di antara komunitas yang ada di negara ini bisa terjadi.

Jumat, 28 Februari 2014 -– Lebanon

Kekerasan yang berlangsung telah memakan korban jiwa dari negara tetangga, Suriah. Mengingatkan kembali tentang perang di negara mereka tahun 2013 lalu. Banyak dari mereka yang ingin kembali pulang, tetapi kejadian tersebut membuat mereka trauma yang mendalam. Berdoalah bagi umat Kristen agar tetap kuat dan merespons positif. Berdoalah agar gereja juga menjadi jawaban dengan membawa kedamaian dan pemulihan.

Barma, Bagirmi of Chad

Barma, Bagirmi of Chad
The Barma (or Bagirmi) occupy the territory between N'Djamena (Chad's capitol) and Bousso, a small city farther south on the Chari River. In the 1700's, the Barmas ancestors ruled the Bagirmi Empire, a large area across Chad and into Sudan. At the end of the 1700's, the empire was attacked by Islamic Wadai armies and was never able to regain its political independence. The Barma have been followers of the Islamic faith since the sixteenth century. They are devout Muslims.
Ministry Obstacles
Chad is not hospitable to Christian workers, and the region is strongly Islamic.
Outreach Ideas
Pray for Christian radio to blanket the country of Chad, and that broadcasts in the Bagirmi language will be included.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There may very well be no followers of Jesus among this tribe at present. But pray for those the Lord is preparing to call to Himself. Pray that as they become Christ- followers they will live holy lives and will honor the Lord with their lives. Pray for healthy marriages among these new Christians.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray for adequate rainfall for crops and for livestock. Pray also that parents will understand the need of schooling for the children.
Scripture Focus
"...that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no one else." 1 Kings 8:60

People Name: Barma, Bagirmi
Country: Chad
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 93,000
World Population: 97,000
Language: Bagirmi
Primary Religion: Islam
Bible: None
Online Audio NT: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:

God's Voice Worldwide February 2014

God's Voice Worldwide

February 2014

You Spoke – We Listened: You Can NOW Earn an "Express Diploma"! 

So you and your group simply want to grow spiritually. No tests, no grades, no homework, but simply come together and GROW! (Of course, some official recognition of your achievements would be welcome too.) Well, we have just finished designing the perfect fit for you. Our Express Diplomas allow you to take individual training modules, or a short series of modules, and learn together with the option of receiving Certificates at the end of each 10-12 week training experience or Express Diplomas at the conclusion of 3-8 courses.

Almost 30 DVD training modules are available with Express Diplomas in the following six areas: The Healed Heart, The Healed Life, New Testament Scholar, Old Testament Scholar, The Spirit-Anointed Counselor, and Supernatural Living. Learn all about the Express Diploma Program here! These are IDEAL for you, your home group and the adult education arm of your church!


Transformational Prayer Counseling Available with Dr. Mark Virkler

Life is too short to live it struggling with hurts or sin in your heart that bog you down and won't go away. They CAN be removed by going after them with the seven Prayers That Heal the Heart. So if you decide you need a full day of prayer ministry counseling with Dr. Virkler to speed you through the healing process and help you break free, it is NOW available through phone, Skype or in person in Orlando. The intensive day of counseling is followed up with another 6 weeks of "mop up" exercises, which include building an intense wall so satan cannot come back and steal the gains that were made. If you are ready and serious, so are we. Learn more here.

We Need You!

We are asking for each of you to support us at this critical time. Many ministries are having a hard time, are laying off staff, and not able to invite seminar speakers in as easily as they have in the past. Our ministry has not had to lay anyone off, but our seminar bookings are down considerably. We are exploring every way possible to reach out and let spiritually hungry people know of the amazing life-transforming resources God has allowed us to create.

Please team up with us over the next several crucial months and help in any of the following ways that you are able:
  1. Pray for God to meet our needs and enlarge our borders. New projects underway include: Charisma article on the 4 Keys, new free "40 Days of Inspiration - Devotional eBook," plus new books with Destiny Image and Bridge-Logos.
  2. Become a Financial Partner by providing a monthly pledge or one time gift to CWG Ministries.
  3. Order 50 or 100 of the Sea of Galilee DVDs and distribute them.

  4. Order 100 of the Sea of Galilee cards and distribute them (100 cards are free; your $4 gift covers U.S. shipping and $15 gift covers international shipping).
  5. Check out this easy, no-cost way to support Communion With God Ministries financially, every time you place an Amazon.com order!
  6. Forward this newsletter (and Dr. Virkler's blogs) to your friends who you feel would be blessed by the information they contain.
  7. Help get a seminar booked with Dr. Virkler in your church or area.
Join with us TODAY and together let's change our world! As a team, we can reach out and touch and transform lives. Thank you!